Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 239 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 32

Chapter 239 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 32
He was still holding Lan Shuang's hand, and exerted some force unconsciously. Lan Shuang snorted in a low voice, and Xin Wujiang let go immediately, and put his hand back under the quilt for her. Very ruthlessly: "Get out."

The national teacher's face turned cold. It had been a long time since no one had yelled at him like this, but now was not the time to worry about it. He looked at Lanshuang's condition, and if he took the antidote after the poison had developed, the effect would be reduced. It will flare up and it will take a while to fade away.

He turned his head and told the maids who came in a hurry: "Go and prepare some hot water and Mrs. Tang to warm up the saint."


The maids took orders, and the national teacher got up and walked out. Xin Wujiang stood in the courtyard with his back facing him. The heavy snow had already spread a layer on the ground, and the fine snow fell on him, but he did not brush it. It looks cold and sharp, like a sword ready to go.

The national teacher walked down the steps slowly, and when he heard the sound of footsteps, Xin Wujiang turned his head, his cold eyes were locked on the national teacher's face in an instant, and before the national teacher could speak, he pointed at the national teacher with his palm as a blade. The teacher called.

The strength seemed to be visible, parted the falling snow, and went straight to the neck of the national teacher.

The national teacher retreated suddenly, raised his arms and sleeves like clouds, and brushed in front of Xin Wujiang, Xin Wujiang dodged sideways, "Du-duk--" three times, Xin Wujiang glanced away, and saw three silver needles stuck in the hole. on the tree trunk behind.

"Oh, something that is not popular." Xin Wujiang snorted coldly, swept his long legs, and kicked towards the lower body of the national teacher. Robe, the silver thread flickers with the movement against the snow light.

Coupled with Xin Wujiang's sharp and fierce eyes, he looked like a lone wolf in Xueye.

Neither of these two people held back, and they all went to the other's life gate, wanting to kill the other.

This was a real fire, and the maids were afraid to stand in the corridor, not daring to persuade or make a sound, and trembling with fright.

No matter who died, what about the saintess?

With a sound of "bang", the two of them met their palms, and the powerful energy passed by. The trees on both sides shook violently, the snow rustled down, and the droplets floated white.

No one is willing to step back first, and it means losing, but after a short confrontation, the national teacher's face turned pale, a line of blood spilled from his lips, and it fell on the snow, and a plum blossom bloomed.

Xin Wujiang smiled sarcastically: "That's all."

He still had enough strength, and with a slight push, the national teacher staggered back a few steps, his figure was unstable and he was about to fall, and the maids rushed up to help him: "My lord—"

The national teacher raised his hand to stop them, shook himself twice to stabilize his figure, and looked at Xin Wujiang with cold eyes: "General Xin's martial arts skills are outstanding, I feel ashamed."

Xin Wujiang was disdainful: "You have mixed thoughts, practicing martial arts is a bottle full of half a bottle dangling around, and it's the same with people."

The national teacher narrowed his eyes, "What did you say?"

"What kind of poison did you give Lan Shuang?"

Xin Wujiang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, turned his palms up and spread them out, "The antidote."

After speaking, he added: "It's not an antidote to delay the onset of the poison, I want a real antidote."

"Why should I give it to you?"

The national teacher straightened up and gasped twice, swallowing the fishy sweetness in his throat, and forced himself to ask.

"My marriage contract with Lan Shuang was appointed by His Majesty. I am a legitimate fiancé. I will marry my husband. Lan Shuang will be my wife in the future. What's wrong with me looking for medicine for my wife?"

Xin Wujiang was justified and confident, and he was right.

The national teacher was silent for a moment, and said in a hoarse voice: "I am her adoptive father. If I don't go through the door, I will be my daughter every day. How I treat her is not for you, an outsider, to intervene."

"Really?" Xin Wujiang's eyes turned cold suddenly, and he was about to strike again, when the maid in the room suddenly ran out: "The saint is awake!"

The national teacher immediately turned around, "Let me see."

Xin Wujiang gritted his teeth, leaped up, and passed the national teacher's head in the air. He landed on the corridor first, and strode up the steps to walk in.

National Division:"……"

Xin Wujiang went in with the cold air all over his body, and after opening a few curtains, he suddenly remembered that Lan Shuang was afraid of the cold now, so he slowed down, turned around and ran to the stove to bake.

The national teacher glanced at him, not knowing why, so he stepped into the inner room first, Xin Wujiang didn't speak.

Lan Shuang was already awake at this time, leaning against the head of the bed with a soft pillow on her back, holding a hand warmer in her hand, her face was still very pale.

The maid brought a bowl of ginger soup to feed her, and Lan Shuang mechanically opened her mouth to drink.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Lan Shuang's eyes darkened slightly when she saw that it was the national teacher who came in first.

The national teacher suddenly felt a thorn in his heart, and his footsteps slowed down, "Shuang'er..."

Lan Shuang pulled her lips lightly, showing a pale smile, and said in a hoarse voice, "My lord, sit down."

The maid went to move a stool for him to sit next to, and the national teacher's eyes fell on Lan Shuang all the time, except that she glanced at him when he first came in, and then ignored him, which made him very uncomfortable taste.

"Today is not the day for your poisonous hair. I didn't expect you to have an early attack. It was my negligence. In the future, I will ask people to prepare medicine here. If you feel bad, take one in advance."

Lan Shuang thought it was funny, and looked up at the national teacher: "So my lord... I'm about to get married, and you still refuse to give me the antidote?"

The national teacher shut up instantly.

Seeing him like this, Lan Shuang didn't bother to ask anymore, her attitude became obvious, he didn't want to detoxify her so easily, so it would be useless to say more.

Footsteps sounded again, Lan Shuang looked up, and saw Xin Wujiang walking in, he didn't even look at the national teacher, went straight to the bed and sat down, put his palm on Lan Shuang's face, "Or So cold."

There was distress in the tone, and Lan Shuang felt weak when she heard it, and her tone was much more relaxed, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore, it's just a little cold."

Saying that Lan Shuang noticed something was wrong, she leaned forward and smelled Xin Wujiang's body.

This behavior is also like a kitten, Xin Wujiang asked amusedly: "What are you smelling?"

"Why don't you smell like snow? It's still warm."

Lan Shuang looked up at him suspiciously.

Xin Wujiang held her face in both hands to warm her, and said: "I was afraid that if I stay outside for a long time, it will be cold, and if I come in, I will freeze you again, so I baked by the stove for a long time."

Lan Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then blushed suddenly.

888 couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This is too good! Although he has facial paralysis, such small details are really poignant!"

"I can't stand it anymore." The villain in Lan Shuang's heart just lay flat.

"Don't push it, I can't stand it either." 888 also lay flat in the space.

Lan Shuang laughed, let go of the hand stove, took Xin Wujiang's hand, and kissed his fingertips, "The general is a man who loves people."

The national teacher's face turned green.

(End of this chapter)

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