Chapter 259
When Lan Shuang came out of the barber shop, her whole aura changed. Her original long curly hair became capable and short hair, and she changed from charming and bright to aloof and aloof.

She herself is quite satisfied with this change, but when Qin Shou found out that she had cut her hair without authorization, she cursed angrily, Lan Shuang didn't care, and said after he finished scolding: "I found a variety show for myself, don't you?" Unexpectedly, this variety show will become popular, so make preparations in advance."

Qin Shou: "What preparation?"

Of course it's a preparation for whitewashing, Lan Shuang said in her heart.

"Okay, let's not mention this. I will go to the interview in the afternoon. Are you coming?"

But after her words fell, the person over there hesitated for a while and said, "Forget it, you can go by yourself. If you can, you can sign. I'm a little busy here, so I don't have time."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "That's fine, I'll go by myself, and I'll let you know when I have news."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone and asked 888: "Is he planning to bring in new people?"

"Host, how do you know?" 888 was surprised: "He is indeed bringing in newcomers. He just took over yesterday. He is a pretty good-looking boy. I guess he wants to praise the newcomers?"

Lan Shuang put down her phone, blowing the wind, and said indifferently: "Of course I guessed it. If I were his only cash cow, he would definitely come here now, for fear that his money would be cheated, but he hesitated to come. I just found a new target, otherwise, what else is he, a low-level manager, busy with besides the artists he brings?"

888: "That's right, what are you going to do about the host?"

"Do whatever he wants. He doesn't care about me. It's more convenient for me to do things. The most important thing right now is to settle my career first. Let's go and go back and prepare. I'm bound to win this interview."


In the afternoon, Lan Shuang put on delicate makeup and wore a more formal fashion light blue suit.

She arrived at a small wooden house on the outskirts of the city according to the agreed time, and the staff who came to welcome her didn't recognize her at all when they saw her. They didn't respond until they brought her to the director, who called her "Lan Shuang". Come here who is this.

Ignoring the staff's shocked and gossiping eyes, Lan Shuang calmly extended her hand to shake hands with the director: "Director Fang, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lan Shuang."

Director Fang held her hand, looked up and down a few times, and said with emotion: "I saw you before, on a red carpet, you were very beautiful at that time, and I was very impressed, but beauty has no soul , meet today, I think you have."

"It seems that the previous experience brought you more than just negative effects."

Director Fang speaks directly, but Lan Shuang doesn't care. The entertainment industry is such a realistic place. If you are not popular, capable or background, you have no right to speak, and others will not care about your mood when they speak.

But Fang Dao is pretty good, at least he didn't look at her with colored glasses.

Lan Shuang accepted it frankly, "Everyone needs tempering to grow, and those who are smooth sailing are a minority after all."

When Director Fang heard this, a smile appeared on his face, "Come in, I called you here today, firstly, I want to meet you, and secondly - we, the biggest investor in variety shows, are coming."

Lan Shuang immediately understood, "So he has to decide whether I can go or not?"

"Normally, it's not necessary, but when we got together, he said he wanted to meet."

Fang Dao and Lan Shuang sat down on the chairs. There were already a lot of dishes on the table. Lan Shuang nodded, "I see, that's a coincidence."

But she didn't take it seriously in her heart, she had seen a lot of producers, funders and the like, and knew how to deal with it, but when people really stood in front of her, she couldn't calm down anymore.


Director Fang chatted with Lan Shuang for 10 minutes. From some basic questions to the arrangement in the variety show, Lan Shuang answered all the questions fluently. knock on the door.

Fang Dao raised his voice, "Go in."

A staff member with a blue badge led a man in, "Director Fang, Mr. Gu is here."

Mr. Gu?
Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, surnamed Gu?It can't be such a coincidence, can it?

She looked up, and saw a tall man walking behind the staff. He lowered his head slightly when entering the door. Because of the design of the wooden house, the door is not very high, but it is impossible for a person who is [-] to pass through. question.

This guy even lowered his head, shouldn't it be 1.9 meters?

However, after all the people walked in, their eyes met and they were both stunned.

"It's you?"

"you know me?"

Gu Xiao asked first, Lan Shuang subconsciously asked back, but quickly realized, "It's you—"

She had heard this sound in the bathroom of the bar before.

This time it was Fang Dao's turn to be confused: "Do you know each other?"

"do not know."

"do not know."

The two said in unison.

Director Fang: "..."

Guess I believe it or not?

"Do you know him or not?"

Gu Xiao and Lan Shuang looked at each other, then he turned his head and said, "We know each other, we met once."

Listening to his tone, Director Fang reckoned that his impression of this relationship was not very good.

He couldn't help looking at Lan Shuang with some sympathy. If the big boss was not satisfied, no matter how good Lan Shuang was, he might not be able to be on this show.

"Since we only meet once, let me introduce you first."

Director Fang stood up and said to Gu Xiao, "This is Lan Shuang, the candidate for the last female guest I mentioned last night."

Lan Shuang stood up and looked at Gu Xiao, narrowing her eyes slightly.

There is a mole under Gu Xiao's left eye...

What kind of evil fate is this?
"Lan Shuang, this is the biggest investor in our program and the chairman of Xingyu Entertainment, Gu Xiao, Mr. Gu."

"Xingyu Entertainment?" Lan Shuang had never heard of this entertainment company.

Seeing her bewildered face, Director Fang explained in a low voice: "Xingyu Entertainment is a newly opened entertainment company, and it is one of the many companies under Mr. Gu's name."

At the same time, 888 was also popularizing science with Lan Shuang: "Gu Xiao, the son of the chairman of the Gu Group, the only son of the head of the first family's Gu family, because the head of the family gave birth relatively late, and his father is very capable of giving birth. , so Gu Xiao's father ranks very low in the family, but Gu Xiao's seniority is very high."

"Gu Ting is the grandson of the fourth eldest in the Gu family. He is even two years older than Gu Xiao, but he has to be called Uncle Gu Xiao, because Gu Xiao and his father are of the same generation."

Lan Shuang: "..."

This magical world of the rich.

However, she soon became excited, "Wait a minute, if Gu Xiao is Gu Ting's uncle, and I chase Gu Xiao, after that—will the dead scumbag call me aunt?"

888: "It's like this in terms of seniority."

"Hahahahahaha——" Lan Shuang's mood suddenly improved.

(End of this chapter)

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