Chapter 63
The spacious but gloomy courtyard is full of prayer flags.

In the middle is a Dharma table covered with yellow cloth.

In front of the altar, a copper basin was placed quietly.

Beside him, apart from Chen Yuntian, Chen Yulou, Qin Zhen, Ma Shirong, Hua Maguai, Kunlun and others, there was also a man wearing a white robe, a feather crown, and three long beards on his chin. He looked quite elegant. of middle-aged people.

Standing behind Chen Yuntian, he obviously had a very high status.

It is the second child of Xiling Longtang.

Confucian sword scholar, Yang Sihai.

Except for the slightly shady night breeze, no one spoke.


Sitting cross-legged on the futon behind the altar, the old man wearing a black headband opened his eyes.

Two dark green brilliance flashed across, breathtaking.

Standing up slowly, a black Taoist robe was worn on a hemp-like body, which looked extremely spacious.

This person is the eighth elder of the Dragon Hall, "Gui Lao".

Look at the sky.

"The hour has come."

"Please kill the blood."

The voice was hoarse and gloomy, revealing a trembling chill.

Chen Yulou winked, Kunlun nodded, strode over, and soon walked over with two black dogs in his hands.

Cut off the dog's head with one knife and pour it into a copper basin.

A strong smell of blood filled the entire house.

After the old ghost nodded in satisfaction, he took a step forward and picked up the mahogany sword, and with a light pick, several yellow watches were instantly stuck to it.

Picking up the soul-destroying bell with his left hand, and shaking it, the crisp ringtone was very clear in the dark night.

Every ringing of the bell exudes a strange power.

With the sword in his right hand and the bell in his right hand, he murmured something. At the beginning, he just murmured, but at the end, he roared violently.

"The gate of heaven is open, the gate of earth is open, and the boy of thousands of miles will send his soul, and I will obey the order of the old master as urgent as the law."


He stomped his feet violently.

The mahogany sword trembled, and several yellow watches with birthdays of Bai Wushuang, Chen Laogou, and Xie Haihai flew into the blood basin like lightning, accompanied by a faint green brilliance.

The two sides touched.

The blood in the blood basin suddenly turned into a bottomless black.

Several yellow forms also disappeared.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, there was no movement for a while.

"Old Eight, what's going on?"

Chen Yuntian frowned.

He has seen the summoning of souls several times, but this is the first time.


Gui Lao shook his head.

"How could it fail? We were all like this before, and nothing was left behind." Qin Zhen was puzzled.

"I have never made a mistake in my technique of summoning souls and enslaving ghosts. There are two reasons why ghosts do not come. One is that their birth date is wrong; the other is that their souls did not go to the underworld at all."

When everyone frowned, they were all smart people.

It is impossible to recruit the souls of three people in a row, and it is impossible to have all the wrong birth dates.

"That person also captured their souls?!" Chen Yulou said in a concentrated voice.

"Obviously, the other party has long been preventing us from using the method of summoning souls." Elder Gui affirmed.

"It seems that this person knows me well." Chen Yuntian said.

The crowd looked solemn.

A strong enemy is not scary.

What's scary is that a powerful enemy who knows you very well and hides in secret.

"Second, third, eighth, you should stay in the villa during this time." Chen Yuntian said.

The three of them nodded, they didn't want to make fun of their own lives in such an emergency.

"Order the nineteen rudder masters to strengthen their vigilance."


Hua Magui nodded.

"Who is it?"

Chen Yun's eyes were full of thought.

He offended many people in his life, but most of them were killed by him long ago.

For a while, there was no clue.

"Father, Hall Master Bai is dead, and the Leopard Hall can't be without a leader. Why don't you let the child go? I promise, it only takes three days for the Leopard Hall to recover." Chen Yulou said.

"The Blood Hall has just been established, and it is the time when you are needed."

Chen Yuntian thought for a while, then shook his head.

"Father, the Blood Hall is already on the right track. I don't need to keep an eye on it all the time. On the contrary, the two hall masters Bai Wushuang and Xie Haihai have died in a row in the Leopard Hall. Now people are panicking and need powerful people to suppress them. Master Ling is the most suitable candidate."

Chen Yulou didn't want to let go of this opportunity to strengthen his strength.

At a young age, he is full of ambitions, and he is determined to develop Xiling.

"I have let your third uncle temporarily take charge of the Leopard Hall. But if your trip to Pingshan can produce convincing results, I will hand over the Leopard Hall to you."

Although Xiling's chief executive is surnamed Chen, he still has to worry about what other people think.

More importantly, Chen Yuntian still felt that he was too young and lacked experience, so he planned to let him run the Blood Hall first to accumulate experience, and after two or three years, when he was more mature, he would take charge of the Leopard Hall.

This is the safe way.

He patted his son on the shoulder, didn't give him another chance to speak, and led the people away.

In the originally noisy courtyard, calm returned in the blink of an eye.

In the dark night, only Chen Yulou, who was full of disappointment, and Kunlun, who stood silently behind him, remained.

Make up your mind.

"Father, just watch, this time in Pingshan, I will definitely win a big victory."


"Brother, why don't you let Yulou take charge of the Leopard Hall? You know me, I'm really not expected to be the head of the hall." Yang Sihai said.

Chen Yuntian shook his head.

"No. He is too impetuous. Besides, Bai Wushuang and Xie Dahai just died. Everyone knows that there is a conflict between them. If he is in power at this moment, people will have bad associations and it will not be conducive to the unity of the gang."

"Brother, I'm worrying too much. Yulou is in charge, whoever dares to gossip will be killed." Yang Sihai laughed.

Chen Yuntian shook his head.

"Killing is always the last resort to solve problems, don't use it lightly."

Yang Sihai smiled lightly and didn't say any more.

"By the way, is the sixth lady of the Bai family coming back?"

"It's been recovered."

Qin Zhen said.

Chen Yuntian stopped walking.

"What clues can I ask?"

Qin Zhen shook his head.

"The old eight used ecstasy, but they really don't know anything."

Chen Yuntian had a look of disappointment on his face.

"It seems that we can only check a little bit."

"Don't worry, brother, I will definitely keep an eye on this matter."

Patted his shoulder.

"Everything is careful."



When loosening the outside of the mountain and tightening the inside, be on guard secretly, and carefully investigate the enemy.

Xu Rui wisely chose to keep his own place.

In addition to practicing martial arts every day, I just talk about love with the red girl.

After three months, the relationship between the two has heated up rapidly, and they have basically completed third base, and occasionally they can hit fourth base, but the price is a bit tragic.

The soft meat around the waist often needs a meal of 'vices'.

In the past three months, his cultivation has also continued to improve.

In a closed room.

A wave of heat rolled over.

Xu Rui's eyes were closed tightly, and a golden-red glow bloomed on his face.

At the same time, a slightly illusory three-legged golden crow in the sea of ​​consciousness rolled up and down, blooming with dazzling brilliance.

(End of this chapter)

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