Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 248 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 41

Chapter 248 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 41
"I won't come back..." The national teacher always felt that these words were not that simple.

He continued to look down.

"Actually, I'm not the Lan Shuang from before. It's absurd to say, and you may not believe it. The dream I said before was true. In my previous life, I married the fifth prince as you wished, and played with the prince and the fifth prince. At that time, neither you nor I knew that the Fifth Prince was a wolf in sheep's clothing, and it was too late to know later."

"After the wedding, the fifth prince seldom touched me, and even restricted me everywhere. I almost cut off contact with you. Later... I knew he was not a good stubble. I wanted to tell you, but he was imprisoned in the mansion by him. I didn't see anyone, and I was pregnant again at that time, and I was arrested several times when I tried to run away, and I finally found a chance to meet you, and wanted you to take me away, but you refused."

The national teacher was startled, previous life?Dream?

The look in Lan Shuang's eyes when she told herself about that dream appeared before her eyes again, cold and sincere, it turned out to be true.

Is this what she didn't say?

He was dizzy for a while, and almost couldn't stand up, so he had to sit down with his hands on the table.

He clutched the letter paper tightly, and the more he looked down, the more frightened he became.

"...Later, the fifth prince set up a trap to lure you to kill you. I sent you a letter, but I didn't send it. You went anyway. I threatened my life that day, so I ran out. Fortunately, I didn't go too late. , just caught up, and blocked for you when the sword was stabbing at you."

The national teacher's heart was in severe pain, and his face was faintly blue.

"Back then you picked me up and saved my life. Now I will pay you back. We owe nothing to each other. I didn't expect that I would come back one day. In this life, I don't want to be your pawn anymore, and I don't want to marry someone who is not at all People who don't love me, I want to be myself."

"Fortunately, I did it in this life. I will protect your life and marry my beloved general. From now on, we will return to the bridge and return to the road. I hope you will cherish yourself."

"Lan Shuang from the previous life is dead, I am just myself."


The national teacher looked at the two lines in a daze, and vaguely understood something, even though he didn't want to cry yet, the tears had already flowed down on the letter paper, blurring the handwriting.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

The national teacher laughed sadly at first, but the laughing turned into crying.

Yuehan and Yueying who came later stood outside the door, listening to the crying of the national teacher, they looked at each other anxiously, but they didn't dare to go in to disturb him, so they just guarded outside.

The national teacher was tired from crying, and straightened up, only to find that there were still many letters in the box. He took out one to read, and the handwriting on it was slightly different. It seemed to be from Lan Shuang's childhood. He was stunned, wiped away his tears and opened it to read. .

This is a heartfelt letter written by Lan Shuang when she was twelve or thirteen years old.

The love affair has just begun, and the words and lines are full of admiration for him, and the girl's thoughts are hidden deep.

Maybe it was revealed, but he pretended not to know.

The national teacher pressed the letter to his heart, and endured the last drop of tears.

He is not worthy, he can't afford such deep friendship.

After a long silence, he resumed his usual indifference, put away the letters, picked up the box, turned and opened the door.

When Yueying and Yuehan saw him, they immediately said: "My lord—"

"Pack up the soft gold and silver, and we leave the capital immediately."

"Why?" Yuehan was puzzled: "We finally—"

The national teacher looked at it coldly: "There is no reason, let's go!"


Yuehan and Yueying had no choice but to pack their things. After preparing the carriage, the national teacher dismissed everyone in the mansion, took Yuehan and Yueying into the carriage, and left the city before dawn, disappearing without a trace.

After dawn, the Fifth Prince ordered people to raid the National Teacher's Mansion, confiscated a bunch of gold, silver and jewels, arrested two insignificant people, and released them not long after, and finally sealed the National Teacher's Mansion.


At this time, Lan Shuang had just fallen asleep, her whole body seemed to be falling apart, and she fell unconscious when she touched the pillow.

Xin Wujiang was quite energetic, he hugged her and closed his eyes for a while.

Suddenly hurried footsteps sounded outside, he opened his eyes suddenly, Xue Qing stood at the door and knocked on the door.

Xin Wujiang immediately stood up, covered Lan Shuang with a quilt, strode out, grabbed the cloak on the hanger and put it on his body.

"What's the matter?"

He opened the door and went out, Xue Qing said in a low voice: "The emperor has passed away, and the capital is in chaos right now, the old general asked the master to make up his mind."

Xin Wujiang was not surprised by this, but he was a little upset that his dream was interrupted, so he said with a cold face: "Take a count of the people in the mansion, and follow me into the palace."

Xue Qing hesitated: "What does the master mean?"

Xin Wujiang curled his lips into a smile: "Of course it is to support the new monarch and guard the palace."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it."

Xue Qing turned around and left, while Xin Wujiang went back to his room to get dressed.

The movement was very light, but it still alarmed Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang turned over in a daze, and found that there was an empty space behind her. She couldn't help but turn around, closed her eyes, and scratched the empty space twice, and asked hoarsely, "Wujiang?"

Xin Wujiang paused, walked in quickly, knelt on one knee on the ottoman, held her hand and kissed her, "I'm here."

"Is something wrong?" Lan Shuang struggled to open her eyes, the end of her eyes still had a faint redness that hadn't faded away.

Xin Wujiang leaned over and planted a kiss on her forehead, and said softly: "It's okay, I'll come back as soon as I go, you sleep well, you can see me when you wake up."

As he spoke, he straightened up and lightly stroked his hands, and Lan Shuang closed her eyes. Seeing that she had fallen asleep again, Xin Wujiang put her hands back into the bed, and carefully tucked the corners of the quilt to make sure there would be no air leakage. , he put down the bed curtain again.

Then he got up and left.


Xin Wujiang took his own sword, got on his horse, followed by the guards, and the group headed straight for the palace with stern faces. At this moment, the palace was in chaos, and the concubines and princes of all palaces all went to the emperor's bedroom after receiving the news. , all kinds of dissatisfaction with the fifth prince, the new emperor, the ministers rushed over and knelt together outside the hall, making a lot of noise.

Each of the five princes was eight older. Fortunately, he brought a lot of guards, so he was able to control the situation.

However, those concubines were not vegetarians, they contacted their mother clan and asked the fifth prince to give an explanation. The fifth prince stood on the steps with his face sinking like water.

"The first emperor has just gone to immortality, so you make a mistake here, who gave you the courage?"

"The fifth prince said he would ascend the throne if he ascended the throne. Is there a will? If there is no will, the crown prince should succeed!"

"Where is the prince? We want to see the prince!"

"The crown prince colluded with the queen and poisoned the late emperor. He was executed by the late emperor. If you don't believe me, you can call the imperial physician and the commander of the Imperial Forest Army to testify."

"Who knows if they were bought by you?"

Concubine Xian stood up and scolded the fifth prince angrily, "You have no evidence, and wanting to ascend the throne now is nothing but a dream—who knows if you colluded with the imperial physician and the commander of the Imperial Forest Army to frame His Majesty?"

"Concubine Xian, please be careful, the bones of the late emperor are not cold, so if you act like this, are you not afraid that the late emperor will come in a dream?"

Xin Wujiang shouted sharply, startling everyone.

 This life is coming to an end, there are four thousand words of Zhenxiang’s notes in this life

(End of this chapter)

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