Peerless ruthless man, cut down the world

Chapter 161 Let's change to another government

Chapter 161 Let's change the government
Suddenly, there was a sudden silence in the hall.

The red lady's face froze slightly, then she showed a ray of smile, and said softly: "I'll pour some wine for Mr. Gu!"

While talking, the red lady bent down slowly, and her uneven figure was instantly highlighted. However, the red lady was dressed very conservatively, so she could only see her graceful figure, and nothing else could be seen.

A pair of jade hands are slender and slender,

Just when she was about to get the jug, Gu Zhan suddenly reached out and held the hand of the red lady, his eyes were cold, and he said calmly: "Why, do you think I need a wine pourer?"

The red lady is also a person with long sleeves and good at dancing, the smile on her face is still charming, she said softly: "What kind of person is your lord, how can you be short of someone to pour wine, my family just fell in love with your demeanor as soon as you saw him, you can't help it, if not, The slave family presents a dance for the adults?"

Gu Zhan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Do you want me to say it again? Take off!"

The red lady smiled embarrassingly, but turned her eyes to Luo Huaiyang helplessly.

Luo Huaiyang immediately said with a smile: "Master Gu, Hong Niangzi's dance is one of the best in Pingyang City. Thanks to you, we all appreciate it."

Gu Zhan let go of Hong Niangzi's hand, leaned back slightly and leaned on the chair, and said flatly: "I say it's the last time, take off!"

Luo Huaiyang's smile also froze,

The atmosphere in the hall instantly became frozen.

A young man with the image of a son or brother got up, took a drink, and said: "Master Gu, the red lady is a showman but not a person. You are a majestic lord, why bother a weak woman, and apologize for her in the next official. I will punish myself first." A cup!"

After all, the young man picked up the wine and drank it down.

Gu Zhan put his feet on the table, glanced at the young man, and said calmly, "Who are you?"

The young man hurriedly said: "Du Yi, my next official, will be added as the envoy of the government's Yacang."

Gu Zhan shook his legs slightly, and said coldly, "I ask who are you?"

Du Yi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Du Yi, the next official, will be added as the envoy of the government's yamen warehouse, in charge of the warehouse... ah!"

Du Yi didn't finish his sentence,

Gu Zhan suddenly picked up the cup on the table and smashed it directly on Du Yi's forehead, knocking Du Yi to the ground, his forehead was dripping with blood.

The hall was silent.

Gu Zhan closed his eyes slightly, and said softly: "You like to drink, don't you, give this wine cup to me!"

Du Yi lay on the ground, covering his forehead, and looked at Luo Huaiyang blankly.

Luo Huaiyang took a deep breath, picked up the wine glass and threw it at Du Yi, and said angrily, "What are you, you can't even figure out your own identity? What right do you have to apologize to Mr. Gu, get out! "

Du Yi got up in a panic and ran out the door.

Luo Huaiyang pulled a smile on his face, looked at the bewildered Hong Niangzi, and said, "Hong Niangzi, since Mr. Gu thinks highly of you, you just follow his orders. Could it be that Mr. Gu can treat you badly? "

The red lady was stunned.

My family knows my own family affairs. Although she is known as the number one oiran in Pingyang City, it does not mean that she is really the number one beauty in Pingyang City.

She can have the title,
It's just the reputation built by the people behind her with money,

able to attract so many people,
Relying on the name of the so-called Qing people,
Those rich people have no shortage of beautiful women, but what they want to kill is a feeling, a created holy image that has fallen into the wind and dust,
If she really took off her clothes in public now, then her title as the number one oiran would come to an end.

"What are you still doing in a daze, go and pour wine for Mr. Gu!"

However, the boss behind her relied on Luo Huaiyang to gain a foothold in Pingyang City. How could she dare to disobey Luo Huaiyang's order? She immediately took off her coat, untied the knot and took off the clothes inside, leaving only a thin He came to the side of Gu Zhan with bare feet, and slowly squatted down to pour wine for Gu Zhan. In an instant, a white scenery came into view.

Gu Zhan glanced at it, then moved his legs slightly.

The red lady understood, and when she posted it, she gently pinched Gu Zhan's legs, rubbing her tall chest lightly.

"Come, come," Luo Huaiyang raised his glass and said, "Let's welcome Mr. Gu and drink this cup together!"

Everyone raised their glasses one after another.

Gu Zhan picked up his wine glass and took a sip,
For a while, the atmosphere in the hall rose again, Luo Huaiyang began to introduce the officials present to Gu Zhan one by one,
Almost all the high-level officials from the entire government office came.

After drinking for three rounds, Luo Huaiyang asked with a smile: "Master Gu holds a high position at a young age, and when he comes to Pingyang City to take over Jinyiwei, what is Master Gu's plan?"

Gu Zhan chuckled lightly and said, "I'm new here, so I'm not very clear about the rules here. I don't know what advice Master Luo has?"

"I don't dare to give advice," Luo Huaiyang said: "It's just a few years old, some foolish opinions, if Mr. Gu thinks it's wrong, don't take it to heart."

"Lord Luo, please tell me." Gu Zhan said with a smile.

Luo Huaiyang said with a smile: "As an official here, what I want is only a few things, power and money, Mr. Gu is in a high position, these things are naturally not lacking, other things, I just want a good reputation, and being an official will benefit you One party, right, Mr. Gu?"

In the hall, other people were also drinking and eating, but their attention was all on Gu Zhan's side.

Gu Zhan put down his wine glass slowly, smiled lightly, and said, "Master Luo is implying something, and he is testing me by turning a corner."

Luo Huaiyang immediately smiled and was about to speak, but Gu Zhan interrupted directly, and said: "There is no need to talk about the scene, I don't like to be meandering, Master Luo and everyone, the banquet held today is not a good one.

I don't go around in circles anymore, and you don't need to try it out. In fact, if you don't look for me today, I will come to you. "

Everyone put down their wine glasses, Luo Huaiyang asked: "Master Gu, please advise."

Gu Zhan said slowly: "I don't have any great ambitions to clean up the world, and I don't think I have the ability to change one side's situation. In addition, speaking of it, I also like the unscrupulousness of the land of Yunxi.
Because of this official, I am used to being unscrupulous. "

Gu Zhan glanced around the crowd with a light smile, and continued: "I don't like to be restrained by others, and I don't like people to tell me what to do. I have always been in one place, so let that place follow my orders. Rules, so, do you understand?"

In the hall, it was very silent.

After a while, Luo Huaiyang laughed lightly and said, "Master Gu was just joking, we are the government, not a gang of gangsters, and the government acts according to the rules of the government. It is impossible to completely follow one person's will. Master Gu understands?"


Gu Zhan nodded and said flatly:

"Understood, then,
Change the government! "

(End of this chapter)

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