Chapter 31 Nancheng Chaos
The new year is approaching, but the hundred households in the south city of Linjiang Prefecture do not have any atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Instead, it is full of turmoil from top to bottom. You can see Jin Yiwei busy all day long without touching the ground, coming in and out. Murderous.

During this period of time, the Baihusuo Prison was extremely crowded. A large number of people would be arrested every day, and a large number of scarred prisoners would be brought out every day and thrown into the Fuya Dungeon.

The entire Hundred Households seemed to have become gloomy.

During this period of time, Jin Yiwei, who had been silent for many years, once again regained his reputation in the Jianghu.

It hasn't happened in many years,
The three words Jinyiwei back then could achieve the effect of crying children at night, but in recent years, Jinyiwei has almost become a joke in the world. Many people's first reaction when thinking of Jinyiwei is to bully the weak and fear the hard.

However, this time Jin Yiwei dispatched,

Once again, many people in the Jianghu recalled the fear of being dominated by Jin Yiwei back then.

And during this time,

When the Jinyi guards went out, their waists were straight,

On weekdays, there are still people joking, claiming that it is not Jin Yiwei who is trash, but the person who leads Jin Yiwei.

Nancheng Baihusuo, Dongyuan.

A team of Jin Yiwei from the general hospital came in, led by a small flag, with a very humble attitude, not at all the superior attitude of the general hospital in the past.

Regarding this phenomenon, Jin Yiwei of the East Court did not feel that there was anything wrong.

Because, everyone knows in their hearts,
The Jinyiwei of the General Hospital is not the East Court, but the General Banner of the East Court who is known as the Little Killing God, and is now recognized as the second-in-command of the Baihu Office in Nancheng. Baihu Guchuan said in front of everyone that he is not here At the time of Baihusuo, all matters, big or small, were decided by the young Zongqi lord.

In the case room,
Gu Zhan followed the little flag in the main courtyard to go out,
Not long after, they came to the main courtyard.

At this time, many people had gathered in the main courtyard, all of them were the elites of the Hundred Households Institute and the elites transferred from various counties in Linjiang Prefecture during this period.

Gu Zhan also saw a few of Gu Chuan's followers,
These few disciples did not enter Jinyiwei, but they are all real masters in the world, and they are all masters of the third rank.

Gu Zhan was a little confused about these people not joining Jinyiwei at first, but he understood after hearing Gu Chuan's explanation.

Everyone has different abilities and personalities. Some people are suitable for officialdom, some are suitable for being leaders, but more people are not suitable. Although they have advanced cultivation, they may not be able to lead a team. The most important thing is What's more, these people have high cultivation bases, and it's not suitable for them to be ordinary Jinyiwei, so after being recruited by Gu Chuan, they simply become a disciple.

at this time,

In the compound, the atmosphere is very low and depressing,

Gu Zhan realized that this was a big move.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the door, Gu Chuan hurried over and said, "Brother Gu, just received a tip that the leader of the Tianshui Gang, Yao Chen, led a group of Tianshui Gang executives to flee the city overnight to avoid the limelight.

I need to take someone to intercept them right now, and tell you to come here, just to tell you that after I leave, the Baihu Office will be taken care of by you, and be ready to come to help at any time, and the other is to prevent someone from taking advantage of me to leave Come to clean the Baihusuo. Now our Baihusuo is the only one who can take on this important task. "

Gu Zhan really wanted to go out with Gu Chuan to kill people, but he knew in his heart that this was unrealistic.
The reason why Gu Chuan was able to recognize and promote himself when he first emerged was to deal with the current situation.

His main task was to guard the Baihusuo for Gu Chuan when he left.

"My lord, don't worry." Gu Zhan bowed his hands solemnly.

Gu Chuan patted Gu Zhan on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "With you here, I am naturally relieved, and only you and I are relieved. Although there are many people in our hundred households, there are only a few people who can live there. Only you, wait for my victory, let's drink celebration wine!"

Afterwards, Gu Chuan explained again, and left with the people.

Gu Zhan stood at the door of Baihusuo, watched Gu Chuan and his party go away, and then slowly turned around and entered the courtyard.

Fade Chen followed Gu Zhan and said, "I hope that Gu Baihu can win the battle. If he successfully defeats the Tianshui Gang this time, it will be easy to rectify Nancheng. With this merit and Gu Baihu's background, he may It can really make Luo Qianhu retire early, and by then, my lord, I am afraid that you will really become the youngest hundred households in the history of Linjiang Mansion."

When Gu Chuan made this promise to Gu Zhan, Fade Chen was on the sidelines, so he was an insider, and he was Gu Zhan's number one confidant, so naturally he hoped that Gu Zhan would be able to succeed in the sky more than anyone else.

However, Gu Zhan's expression was a bit dignified, and he said, "I don't know why, but I always feel that something is not right. I feel that things are not so simple. Is it a little too smooth?"

Fade Chen smiled and said: "My lord, you may be worrying too much. The Tianshui Gang is indeed difficult to deal with, but we, Gu Baihu, are not vegetarians. This action against the Tianshui Gang seems to be very simple and smooth, but in fact , This is the result of three years of planning by Gubaihu.

He has been preparing for three full years, and all aspects are well-planned. If it is someone else, let alone dealing with the Tianshui Gang, they will not even be able to withstand the pressure of the Thousand Households and the government office. How many times have hundreds of households fought tough battles with the government?
The Tianshui Gang was almost disabled, and the Gu Baihu had offended the forces of the Linjiang Mansion almost all over the place. This was the result of their hard work. It really didn't go well at all. Not easy. "

Gu Zhan pondered for a moment, nodded slightly, and said, "Fade Chen, go and inform Ma Zongqi, and pay attention to the situation of all parties at any time, especially the situation of Tianshui Gang. Although their high-level executives escaped, but , the middle layer is still there, pay attention to the situation at any time."

Ma Zongqi's name is Ma Lang, and he is the only one in the Hundred Households Office besides Gu Zhan. Come down to assist Gu Zhan in guarding the Baihusuo.


After the Spring Festival, the weather in Linjiang City has not warmed up, ice edges can still be seen on the corners of the eaves, and the wind that occasionally blows is also bitingly cold.

Early the next morning,
The cold wind was howling even more bitterly, and at dawn, snowflakes were flying outside again, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

"bang bang bang"

Suddenly, a hasty knock on the door woke Gu Zhan from his sleep.

"My lord, my lord, it's not good!"

Chen Fei's anxious voice came from outside the door.

Gu Zhan immediately got up and opened the door, asking, "What's wrong?"

Fade Chen hurriedly said: "An accident happened outside, and I don't know what happened. There was a large-scale fighting in the city. Just last night, dozens of people were killed or injured!"

"Is the Tianshui Gang involved?"

"There is no Tianshui Gang, but apart from the Tianshui Gang's first-rate gang, other second- and third-rate gangs in Nancheng are basically involved!"

(End of this chapter)

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