Douluo: a deer

Chapter 76 The Arrival of Sword Douluo

Chapter 76 The Arrival of Sword Douluo
this day.

Above the Shrek Academy, a ten-mile long rainbow suddenly crossed.

The buzzing sound lasted for a long time, and the rustling cold light blinded people's eyes.

On the back mountain of the academy, an old man holding a three-foot green peak fell down, wearing a plain white robe, and his meticulously combed long silver hair fluttered in the wind.

Just standing there, the whole person is like a peerless magic weapon unsheathed, sharp and outstanding.

The aura was unobstructed, and it overflowed away. It was like a sword of Dakmoss hanging upside down above the Shrek Academy, and the shattered and chilling aura was extremely terrifying.

Flender leaped out of the office with a solemn face, and met Zhao Wuji who was running like a giant bear head-on. The two nodded to each other and walked towards the back mountain together.

This sword energy... can't be wrong, there is only one person in the world!
It wasn't until he approached the edge of the back mountain that Flender relaxed, the solemnity on his face dissipated, and he laughed loudly.

The Martial Soul Avatar at the back restrained himself, he stopped Yukong, and walked slowly into the back mountain.

Zao Wou-ki has a good look, he also imitated a big smile, and followed suit.

"Under the crown of dust, come to the humble house, and welcome you if you are far away!"

On the mountainside, he looked up and saw the old man standing on the top of the mountain, with sword-like eyebrows and intent eyes, looking at him calmly.

"I'll come and see Miss and Young Master." Chen Xin said slowly, her breath restrained.

He didn't embarrass Flender, but the philistine head of the academy has some friendship with the suzerain.

Moreover, this person is naughty and very good at trouble.

Since entering the mountain and walking down the body, it is also an invisible awe of the title Douluo, Chen Xin is very satisfied.

Flender winked at Zao Wou-ki, and found that Zao Wou-ki was looking at him and giggling.

Flender: "..."

After giving him a kick and telling him to call someone to the office, the big man patted the back of his head belatedly.

Then he smiled foolishly at Sword Douluo, just like when he came, he ran with loud noises.

Seeing Zao Wou-ki leave, Flender smiled and invited Sword Douluo to discuss matters inside the room.

Chen Xin nodded, a little sword light on the top of the mountain.

Flender saw a burst of white light.

When he recovered, he found that the old man had arrived.

"lead the way."

Flender stood up to meet them and led the way.

He was horrified, the old thing's sword was faster again...

The preparations were completed yesterday, and today is the day to go to the Star Dou Forest.

Everyone was so excited that they unexpectedly didn't sleep in and met in the cafeteria early.

I can finally leave this ghost place and have a good meal!

Ning Rongrong sat obediently next to her elder brother, she was a little happy about today's day, she was not as domineering as before, she became much gentler.

Since the incident in the cafeteria that day, everyone's attitude towards her has slightly changed, not to mention isolated, but also relatively cold.

Even the guy who sold the sausage ignored her, she felt a little wronged and frustrated.

But when Ning Junyi is around, everyone will still give some face appropriately, even if he has a stubborn sister.

Miss temper!
It was everyone's stereotyped impression of Ning Rongrong.

I remember that on the first day of class, she didn't complete the training task of running twenty laps, so she couldn't bear it and went to the city to have dinner secretly, leaving Oscar alone on the playground, and asked Oscar to lie to her!
That night Flender disregarded her identity, reprimanded her severely, and mocked her poor talent, Ning Rongrong refused to accept, her martial soul is the world's number one auxiliary martial soul, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower.

It wasn't until Flender ordered Oscar to release a [-]-level soul power fluctuation that Ning Rongrong shook his head in disbelief, his face turned pale.

Yes.Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuyue, and Boss Dai are about to step into the fortieth threshold, and everyone else is also stepping into the third-ring soul master, and the elder brother has already reached the fourth ring.

Only she is still holding a broken tower with two rings and is complacent... She is indeed the weakest one!

Rarely, the elder brother who defended his sister everywhere did not make a sound to stop Flender when he mocked his sister.

Ning Rongrong was wronged and puzzled.

Ning Junyi touched her head and sighed: "One must learn to grow up so that everyone can recognize yourself."

From that day on, Ning Rongrong became much more obedient, at least she didn't lose the temper of that perverted young lady.

For her, her brother is the lighthouse that guides her voyage, and the benchmark that touches her heart and mind.

In short, everyone's attitude towards her has improved a lot now.

Eating quietly, although Ning Rongrong didn't like these bland things, but she managed to restore her image, and she wanted to eat the steamed buns with tears in her eyes.

At this time, Ning Junyi put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked up and looked out the window, a white mark flickered in the blue sky.

He wiped his mouth and got up amidst everyone's doubts.

"Excuse me, everyone."

"Rongrong finished eating, come with me."

Tang San looked at the white mark falling towards Shrek Academy, thoughtful.

But what did it matter to him?
Tang San withdrew his gaze, looked at "Gulu Gulu" Xiao Wu who was drinking porridge, and he quietly leaned over:

Xiao Wu was startled and stared at him with wide eyes.

"What did Xiao Huan write to you, tell me..."

"Brother! Eat porridge!" Xiao Wu blamed, then she tilted her head in doubt, "Is carrot delicious?"

Tang San:"???"

"That's right, Xiao Huan, like me, likes to eat carrots the most." Xiao Wu nodded affirmatively, very happy.

Feeling that she and Xiao Huan have the same hobbies, while secretly sighing that Qin Huan is very discerning, her fiancé seems to have made another step forward!
Tang San was thoughtful, and silently wrote it down in his heart.

On the other side, Dai Mubai happily sat opposite Zhu Zhuyue.

"Xiaoyue, this is the dried fish steamed stuffed bun with love that I asked the kitchen to prepare. It has my favorite sandwich inside."

As he spoke, he nudged a plate, which contained a bun in the shape of a love peach.

"The fishy smell is too strong, thank you for your kindness."

Zhu Zhuyue swallowed her saliva, kept aloof, and forced herself not to look at Baozi.

Dai Mubai was puzzled.

Isn't this still eaten?How do you know it's fishy.

He kept smiling, "What does Xiaoyue like to eat?"

"Deer. Venison."

Zhu Zhuyue looked at him sideways, keeping aloof.

Dai Mubai was thoughtful, and silently wrote it down.

Dean Shrek's office.

Flender's face was full of spring breeze, and a smile was reflected on his face.

After negotiating for a short period of time, relying on his three-inch golden tongue, he licked Jian Douluo in place, and he took off with pleasure.

So he won a lot of money for Shrek, Jian Douluo was very optimistic about him, and invested a large amount of gold soul coins for construction.

At this time, the outside door opened, and two young men, a man and a woman, came out.

Men are modest and gentle, girls are well-behaved and beautiful.

At first glance, the old man Chen Xin froze in place, he thought he saw a fake Ning Rongrong.

It wasn't until the girl Yingying Yanyan ran over, hugged him and acted like a baby, and said "Grandpa Jian", then he felt something.

I almost couldn't fix him!

"Rongrong has changed so much!"

The old man sighed with disbelief in his eyes.

Flender narrowed his eyes, smiled and said nothing.

Ning Rongrong looked at Grandpa Jian, and felt that her backer had returned, and she felt that there was another village, and she could shine with confidence again.

At this time, she saw her brother squinting over, and finally lowered her proud head again.

"Grandpa Jian, Rongrong has grown up."

she said nicely.

"Okay, okay!" Chen Xin was a little relieved, when Ning Fengzhi asked to send his sweetheart to this school that he had never heard of, he still refused.

Now seeing the change of Miss, he is very satisfied.

And Flender speaks nicely, everyone in it is talented, no wonder Miss likes it here.

Jian Douluo was relieved, he reluctantly let go of Ning Rongrong, and after asking Flender to take her out, only he and Ning Junyi were left in the room.


"En." Ning Junyi nodded, waved his hand, and a sound-proof pattern appeared from the room.

"How?" he asked.

"The old man has been promoted to level 98." Chen Xin was a little excited, and rubbed her hands in embarrassment, "Master, what is the lower part of the sword scripture?"

"There is no lower part." Ning Junyi glanced at him and said slowly.

"What!" Chen Xin looked disappointed.

He turned to ask: "Then... how can I advance to the first rank?"

His arm was a little weak and trembling, Jian Douluo's heart hung up.

"Your sword is transcendent, so it's like drinking tea and water." Ning Junyi smiled gently, "Take the path of Wuhun, and the peak of the second rank in your life is the end. Limit Douluo, the limit is human The limit is also the limit of the sword!"

"Obviously, your sword has not reached its limit..."

Chen Xin was silent, thoughtful.

"Now I have a chance." Ning Junyi raised his head and looked out the window, feeling unpredictable.

Chen Xin raised his head suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Please tell me, Master!"

"Accompany me to Twilight City."

(End of this chapter)

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