Douluo: a deer

Chapter 104 Death Song

Chapter 104 Death Song
The two walked through the huge vines and trees.

The huge ancient trees that were as tall as the sky were more than a thousand feet long, and the vegetation that was obstructed along the way was cut off one after another. Sword Douluo led Ning Junyi forward indomitably, like a broken bamboo.

Because of being sealed off, the ancient tree could only be helplessly furious, and its limp branches hung down before they touched the two of them.

On the emerald branch, the sword light never disappeared, but intensified, the sharpness was washed away, and there were bursts of neighing in the ancient wood.

Tossing and turning, stepping on the sword light, the two of them reached Gu Mu's waist in a short while.

Lan Wei sat on the eaves, looking at the two people who were as small as beans, she swayed her slender legs, and began to eat watermelon again.

Lan Youyou was anxious in her heart:
"Don't eat it! It will grow eyes!"

Lan Wei rolled her eyes, ignoring a certain Tie Hanhan.

Bright red juice overflowed on her pink lips, and Lan Wei stretched out her small tongue to wipe off the juice on her lips, making her seductive and charming.

"Aren't we going to save Xiao Huan?"

Lan Youyou was puzzled.

No matter how stupid she is, she can see that now is a good time.

Ning Junyi and the two restrained Gu Mu, and there was nothing to stop the rescue.

But Lan Wei shook her head, she hesitated, and slapped her forehead hard.


Both of them exclaimed in pain at the same time.

Lan Wei endured the pain, hating that iron cannot be made into steel:
"Why are you so stupid!"

"I am you!"

At this time, Lan Youyou became confident.

"..." Lan Wei.

"Whether the Sendai is broken or not, can't you feel it? You're still Fuyao Qixing, you don't have any common sense." Lan Wei rubbed her head angrily, wishing she could punch her in the head again.

"That's right. If the natal magic weapon is damaged, the person who contacts it will suffer backlash. The Xuanbing Xiantai is seven in one, and I will be able to sense it when it is damaged."

Lan Youyou, who was belatedly aware of it, was only relieved at this time, no wonder Lan Wei was not in a hurry when Qin Huan was taken away, she knew that he was fine.

Thinking about it, although the sisters were worried about the Lord these years, they could not go back. It turned out that Sendai had not warned.

Lan Youyou is naive but not stupid.

It was easy to understand, and she knew the powerful relationship in an instant.

"Then why hasn't he come out yet?"

"Who the hell knows? But I feel that with his pissing nature, he must want to hide and pick up leaks. I have already seen that he is a slut." Lan Wei said eccentrically.

"You are not allowed to say that about him!"

"Yo, is this covered?"


Lan Youyou didn't want to pay attention to her at first, and sulked alone.

At this time, she saw that the pale color on her body and face and the bright red juice on the watermelon seemed to blend slowly, and she couldn't help being stunned:
"what happened to you?"

Severe pain suddenly came from his mind, and Lan Youyou was more worried about Lan Wei outside than the turbulent consciousness.

The pain she endured at this moment is unimaginable, just like her distorted face.

Lan Wei, as Lan Youyou's inner personality, is easy to get along with on weekdays and looks like a caring big sister, but at this time she has become weird and weird.

The uncoordinated limbs twitched and danced perversely.

At this time, she was just like when she couldn't control herself well before, and she also had such an evil look in that hellish trial.

Like a delicate transformation, the reason:

All of Lan Youyou's malice and desires will be borne by Lan Weilai for Lan Youyou... just like a shadow living in the dark.

"Don't eat it!"

Lan Youyou forcibly regained control of her body. She was holding the watermelon and was about to throw it away, but her mouth moved up uncontrollably, and she suddenly began to gnaw crazily.

"You... what's wrong with you?! Don't scare me!"

Lan Youyou was forcibly dragged into the consciousness space by Lan Wei, she anxiously wanted to regain control of her body, but it was of no avail.

At this time, she could clearly feel the madness in the body, that violent, manic negative thoughts spewed out wantonly, turning into a blood-red sickle, and countless people wailed in their ears immediately.

"Stop shouting!" Lan Wei covered her head with a distorted expression.

Lan Youyou could only hide in the sea of ​​consciousness and worry.

At this time, she saw the depths of the turbulent sea of ​​consciousness, the woodpecker from before came out again with its long spines stretched out.

Its body is like an ancient tree that has fallen sideways, and the intertwined branches have turned into its scales and feathers, dragging countless screaming dead souls behind it.

Densely packed, pervasive.

They hold their heads in their hands, with desperate and pained expressions, some with dull eyes and mouths neighing continuously, some with ferocious faces and gnashing their teeth, but most of them still have that sinister and terrifying appearance.

In the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, Lan Youyou retreated nervously, while the expressionless woodpecker pressed closer step by step.

"Despair won't go away, and we won't go away."

"We are the blood vessels of the mourners, we are."



The endless canopy canopy.

The two Jian Douluo walked slowly, sword brakes flying around them.

They stopped and looked at the center of the canopy, a tall and thin figure with a painful deformity, with sad tears on his face, half of his body embedded in the tree, his waist bowed like a shrimp ball.

Jian Douluo just wanted to get closer, but before he approached, he suddenly saw desperate faces.

Ning Junyi frowned, raised his hand to stop him.

"Is this Yan?" Jian Douluo was puzzled.

Ning Junyi said in a deep voice:
"Yes and no."

"The demon god has no form, and his appearances are all kinds of strange, let alone the one who holds the power of assimilation."

Sword Douluo understood, Ning Junyi continued:
"Assimilation endows Yan with extremely strong life recovery, but it also has a huge disadvantage. It cannot assimilate because all spirits have the aura. Each mottled memory in it represents the life of a plant or even a fish and bird."

"Although an individual may be small, it is difficult for all living beings to bear it!"

"Millions of dead souls, heh." Ning Junyi chuckled, mocking silently.

Sword Douluo's eyes lit up, and his fighting spirit rose.

Before that, he had no idea in his heart. It is no exaggeration to say that he has little hope of facing this peerless or even above peerless enemy.

But now the turning point has come, the Demon God also has a weakness, and this weakness is very fatal!

"It's like the early warning ability of a martial artist."

Sword Douluo is worthy of being a man with the best swordsmanship, and he also has unique insights into martial arts, and he immediately grasped the key points.

As the enemy's attack frequency increases, the martial artist's early warning ability will become disordered and interfere with himself, and Yan's assimilation is exactly the same.

"Let him wear and tear, force him to assimilate continuously. Here, it will break itself!"

"Sooner or later, it will burst itself." Ning Junyi agrees.

What's more, it's just a feather of Yan, and it doesn't have the ability to think independently at all.

Ning Junyi analyzed rationally, and suddenly his expression changed.

unless. . . . . .

As soon as there was suspicion in his mind, Jian Douluo's urgent voice came from beside him, "Not good!"

Ning Junyi suddenly came back to his senses, his body skipped a phantom, and the word "Speed" was engraved on the blood-red pagoda above his head.

The next moment, Ning Junyi's figure appeared hundreds of meters away, and the place where he had just stood turned into a puddle of dark green pus.

Jian Douluo's sword light was washed away, and just as he retracted his arms, he stared at the three-foot silver sword that had been broken, and he looked up in disbelief.

The tall, thin, dark green figure slowly stood upright, with a slightly stiff spine, every time he raised his back, the two Sword Douluo felt the pressure doubled.

In an instant, Zhaolin felt like the sky was falling!
A hoarse and desperate synthetic voice came out of the figure's mouth, as if countless people were speaking at the same time, and what was expressed was boundless despair.

"Power over all living beings, all things are dogs. The way of heaven is like this, and so am I."

"This world is not beautiful at all!"

With the sound of neighing and shrill sobs, half of the sky was stained with blood, the green plants were rapidly rotting, and the transparent souls were built into the underworld. At this moment, the tragic song of death resounded throughout the land of Qingzhou.

In countless cities and counties, the busy crowd looked up blankly, and the grand and sad song came from the distant sky. They felt melancholy in their hearts, and the smiles on their faces gradually faded.

Some people were sobbing, lost on the way to the rebirth, with a lot of pain hanging in their hearts, they drew their swords and slashed their necks, and the blood was poured out to see the next life.

Soul masters with high cultivation bases can barely keep their minds. They covered their tearful eyes and trembled, "This is... the power to control the world!"

Despair permeates this land, and countless brilliant flowers of the other shore emerge from the bright pool of blood. They are like the smiles of a witch ruled by a demon, converging into pillars of sinful blood vessels.


The Imperial Capital of Dayan, the Glazed Pagoda.

The supervisor is looking at the endgame on the chess table.

Heizi wanted to imprison the dragon, and Baizi was in a desperate situation.

There is no life in sight.

He sighed, "That's all."

The next moment, the chess table collapsed from it, split into two, and the black and white twins splashed and splashed in all directions.

The chessboard has been destroyed, what a dead fish!
"If you can't break it, you can't stand it." The supervisor laughed.

He stared at it, and saw that the shaved white stone in the center was deeply embedded in the chess table.

(End of this chapter)

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