Chapter 62
Canglan County, Egret City.

Qin Huan took the little mare and handed it to the post boy, and threw a golden soul coin in his face.

"The best feed is served. My mare is very expensive. The rest is your tip."

The boy covered his red and swollen face, and nodded quickly, with awe in his eyes.

After running around for more than half a month, I finally approached Xiaomu City.

Because they couldn't bear the smell on their bodies, the two decided to rest in Bailu City.

"Why?" Lan Youyou blinked her big eyes, looking at the beaten boy with guilt.

Qin Huan sighed: "This is the ethos of the world, the more arrogant you are, the more others respect you."

"A golden soul coin is already a year's savings of ordinary people, and it is the easiest to attract others to covet it."

Lan Youyou suddenly realized.

"I know, don't expose your wealth!"

"Well, that's why I acted so viciously. This will save me a lot of trouble. Besides, the remaining tip is enough for him to heal and enjoy himself for a while."

"Then...why not use silver soul coins? That way others won't be eyeing us." Lan Youyou was puzzled.

"I only have gold soul coins."

Lan Youyou: "..."

Entering the post station, first passing by several noisy halls, people inside were yelling and drinking wine with fists drawn.

The fragrance was so strong that Qin Huan thought it should taste good, but he is a child now and cannot drink alcohol.

Not to mention Lan Youyou, if she gets drunk again, her ass will definitely bloom again.

Lan Youyou stared at a jar of plum wine, unable to walk.

There is also roasted chicken next to it, the crispy skin is overflowing with sesame oil, and the yellow and white chicken looks extremely firm.

In the hot summer, if you drink a sip of refreshing plum wine, then bite down a piece of crispy chicken.

That feeling...isn't that great!

Lan Youyou swallowed a few times, and looked at Qin Huan with her big watery eyes, full of longing.

One second, two seconds, Qin Huan remained indifferent.

But in the third second, Qin Huan directly broke the defense!
I can't stand it! !
Sure enough, he is a fast man in three seconds.

Qin Huan couldn't resist Lan Youyou's pitiful attack, so he had to put down the matter of the room first, and the two of them found a seat and sat down.

Afterwards, Qin Huan greeted Xiao Er.

I ordered two catties of beef, two roast chickens, and two jugs of plum wine.

Because it was the wine infused with sour plum soup, the concentration was not high, it was no different from fruit juice, so Qin Huan let Lan Youyou drink it, and at the same time bought himself a jug to try it out.

During the dinner, the chivalrous men who overheard suddenly started discussing in full swing.

"Have you heard? The battle in Chuzhou is over, Xingluo is defeated, and the three commanders have returned in triumph!"


"Can this be false?" The man smiled, "It's all in the Dayan Mansion newspaper today."

"That's terrible, the third commander is really a majestic female general."

"That's not true. In the army, besides the Great Commander of the Dayan Army God, who else has a higher prestige than the Three Commanders?"

"Women don't give way to men! This is my Dayan female general, lying on a couch with peach blossoms, and picking red tassels while drunk!"

"Do you know how the Xuancheng of Chuzhou was defended?" One person sighed, every time he thought of this earth-shattering event, he couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion in his heart.

Everyone couldn't wait any longer, and they asked him to continue talking, and there was the sound of throwing wine jars, which made him very excited.

Even the shopkeeper, who was sitting at the counter and fiddling with the abacus, pricked up his ears and listened.

"But it was said that the city was full of black armor at that time! Black clouds destroyed the city, and Xuancheng was already crumbling. Xingluo was backed by the extreme north, and the soldiers wore unique cold armor. Our soldiers could not advance an inch, so they were forced to enter the city to garrison .”

"Xingluo's army surrounded Xuancheng, and then cut off our food and grass." The man said, spreading his palms and wrapping them tightly inward, clenching them into fists, "Catch the turtle in the urn!"

"Hiss..." Someone gasped, feeling inexplicably worried.

"How can this be good?!"

"Tch! Xing Luo is doing all kinds of despicable deeds!"

"At this moment!" The man's voice suddenly rose, his whole body trembling with excitement, "On the high wall of the city gate, eight lieutenants beat drums together! Dressed in green clothes, they leaped out of the city gate!"

"Sometimes it's fast and then it's slow. The city gate is wide open, but only a peach-blossom horse with mane like fire and hoofs flying flames comes out. It's very handsome, like a dragon colt!"

"Since Tsing Yi jumped down, the peach blossom horses bowed their backs to meet each other, and each of them rode towards the black cloud!"

"Da Yan Wufu Xia Jinxi, come to dig the formation!"

Die alone!

Everyone was addicted to air-conditioning, and only the magnificent scene of one person riding the cold cloud was left in their minds.

Tsing Yi rolls Hongxia, rustling like a shooting star!
With thousands of troops and horses, how can they stop me?
"On that day, the three commanders entered the third rank in one fell swoop, and Xingluo couldn't make a comeback. This campaign is no different from the five years since Dangyou Chuzhou."

This... is terrifying!So scary!

After a long time, everyone still couldn't come back to their senses, and their eyes were full of reverence.

Jianghu Erlang, with his own chivalrous heart, couldn't bear this exciting deed the most. For a while, he was overwhelmed with emotion, imagining that he would have such an awesome day.

Everyone sighed for that one-man heroine!

Qin Huan took a sip of the plum wine, which was refreshing and refreshing. The sour taste stimulated his taste buds. He listened quietly to the deeds of the three commanders, and felt admiration.

Think about that sword fairy with a single sleeve and a breeze, the commander of the Dayan Imperial Army is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!

Wait... Gong Qing is the commander of the Seven Commanders!


How can you pull your hips like this!
Brothers and sisters like him are all coaxed by nb, it doesn't make sense.

Qin Huan looked at Lan Youyou, and found that she was listening seriously, with a proud face on her face.

"Know?" Qin Huan asked.

"En! Sister Jinxi is super brave!" Lan Youyou grinned her canine teeth and nodded excitedly.

Qin Huan: "..."

Super brave?How brave are you? !
"Then do you know other commanders?"

Lan Youyou thought for a while, then shook her head: "The army formation was set up by the lord. After the battle was dispersed, the commanders all separated. Back then, the Great Evolution Army was thirty, and I only saw three commanders in the lord's army formation." Xia Jinxi. The second commander has heard a little bit, I heard that she is a Taoist nun."

"Taoist... barely able to rush."

Qin Huan understood that the leaders in Dayan were probably like the seven stars, they were characters with no tail to the dragon, extremely mysterious.

The beef was about the same, and Qin Huan began to concentrate on eating chicken.

Seeing that he stopped asking, Lan Youyou happily dealt with the food in front of her.

At this time, the heated discussion changed the topic.

Listening, Qin Huan raised his buried head suddenly.

"I believe that everyone is familiar with the soul-hunting order. Now that big demon has been wanted by the whole continent of the Wuhun Temple. If he can be caught, then he will not have to worry about it in this life, the next life... the next few lives."

"Heh, if you want to offer a reward, you have to be lucky enough to get it." One person sneered, as if he knew something secret.

Everyone was curious, and someone went up to buy him a glass of wine or rub his shoulders.

At this time, he whispered: "A few days ago, dozens of villagers died in a town in Pingyang County, Xiangzhou.


The crowd began to inhale again, only to feel that the air-conditioning was really cold this time, and even their backs began to feel piercing.

"Wuhundian said that the big demon deer did it! It can absorb the yang energy of ordinary people, and it is the origin of soul masters."

"This deer is so fierce?!"

"That's right, but its days are coming to an end. Originally, I, Dayan, could let him live. After all, he harmed the Wuhun Palace. But who knows, this big demon deer is so arrogant, come to me, Dayan, to be a demon. Daguo The master has already responded to the soul-hunting order and started ordering the killing of Chibai Yunlu."

"Did the watchdog go?" One person couldn't help asking.

"Naturally, I went. The watchman inspected all the officials, and the people's livelihood is in a variety of ways. If something like this happened, even if the commander-in-chief is still in Xingluo, he will not let that monster go."

"That's it, Dashan..." People felt relieved, if there was a thug to take action, then everything would be safe.

Even if the big demon deer tries its best, it won't be able to break the waves.

Qin Huan was smacking the chicken in his mouth, feeling dull at this moment.

No one would be happy that he took such a big blame for no reason.

As soon as he pulled Lan Youyou up, Qin Huan walked towards the inner hall.

"Alas, I haven't finished eating yet."

Lan Youyou spat out a chicken bone, and was reluctantly dragged away by Qin Huan.

(End of this chapter)

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