Chapter 395
14:22 PM.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Supervision Department II, Minister's Office.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Zhang Yunhao pushed the door open and entered, then closed the door casually.

Seeing the person coming, Li Zaihua had already guessed that the other party would ask for a crime.

Sure enough, Zhang Yunhao sat down on the chair, and asked in great annoyance: "Minister Li, what did you do? Is the evidence you gave me forged?"

The young prosecutor smiled slightly, stood up, walked to the tea station, and made a cup of green tea.

"Brother Yunhao, please be safe and don't be impatient, the things I gave are absolutely fine, there is no such thing as forgery."

"And I'm a prosecutor, so how could I break the law knowingly?"

Hear this.

Zhang Yunhao asked calmly: "But Shi Dongchu's representative lawyer questioned, suspecting that the evidence was forged."

"Judge Cui Zhongshuo, who is in charge of the presiding trial, seems to have adopted the other party's opinion and gave Shi Dong's attorney ten days to find loopholes."

"You have to think clearly, once the flaws are found out and it turns out to be a forged piece of evidence, both you and I will be at a disadvantage, and even our careers will come to an end."

"At that time, not to mention the chief, even the Hanzhou Group couldn't save us"

"Minister Li, you tell me the truth. Prosecutor Xu and I are good friends. It's still too late to withdraw the evidence!"

Li Zaihua curled his lips and stared at Zhang Yunhao expressionlessly.

"Brother Yunhao, you don't believe me!"

Zhang Yunhao was taken aback, through various rumors and his own cognition, young prosecutors never fight uncertain battles.

"Minister Li, I'm really worried!"

The young prosecutor smiled.

"Brother Yunhao, to some extent, there is indeed a problem with that evidence."

Hearing this, Zhang Yunhao's eyes widened immediately, his face full of disbelief.

"Minister Li, say it again, do you admit that the evidence was forged?"

Li Zaihua shook his head.

"Brother Yunhao, if there is a problem with the evidence, it doesn't mean it's forged!"

Zhang Yunhao was confused and looked at the young prosecutor in confusion.

"Minister Li, can you speak clearly, my brain can't turn around."

The young prosecutor smiled and said, "Brother Yunhao, don't worry, how could I harm you."

"When collecting that evidence, we have already noticed the loopholes in it. The reason why you handed it over to the Public Prosecution Department is purely to delay Shi Dong's time to appear in court."

"There is no need to doubt the authenticity of the evidence, you just watch the show, if something goes wrong, I will take responsibility!"

Listening to Li Zaihua's categorical promise, Zhang Yunhao pondered for a moment.

He could see that the young prosecutor didn't seem to be lying to himself, because if something happened, he would definitely pull out the carrot and bring out the mud, and no one could escape.

As the future son-in-law of the Hanzhou Group and a star figure in the judiciary, Li Zaihua could not gamble with his future.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yunhao heaved a sigh of relief.

"Okay then, we're all in the same boat, if I don't believe you, who else can I believe!"

The young prosecutor smiled and took a can of coffee from a drawer.

"Brother Yunhao, I know you like to drink coffee, good cat shit coffee, I guarantee you will want to drink it after drinking it."

Zhang Yunhao nodded, and reached out to take the coffee can, but his hand sank.

He couldn't help but look up at Li Zaihua.

"Minister Li, it's too expensive, I can't accept it!"

Seeing this, the young prosecutor said gently: "Don't be afraid, I brought the coffee from home. I still have a few cans of this kind of cat poop coffee. Come to me whenever you finish drinking."

Zhang Yunhao took a deep breath, showing a completely opposite expression from before, with a bright smile on his face.

"Minister Li, then I'm not welcome, let's go first."

Zhang Yunhao got up and left.

"Okay, I'll take you out."

Zhang Yunhao refused with a smile: "Minister Li stays for a while, next time find a time to have dinner together."

Seeing the other party's firm attitude, the young prosecutor no longer refused.

The moment he stepped out of the office, Zhang Yunhao subconsciously weighed the coffee can a few times, at least it weighed two catties.

Then he walked briskly to the elevator, and the elevator door just opened.

At this time, a prosecutor came over.

"and many more!"

Someone approached.

"Hey, Chief Zhang, long time no see."

Holding a good thing in his hand, Zhang Yunhao was startled, and immediately returned to normal, turning his head to look at the person who called him.

"Prosecutor Shen, long time no see, why don't you come out for a party recently?"

Prosecutor Shin sighs.

"My wife is about to give birth, and now I have to go back after work every day, otherwise she will lose her temper again!"

After speaking, he asked back.

"By the way, what are you doing in the Supreme Prosecutor's Office?"

Zhang Yunhao said calmly: "What else can I do, ask Minister Li Zaihua Xingshi to ask the crime."

"A case I was in charge of happened to overlap with the case of the Second Supervision Department. This kid didn't talk about martial arts, so he just grabbed it."

Before he finished speaking, Prosecutor Shen suddenly realized that involution has become a phenomenon, and involution in the prosecutor's office is even more serious.

It is not uncommon for local prosecutors' offices to intercept each other.

Prosecutor Shin is not surprised that Zhang Yunhao's case was taken away by the Second Supervision Department.

Instead, he joked, "Why, the famous Chief Zhang was bought by a can of coffee."

As soon as this word comes out.

Zhang Yunhao pretended to be angry and hid the coffee can behind his back.

"Prosecutor Shin, don't talk nonsense, when did I let a can of coffee be bought!"

Prosecutor Shin grinned, a rare opportunity, and was planning to continue teasing.

Ding Dong!

The floor is up, and the elevator doors open.

Prosecutor Shin looked disappointed.

"I'm here, let you go today!"

Zhang Yunhao retorted: "Prosecutor Shin, you should think about yourself. When my sister-in-law is born, I want you to look good!"

The two ended their conversation, and the elevator doors closed.

Zhang Yunhao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and went back to his office unimpeded all the way.

He greeted the auxiliary officials, and then closed the door tightly.

Zhang Yunhao sat on the chair, put the coffee can on the table, and gently unscrewed the lid with one hand.

In an instant, under the sunlight, it reflected a golden luster.

The light was slightly dazzling, he moved the jar, and golden coffee beans the size of marbles came into view.

Zhang Yunhao's eyes lit up, he poured out the golden coffee beans, bit the edge of the coffee can with his teeth, and there was a clear imprint.

Although his family is not short of money and his father runs a factory, he can't help pursing his lips and chuckling when he sees the golden coffee on the table.

No one in this world thinks too much money. As the son of a factory owner, Zhang Yunhao understands the importance of money even more.

It's just that he is not as greedy as other prosecutors, and he knows what can be accepted and what cannot be accepted.

Lee Jae-hwa's gold coffee can is an acceptable gift.

Zhang Yunhao put the golden coffee beans into the jar again.

According to the current price, two catties of gold are about 5000 million peninsular dollars, which is equivalent to half of the monthly turnover of his father's factory.

Zhang Yunhao took out his briefcase, carefully put the coffee can away, and started working again.

(End of this chapter)

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