Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 574 Plotting DA Network

Chapter 574 Plotting DA Network
At 21:33 that night.

J.K. Hospital.

VVIP ward.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

When Han Shizhong heard the sound, he pushed the door open and entered, and quickly stepped forward to bow and salute.


Li Zaihua turned his head and put down the "Golden Lotus" with illustrations in his hand.

"Tell me carefully!"

Some things were unclear on the phone, so the young prosecutor asked Han Shizhong to meet him at night.

Hear this.

Han Shizhong immediately said: "Boss, the thing is like this."

Crackling, he told what happened in the KK chat today in detail.

After listening to his subordinate's report, Li Zaihua said coldly, "Jin Fandong, this is up for grabs!"

Han Shizhong thought about it, and it was true.

"Boss, our quotation is so high, Jin Fandong will definitely leak the news to other investors."

Halfway through.

Li Zaihua smiled and said: "Don't worry, Americans are not fools."

"A country with a population of just over 5000 million cannot incubate truly giant Internet companies unless resources are concentrated in one company."

"Now the leader of the peninsula is HNH, the company's search engine dominates"

"If KK chat wants to break the sky above it, it is impossible to do it at present, even with the investment of Americans."

"As for those companies in Huaxia, there are already Penguin Jewelry in front, and it is impossible for KK Chat to introduce investors from Huaxia for the time being."

"This is a big taboo for any company. Our real opponent is TB Finance!"

Han Shizhong was thoughtful.

"Boss, TB Finance's quotation is [-] million meters gold, we offer one billion, KK Chat probably wouldn't choose TB Finance!"

Li Zaihua shook his head and said: "Some things in the world are mostly the same. If KK Chat really chooses TB Finance, it may not be for money!"

Han Shizhong was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "Why?"

The young prosecutor said without hesitation: "Background and backing, with TB Finance as a shield, we can help KK Chat defend against threats from all sides!"

It is true that the peninsula is dominated by chaebols, but it is deeply influenced by Chinese culture.

Even if you don't admit it, it is still an official-based country at heart.

Sometimes what a company encounters is not a competitor, but a conspiracy from a villain.

For example, Mingsheng Group, Li Zaihua used disgraceful political methods to annex a company with decades of history.

Except for the top few super chaebols.

Enterprises in the peninsula are not afraid of head-to-head confrontation, but they are afraid that their opponents will play tricks behind their backs and use official power.

Han Shizhong understood.

He has stayed in the United States for too long, and he has somewhat forgotten the unspoken rules of the peninsula.

"Boss, do you think KK Chat will choose TB Finance?"

Li Zaihua pondered for a moment: "This is uncertain, it depends on whether TB Finance will increase the quotation!"

Han Shizhong said in a deep voice, "Should we do something!"

KK chat, Li Zaihua is bound to win, the peninsula's Internet environment does not allow young prosecutors to start their own businesses.

"There must be something to do, you go to investigate the DA network, and check the equity division of this company"

"By the way, let your friends chatting in KK inquire about the situation of other investors!"

Han Shizhong nodded: "Okay boss, I know what to do!"
Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

10:25 am.

J.K. Hospital.

VVIP ward.

Li Sangxi pushed the door and entered, his face was full of joy.

Just when she was about to speak.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Han Shizhong appeared outside the door of the room.

There was a knock on the door.

Li Sangxi's expression sank.

Seeing this, Li Zaihua comforted him: "Don't be angry, I have something to deal with, why don't you come to the hospital tonight, let's talk slowly."

Hear this.

Li Sangxi seemed to have thought of something, and there was a charming spring in the corner of his eyes.

"Damn ghost, you are so annoying, then I'll go first."

Li Zaihua chuckled, and slapped his elastic buttocks with a slap.

"Little fairy, I want you to look good tonight!"

Li Sangxi rolled his eyes, stopped staying, turned and walked towards the door.

The moment the door opened, she had already returned to her original glamorous appearance.

"President Han, hello!"

Facing the boss's woman, Han Shizhong kept a respectful distance and stepped back several steps.

"Ms. Li!"

Li Sangxi walked out of the ward, and immediately said: "Zaihua is waiting for you inside, go in quickly!"

Han Shizhong thanked: "Thank you Ms. Li, then I will go in."

After speaking, he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

Han Shizhong quickly came to the hospital bed, bowed and saluted.


Then he took out a stack of documents from the briefcase he was carrying.

"Boss, this is the investigation report on the DA network, please read it."

Li Zaihua took the document and said casually, "Shizhong, thank you for your hard work!"

Han Shizhong replied: "It is my honor to serve the boss."

Li Zaihua heard the sound, smiled without saying a word, and looked down at the investigation report of DA Network.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After half an hour.

Li Zaihua raised his head and asked, "Is that all?"

Han Shizhong was surprised.

"Boss, I have tried my best, two days is too short."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Li Zaihua said: "Okay, I know you have worked hard, the shareholding division in this report is okay, right?"

Han Shizhong hurriedly replied: "Boss, my teacher, Professor Sun Zhenglong, happens to be a consultant of DA Network."

"I asked for this list of shareholders from him, so it should be fine!"

The voice fell.

Li Zaihua pulled out the page of the shareholder list, and his fingernails made an imprint on a certain name.

"Go and check this man!"

Han Shizhong took the list of shareholders, looked at the names with a nail print, and muttered to himself.

"Is Xuan Nanzhen?"

Li Zaihua continued: "If the list of shareholders provided by Professor Sun is correct, Xuan Namzhen is the second largest shareholder of DA Network, and I plan to contact this person!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Han Shizhong suddenly understood.

"Boss, are you going to use the DA network to contain KK's chat?"

Li Zaihua sneered and said: "Since it is useless to give courtesy first, and Jin Fandong doesn't know how to praise, then don't blame me for being a soldier!"

The young prosecutor's method is very simple, using the shares of the DA network as a threat.

There is no way out for KK chatting.

HNH holds a search engine and is a dominant Internet company in the peninsula.

Moreover, this company has created a LNE in Dongying, and the current development momentum is very good.

As long as HNH is not stupid, how can it let go of the local market, LNE will enter the peninsula sooner or later.

If KK chat cannot acquire DA network, it will face unprecedented challenges.

These are the answers that Li Zaihua has pondered over in recent days.

As for why it suddenly acquired the shares of DA Network.

The young prosecutor naturally has bigger plans, and it's just a matter of passing through KK's chat.

Han Shizhong seems to understand, but he understands a little bit what his boss thinks.

"Okay boss, I'll do it right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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