Elf Mechanic

Chapter 100 Together with Sirona... (1 7)

Chapter 100 With Sirona... (7 813)

Thick golden wavy long hair casually draped over the shoulders, a flower-like oval face as crystal clear as jade, snowy skin as crystal clear as snow jade, and a graceful, slender figure, elegant and elegant.

Sure enough, she was just like the one on TV, she was a super beauty.

"Doctor, you are finally back."

Assistant Xia Tian stood up from the sofa overjoyed to see Dr. Yamanashi returning to the research institute.

"Well, Xia Tian has troubled you recently." Dr. Yamanashi said in a low tone, then bypassed Researcher Xia and walked in front of Ye Sheng, and said, "Are you the new researcher introduced by Dr. Oda Scroll?"

Ye Sheng quickly stood up and bowed slightly to show his respect.

"Yes, Dr. Yamanashi. My name is Ye Sheng. I'm a sophomore at Jiangnan University in Hanxia District. I'm currently the assistant of Dr. Oda Scroll."

"Dr. Odawaki's assistant already in his sophomore year? So amazing."

Researcher Xia Tian at the side looked surprised.At first, he thought that although Ye Sheng looked very young, no matter what, he should be a university graduate, but now he never expected that he was only a sophomore in school.

"Are you just a sophomore in school and already Dr. Odaroll's assistant? It seems that you must have special talents, and the young people are becoming more and more powerful now." Dr. Yamanashi's original serious expression gradually unfolded shallow smiling face.

Ye Sheng smiled politely and nodded, "It's actually good luck. When Dr. Oda Maki was giving an open class at Jiangnan University, I happened to discuss the mythical history of the Fengyuan area with him."

"Dr. Odaroll was very satisfied with my performance. Afterwards, he invited me to visit his laboratory, and then passed the elf researcher's exam easily, so I became Dr. Odaroll's research assistant logically."

The mythical history of the Hoenen region?
When hearing these words, the blonde beauty behind Dr. Yamanashi was slightly moved.

Ye Sheng knew her background well, and knew that she was very interested in the mythology and history of the Sinnoh region, as well as the history and culture of other regions.

"Very good. I have made such an achievement at such a young age. So this trip to the Sinnoh area is to explore the ecological research changes of the elves in the Sinnoh area, and pave the way for future researchers?" Dr. Yamanashi said.

Because Dr. Oda Maki's research topic is "Elf Ecology" culture, Dr. Yamanashi automatically defaulted that Ye Sheng wanted to engage in the change of the elf ecology in the Sinnoh region.

Ye Sheng didn't deny it at all.

"Yes, this time, I really want to study the ecological problems in the Sinnoh area, but it's not a problem of morphological changes due to different environments like the knot grass and the knot grass lady, nor is it the sea hare beast Xihai and the sea hare. The issue of morphological differences in the East China Sea due to geographical isolation. It is the latest evolution of Ibrahimovic that researchers all over the world are concerned about."

Ok? ? ?
When they heard that Ye Sheng wanted to study Ibrahimovic's latest evolutionary form, Dr. Yamanashi, Researcher Xia Tian and the blonde beauty all showed shocked expressions.

Obviously shocked by Ye Sheng's research topic.

Dr. Yamanashi reacted first, and asked with a serious expression:
"Want to study the latest evolution of Ibrahimovic? Could it be the seventh evolution form of Ibrahimovic, the evolution condition of the leaf elf, which has exploded recently?"

Ye Sheng shook his head, blinked his black eyes, showed a bright smile, and said: "No, regarding the evolution conditions of Ye Fairy, I believe that the attention of a large number of well-known researchers is less than a week. With time, it can be cracked experimentally.”

"If you want to participate at this time, it will be difficult to get a share of the pie. After all, so many researchers control the investigation environment of front-line materials. It is not so easy for me to intervene in the investigation in my capacity."

"When I came to the Sinnoh area this time, I specifically mentioned to Dr. Oda Maki that I want to study the eighth evolutionary form of Eevee!"

Eevee's eighth evolutionary form! ?

Dr. Yamanashi was greatly shocked. He didn't expect Dr. Oda Maki's newly recruited graduate student to be so vigorous. He had just obtained the elf graduate student qualification certificate, and he wanted to investigate the hottest topic in the elf research world! !
The blond beauty behind Dr. Yamanashi frowned slightly, walked in front of Ye Sheng, and asked slowly:
"Do you have any thoughts about Ibrahimovic's eighth evolutionary form?"

Sirona spoke, but felt that she was not particularly polite just now, so she showed a bright smile and introduced herself:

"Hello, my name is Sirona, I am from Shenhe Town, and I am very interested in the topic of history, culture and Ibrahimovic's new evolution."

"Hello, Sirona...Miss?"

Ye Sheng wanted to answer politely, but he didn't seem to know Sirona's age...

Emmmmm, anyway, she doesn't look like a college student, so there shouldn't be any problems with such a title.

Dr. Yamanashi smiled, and was particularly interested in the topic that Ye Sheng just raised, and continued to ask:

"Ye Sheng, how did you determine that Ibrahimovic will have an eighth form?"

Dr. Yamanashi believes that there is absolutely a basis for Ye Sheng to say these words so confidently. Whether this basis is provided by Dr. Odaroll or himself, Dr. Yamanashi wants to listen carefully.

Ye Sheng had already prepared. After organizing the language sequence in his mind, he said slowly:
"Dr. Yamanashi, I think so. Among all the current evolution forms of Ibrahimovic, the ones I am most interested in are the sun elves and moon elves of the super power system."

"Why are you so interested in these two elves? It can only be said that it is closely related to the research topic of me and Dr. Odaroll. Ibrahimovic evolved into a sun elf and a moon elf. According to the information provided by Qinglu researcher, it is necessary Two hard conditions."

"The first one is that Ibrahimovic and the trainer have reached a certain degree of intimacy."

"The second is about environmental ecology. Sun elves need Ibrahimovic to complete evolution during the day. What are the important ecological factors during the day? It must be the dazzling sunlight."

"Sunlight is non-biological matter and energy, and it is a component of the ecosystem. The light and heat provided by the sun may be that they have successfully stimulated the special genes in Ibrahimovic's body, and have reached the conditions for the evolution of life, light, heat, and energy of the sun elves. .”

"The second is the moon elf. The moon elf is an evolutionary form that Ibrahimovic needs to absorb the essence of the moon in the dark night. The moon is also a member of the blue star ecological environment, and together with the blue star, it forms the blue moon [2333] system , are closely related to the ecological environment and climate.”

"Whether it is the sun elves or the moon elves, they all change because of the difference in the two external ecological environments. The latest information shows that the leaf elves were found in the dense forests of the Sinnoh region."

"The dense forest is an important factor. The dense forest must hide the necessary factors and environmental conditions for the evolution of the leaf elves. Think of the pair of ecological change elves, the sun elves and the moon elves, but what is certain is that they borrowed factors from outside the blue star to change form."

"That leaf elf...could it have evolved because of the ecological environment inside Blue Star?"

"With the example of the pairing of the sun elves and the moon elves, will Ibrahimovic have a new form that can evolve through the internal ecological environment of Blue Star??"

"However, there are too many environmental factors inside Blue Star. Volcanoes, deserts, glaciers, oceans...there are too many. But volcanoes and oceans should be ruled out first. After all, there are already fire elves and water elves. It is impossible to give birth to any more volcano elves and sea elves."

"In addition, the desert is an important factor, but I don't have the relevant information at present. Is it possible for Ibrahimovic to evolve into an earth elf?"

"However, I have read the geographical environment data of the Sinnoh region. According to legend, there is a mysterious frozen cave field in Tianguan Mountain, the highest mountain in the Sinnoh region. The cold environment of the frozen cave field has formed many frozen stones that are not easy to melt. "

"The leaf elves were discovered in the dense forest of the Sinnoh area, so I guess, if the eighth form of Eevee is due to the change of the ecological environment, then this frozen cave domain... should be the most suitable environment."

"The above are the conclusions I have drawn from my personal reading of a large number of books and personal reasoning. As for more specific information, I am afraid that I can only conduct field investigations."

After listening to Ye Sheng's long speech, Dr. Yamanashi and Miss Sirona felt a burst of surprise.

"Are these reasonings all your personal level reasoning guesses? Did Dr. Odaroll assist you or something like that."

Dr. Yamanashi's tone was particularly surprised.

Ye Sheng laughed: "Not really, it's all purely my own guesswork. As for the doctor... Well, he has provided me with geography books related to the Shen'ao region, and there is no other assistance."

Guessing... What a guessing!

Dr. Yamanashi and Miss Sirona looked at each other, and both read a standard message from each other's eyes——

This Ye Sheng is not simple at all! !

In fact, this time Sirona came here from the alliance in the Sinnoh region to find Dr. Yamanashi, precisely because she saw the appearance of the leaf elves, and based on many relevant books, she speculated that Ibrahimovic might really have an eighth evolutionary form !
And it may also be related.

When meeting with Dr. Yamanashi in Zhensha Town, Sirona and Dr. Yamanashi had a brief chat about Ibrahimovic's new evolutionary form.

Surprisingly, Dr. Yamanashi and Sirona both coincided with each other. They both speculated that Ibrahimovic may have an eighth evolutionary form, and both pointed their targets at the ice and snow mountains in the Sinnoh area for the first time. ——Tianguan Mountain!

I just thought that only Sirona and Dr. Yamanashi knew about this matter, but I never expected that a sophomore student who came from the distant Hanxia area had also speculated...

Moreover, the general situation speculated is almost the same as the situation discussed by the two of them, and the overall direction is the same.

"I didn't expect that our thoughts would coincide with each other." Sirona didn't intend to hide anything anymore, she took out the red and white poke ball and opened it.

Glittering white, an appearance that appears to be based on a fox, with mostly brown fur throughout, with cream-colored hair around the neck and shaggy tail.

Ibrahimovic, general type, evolution elf.With unbalanced and unstable genetics, it is very easy to evolve into different types of elves due to differences in the surrounding environment!

"Bui Bui~~"

Ibrahimovic, who came out of the poke ball, stretched, and then slowly jumped onto Sirona's shoulder.

Sirona smiled and said:

"The latest evolution of Ibrahimovic's ice and snow is the topic of my discussion with the doctor this time, but I didn't expect someone other than me and the doctor to have already speculated it. The most surprising thing is...he is still a trainee researcher. .”

There was a flash of admiration for Ye Sheng in Sirona's eyes.

At Ye Sheng's age, she does not have such research ability.

Dr. Yamanashi nodded approvingly.

I finally understood why Dr. Oda Maki suddenly picked a student who was only a sophomore to be a researcher assistant. If it was him, he would invite him right away! !

"Thank you Miss Sirona and Dr. Yamanashi for your recognition, I am very happy."

Ye Sheng smiled in satisfaction, then looked curiously at Ibrahimovic on Sirona's shoulder.

In Ye Sheng's impression, the elves in the second echelon of Miss Sirona, the champion trainer in the Sinnoh area, have the figure of the new snow elves, the ice elves.

Since the ice elves have not been discovered in this era, Sirona's "ice elves" are still in the form of Ibrahimovic.

"Bui Bui~~"

Because Ye Sheng got closer to Ibrahimovic, Ibrahimovic sniffed his sensitive nose and smelled a special fragrance from Ye Sheng, so he looked at Ye Sheng with watery eyes.

Ye Sheng froze for a moment, then thought of something, took out a pink energy cube from his pocket, and handed it to Ibrahimovic.

"Bui Bui~~"

Ibrahimovic looked curiously at the pink energy cube in Ye Sheng's hand.

Such things are very common in Ibrahimovic's view, because they can be eaten almost every day, even more nutritious and delicious than energy cubes.

But Ye Sheng's energy cube brought many different feelings to Ibrahimovic, and the sweet smell continued to smell. After getting Sirona's consent, Ibrahimovic took over the energy cube 2.0 prepared by Ye Sheng, He opened his mouth and enjoyed it.

The energy cube melted in the mouth, and the rich and sweet feeling instantly exploded Ibrahimovic's taste buds. Ibrahimovic was overjoyed, and his black eyes curved into moon shapes of satisfaction.

I have never eaten an energy cube with such a taste, and after eating it, I can feel the energy in the body slowly and continuously rising.

Ibrahimovic is very happy.

Sirona was also surprised. There were a lot of energy cubes at home, and Ibrahimovic dismissed them all, but he was so interested in the energy cubes provided by Ye Sheng?

Why is this?

Could it be that the method of production is different?

Using an energy cube, Ye Sheng and Ibrahimovic became good friends. Seeing such a scene, Dr. Yamanashi first smiled in satisfaction, then thought of something, and suggested:
"Sirona, on the way here, you asked someone to accompany you to Tianguan Mountain to do research on the evolution of Ibrahimovic's ice and snow, right? In the next few days, I will have a joint research meeting with Dr. Oki from the Kanto area. I have to go to the appointment, so I may not be able to accompany you."

"But I have a new candidate here. If Ye Sheng doesn't mind, why don't you try to go to Tianguan Mountain with him to study Ibrahimovic's new evolutionary form?"



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(End of this chapter)

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