Chapter 11 Troubled Events
The strong man froze for a moment, looked at Gu Zhan with a look of surprise in his eyes, and said, "Oh, my lord, isn't he planning to plead for the people?"

Just as Gu Zhan was about to speak, he was pulled back by Fade Chen, who hurriedly put on a smile and said to the strong man, "Oh, Master Liu, I misunderstood, this is our new Xiaoqi, Gu Mr. Zhan Gu, he just took office, he is not very clear about the rules of our place, how offending, please return Haihan!"

The brawny man snorted coldly and said, "If you don't know the rules, you should study hard. If you don't even have hair, you want to play the role of an official? Captain Chen, please explain the rules to this official!"

"Yes Yes!"

Fade Chen hurriedly pulled Gu Zhan with a contemptuous smile, and said in a low voice, regardless of the hidden contemptuous gazes of the civilians around him, "My lord, we can't afford to mess with this group of people."

Gu Zhan frowned, and said: "The Great Xia court hasn't fallen yet, yet the majestic Jinyiwei can be ridden on the head by a few hooligans to poop? What is the origin of the Tianshui Gang today, and Jinyiwei can't afford to provoke him?"

Chen Fei sighed, and said: "My lord, it's not that Jin Yiwei can't afford to provoke, but we can't afford to provoke. If it's an ordinary small gang, we Jin Yiwei can beat and arrest if we want."

Speaking of which, Fade Chen pointed to the strong man and said, "But that man is not an ordinary ruffian, he is Liu Hong, the leader of the Tianshui Gang,
But the Tianshui Gang is not simple, it is the largest gang in Nancheng, the kind with thousands of swordsmen, and, do you think, to have such power in the city, how bad is the official background?People want people and backgrounds, how can we provoke them? "

Gu Zhan was also shocked,
The water gang is indeed a bit scary today.

Swordsman is a code name, that is, there can be thousands of official gang members who have officially paid their respects and entered the roster, which means that there are at least tens of thousands of people who rely on Tianshui Gang for food.

To be able to achieve this level, the official background of the water gang will definitely not be bad that day.

"My lord, let's go!" Fade Chen said in a low voice, "If I'm not wrong, it should be Tianshui Gang who wants to expand the city here. As you know, this Niping Lane is next to Pinglefang, and Pingle The square is the site of the Tianshui Gang, and they must take down the Mud Bottle Alley if they want to expand it."

Gu Zhan knew in his heart that this should be forced demolition.

Actually, Gu Zhan guessed right.

It is true that the Tianshui Gang wants to expand the city, and they are eyeing this mud bottle alley.

However, they encountered resistance from these civilians in Niping Lane, and the many poultry poisoning incidents that occurred in Niping Lane before should be the means of Tianshui Gang to force these people to agree.

Cao Feng was in charge of this matter before, and the Tianshui Gang greeted him. Naturally, Cao Feng did not dare to confront the Tianshui Gang, so he directly designated this matter as poultry plague. In order to calm the matter down, Cao Feng also arrested a few Civilians leading the resistance.

However, the civilians in Niping Lane were all born and raised here, and now the Tianshui Gang wanted them to move out, but gave them very little relocation fee, and had no intention of giving them a way out.

Therefore, even though we know that the government doesn't care about this matter,

The people in Niping Lane organized themselves to resist the Tianshui Gang, and the main leaders were the three brothers of the Jin family.

Then, the three brothers of the Jin family died.

This is also why the widow of the Jin family did not believe that Gu Zhan came to investigate the truth, because all of them knew that the three brothers of the Jin family were killed by the Tianshui gang, and the Tianshui gang did not hide any traces. Bundle.

Although Gu Zhan doesn't know the specific situation very well now,
However, he was able to guess the general direction of events.

Looking at the people in the courtyard of the Jin family, as well as the desperate orphans and widows,

Gu Zhan couldn't help sighing in his heart,
This breaks the world and leaves no way for people to survive.

Not to mention these people, even his predecessor, who was still in an official position, was killed by others, not to mention these ordinary people, in this world, there is no way out.

Knowing that the Tianshui Gang was indeed something he couldn't afford to offend for the time being, he turned around and left immediately.

However, at this moment, the strong man named Liu Hong suddenly said: "The officials are here, so they can't just leave empty-handed, right?"

Fade Chen hurriedly asked, "I don't know if Hall Master Liu has any advice for you?"

Liu Hong pointed to the civilians in the courtyard, and said: "Several officials, there are many unscrupulous people here who owe their debts and have not paid back. We have come to ask for debts many times but failed, and we have to ask you officials to make decisions for us!"

Gu Zhan's face darkened, and he asked, "What do you want to do?"

Liu Hong kicked the filial piety woman away, and said: "To be honest, I came here today to ask you officials to uphold justice. Shouldn't they be arrested?"

Fade Chen on the side whispered: "Master Liu, you are not in compliance with the rules. We don't care what you Tianshui Gang do, but Jin Yiwei is not for you. How can you let us do things? Reason for effort?"

Liu Hong smiled lightly, and said, "It's you who don't do things after receiving money, and don't follow the rules!"

Fade Chen frowned, and said, "When did we receive the money from your Tianshui Gang?"

Liu Hong looked at Gu Zhan and said, "You didn't accept it, it was Cao Feng who accepted it, but he was killed by Mr. Gu before the matter was settled. Then Mr. Gu, tell me, whose account will I pay for this?" on the head?"

Gu Zhan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice: "I understand now, you are here to find me today, right? Why, are you going to avenge Cao Feng?"

"Master Gu was just joking," Liu Hong said, "I don't care how you Jinyiwei fights inside, but my 800 taels of silver can't be wasted. At the beginning, Cao Feng promised to help me get things done. In the end, He was killed by you, Mr. Gu, what should I do?"

"That means you are out of luck," Gu Zhan said in a deep voice, "Could it be that if I want to kill someone, I have to investigate whether the other party has anything to do with your Tianshui Gang? I confiscated your money, and there is no reason for me to do anything for you Bar?"

"I don't care so much," Liu Hong said coldly, "I only know that my money was sent out, and one thing was ruined by you, Mr. Gu. I can't spend this money in vain. Then this matter can only be done by Mr. Gu." You come and continue to do it, Mr. Gu, if you want to stay in Linjiang City, you'd better not let my 800 taels of silver go to waste."

Gu Zhan frowned and said, "Are you threatening me?"

"You can understand it this way." Liu Hong said: "Or, you can pay me back 800 taels, but after counting the interest, it should be 1000 taels. What do you think, Mr. Gu?"

Gu Zhan smiled slightly and said, "I think it's okay."

"Huh?" Liu Hong was stunned.

"I will send you to Cao Feng to pay back the money!"

At that moment, with a "clang",
Gu Zhan suddenly drew his knife out of its sheath,

A ray of white light flashed, and the horizontal knife slashed Liu Hong's neck.

 Brother Meng, the effect is good, yesterday directly rushed to the fourth place in the list of martial arts new books, work hard today, rushed into the top three, go, go, go!

(End of this chapter)

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