The glory of Kyoto wings

294 Chapter 294. I can't spare to protect you

294 Chapter 294. I can't spare to protect you

Human feelings and relationships are intricate, things that cannot be expressed clearly in words, and it is precisely the existence of these things that make it impossible for people to be completely rational.

For Shengzi Shengu, he saw the responsibility and personal charm of a patriarch and elder sister.

There is no doubt that she is very good, even if she is labeled as a widow, her personal charm cannot be weakened in the slightest, but it has increased.

No matter in which era, a person who is able to think about others and ignore himself will make others feel a kind of admiration spontaneously in their hearts. Appreciation of the Son.

Even if the trip to Tokyo was only for three days, he still had the opportunity to provoke the other party, but he didn't do it because he was not a slave to the simulator.

It is also out of this kind of admiration that he cares more about Shengzi Shengu. Of course, this does not mean that he is willing to trade or other means, just like Mizusawa Xiaye proposed, leaving behind the blood of the Shengu family. , This is beyond his principles of life.

What's more, the other party didn't have the will.

Yuan Laiguang walked to the door of Ranting Pavilion, entered the electronic code skillfully, then restrained his mixed thoughts, and walked through the pool and willow forest in the vestibule.

He just walked to the front of the villa, and saw the master squatting in front of the sofa through the glass on the first floor.

She likes this posture very much, squatting between the sofa and the coffee table, and then leaning against the soft sofa with her back, like a very obedient puppy after training, Yuan Laiguang would not care about it in the past, but now Liangying Tianhai seems to be a little different.

The shooting incident during the day was a fantasy for a young girl who had never stepped out of the ivory tower, and the impact was too great.

Moreover, Minamoto Raimitsu already knew that Liangying Tianhai belonged to the kind of aggressive girl, so even if she showed fear with snot and tears in the car during the day, he was not surprised or impatient at all.

It stands to reason that after experiencing such a frightening thing, it should feel like the rest of your life.

Before he was taken to Kamiya's house by Mizusawa Xiaye's subordinates, he also saw Liangying Tianhai in a listless state, especially as if he had been stimulated, and maybe it would leave a shadow of torment for the rest of his life.

He had already thought about the worst possible leave, and planned to take her to the hospital for an examination tomorrow, and then find a psychiatrist for counseling, trying to calm her emotions.

But through the clean glass that was wiped by the housekeeping staff, Minamoto Raimitsu saw Liangying Tianhai put his mobile phone on the coffee table, as if he was playing a video with someone, with an excited appearance of dancing with his hands and feet.

Minamoto Raikou looked surprised, after a little thought, he quietly opened the door, and immediately heard a cry.


Liangying Tianhai slapped her thigh, her delicate face was full of excitement, and said triumphantly to the phone screen: "A Teng! I didn't brag with you today, I have experienced all these things myself."

It seems that he thought of something happy, even though he was wearing shorts after taking a shower, he didn't feel any pain when he patted a red mark on his fair thigh.

Perhaps because she felt thirsty after talking for too long, she grabbed a grape from the tray on the coffee table and put it into her mouth.

The fresh and juicy grapes exploded, and Liang Ying Tianhai's face showed a look of satisfaction, but she became more motivated when she saw the puzzled expression of Saki Hatsu Koto on the screen.

"Although you will be shocked to hear it, and you may think I am lying, I promise it is true."

"Absolutely not even a trace of moisture!"

"You don't know! Senior and I came out of Ueno Zoo this morning, on our way back to Kyoto, do you know what happened?"

On the screen of the mobile phone, Saki Hatsu Koto seemed to be cleaning the pots and dishes, put the mobile phone on the counter, and whispered with a dazed face: "What happened?"

Seeing her puzzled look and eager eyes, Liangying Tianhai didn't answer immediately.

Instead, he raised his hand and patted his leg.

In the end, Hong Xi's fresh and tender face showed an unfathomable expression, and she slapped her thigh hard a few times, and shouted loudly.

"A shootout!"

"A shootout?"

On the opposite side, Saki Hatsu Koto was stunned.

The movements of the hands stopped.

A trace of tangle flashed across the delicate little face, as if confirming the difference between this shootout and his own cognition.

But some people don't care what she thinks.

"That's right!" Liangying Tianhai slapped his thigh with an excited expression: "At that time, there were two cars in the front and two cars in the back, shooting guns, that scene was amazing!"

"Then, Guang Tianhai, are you injured?"

Saki Hatsu Koto didn't turn his head around, and subconsciously asked this sentence on the opposite side of the phone screen.

Originally, she wanted to ask Minamoto Raimitsu.

But after going back to her hometown for the past few days, Grandma Qingshui has taught her hand in hand, she has become more understanding of the world than before, at least she knows that she should ask Liangying Tianhai first.

"How is it possible!" Liangying Tianhai stared, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "At that time, I joined hands with seniors and beat those guys to pieces with a bazooka!"

When she said this, she even gestured with her hands, imitating Yong Shanying's appearance at that time, and put the cup that was not filled with water in front of her hand on her right neck.

While fighting, he explained how Minamoto Raimitsu reloaded her and how she aimed it.

It can be said that the movements are indeed the same, but the characters have been changed. Minamoto Laiguang is a little strange. At that time, the master got into the bottom of the car because he was scared. I didn't expect that she was still in the mood to watch them fight back against the enemy.

"Fire bazooka?"

Saki Hatsu Koto couldn't help opening his mouth when he heard the words.

I feel that what Tianhai said is too exaggerated.

Is something like a rocket launcher really the kind of thing in the movie I imagined?

"That's right, it's the long, thick-looking thing that can be launched in the movie."

Liangying Tianhai smiled and gestured.

Whether it was the bazooka or the robbery on the way back, it made Sakatsu Koto feel unreal. People who have never experienced it would feel more like watching a movie when they heard this, without much feeling.

She even wanted to hang up the video and make a phone call with Minamoto Raimiko, but in the end, reason prevailed, and the logic of normal people quickly came out.

If Minamoto Raikou had something to do, Hai would definitely not be sitting here and playing video with herself that day, and since even Tianhai was fine, then Guang-jun must be safe, but she still felt a little terrified.

Saki Hatsu Koto hesitated for a while before asking, "Why do you have that thing?"

Liangying Tianhai smiled, and said as a matter of course: "Senior! I don't know where he got it, but I did it myself. Let me tell you, A Teng, although I and senior joined hands to get them today. I ran away, but the scene is really too dangerous, fortunately you didn't come to Tokyo suddenly to find senior, otherwise I wouldn't be able to spare to protect you!"

Her tone was so natural that even Saki Hatsu Koto believed it, no matter from the expression or the movement, it seemed to be flawless, but she still felt something weird.

And seeing the excited look on Liangying Tianhai's face, she felt a sense of urgency in her heart.

The emergence of this sense of urgency magnified infinitely in just a few seconds, making her feel restless, so that Tianhai didn't care about the rest of her ramblings.

Saki Hatsu Koto, who was washing the dishes, was a little dazed.

No matter what the process is, there is one thing she believes that Tianhai will not lie to her, that is, Guangjun and Tianhai must have been robbed and killed by others.

She didn't know how serious the situation was.

But she only knew that after going through such a thing, Guangjun and Tianhai were life and death friends.

People who have experienced danger together.

Even if Tianhai told a lie, which was not as exaggerated as what she just said, this experience was enough to make Sakatsu Koteng secretly anxious and even jealous.

But this jealousy quickly dissipated.

Because what follows is a sense of powerlessness all over the body.

From the acquaintance to the acquaintance, and then to the definite love in the true sense, Saki Hatsu Koteng looked back and counted, as if she didn't help him.

On the contrary, Guangjun has been helping him.

Whether it is helping grandma to treat illnesses or solving her own life problems, she is immersed in a sense of preference and comfort that she has never felt before.

Especially recognition in the sense of communication.

Let Saki Hatsu Koteng once feel that she will not be driven away, but now she has a sense of panic.

There is only demand and no return.

Even love can't be so great.

After this brief moment of stupefaction, Saki Hatsu Koto let go of his hand, and the porcelain bowl he was holding in his hand fell to the ground, and it fell to pieces on the spot.

"What's the matter? Did you break the bowl while washing the dishes? Why are you so careless, kid?"

There was a sudden shattering sound of porcelain bowls.

Grandma Shimizu, who was sitting in the main room watching a funny variety show, was startled in an instant, and stood up in an instant.

He hurried to the kitchen and glanced at the ground.

The white-haired Grandma Shimizu complained about Saki Hatsu Koto's ignorance, but bent her stooped body to pick up the big pieces of her footsteps.

But after picking up these fragments that may be stepped on by Saki Hatsu Koto, Grandma Shimizu's expression changed slightly.

Because after straightening up her waist, she saw her grandson in a trance, which could even be described as downcast, which shocked her.

"What's wrong with you kid? Is something wrong? Come and sit down in the living room and tell grandma."

Grandma Shimizu was frightened, and hurriedly supported Saki Hatsukoteng's limp body and walked into the main room. She kept asking, but the latter remained silent.

But compared with the grandparent and grandson who are in chaos.

Liangying Tianhai, who was still on the phone screen behind the counter, was confused by this situation.

We didn't have a good chat just now.

Why was Ateng taken away suddenly.

But it didn't look like a sudden illness, Liangying Tianhai frowned, and called a few words softly towards the phone screen but got no response. She probably won't be back in a short time, so she hung up resentfully.

"What happened to Xiaoteng just now?"

Minamoto Raimiko's voice sounded from behind, and Liang Ying Tianhai almost bit off his tongue in fright.

"Ah! Senior!"

Liangying Tianhai turned his head to look at Yuan Laiguang with a dignified expression, his face was stunned, he didn't know where to put his wet hands that had just grabbed the grapes, he suddenly remembered what he had just said, and couldn't help stammering for a while Asked: "You, when did you come back?"

"Just came back." Yuan Laiguang glanced at the mobile phone placed on the table that had automatically turned off, recalled the scene just now, turned his head and asked, "What's wrong with Xiaoteng?"

Hearing that Minamoto Larimitsu didn't ask about what she just said, she swallowed her heart.

Thinking of her self-satisfaction just now, and her justifiable taking credit for other people's achievements, if the senior really found out, she might be able to get into the cracks in the ground immediately.

"I don't know." Liangying Tianhai was also very confused at the moment, and replied truthfully: "We were playing a video just now, and A Teng seemed to drop the bowl in his hand while talking, and then her grandma put She pulled away."

"I'll call and ask later."

Minamoto Raimiko frowned and pondered for a while, and looked at her with a relaxed expression: "You are much better now."

"I, um, I'm fine."

Liangying Tianhai's expression was a little unnatural.

Seeing this, Minamoto Larimitsu understood why, but now he didn't have the heart to talk about those trivial things. After hesitating for a moment, he ordered: "At this point, if you are hungry again, order a takeaway, and you should rest early today."

"Yeah." Liangying Tianhai nodded hastily.

"I'm going to make a phone call." Minamoto Laiguang felt relieved when she saw this, and she knew that she had completely recovered from her fluttering eyebrows just now.

However, he just took out his mobile phone, and when he was about to dial a number, Liangying Tianhai stopped him again.


Minamoto Raikou turned his head while holding the phone.

"what happened?"

Liangying Tianhai's eyes dodged, and he held back for a long time before asking cautiously: "Aren't you going out today?"

"Take a break after the phone call."

"Sister Shengzi and Mrs. Mizusawa won't come?"

"They have their own home, how could they come here at this point, and we just met."

"What about the imperial medicine bag?" Liangying Tianhai continued to ask worriedly: "She won't come back in the middle of the night, will she?"

"She still has to study in Tokyo for a while."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Liangying Tianhai patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

Minamoto Raimiko frowned, looked at her who was behaving strangely and asked in doubt: "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"Ah? No, it's okay. You should go and call Ateng first. I, I'll go to heat up the dishes."

Liangying Tianhai was stunned for a moment, then his eyes shifted and he didn't dare to look at him, and he couldn't even sit still in the end, so he stood up, wiped his hands and hurriedly pushed him away.

Minamoto Raikou had an inexplicable expression on his face.

"Are there any leftovers in the kitchen?"

".have it"

"If the leftovers don't suit your taste, don't eat them. It doesn't cost much to order takeout. I'll pay later."

"Oh! Don't ask me, go!"

Minamoto Raimitsu, who was pushed away, went to make a call, and Grandma Shimizu answered the call. In the conversation, he first said that Saki Hatsu Koto was fine, and then he began to care again.

After getting an affirmative answer, although I still have doubts in my heart, I am much more relieved than before.

It's just that after Minamoto Raimiko returned to the villa after making a phone call from the vestibule, he found Liang Ying Tianhai's chest heaving violently, running in circles in Nuo Da's living room. This scene seemed a little familiar to him.

Minamoto Raimiko held the mobile phone in his hand, looked at her in surprise and asked, "Are you exercising before meals?"

"I, I'm giving you hot food, do you want to eat?"

Seeing him coming back, Liangying Tianhai stopped panting, wiped off the sweat sticking to her temples with her fingers, and said in a low voice with a blushing face.

Not only was she running in the living room, but because the heating was on, her clothes were also cool.

Crystal beads of sweat ran across the neck of the goose from the forehead, then flowed down the smooth skin like milk, and finally flowed into the gully above the pure white round neck and short sleeves.

(End of this chapter)

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