Chapter 8 The turmoil ceases
In the hall, Lei Yungao sat on the main seat.

Fade Chen beckoned two of his subordinates to bring in a big box, then waved his hands to let the two subordinates back out, leaving only Lei Yun, his staff and Fade Chen in the hall.

Chen Fei cupped his hands and held the ceremony: "Master Lei, I was ordered by Gu Xiaoqi to visit you on his behalf. He was supposed to come in person, but now that he is in the government office, he really can't get away. He said he would come Jin Yiwei has been here for a while, and he has never visited, it is really wrong, when he comes out from the government office, he must come to personally plead guilty as soon as possible."

"Hmph," Lei Yun snorted coldly, with veins appearing on his skinny neck, and said in a deep voice, "Visiting? Is he visiting? I can't bear his visit to kill my colleagues in Baihu!"

Fade Chen hurriedly said: "Master Lei, after all, Gu Xiaoqi is only at the age of a weak crown. He is young and hot-blooded. When he was attacked and killed in public, he became impulsive. When something happened, he regretted causing you trouble. Therefore, the special order came down to plead guilty." .”

While talking, Fade Chen slowly opened the box,

The white silver ingots glowed with a different kind of luster, and the box was full.

Seeing this, Lei Yun's gloomy face instantly softened, and he said slowly: "What you said makes sense, young people are indeed impulsive, what exactly is going on, you can tell me clearly Said, as long as Gu Xiaoqi doesn't kill people for no reason, then this official will not let his family down, I have worked with his father for many years, although his age is about the same as my grandson, but he is also my nephew according to his seniority."

Fade Chen hurriedly told everything about the gangsters in the dungeon and the hundred households behind.

Fade Chen listened to Gu Zhan's instructions, and didn't add fuel to it.

After listening, Lei Yun nodded slightly,
Like the news he inquired about,
He immediately had an idea in his mind, and said: "You go down first, since it was Cao Feng who bought a murderer to assassinate Shangguan and took the risk after it was revealed, then Gu Xiaoqi is not guilty, I will explain it to Master Baihu, and it will not affect he."

"Thank you sir."

Fade Chen bowed to perform the ceremony, and slowly exited the hall.

After Fade Chen left, Lei Yun slowly looked at the staff, and asked, "What do you think of this kid Gu Zhan?"

The staff member smiled and said: "Not bad young man, although he is young and impulsive, but he can clearly distinguish between priorities and not overemphasize, he is still smart, but what to do depends on the wishes of adults."

Lei Yun looked at the box of silver, pondered for a while, and said: "He still has a sense of propriety, and, compared to his father, he looks like he is better than the blue, I can give him a chance, the position of this small flag Just give him a guarantee."

The staff member smiled slightly, looked at the box, and felt a little bit moved by the atmosphere of Gu Zhan's actions.

1000 taels of silver, this is not a small sum,
It is impossible for Lei Zongqi not to be tempted.

Acting decisively and courageously, the key is that he is still young. In these points, he is already better than most of the people in the Hundred Households Office.

Lei Yun looked at the box, his old face was full of smiles, and said: "I didn't see it before, this kid is very good at dealing with things, he is much more sensible than Cao Feng, hmph, that Cao Feng, the matter of the Tianshui Gang some time ago After receiving 800 taels of silver, they only sent me 300 taels, so if you die, you will die!"


The next day, Gu Zhan, who had been locked up overnight in the government office, was released.

The government office will close the case soon.

Not only did Cao Feng die in vain, but he was also charged with a bunch of crimes, including his family members, while Zhang Peng was directly sentenced to beheaded.
Gu Zhan had no influence at all.

At the gate of the government office,

Fade Chen had already come and waited. When he saw Gu Zhan coming out, he hurried up to greet him and said, "My lord, I just heard that the case has been closed."

Gu Zhan nodded.

Fade Chen sighed, and said, "If I knew it was so simple, there would be no need to give gifts. It's a pity that so much money was lost!"

1000 taels,
Fade Chen felt distressed just thinking about it.

Gu Zhan sneered, looked at Fade Chen, and said, "Lieutenant Chen, your cultivation base and qualifications are no worse than Cao Feng's, and even stronger than him, but you know why you have been suppressed by Cao Feng for so long. is it on?"

Fade Chen was slightly taken aback, then shook his head in doubt.

Gu Zhan said: "Because he is better than you, he is willing to give up, and only if he is willing will he gain!"

Having said that, Gu Zhan didn't say anything more.

He knew very well in his heart that this matter could be solved so easily mainly because of the 1000 taels of silver.

Although he was justified in killing Cao Feng,

However, no matter what the world is, it is not possible to make it work just because it is reasonable, especially in a place like the government, where the water is very deep, and nothing will be simple.

First, whether he is justified or not,
It was a matter of him killing people in Baihusuo, and it would have a great negative impact on Baihusuo in Nancheng.

Even Jianghu gangs have to pay attention to their face, and it is even more impossible for Jin Yiwei not to talk about it.

It's bad enough for colleagues to fight among themselves, let alone killing people in public.

Although what Cao Feng did has been exposed, Gu Zhan will not be imprisoned, but Baihusuo will punish Gu Zhan for the sake of reputation and eliminating internal public opinion.

There is a high probability that Gu Zhan will suspend his job for a period of time to let the turmoil subside and see the aftermath.

However, now that Gu Zhan has just taken office and has been suspended, he, Xiaoqi, has basically done his job.

The other is,

Without the presence of Baihusuo, the government government would not have closed the case so quickly, and it is unknown how long he would be imprisoned.


The next day.

Gu Zhan once again went to Baihu Office to be on duty.

Appearing in the Baihu Office this time is completely different from before. The previous Gu Zhan appeared in the Baihu Office with a very low sense of presence, not to mention people in other departments, even his own subordinates did not take him seriously.

But today is different,

Those Jinyiwei passing by will salute respectfully.


Gu Zhan immediately went to visit Chief Banner Leiyun.

Enjoyed talking.

After leaving Lei Yun's office, Gu Zhan didn't go back to his own office directly, but went to Chuangong Pavilion of Baihusuo.

As Xiaoqi, he can receive two martial arts cheats,
However, because the previous Gu Zhan did not enter the Martial Arts and had no need for it, he never came to claim it.

Come to Chuan Gong Pavilion,

There is a special person in charge, who gave Gu Zhan some reference materials.

After pondering for a while, Gu Zhan chose a sword technique and a lightness skill.

The sword method is called Kaishan Dao method, which is a large-scale killing technique, and the light work is called wild goose technique.

The grades of these two martial arts secret books are not low, and they are both considered to be of the upper-middle class in Jianghu. There are also some higher-level kungfu pavilions passed down by hundreds of households. However, Gu Zhan has no meritorious deeds and cannot receive them.

But for the current Gu Zhan, these two martial arts cheats are enough, and the more advanced ones can naturally be plotted slowly later.

After receiving two cheat books,
Gu Zhan left from Chuan Gong Pavilion, and checked the system page while walking:
Player: Gu Zhan

Boundary: Six Grades

Cultivation technique: Xuanyuan Kungfu (0/300 on the fourth floor)

Skill: Breaking Wind Saber Technique (Dacheng)

Wild Goose Technique (0/10 for beginners)

Mountain Knife Technique (0/10 for those who haven't started yet)

XP: 20

Sure enough, as Gu Zhan guessed, these two secret books are very deep, and the experience points required for just getting started are already equal to the requirements for the mastery of Pofeng Dao.


Gu Zhan used the remaining [-] experience points!

(End of this chapter)

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