Chapter 72
Qin Huan was worried, but he couldn't help thinking about the situation in front of him.

For a moment of trance, a yellow shadow flew towards him.

"Speed... divine power... toughness..."

With the addition of triple buffs, the deformed ghost's legs kicked back fiercely, and the white talisman lights flickered on the wooden legs.

If the body is startled, it will be gone in a flash!
Qin Huan didn't even see anything clearly, he could only hear the rustling of the walls around him, and the wall fell straight down as the gust of wind passed by.

Like a heavy truck crashing, the ground was plowed into a long and straight horizontal line.

Qin Huan was terrified, facing the oncoming wind, which made his hair messy and his scalp numb.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, Qin Huan waited for the battle.

The next moment, the expected gravitational force suddenly covered Qin Huan's body like a mountain falling.

boom! ! !
After a thunder-like explosion, the rolling ripples rippling away, the invisible force annihilated everything within three feet into powder, the wall fell off, and the gravel disappeared in an instant.

Goodbye to the corridor, most of the walls have disappeared, revealing the lonely night sky and pale moonlight!
After the heaviness and slowness that seemed to be mired in a deep quagmire, it was overwhelmed by steel-like hardness and pure power.

However, Qin Huan did not retreat at all. In the dull eyes of the deformed ghost, the golden cloud pattern on his body shone with a dazzling light.

The Blessing of the Holy Pattern!

This is the absolute confidence brought to Qin Huan by divine skills!
Qin Huan grinned, feeling the power filling his whole body, this feeling is really beautiful.

It was the wonderful pleasure that Tang San, a rookie, couldn't bring him.

"It was fun just now?! Now it's my turn!"

Qin Huan roared, venting his unhappiness just now.

White fire overflowed from his palm, and he grabbed the deformed ghost figure. The figure wanted to hide, but he was horrified to find that Qin Huan's speed had increased by more than a star and a half.

"Extreme speed..."

Qin Huan grinned, all the buffs from just now had been transplanted over. It is indeed a 50-year soul skill, and its personality is not in vain.

But he has to make a quick decision, now he can only support a real man for five seconds, after five seconds, after returning [-]% of the impact of the deformed ghost, he will turn back into a rookie again.

The deformed ghost saw that the dodge was ineffective, the wooden sticks rolled on his body, and instantly blocked himself, as if wearing a thick armor, and at the same time, the wooden sticks and thorns pierced out.

Qin Huan's face remained unchanged, and his outstretched hand remained unchanged, still clenched violently, collapsing towards the deformed ghost with terrifying force.

The momentum was like a broken bamboo, the thorns were cut off, and the dull face of the deformed ghost was a little stunned for a moment.

Why is that divine power so familiar!
Even more than twice as strong as him.

The white talisman light flickered all over its body, and it anxiously put another hard buff on itself.

The next moment, Qin Huan suddenly pinched its shoulder armor, and under the dazed gaze of the deformed ghost, his hard body was torn apart like a bubble!

Sawdust was flying all over the sky, and a broken arm shot up into the sky.

The deformed ghost silently looked at his flying arm, seized the opportunity, and slipped sideways through the crack of Qin Huan's attack.

His body suddenly became slippery, like a torrent of wood.

Qin Huan's eyes were fixed, how could he get what he wanted, and with a shake of his hand, the world suddenly became cold.

The ice edge blooms, and a bright and colorful Sendai is drawn out of the azure blue!

The moment it appeared, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, the walls were covered with hoarfrost, and even the incomplete walls were filled with white.

The escaping figure of the deformed ghost suddenly froze!
It roared unwillingly, and the strange sound of "gurgling" was still in its mouth, but there was a hint of hesitation.

Tables, chairs, beds and stools flew towards it one after another. It wanted to make up for its injuries, but was instantly frozen by the biting cold air during the attack.

Qin Huan pointed away, and the ice-blue fairy platform condensed in the sky, like an iceberg falling from the sky!

Seal the town!

It is one of the abilities of Xuanbing Xiantai, tangible or intangible, even if it is an elemental body, it cannot escape.

The overflowing wooden torrent was suppressed by an invisible force, and it seemed to be pinched and twisted in the shape of a person, sometimes it was a deformed ghost, and sometimes it was a log.

But there is one thing that cannot be changed, no matter how twisted it is, it cannot escape the ban on the head!
Qin Huan withdrew his hand and waited quietly, his whole body was condensed, sometimes he raised his head like lightning, sometimes his strength sank like an overturning mountain, and sometimes his body was like steel and his blood was like a rainbow!
Fast, powerful, tough!
All three in one!
"Come on, this blow is returned to you."

He said lightly.

Finally, a table was given to this difficult enemy.

Unable to look directly at the divine light, Qin Huan was like a golden meteor crashing towards the deformed ghost!

With every step he stepped on, the whole building shook, unable to bear his enormous force at all.

The ground wall of the fifth floor, which had been repaired by ice crystals, collapsed again in an instant. Where Qin Huan passed, the whole building looked like a huge hole was incomplete from the outside, and it continued to spread.

The deformed ghost shadow's eyes trembled, even if he couldn't feel his inner feelings, he still knew what it means to be struck by lightning and be mourned.

It deeply understands the word fear!

I will die!

If it can do it all over again, it doesn't want to provoke this scourge again, as long as it catches the guy who has occupied the magpie's nest...

boom--! ! !
The golden meteor fell, and the stable space slackened in an instant, surging like waves, and the gigantic force of the stalwart suddenly tore it apart in the next moment, like the divine light erupting from a ten thousand-foot volcano, pouring out like billowing lava bursting!

Just like the sun and the moon are sinking, this time there is not even a trace of sawdust left.

There was a "click", as if something was broken... The wood inserted in the four corners of the station was cracked and broken.

In Egret City, the chirping birds were unable to fall to the sky.

The bewildered watchman jumped onto the roof again.

The next moment, a place of flames soared into the sky, accompanied by deafening explosions, reverberating throughout the city.

There were bursts of gongs, and countless figures rushed towards the explosion from the darkness.

That day, the sleeping residents in their dreams were all awakened by a thunderclap, and this interesting story became the topic of conversation for them to appear in person the next day.


At this time, in front of Lan Wei's body were scattered human torsos, and she fiddled with the head in her hands boredly.

It seems that she didn't find any interesting toys from this pile of junk.

Among the stumped limbs and broken arms, a piece of the man's torso was trembling, and it quietly wanted to crawl away.

The tentacles slowly crawled on the ground and moved slowly... At this moment, it suddenly stopped, something blocked it in front, and it couldn't sneak.

It raised its headless neck nervously, and the next moment, it met the woman with a soft face like the blue sky.

Lan Wei smiled, but her extremely beautiful face looked like a nightmare in the eyes of her torso!
It doesn't have a head, but it just feels like its scalp is tingling now...

(End of this chapter)

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