Reasoning diagnosis: Big brother, your wife has been prescribed medicine!

Chapter 230 Fake illness in order not to go to school?

Of course, if you don't do EEG or EEG can't show any abnormal EEG activity.

According to my uncle's history of cerebral infarction, it can also be clearly diagnosed as secondary epilepsy. Whether to take medicine or not depends entirely on the frequency of seizures.

It can be said that Lin Yi has explained all the causes of the uncle's illness very clearly.

But the aunt was still worried, so she took this opportunity to follow Lin Yi to the consultation room and asked him to give the uncle a checkup.

At their age, health is the most important thing.

The aunt doesn't want her husband to suffer from other diseases at all.

Lin Yi prescribes relevant examinations for the uncle, and the aunt leads him to do it.

Seeing the aunt gently supporting the uncle to do the examination, Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion in his heart.

After Lin Yi returned to the consulting room.

A man in his thirties with a flat head bent over, clutching his stomach, walked in with a painful expression.

There were beads of sweat on the man's forehead, and the muscles on his face were twitching involuntarily.

He even gritted his teeth, clutching his upper abdomen tightly, and barely stepped into the consulting room.

Obviously, it was all caused by his abdominal pain.

Judging from his performance, his abdominal pain was much more painful than the chest pain of the broken rib just now.

The man sat down on the stool, breathed out, and said intermittently: "Doctor, my stomach hurts like hell, please give me a painkiller."


Lin Yi categorically refused.

Judging from the man's performance, it was obviously severe abdominal pain caused by acute abdomen.

It is impossible to prescribe painkillers when you come up.

All patients with acute abdomen are not allowed to prescribe painkillers for pain relief without a clear and specific diagnosis.

Even if the patient is dying of pain, the doctor cannot prescribe painkillers.

If there is no clear diagnosis, it is a violation of the principle to use painkillers to relieve the pain of the patient.

Because after the patient takes strong painkillers, the abdominal pain will be significantly relieved or painless

Then it will cover up the real cause of abdominal pain, thus delaying treatment.

Serious ones will cause incalculable consequences.

So Lin Yi refused the man's request without thinking about it.

Looking at the man's incomprehensible expression, Lin Yi explained: "In your situation, you must not take painkillers as soon as you come up, or else the painkillers will cover up your illness after they take effect.

This will affect the judgment of your disease, so we must first figure out what kind of disease you are before we can treat you according to the cause. "

Now that he came to the hospital, the man still chose to trust the doctor.

So he endured the severe pain in his abdomen and said slowly:
"Last night, I had a barbecue with some friends and drank a lot of beer. After going back to rest at night, my stomach started to hurt a little at night."

"But I didn't care. I thought I had a bad stomach, and I took some medicine for diarrhea, but I didn't have diarrhea in the second half of the night. This morning, my stomach hurts more and more, so I came here quickly It's the hospital."

Lin Yi thought about the patient's symptoms.

After drinking alcohol and eating barbecue, I developed epigastric pain, and the pain was severe, but there was no diarrhea.

Acute gastritis?Or acute cholecystitis?

Then Lin Yi asked again: "Have you had any medical history before?"

The man thought for a moment and immediately said:

"I used to have gallstones, and the stones were relatively small. I also saw a doctor and said to observe temporarily. I didn't care about it. It has been two years."

I have a history of gallstones, and after drinking and eating greasy food, I have severe pain in the upper abdomen.

In Lin Yi's mind, he already had a rough judgment on the man's illness.

Then Lin Yi asked the man some other details and gave him a physical examination.

It was found that there was abdominal tenderness in his right upper quadrant and left upper quadrant.

And the right upper quadrant Murphy's sign was positive.

Obviously this man has gallstones, and acute cholecystitis was induced after eating greasy food.

And do not rule out the possibility of biliary pancreatitis.

Lin Yi was on the computer preparing to give him an inspection list, but stopped after thinking for a while.

Then he said to the man:
"In your case, I consider gallstones to induce acute cholecystitis, and the possibility of acute pancreatitis is not ruled out.

Either of these diseases requires hospitalization.I suggest that you should go through the hospitalization procedure directly, and then check after the hospitalization procedure.If you have an outpatient examination, the cost of medical insurance will not be reimbursed. "

The man nodded repeatedly.

"Doctor, please go through the formalities for me. I am here today to prepare for the hospitalization."

Lin Yi asked Song Borui to come over and go through the relevant procedures for him, and then arranged for him to go to the general ward.

Song Borui and Lin Yi checked him again in the general ward, and then issued a checklist.

After more than an hour, all the man's inspection reports came out, and Song Borui found Lin Yi.

"Lin Yi's patient is gallstones, acute cholecystitis and acute pancreatitis."

Sure enough, it was exactly the same disease as Lin Yi was considering.

This man had acute cholecystitis induced by dietary problems, but patients with gallstones can easily induce acute pancreatitis.

Once pancreatitis occurs once, it is easy to induce it again if you do not pay attention to diet in the future.

And this man was caused by gallbladder stones. To eradicate the cause of the disease, the gallbladder must be removed.

Song Borui said to Lin Yi:

"I have explained the condition to the patient very clearly. After the acute pancreatitis is under control, we will perform cholecystectomy on him in our department."

Lin Yi nodded.

But this patient needs a cholecystectomy in a week.

Because acute pancreatitis wants to be completely controlled, it takes at least a week.

Lin Yi assigned this name to Song Borui.

After a while, a couple walked in with a little boy,

The little boy was about ten years old, and he was in elementary school, but today was not a weekend, so he came to the hospital to see a doctor.

After understanding, Lin Yi knew that this little boy always said that his stomach hurts, and he couldn't concentrate on going to school because of the pain.

What her parents meant was that the child was pretending to be sick in order not to go to school.

But the child kept saying that his stomach hurts, and as a parent, he had to take him to the hospital for treatment.

The main reason is to let Lin Yi check the child to see if he is sick or not, and if he is lying.

Lin Yi said to Wang Qiaoya next to him:

"Get him a D-dimer lactate and amylase test!"

Wang Qiaoya didn't understand why Lin Yi checked these two things for the little boy.

But it was inconvenient for her to ask questions in front of her family members.

Therefore, after checking on the computer, the family members were asked to take the little boy to check.

After the three of them walked away, Wang Qiaoya asked:
"Brother Yi, why did you check these two things for the little boy just now? I don't understand. Didn't you suspect him..."

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