Chapter 130
It will be the day of Long Chenyu's tenth birthday soon, and it is ridiculous to say that Long Chenyu's tenth birthday just happens to be New Year's Eve.

It has been snowing all night outside the house, a thick layer of snow has been spread on the ground, it is still early, Bai Mu is wearing a red short jacket with two little jiu jiu tied up, and tiptoely pushes the door out.

Seeing the scenery outside, he opened his mouth as if he had never seen the world, and murmured softly: "So this is the snow that A Yu said, so beautiful."

But Bai Mu didn't forget what day it was today, she was the little flower fairy who had to get up early in the morning to cook longevity noodles for A Yu.

There is indeed a small kitchen in the cold palace, but it is not used often, it has become dilapidated, and there are cobwebs everywhere.

A few days ago, Bai Mu planned to cook longevity noodles for Long Chenyu, so he secretly cleaned the inside, at least it didn't look as dirty as before.

Bai Mu walked out cautiously, every step he took, his little feet sank in, leaving cute little footprints one after another on the snow.

Soon she arrived at the small kitchen, pushed open the creaking broken wooden door, and the noodles and eggs she stole from the imperial dining room yesterday were still on the table.

How do you cook the noodles?

Bai Mu scratched her little head, she suddenly found a serious problem, it seemed that she might not know how to cook noodles at all.

This is how to do ah?

A certain group felt that their owner was hopelessly stupid, yawned, and threw a mobile phone from the sky, directly smashing a hole in the roof of the small kitchen.

The mobile phone happened to be playing a video of cooking noodles. Bai Mu looked at the small box with changing patterns, opened his mouth wide, and his eyes showed confusion.

Could it be that some god heard my heart, so he threw down this small box?
The video ended soon, and just after the broadcast, the phone disappeared, which made Bai Mu more sure that there must be a super powerful god helping him.

Tuan Super Powerful Tuan looked at her stupid and cute master, and smiled with relief. Although Tuan Tuan is not by the master's side, Tuantuan will always pay attention to the master.

A certain group's heart: Maybe the villain's blackening value will drop after eating the longevity noodles cooked by the owner himself.

However, when Bai Mu started to practice, he realized how difficult it was.

She was too short to reach the top, so she had to move a small chair to barely see the cauldron.

Add water, wait for the water to boil, add noodles, smash eggs.

A certain silly little flower fairy has very simple thoughts in her heart, but the boiled noodles have three forms.

One is that they are all glued together, the other is that they are not cooked through, and the other is that they are all broken.

Bai Mu, who was in a hurry, didn't notice that there was a person standing at the door, looking at her with red eyes.

"Huh—" Bai Mu put all the noodles in the cauldron into a big bowl, and muttered, "Ah Yu won't have diarrhea after eating it."

"Mu Mu..."

Ayu's voice!
Bai Mu turned his head, ran over quickly, and fell into his arms all at once, "Ayu, Ayu, happy birthday!"

"Thank you..." Long Chenyu bent down and hugged her, tears slowly flowed out, soaking a large part of her clothes.

Today was supposed to be a happy day for the whole family, but no one remembered himself, no, there was still one, a silly little fairy.

"Ayu, you can't cry anymore, you can't cry today." Why does Ayu like to cry so much.

"Stop crying." Long Chenyu wiped his tears, took her hand and walked to the side of the bowl of noodles.

Bai Mu suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He rubbed his clothes with his fingers and lowered his head, "Ah Yu, why don't you eat it."

How can such a day make Ayu pull his stomach?
"Fool." Long Chenyu rubbed Bai Mu's little head and sat on the chair.

He looked at the bowl of noodles in front of him, and his heart was so soft that he must have done a great deed in his previous life to get such a good little fairy.

Seeing Long Chenyu wolfing down the soup, Bai Mu slowly opened his eyes wide. Could it be that he still has some culinary talent, and it's the first time he cooks it, so he's so good?
Her chin rested on the table, tilted, "Ayu, is it delicious?"

"It's delicious, as long as Mumu makes it delicious."

A bright smile appeared on Bai Mu's face, "As long as Ah Yu likes it."

Seeing that the last sip of soup was about to be finished by Long Chenyu, Bai Mu's saliva flowed out, "Ah Yu, can you give me a sip?"

But Long Chenyu acted as if he hadn't heard it, and hurriedly drank the last sip, and then said nonchalantly: "Mu Mu's cooked noodles are so delicious, I'm sorry, Mu Mu."

If Mu Mu eats this sour and bitter soup well, tears won't come out.

Although Bai Mu was a little disappointed, he immediately put these things behind him. Today is A Yu's birthday, and everyone should be happy.


In a certain dark dense forest, there is a huge cave, which is called the forbidden area of ​​death. According to legend, there is an extremely powerful monster in it, and anyone who enters it will die.

In that cave, there was a huge black dragon, surrounded by golden jewels and a mess of skeletons.

The big black dragon lay there motionless, as if falling into a deep sleep, with itself as the center, covering a huge protective barrier around it, enclosing the entire forbidden area of ​​death.

Outside the enchantment, a few old gods with immortal demeanor would come over in a few days, stroking his white beard and holding a long handful of floating dust in his hand.

"The black dragon means disaster. We old men have been trying to get rid of it for so many years, but are you sure that little flower fairy with low mana can do it?"

Another white-haired old man stroked his beard and said slowly: "This is an order from above, so we don't need to intervene."

The other old gods also chimed in: "This animal will be seriously injured if he kills his mortal reincarnation while he is in the mortal world."

"But after all, we are bound by the laws of heaven and cannot kill mortals."

"Didn't that send a little flower fairy who just became wise?"

"What Immortal Baidou said is that the left and right are just a little flower fairy with low mana. Even if she sacrificed, it is for my heaven. She should feel honored."



These sanctimonious old gods are very understanding, completely unaware of how disgusting their behavior is.

But they never thought of it, they thought it was a foolproof strategy, but they never thought that Xiao Huaxian didn't want to do that at all.

(End of this chapter)

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