Douluo: a deer

Chapter 21 The Dormitory Farce

Chapter 21 The Dormitory Farce
Tang San took the quilt, although the quilt was not gorgeous, but a dry breath came out, it was all brand new, and there was a pillow wrapped inside, the master obviously thought of him very well.

Mo Hen said: "Tang San, you, Xiao Wu, and Qin Huan are all first-year work-study students. From now on, you will be responsible for cleaning the garden on the south side of the playground. Ten copper soul coins every day, remember, you have to clean every day. Especially the sundries must be cleaned up. Otherwise, your wages will be deducted. If there is any phenomenon of sabotage, the college has the right to order you to quit school. Do you hear clearly?"

Tang San and Xiao Wu nodded repeatedly, looking like good babies.

And Qin Huan doesn't care anymore, he has enough money now, how can it be possible for him to clean up?

But contradicting the teacher is not a good boy, so Qin Huan accidentally dropped a small bag of gold soul coins on the ground.

It's bulging, and it looks like there are hundreds of gold soul coins.

Everyone noticed this movement, and they all looked at Qin Huan with shocked expressions.

At this time, Qin Huan looked puzzled, he looked around, and finally locked on Mohen.

"Teacher, you lost your money!"

Xiao Wu: "..."

Mohen coughed twice, but his eyes were fixed on the money bag on the ground. He raised his head and glanced at the others, and everyone echoed, "Teacher, your money fell on the ground!"

At this time, Mo Hen grinned at Qin Huan and said, "What a good boy, he is good at picking up money, and he is beautiful. There are not many girls like you. The teacher rewards you for not having to clean up. Can you help me?" Did the teacher pick up the money?"

Mo Hen smiled indistinctly, the more he looked at Qin Huan, the more satisfied he became, the kind of students who would make troubles were really rare.

Hundreds of gold soul coins!

I haven't been able to earn that much for a few years, but now I have dropped them on the ground, which is really inappropriate.

Mohen looked at Qin Huan quietly, waiting for the classmate who would come to help him pick up his golden soul coin.

But at this time, everyone around him looked at him strangely, and many people had already hid behind, looking very scared.

Seeing that Qin Huan was unmoved and looked like he was going to do nothing, Mo Hen expressed deep regret, classmate, you are not skilled enough in your business!

"With your uncle!"

Qin Huan finally couldn't take it anymore, and started throwing money at people, but it was really hitting people!

After grabbing a handful of coins like darts, Qin Huan threw them out directly, and Mo Hen was beaten and ran away. He is a great soul master of the second ring, and was chased and beaten by a child of Qin Huan at this time.

Tang San gasped, he didn't dare to throw the hidden weapon Baijie like this, Qin Huan just threw money at it, he didn't expect that she was still a rich woman!

I seem to like it more...

Finally, Mo Hen, who had been smashed into a pig's head, was subdued. He licked his face and smiled at Qin Huan. It wasn't his cowardice. Could a child who can casually throw out so many gold soul coins be an ordinary person?He is a second-ring soul master who doesn't want to offend others.

Qin Huan is also considerate, saying that you can get as many gold soul coins as there are bruises or swellings on your body.

So, Mohen worked even harder, saying that please hit me as much as you want!

Finally, he limped to the door, but with a smile on his face, he said, "Tomorrow is the opening ceremony. Classes will start the day after tomorrow. The first grade will be in class on the first floor of the teaching building. You just need to go to class on time the day after tomorrow. Alright, let's rest first."

Mohen left, but the dormitory exploded, and a group of children surrounded Qin Huan.

"Boss! Are you so rich?"

"Boss, is there a pendant missing?"


Or Qin Huan defeated Tang San with a few tricks, and Xiao Wu didn't challenge Qin Huan, so now they think Qin Huan is their boss.

Besides, it's pretty and rich, who doesn't like it?
Qin Huan was not interested in these things, only felt that they were noisy: "Xiao Wu likes to be the boss, you call her the boss!"

"Huh?" Xiao Wu was stunned by the boss for no apparent reason, she was about to say something when the "boss" one after another drowned her words.

Xiao Wu looked angry, and her cute face became embarrassed: "What do you call me the boss, you call me old, you will call me Miss Xiao Wu from now on, I will cover you!"

The younger brothers hurriedly nodded and said yes, flattering and flattering, Xiao Wu just waved them away.

Only then did she think of an imminent problem. Seeing Qin Huan and Tang San spread out the quilt, he froze on the spot, a little at a loss, and whispered: "The quilt is a problem..."

She came to Qin Huan's side, hugged her, pitifully: "Xiao Huan, I don't have a quilt, let's cover it together."

Qin Huan has black lines, shouldn't you go to Tang San?Why did you come to find me? You didn't follow the rules at all.

"No. You can go to Tang San." Qin Huan pushed her away with a black face, but did not agree.

Xiao Wu felt wronged, her big eyes fluttered: "But Tang San is a boy!"

As she said that, she stuck to her again and couldn't shake it off.

Qin Huan thought the same thing, if a man and a woman could not kiss each other, it would be a grievance to Xiao Wu.

But... wait, what does it mean that Tang San is a boy, am I not!
"I'm a boy too, I can't sleep with you." Qin Huan gave Xiao Wu a sideways glance, resolutely defending his sovereignty, hugging the quilt and not letting go.

"Oh, it seems to be. I forgot..."

Qin Huan: "..."

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue to show off her cuteness, but she still didn't let go of Qin Huan, she smiled slyly.

Qin Huan looked at her angrily, there was nothing he could do about her, and even the quilt on his hands loosened: "What are you going to do?"

Xiao Wu smiled, and snatched the quilt directly: "I cover a quilt by myself, I'm a girl, you have to let me go, you and Tang San are both boys, it doesn't matter if you two sleep together."

"You!" Qin Huan didn't expect that she would want to have the quilt all to herself, and was immediately anxious. Just now, Xiao Wu acted like a baby and said that she wanted to sleep with him, so he reluctantly let go, and now she wants to let him cover a quilt with a big man .

No, no, absolutely not!
Wouldn't that be a little bit of fun...

But who knew that Xiao Wu was determined to have the quilt all to herself, so she wrapped it up like a rice dumpling and ran out.

Qin Huan didn't have the face to chase after him, so he had to stop.

At this time, Tang San who saw him had finished packing the bedding, and he sent out an invitation: "Come~ together?"

Qin Huan: "..."

In the end, Qin Huan moved the bed over, won't matter if two men sleep together.

However, it would be dangerous for Xiao Wu to sleep in. Qin Huan said that he is really a warm boy, and he is really a caring baby for the girls.

Qin Huan inserted an old wooden plank he found randomly in the dormitory in the gap between the two beds, as the [-]th line, which cannot be crossed.

Sure enough, boys still have to protect themselves outside...

Qin Huan said that he must be straight, and he was afraid that something was wrong with Tang San. After all, handsome is born, and he didn't want to be like this.

When Xiao Wu sneaked back and saw that Qin Huan had already moved the bed, she walked in to make the bed openly.

Qin Huan immediately gave her a sideways look, as if you had halved the food this month, Xiao Wu's face turned pale, remembering that Qin Huan was her big customer.

Qin Huan didn't bother with her much, Xiao Wu ran over to hold him back: "Don't be angry. Xiao Huan, let's go eat some delicious food!"

Xiao Wu's lively appearance, acting like a baby to Qin Huan, Qin Huan must not be able to bear it, so he can only forgive her, so Xiao Wu smiled and showed Miss Xiao Wu's power, and called the people from Qishe to eat together , all responded.

But at this time, Tang San said: "Go and eat, I won't go."

Qin Huan looked at Tang San's patched appearance, and when he thought of Tang Hao who didn't care about anything in the original book, he knew Tang San's embarrassment.

Just when he was about to speak, Xiao Wu spoke first: "Let's go together! Tang San. Xiao Huan treats guests, you just need to eat."

Qin Huan has black hair, co-authoring is not costing your money, but he still didn't refuse.

Tang San raised his head and looked at Qin Huan with a different kind of light in his eyes, which made Qin Huan's heart tremble.

"Okay!" Tang San readily agreed, and walked to the cafeteria with everyone.

It's just his eyes, which glance at Qin Huan from time to time...

ps: This chapter is purely for fun. Don’t take it seriously. This book is very serious. There is no plot in this chapter, so let’s just overdo it. I’m hesitating whether to accept Xiao Wu and put your public screen on the barrage.

(End of this chapter)

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