Douluo: a deer

Chapter 108

Chapter 108
The three-headed golden lion roared to shake the sky, the one-eyed giant could shake the sky, on the fragmented continent, there were nine-tailed demon foxes confusing the mountains and rivers, there were cranes flying through the clouds with divine jade in their beaks, and there were giants in the water that tossed and rolled over. The crocodile of the wave.

The scene of Fenglin Volcano is just like the majesty of annihilation.

The battle of the demon gods continues, rare and rare flowers reveal their divine brilliance, thousands of plants and trees sway aura, not only living things, but all living beings are now sublimating.

This is an evolution, a transcendence!
All living beings are vying for it, in that universe...


Ning Junyi looked down, and the shock in his heart could not be subsided for a long time.

He has witnessed that era of unrivaled heyday with his own eyes.

"War of Demon Gods..." Ning Junyi murmured, looking at the purring pony in his arms, he couldn't help feeling amused, "Just like you, don't be ashamed."

After reading the murals, Ning Junyi felt that there should be nothing to explore on the second floor.

So he leaned against the side wall and circled around a lot, looking for a way to the third floor.

Sure enough, not long after walking, he found a spiral staircase, and the wall on this side was also different from before.

The word "Xingkong" is engraved on it, which is similar to the "Prison" on the first floor.

Between lines!

"The sky is flying, the world is extremely fast."

Ning Junyi understood, no accident, he already knew the identity of the little guy in his arms.

That is the divine beast Pegasus that competes with Kunpeng, Golden Winged Roc and others for speed.

I didn't expect it to end up like this...

Ning Junyi couldn't help feeling the cruelty of the ancient times, the baptism of war everywhere, and the devastated continent could not even survive.

The human race is the weakest race among the demon gods. Their blood is weak and their bodies are petite. They are basically as big as a mountain, and they have no intention of doing anything to an ant.

But who would have thought that today after billions of epochs would be the stage for mankind?
It can only be said that everything is really unpredictable.

Ning Junyi came back to his senses, with a trace of solemnity on his face again, he hugged Tianma tightly, and walked up slowly.

I don't know the personality of the guys on the third floor, so it's better to be cautious.

In this dangerous tower, Ning Junyi didn't dare to overdo it.

He thought about his Martial Soul, the third ring corresponds to - strength!

"Looks like a tough guy."

Ning Junyi, who was up, suddenly paused, and his footsteps were heavy.

He felt the pressure, which was the rejection from the third floor.

A huge force came towards him, blocking his progress.

"If you want to stop me, these are not enough!"

Ning Junyi let out a low snort, his whole body shook, and the air waves in front of him formed a long path.

He suddenly punched forward, and the bright golden cyclone condensed on it, and the explosion sounded, extremely blazing, rolling up layers of ripples, and the power of the terrifying explosion was loud.

Like a torrent of world destruction, it met the power from the third floor.

Ning Junyi was actually competing for strength with this demon god!
boom! ! !
The two forces collided, and the wall and stone rubbed suddenly made a violent sound, and the violent storm in the middle seemed to be able to tear everything apart.

But such a change still cannot have the slightest impact on the environment of this soul tower.

When the momentum dissipated and the two forces eliminated each other, Ning Junyi finally seized the opportunity and jumped up.

At this time, a sound of surprise suddenly came from the third floor.

Obviously, he didn't expect this human's physical strength to reach such a level.

When Ning Junyi came to the third floor, there was no so-called fog on the first and second floors, and his vision suddenly became clear.

So he saw a strange creature in the middle of the space.

It can't even be called a living thing, it should be called a sarcoma.

It looks extremely disgusting.


The vicissitudes of the Hong sound penetrated the sarcoid and reverberated throughout the space. It sighed deeply:
"Aiqi Xuanhuang, Martial Dao is innate. It is worthy of the inheritance of the ancestors, this is the ultimate martial arts."

"Wu? You mean the God of War?"

Ning Junyi withdrew the dark and heavy air on his fist, and walked over slowly, without any timidity on his face, he felt that this piece of meat was not malicious at all.

"Human, you are very nice."

It was that voice again, but this time it was right in front of my eyes.

There was a gap in the meat ball, and one eye slowly opened.

Ning Junyi couldn't help but took two steps back. Although he didn't panic in the slightest, he still felt a little creepy and disgusting seeing such a strange scene.

"What the hell are you?"

He couldn't help asking.

Routuan was silent, then opened his mouth again, and then said:

"As you can see, a piece of slough."

"Whose is it?" Ning Junyi couldn't take it anymore.

Can't you speak directly?They're all riddlers, they'll die if they don't play tricks?

"Far in the sky, right in front of you."

"I want to eat minced meat, add some scallions and stir-fry!"


"I am a piece of meat from the God of War." Watching Ning Junyi take out the big sword, feel the divinity on it, and the familiar aura, the piece of meat was scared to death, and finally gave up.

Damn, it doesn't want to either!

The knife is on the meat dumpling, it doesn't want to become minced meat, I heard that it is still stir-fried.

So cute!

"The meat of the Valkyrie?! A piece of meat can give birth to wisdom!" Ning Junyi was a little shocked, staring at the meat in front of him.

The answer really shocked him.

He thought that the former demon god was very hanging, but he didn't expect it to be this hanging.

A piece of meat that has survived for countless epochs is still alive and has given birth to wisdom.

Is there anything more outrageous than this? !
"As expected of a Martial God." Ning Junyi said with emotion.

Seeing the big from the small, no matter from the martial artist system he created or his authority and supernatural powers, the Valkyrie is definitely one of the most powerful existences among the demon gods.

"Of course, among the three thousand demon gods back then, there were only nine who had the Dao of Incarnation, and Martial Ancestor was one of them, the extreme demon god."

The meat lump seemed a little proud and excited, and jumped up and down as he spoke.

"Extreme Dao... Demon God?" Ning Junyi's eyes flickered as he stroked the broken sword in his hand, wondering what he was thinking.

At this time, he seemed to have thought of something, and reached out to pat the piece of meat,
"Then what are you doing?"

Valkyrie is so powerful, why is his body imprisoned in this tower.

And what is the origin of this soul tower?
Everything was too chaotic, Ning Junyi wanted to take a look, maybe this piece of meat that had lived for a long time could know something he wanted to know.

It's a pity that things backfired. At this time, the lump of meat also looked bewildered.

"I have been in this tower since the day I became conscious." The meat ball was a little lonely, and the endless years made it confused.

In fact, it is very happy to see Ning Junyi now.

It wants to say a lot, but it's a pity that it doesn't know anything, and it can't help the human being in front of it.

But about this still knows something.

such as:

"The soul stored in the soul tower must be the soul of a hero."

Finally, it came up with a slightly useful message.

(End of this chapter)

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