Chapter 11 Add to Top

There is a well-known theory in management, called the barrel theory, also known as the short board effect.

It is said that the capacity of a wooden barrel depends on the shortest board, so if a bucket wants to hold enough water, the short board must be filled.

Extending to society and individuals, that is to say, if a society or an individual wants to achieve enough achievements, they must make up for their own shortcomings.

Xu Qing once believed in this theory and regarded it as a standard.

But after participating in social labor, Xu Qing discovered that the barrel theory may be applicable to an organization and even society.

But it is not a realistic theory for a person who wants to be successful.

First of all, we have to admit that as long as we are human, we are doomed to have flaws and shortcomings.

No one is perfect, not even a saint.

Therefore, most of the people in this world who can stand out often do not lie in whether they have short boards, but whether they have long boards.

That is to say, whether the wooden barrel of a person has a particularly outstanding advantage that others do not have is the most important thing.

With this advantage, even if he is not as good as others in other places, he can rely on this advantage to succeed.

For example, in Capital University on Earth, there is a fairy named Wei Shen. If Wei Shen’s various abilities are described by a wooden barrel, the board that belongs to mathematics is ridiculously long. In many ways, it may really be inferior to an ordinary person.

But can ordinary people compare to Wei Shen?
Not comparable.

Therefore, Xu Qing later realized another truth. If a person can have an extremely prominent point, he is more likely to succeed than someone who has no obvious shortcomings but no obvious strengths.

Because of this, Xu Qing made a bold decision.

He directly used 3 face value cards on Yang Tutu, and directly increased the face value, which was originally rated at 85, to 100.

Xu Qing believes that even if Yang Tutu is turned into a vase by others, he must make the most beautiful vase. Since he wants to increase his appearance, he must add it to the top.

A score of 100, according to the system, is already the pinnacle of type appearance. What is type appearance is cute, thick, glamorous, etc.

Therefore, a score of 100 does not mean that this person is already the most beautiful in the world, but that she is the pinnacle of her own type, and she is a beauty in a broad sense that meets the aesthetics of most people. Even if someone does not like this type of face, it cannot be denied She is good looking.

Yang Tutu originally had a modeled anime face, but after using the facial value card, he could foresee how delicate his face would be in the future.

Using this face value card on other people can't achieve Yang Tutu's effect. Using it for Hu Xin and finally getting a face value of 75 points, does it make sense?

It may be meaningful to Hu Xin, but it doesn't make any sense to Xu Qing now. If she gets an item like a face value card in the future, it's just to make up for Hu Xin.

Xu Qing now needs to let the artists under him have a long board that others can't reach.

With a burst of light effects, the face value card was directly used on the Yang Tutu information page of the artist section of the system.

So Yang Tutu's appearance information became [85+15 (completed in 21 days)]

Time flies like water, and two weeks passed in the blink of an eye, and the recording of Chuangtuan 101 finally started.

The initial recording process was not complicated. Tengyu built a recording studio in the film and television base in the suburbs of Nanpei, and at the same time renovated an apartment nearby as a training and accommodation place for trainees.

Sixi Wanzi was escorted by Xu Qing to the recording studio of the Chuangtuan, where they were going to record the first stage. After being graded and divided into classes, they would be sent by bus to a nearby apartment building and dormitory for about three months. Closed recording.

The recording time was very early, they got up at 5 in the morning to put on makeup, and they had already arrived at the recording studio to report at 7 o'clock.

The reason for this rush is simple, there are too many people, and the program team needs to finish recording the first stage and dormitory scenes within one day.

The workload is heavy and the time is short, so it is natural that the sooner the better.

They are early does not mean that others will be early.

At least, the star mentor group of the founding group, it's past 9 o'clock, and they haven't arrived yet.

Sixi Maruko sat in the waiting area and almost fell asleep.

At this time, Xu Qing was also sitting with a bunch of managers in the manager's rest area not far away, yawning constantly. For the first recording, they could stay at the scene to watch the performance of their own artists. Apart from the performance and elimination, , other times they can't see the artists.

"Brother, which company do you belong to?" Perhaps because the waiting was really boring, a colorful man with colorful hair and colorful clothes next to him asked Xu Qing with a shoulder bump.

Xu Qing looked at this flower-green man and wondered if he had to change his look, this man looked more like a person in the entertainment industry than himself from the outside.

Thinking this way in my heart, I replied naturally: "Xingtang Culture is a small company, you probably haven't heard of it, how about you, where did you get a job?"

"Hey, if you're tall or not, you'll just make a living at Huaqing Entertainment." Although the flower-green man said that he was making a living, the pride on his face was not even half hidden.

"Hey, big company, what's your brother's name?" Xu Qing raised his eyebrows when he heard about this brother's company, and then began to approach him.

Huaqing Entertainment is indeed a big company. Many large-scale film and television productions in Huaguo are produced and invested by this company.

Many film and television celebrities are artists under this company.

"Zhang Lei, but everyone calls me Tony, how about you?" the flower green man said and handed over a business card.

Xu Qing took the business card with both hands, and then took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over. The business card may be eliminated in other fields of work, but it is still a must-have in the entertainment industry.

"Little brother Xu Qing, let's call him Qing Zi." Xu Qing looked very polite, this is his habit all along, when others show no malice towards him, he will always be kind to others.

People can't be dragged like [-] to [-] for no reason, and only by talking about a little loss can they actually gain benefits.

"Your name sounds quite cultured." Tony, the green man, seemed very enthusiastic.

"No, no, what kind of culture is this? By the way, Brother Tony, don't you Huaqing usually make a fortune in the film and television sector? Why do you also participate in this kind of girl group program? Isn't this too embarrassing for Tengyu?"

"Hey, didn't the company say that the idol economy might be booming in the future, so they arranged for people to come and try it out, and we'll see if it works." Tony said casually.

Xu Qing also sensed something from these words, so he continued to ask along the topic: "How many people did you send here?"

"Here, that one was sent." Tony pouted his mouth not far away, motioning Xu Qing to look over.

Xu Qing looked over following Tony's guidance, and saw a girl with outstanding temperament and good looks sitting there quietly, with no one else around.

"How about you, how many people are here?" Tony asked Xu Qing casually.

Xu Qing pointed at the Sixi balls and said with a smile, "Those four belong to our company."

Tony glanced at Xu Qing's hand, and after a few glances, he suddenly said, "Brother, the girls in your company are pretty pretty."

"Where is it, it is far worse than your company's."

"Don't be modest, as far as that girl looks, none of the newcomers in our company can compare." Tony pointed his finger at Yang Tutu.

Xu Qing looked at Yang Tutu, and Yang Tutu's message appeared in front of his eyes.

The other information has not changed, but the item of appearance is very prominent [face value: 95 (7 after 100 days)]

"She is indeed the most beautiful in our company, Brother Tony, look, why don't we introduce them to people in your company before the recording starts?"

"It's okay, it's okay, there is still a support for the show." Tony laughed immediately after saying this, as if he had been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

Seeing Tony smiling, Xu Qing laughed too.

At the same time, I thought in my heart that there are no bad people in any circle.

 Brothers, this book is a little different from ordinary entertainment articles. In addition to the story in front of the stage, the behind-the-scenes game is also the main content. After all, it is written with the agent as the protagonist, so the story may be a bit different compared to other entertainment articles. slow heat.

  It will not happen that through a song or something, the whole country becomes popular, and then becomes famous all over the world. Even if there is a system, this is not realistic, right?

  However, art comes from life. In terms of the arrangement and development of the story, there are definitely ups and downs. Don’t worry, everyone. Finally, brothers who are watching, you can refresh the new chapter every day. It’s okay if you don’t watch it now.

  Refreshing chapters is to increase the amount of follow-up reading, which is very important for a new book, and it is related to the arrangement of recommendations.

  Thanks for the bacon here.


(End of this chapter)

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