Chapter 87 Hunting Time
In Nancheng, on the top of a tall building, there were two people standing against the wind, overlooking the silence of Wanjia's lights, and at the same time paying attention to the condition of Baihualou.

These two people are Wan Yan from thousands of households and Liu Yong from hundreds of households in the picket team.

"My lord," Liu Yong cupped his hands and said, "There is a fight at Baihualou."

"I see." Wan Yan played with the dagger in his hand, and sighed: "I didn't expect, this Gu Zhan is a bit more arrogant than I imagined, and even dared to face the Six Great Masters with his own strength after a disagreement. Shijia, how brave you are!"

Liu Yong pondered and said: "My lord, Gu Zhan's move is afraid that it will disrupt our plan. I just received the spy news that the Baihualou area has been surrounded by the major gangs and Jinyiwei in Nancheng. There are no people from the six great families. Find a way to help."

"Very good," Wan Yan said with a smile: "Gu Zhan, although he is arrogant and reckless in his actions, he is very meticulous. Although his actions somewhat undermined our plan, it directly promoted the progress of the plan. , Well done, very much to my liking."

Liu Yong was a little puzzled.

Wan Yan smiled lightly and said, "You take the picket team to stop it right now, it doesn't matter if Gu Zhan kills casually, but those young masters have to be saved, and the six great families may be completely cornered."

Liu Yong frowned and said, "My lord, wouldn't it be good for the six great families to fight Gu Zhan to the death?"

"How can I do that?" Wan Yan raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Gu Zhan's knife is so easy to use and so sharp, it can't be broken by the six great families so early. Only when he is alive, the six great families will continue The more people die, the less likely the six great families will be able to give up this southern city, and when the time comes, the center of gravity will continue to shift, so the internal strife between the six great families will be even greater, right?"

Liu Yong suddenly said: "This subordinate understands, now go and stop Gu Zhan."

Wan Yan nodded and said: "Don't worry, although this Gu Zhan is arrogant, he seems to be in a rush every time he does things, but in fact he has a sense of proportion and never touches the bottom line. You can stop it later. There will inevitably be conflicts, but we must save those young masters, even though Gu Zhan is crazy, he will not seek death to attack you, so you can rest assured."

"My subordinate understands."

Liu Yong arched his hands and prepared to go downstairs.

"Liu Yong." Wan Yan suddenly said.

"My lord, do you have any orders?" Liu Yong asked doubtfully.

Wan Yan walked up to Liu Yong, patted Liu Yong on the shoulder lightly, and said, "It's okay, I just suddenly remembered that you have been with me for almost ten years!"

"My lord, it has been 12 years." Liu Yong said.

"Okay," Wan Yan nodded, stretched out to tidy Liu Yong's clothes lightly, patted Liu Yong's shoulder again, and said, "Go, I'm going to the government office now to find Yang Yunzhi as Liu Yong. Let the big aristocratic family add fire, and here, I will leave it to you."

"Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will definitely take care of it."

Liu Yong clasped his hands to hold the salute, jumped up from the roof of the building, stretched out his hand, and hundreds of picket guards appeared from the darkness and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

On the roof, there is a night wind blowing,

Wan Yan's fluffy and messy hair fluttered, he squinted his eyes, and swung his dagger in the direction of Baihualou. After a while, he suddenly let out a hearty laugh, and then jumped down the stairs with a single leap.


Baihualou is a huge manor.

At this time, several sons and brothers of the six great families quickly ran out of the manor with a group of confidants, and several innate warriors followed to be vigilant, looking back from time to time, and found that Gu Zhan and his party were still being entangled, slightly relaxed Take a breath.

Soon, a group of people ran out of the manor in some embarrassment.

At this time, outside the manor,
The long street was cold, only a few carriages were parked alone, and the guards in charge of guarding the carriages were all gone.

At that moment, everyone's hearts sank.

Wu Ming walked to the carriage with a gloomy expression, opened the curtain of the carriage, and was suddenly startled.

The others also looked over suspiciously,

Everyone was surprised to find that there was a dead body in the carriage, wearing the clothes of Jin Yiwei.

Immediately, a group of people immediately went to check the other carriages,
Sure enough, there were dead bodies.

"I know these people," a young master said, "It's the new group of high-level executives from the Baihu Office in Nancheng. , without missing a single thing, it’s all here!”

Wu Ming's face was gloomy, and he yelled immediately: "Quick, call someone, Gu Zhan, this lunatic, wanted to kill me from the very beginning!"

Immediately, all kinds of signal bombs flew into the air,
In the dark night, the signal bomb exploded.

However, at that moment, the streets and alleys of the long street suddenly heard the sound of footsteps, and the crisp sound of swords being unsheathed. In the darkness, dense crowds appeared. Each holds a gleaming axe.

And on top of some tall buildings on the other side of the street, teams of Jin Yiwei also appeared, all holding Liannu.


In the darkness, a shout sounded.

Dense feathered arrows, accompanied by countless throwing axes, greeted the people of the six great families. In an instant, blood was sprayed and wailing was everywhere.


Wu Ming panicked and shouted: "Retreat, withdraw to Baihualou!"

In fact, there is no need for Wu Ming to remind,

People from the six great families have all returned to Baihualou,
There are flying axes, bows and crossbows outside, only Baihualou can be used as a cover.

"Quick, send the signal!"

Pushing back to Baihualou, Wu Ming shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up and remind the people in the city to come to help, otherwise we will all have to confess here today..."

"Young master, get down!"

At this moment,
Two first-rank warriors of the Wu family roared, one of them quickly threw Wu Ming to the ground, and the other stood in front of him holding a long sword,
A feather arrow shuttles from the night,

With one arrow, the long sword of the first-rank warrior was directly broken, and the feathered arrow pierced through the chest, directly dragged the warrior and flew upside down and stuck it on the stone wall.

at the same time,

The guards of the other families were also shocked, and they all protected their sons in the middle.

In chaos,

A congenital warrior suddenly groaned, lowered his head slowly, and looked at the feathered arrow stuck in his chest in shock,
He didn't know where the arrow came from, and he didn't know why the feathered arrow appeared without any movement.

With the fall of this innate warrior,

The faces of the remaining two innate warriors changed drastically. They looked at each other, and one of them said in a deep voice: "You can't wait to die like this. I have heard that Gu Zhan's archery skills are superb. He is hiding in the distance now. We are so exposed, just waiting to die!"

"Kill back, entangle him, buy time!"

Immediately, the two performed their lightness kung fu, and quickly shuttled through the manor like ghosts, constantly looking for cover.

On the tall buildings in the distance,

Gu Zhan pulled back the cold iron bow, and three feathered arrows rested on the string. The cold arrows glowed faintly in the darkness,
"Then let you buy a few more seconds!"

 It will be available on the 17th, don't forget it!
(End of this chapter)

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