Chapter 268
"Congratulations on getting rich~"

"Congratulations, you are wonderful~"


The lively, unnecessary phone ringing suddenly rang in my ears, causing Lan Shuang to bounce off the bed in fright, 888: "..."

"Host, are you alright?"

Lan Shuang flew out with her heart beating fast, her hands and feet were numb, and it took her a while to recover from the fright, "What's the matter..."

She turned her head and took a look, and found that it was her mobile phone, and what was even more terrible was that the ringtone was an exclusive ringtone set by herself. As soon as the ringtone rang, she knew who was calling without even looking at her.

Isn't it her manager who killed thousands of knives?

Lan Shuang picked up the phone, pressed the answer button, and lazily leaned back against the bed: "Hello? Brother Qin, what's the matter?"

Qin Shou didn't talk nonsense with her, and said straight to the point: "The script you asked me to pay attention to earlier has a clue."

"How do you say it?" Lan Shuang regained her energy and jumped up from the head of the bed again.


Why don't you practice the tumbler here?
Qin Shou laughed inexplicably: "It's a big-budget costume drama movie. The script is called "Jie Chun". The most popular character, the best character that is still vacant is female No. [-], an oiran."

Lan Shuang smiled lightly: "Oiran, do you want to dance? I can."

Qin Shou hummed: "It's because you can dance, so I shamelessly found a relationship between the left and the right to set you up. There is an audition opportunity coming, please pay attention, this is a serious crew, no There are some unspoken rules that are messed up, and the director is notoriously strict, and he won’t accept any sponsors, so whether you can win it in the end depends on your own ability, I don’t guarantee it.”

"Don't worry, Brother Qin, do your best to obey the destiny, if you really can't take it down, let's think about other things."

"You have a good attitude. The audition will be tomorrow afternoon, on the seventh floor of the Jinli Building in the city center. It's exactly three o'clock. Don't be late."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang agreed to come down, and then hung up there, without saying a word to her, and didn't even ask her how the previous program was recorded.

"Ah... a hairless phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken."

Lan Shuang sighed, got up and looked in the mirror, 888 looked at her and said, "Host, I believe you can do it, don't worry!"

Lan Shuang looked at her dark circles, "I'm not worried about it, it's just Xiaobaba, do you remember who the heroine of this movie is?"

888: "Heroine?"

He called up the database to search, and looked at the photos and information that popped up on the electronic screen, "Gu Han..."

"and many more--"

"Gu Han?! Isn't it Gu Ting's idiot, annoying brother controlling sister?"

Lan Shuang: "Bingo! It's her, maybe I will meet Gu Ting on the set."

After all, Gu Ting was born with indifferent family affection, and he was the only one who was obedient to this younger sister. Otherwise, he and his wife would not have had so many twists and turns in the previous life. Most of the reasons were due to this scheming younger sister.

888's real name was worried: "Gu Han also hates you, host, will she trip you up? If you really try it, you may not have a good life."

Lan Shuang sat on the edge of the bed, imitating the appearance of a pistol with one hand, stretched out her arm and held it up, resting the other hand on her wrist, smiling and narrowing one eye, imitating the sound of firing a gun: "bong! Baba, have you forgotten that I actually hate people, and I hate dogs too?"


"At that time, it's not sure who will trouble whom. I was worrying about how to get close to their family, and the opportunity came to me. God helped me."

Seeing Lan Shuang's malicious smile, 888 was silent for a moment, then suddenly became excited.

Fight, fight, he loves to watch!

The next day Lan Shuang arrived at Jinli Building on time, wearing the simplest white shirt, jeans and casual shoes, standing in the crowd, if she didn't look at her face, she was dressed like an ordinary office worker.

She found the interview location according to the location given by Qin Shou. At this time, the director and the others hadn't arrived yet. A group of well-dressed and delicately made-up young girls in the lounge saw someone coming. They raised their eyelids and looked at themselves. I went on my own.

Those who recognized Lan Shuang were quite shocked and secretly took photos.

Lan Shuang didn't care either. She found an empty chair and sat down. Listening to their whispered discussions, she gained a better understanding of the characters in this audition. It died within a few shots, but the scenes are really important. If the performance is good, it is easy to leave a deep impression on people.

It's just that the requirements for actors are very high. Being able to dance is a must, because there are dance scenes and martial arts scenes.

Qin Shou probably didn't expect too much, so he found an excuse that he didn't come at all, and let her audition by herself. He went to pick up the newcomer, so he sent her a temporary assistant, who was waiting at the door right now.

Lan Shuang looked up to see if the person was still there, when she heard a conversation outside, and the regular crisp sound of leather shoes stepping on the smooth tiled floor.

Then several figures flashed past the door, and Lan Shuang's heart suddenly jumped rapidly, it seemed that the original owner's emotions were at work.

This kind of reaction...could it be that it was outside the door——Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, and saw the group of people entering the next door, and a silver-gray figure disappeared outside the door in the blink of an eye, but it caused quite a commotion.

"Hey, that man is so tall and handsome? Is he the leading actor?"

"No, it's said to be the producer's father."

"Huh? So young and so handsome? Which big star did I think it was?"

Lan Shuang looked away calmly, she hadn't seen him for a long time, but this person was still like this - he looked like a dog.

"Quiet, don't make noise, line up now, come one by one."

The staff came in and said something, and the chatter was quieted down one after another. A few unexplained eyes fell on Lan Shuang, and Lan Shuang just pretended not to see them, and waited for everyone to go out before going to line up.

There were wave after wave of interviewees, obviously only a female number six, but because it was a big production, people flocked to it.

Standing at the end, Lan Shuang watched her temporary assistant standing at the corner cheering her up with gestures, and couldn't help but smile.

This temporary assistant was recruited by Qin Shoucong from the company. She was an intern girl in her early twenties.

Lan Shuang thought distractedly, if this little girl does a good job, it is not impossible to ask people directly in the future. Compared with male assistants and male managers, girls are more convenient.

"Next, Lan Shuang—"

The door opened, and the staff called Lan Shuang's name, and Lan Shuang immediately came back to her senses: "Here we are."

She walked to the door of the room and took a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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