It was a piece of fierce and fiery light, like the habitat of gods and an independent world, but in fact, it was just Gu Zhan's palm, which seemed to be very slow but actually extremely fast. Speed ​​looms.

Five fingers fell down like five celestial pillars supporting the sky. The fingers are too huge, so huge that they are boundless. It is impossible to tell that they are fingers. , shrouded.

At this time,
Yan Qingshan, Mingzhishou and Zhang Wentian, the three most powerful monks in the world, were fled in the palm like dust.

The big hand reached out and stretched forward, and the endless darkness covered below spread, making it look huge and boundless.

The speed of the three strong men who knocked on the fairy gate exceeded the speed of light, but they still couldn't escape the range of that hand, and they all reacted in a very short time, knowing that they had encountered a terrifying monster. They are completely unqualified to resist supernatural means.

At that moment, Zhang Wentian took the lead in offering a crystal-clear elixir, and in an instant, golden light rose into the sky, surrounding the whole body with blazing clouds, about to fill the world.

"Brother Zhang!" Ming Zhishou exclaimed.

Several of them have this elixir, which is the nine-turn golden elixir refined by Pill Tower with ten thousand years of experience, and it is used to deal with "Heaven".

According to their original plan, they wanted to find a way to introduce the "sky" into the human world, into the world of mortals in Shocking God Valley, and then a few of them took the Nine-turn Golden Elixir to forcefully break the mirror and pull them all into the fairyland. Do everything possible to pull the sky to die together. .

This is also their final background, the final trump card in the face of "Heaven".

Zhang Wentian swallowed the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir in one gulp, and said in a deep voice: "You two fellow Taoists, there is no other way. If we can't even escape this catastrophe, how can we deal with the one in the sky?"


Ming Zhishou and Yan Qingshan were stunned for a moment, and then quickly took out the elixir,
They also understand that no matter what is behind them, no matter how big the plan is, everything needs to be based on the fact that they are still alive. If they are all dead, no matter how many cards they have, it will be meaningless.

Immediately, the two were ready to swallow the elixir.

However, at that moment,

A soft "Huh" sound came from the ears of the three of them,

The next moment, with a buzzing sound, the sky and the earth trembled, and five fingers fell down, each of which turned golden yellow, with a rustic appearance, like five pillars supporting the sky, extremely thick.


Big hands covering, slowly closing,
Zhang Wentian, who had already taken the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir and forcibly broke his cultivation to the fairyland, exploded directly, his body exploded, and the blood mist seemed to be rumbling one after another, circling around those huge fingers, mysteriously And scary.

[Origin value +10000]

Ming Zhishou and Yan Qingshan, who were holding the pill and were about to take it, were stunned.
They couldn't believe it, the scene in front of them directly destroyed their three views,

Zhang Wentian, who had temporarily pulled his cultivation into the fairyland, died like this!

"how is this possible?"

"How can it be so powerful?"

"This is the trump card against the one in the sky!"

Both of them have their hearts broken.

They have been relying on their hopes to deal with "Heaven", but they are so vulnerable, not to mention dealing with "Heaven", now even a strong man in the world can't deal with it.


Gu Zhan didn't give them time to think about all this,

He directly squeezed his palms together,
At that moment,

A kind of terrifying boundless soul power came over, and in just a moment, Mingzhi Shou and Yan Qingshan lost consciousness, and their bodies also exploded into blood mist at that moment.

[Origin value +10000]

[Origin value +10000]

All the turmoil disappeared at that moment,
To be precise, there is no fluctuation at all.
The world in the palm of Gu Zhan's hand has not caused any changes at all from the outside world, and it has always been flat. No one will know that under this peaceful night, the four most powerful monks in the world have all fallen.

At the gate of the capital city,
Gu Zhan stood quietly, after a while, he slowly opened his eyes, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, he had already browsed through the cognitions in the souls of Yan Qingshan and Mingzhishou.

"It turns out that the truth of this world is actually like this!"

Gu Zhan looked up at the dark night sky.

By browsing the soul cognition of these two people, he has solved many doubts in his heart.

The eye he saw in the chaos when he rushed out of the world before turned out to be the eye of "Heaven".

Or, to be precise, it is a creature that has transcended latitude, a creature that has kept the entire world in captivity, and uses the world as a pasture. This creature is called "Heaven".

Everything in the world is fake,
Everything is just an environment created by "heaven" to cultivate high-quality rations for "it".

In the world, there are no deserts in the south, east, north, west, or human race, or monster races that have been enemies for generations, and there is no ascending to immortality, but it is "Heaven" that selects the most powerful monks from countless creatures as rations.

This is like a human ranch, which always arranges the environment according to the characteristics of the animals raised in captivity, and then picks out the fattest or strongest animals to eat when the time is right.

"It's really... It's hard to describe in words, no wonder they want to try their best to fight against the sky!"

Gu Zhan can also understand why these four people are full of resentment towards the so-called "Heaven" inside and out, and they are always planning to fight against the sky.

"It's just a pity."

Gu Zhan shook his head, sighed,
I'm afraid these people would never have imagined until their death that their so-called plan was simply a joke.

Gu Zhan has experienced the horror of "Heaven" up close, and he has a very clear understanding of the power of "Heaven".

According to the plan of these people, even if their plan succeeds and they successfully introduce "Heaven" into the human world, it is impossible to fight against "Heaven". It is even said that even the coercion of "Heaven" may not be able to bear it. .

However, Gu Zhan didn't find it ridiculous either.

Because knowing that the level of the guards is too low, they are too far away from the "sky", there is no way to figure out the power of the "sky", they can only rely on speculation, and it is already very good to be able to make such a plan.

In addition, according to their plan, it is not useless,

Introduce "Heaven" into the big formation of Shocking God Valley, and then Fu Zong engraves a big talisman in the world, and Danta uses the nine-turn golden elixir to give birth to several monks with the power of fairyland. Together, they urge Jian Zong's sword, which should still be able to block the "Heaven". "A glance.


Gu Zhan sighed slightly, then frowned suddenly, and muttered: "It's strange, that legendary Confucian sage has already jumped out of this pasture in the world and seen the sky, he should be very clear about the power of the sky, why should he still Let the three major ancestral lines and the four sects do this meaningless anti-natural move?
This Confucian saint has a big problem! "

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