Chapter 263
The director stood opposite her with a smile, pointed to Gu Xiao who was standing there as a living sign and said, "He."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She squinted her eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Director Fang, it's fine if there is a script for the variety show, and the partners are also pre-determined? Are you too dark?"

Dao Fang rubbed his hands, and a big man said cautiously: " not something I can decide. The gold master's father is unwilling to cooperate with other people, so I have wronged you."

Lan Shuang: "???"

Can you have some spine?How can you just bend your waist for five buckets of rice?

Seeing Lan Shuang's complexion changing, Gu Xiao couldn't help walking over, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why, don't you want to?"

Lan Shuang put on a business smirk, "How can it be, don't you feel wronged, Mr. Gu?"

Gu Xiao stared at her for a moment, then suddenly stretched out his hands to pinch her face, and pulled it to both sides.

Lan Shuang frowned: "What are you doing?"

Director Fang's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he gestured to the cameraman in the corner to record this segment.

You don’t need to include the words, but this pinching face must be photographed. When it’s time for publicity, you can cut it and use it. The ready-made material is so good!
The cameraman was also very good, and found a very good angle to capture this scene.

Gu Xiao didn't know and didn't care, so he approached Lan Shuang and said, "If you don't want to laugh, don't laugh, it's really ugly."

Lan Shuang knocked off his hand, expressionless: "Oh, then you can't speak if you don't know how to speak? You are really annoying like this."

Gu Xiao: "..."

888 asked puzzledly: "Host, from the comprehensive data analysis, this Gu Xiao Gu is very suitable for your criteria for finding a boyfriend. Why do you ignore him? You don't like this type of guy." What does your face look like?"

Lan Shuang, the villain in her heart, put her hands on her hips and said, "Of course not."

888: "Then you—"

The villain snorted arrogantly: "There must be different ways of approaching different people. An ancestor like Gu Xiao can't rush to please. With his identity and appearance, do you think there will be fewer people who take the initiative to post it?"

888 honestly shook his head: "No."

"That's right, all kinds of active, or implicitly active, are more or less interested in him. He will naturally be annoyed when he is used to seeing him. He basically ignores him and does not show interest. Jean will arouse his interest, of course, this trick must have been used by others."

The villain rubbed his hands: "He is probably familiar with this routine, but I have an advantage that is not an advantage."

888 was at a loss: "Ah? What is it?"

"Gu Ting—he is Gu Ting's uncle, he knows me to some extent, and he had a bad impression of me at first, thinking that I was a third party. But later I found out that I beat Mr. Sun violently, and I thought I might not have thought about it. He's so bad, he started to be curious about me, and I can't talk to him at this time."

The villain Lan Shuang shook hands, "This is Jiang Taigong fishing."

"Tsk tsk tsk, high, it's really high. It's scary that you humans can talk about spy wars when you fall in love." Xiao Baba, who is ignorant of the world, hugged himself tightly.

Lan Shuang regained her senses, lowered her eyes and did not look at Gu Xiao, and turned to Fang Dao: "Can't I change it?"

Sure enough, Gu Xiao frowned.

Director Fang shook his head firmly: "No, actually, this is good for you, Lan Shuang, don't forget that you are still dressed in black, other people may not be a good thing for you, and being with Mr. Gu, at least you guys compare cooked."

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment and nodded: "OK."

Gu Xiao frowned a little, "I can't change people, so you'll make do with it?"

Lan Shuang finally took a look at him and sighed, "I have wronged Mr. Gu."

She watched the staff remove her suitcase, and walked over to pick it up by herself, "Director Fang, can we go to the room now?"

Director Fang smiled and said, "Don't worry, the room can only be assigned when everyone is here. You can go to the lobby and sit down first."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang pulled the suitcase and walked forward, Gu Xiao followed immediately, "Let me help you."

"No, it's not heavy." Lan Shuang dodged his outstretched hand, and Gu Xiao became angry. He dragged his suitcase, walked for a while, and still couldn't help asking: "What did I provoke you? You Why do you hate me so much?"

Lan Shuang paused for a moment: "You didn't provoke me, I just thought of someone when I saw you, and I was shocked."

Gu Xiao squinted his eyes when he heard the words: "You mean Gu Ting?"

"Forget about him, we're recording the show."

A flash of hatred flashed across Lan Shuang's face, and Gu Xiao saw it squarely.

Gu Xiao followed thoughtfully, glanced at the cameraman following in the corner from the corner of his eye, and didn't ask any more questions.


There are a total of six guests in the first episode of the show, three men and three women, which are just right, but this combination is not fixed.

It is very likely that there will be changes in the later stage. As for how to change, it all depends on the script and public opinion reactions. Maybe people will be added or subtracted in the later stage, and Lan Shuang and Gu Xiao are here to make up the numbers. They are not the main couple of the show. Several issues.

The other four Lan Shuang didn't know each other very well, they were very unfamiliar.

But it doesn't matter, the first link when everyone sits down is self-introduction.

Six people sat on the sofa, men and women were separated like this, and the cameras were all set up, facing several people.

Director Fang made a gesture, and immediately started filming. The staff held a horn and said a lot of clichés, and then announced the start of the first session.

"Introduce yourself from left to right."

Lan Shuang sat at the end, looking at the boy on the far left.

This is a sunny boy, an amateur, named Xu Yanning, graduated from a well-known university, rich second generation, handsome and versatile, he should be the type that is more popular with audiences.

The girl sitting next to him is named Lu Fangting, a goddess of gentle temperament and a top student.

Then Jiang Huai, Ruan Hanyi, Gu Xiao...

Finally, there is Lan Shuang. When the camera cuts over, Lan Shuang adjusted her expression in a second, and greeted the camera with a smile, "Hi everyone, I am Lan Shuang, graduated from X University, used to be an actor, and my specialty is—— Can barely dance."

"Dancing is amazing! What kind of dance do you know?" Ruan Hanyi looked at her curiously.

Lan Shuang: "Classical dance."

"Can you show it to everyone? I always thought that girls who can dance are very good, but I can't. My muscles and bones are hard, and I dance like a zombie." Ruan Hanyi is the kind of girl who looks very sweet. The voice is also gentle and gentle, she looks cute and seems to have no intentions, the others are driven by her, and follow suit.

Gu Xiao also looked at Lan Shuang, wondering how she would deal with this situation.

Lan Shuang looked at her with a smile: "I'm really sorry, I'm going to spoil everyone's interest. I danced a little hard a few days ago. I twisted my waist and it still hurts. I won't show it today. If you are curious, you can Check out the video I recorded earlier."

He's not an acquaintance, so he booed her to dance when he came up, what did he think she was?monkey?

(End of this chapter)

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