Chapter 271
Listening to his tone, Lan Shuang deliberately asked, "You sound happy?"

Gu Xiao immediately lowered the corner of his mouth and coughed lightly: "No."

"So what else do you have to do? I'll hang up if I have nothing to do. I still have to eat."

"Hey, why are you so impatient?" Gu Xiao hurriedly said, "I'm just asking you what you think. If you want to take revenge on Gu Ting, maybe I can help you, let's join hands?"

Looking at the passing traffic, Lan Shuang asked amusedly, "Why did you join forces with me? Isn't Gu Ting your nephew?"

"Yes, Gu Ting is indeed my nephew, but I hate him very much. As you know, there are all kinds of birds in the big family. He and I are in a competitive relationship. The property of the Gu family and the person in charge of the Gu family can only be me. .”

A dark light flashed in Gu Xiao's eyes, and he squeezed the phone slightly with his fingers.

Lan Shuang was taken aback for a moment, "Your Gu family are also fighting among themselves?"

"Naturally, where there are interests, there are disputes. I don't like being arranged step by step, so I can only work hard to climb up. When I stand at the top, no one can manipulate me."

Gu Xiao closed his eyes, "So - you want to join forces with me?"

Lan Shuang smiled: "But you have a lot of choices, why are you looking for me, I have no power, no power, no money, it seems that I can't help you?"


Gu Xiao was silent for a long time, and gave Lan Shuang an unexpected answer.

Lan Shuang's lips parted slightly, and finally turned into a sentence with a smile: "Happy cooperation."

The corners of Gu Xiao's lips curled slightly: "It's a pleasant cooperation."


Lan Shuang was in a good mood when she went back, and Xiao Xu couldn't help asking: "Sister Shuang, have you got a boyfriend yet?"

Lan Shuang paused with her chopsticks, "Me?"

Xiao Xu said with some embarrassment: "I didn't want to pry into your privacy. I won't tell Brother Qin. It's just that your smile is a bit obvious, so I asked. It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it."

Lan Shuang reached out and touched her face, the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously were indeed obvious.

She was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and did not deny it: "It's not considered a relationship, it's an ambiguous period, keep it a secret for me~"

Gossip flashed in Xiao Xu's eyes immediately: "Who is it? Handsome?"

Thinking of Gu Xiao's face, although it is fierce, it is indeed handsome, the kind of handsome that is like a sharp blade tempered in the cold ice.

Although it still looks a little underwhelming now.

Lan Shuang rubbed her fingers, and began to make some calculations in her heart.

888 huddled in the corner and couldn't help but light the wax for Gu Xiao.

"Let's not talk about him. If we get together in the future and you have a chance to meet him, it's fine if you haven't written your horoscope yet."

"Okay." Xiao Xu was very measured and didn't ask any more questions. The two happily ate hot pot. After paying the bill, Lan Shuang took a taxi to take Xiao Xu home, and then went back by herself.


On Tuesday night, the "Dating" program group released a pre-heating video, which is a recorded performance of everyone, singing, playing the piano, exercising, etc., all kinds of people, but none of them showed their faces, and all of them were mosaiced.

As soon as the promotional video came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

After all, it is the first variety show of this type in China. Many people have been paying attention to it for a long time, looking forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, it finally arrived. There have been constant discussions on Weibo for a while.

The program group is also very smart. The promotional videos are not released all at once, but one by one like squeezing toothpaste. Lan Shuang was put in the last one.

The program team has no plans to make it public for the time being, so there are no people from Aite on Weibo, but the program team notified a few people privately.

After Lan Shuang received the news, she took a look on Weibo curiously. To be honest, this time the program is very important to her, and the feedback from netizens is also very important.

It's been a long time since I logged into Weibo. Lan Shuang turned on her phone and checked, okay, the original owner has uninstalled Weibo.

Lan Shuang re-downloaded and came back. After thinking for a while, she remembered the account password. When she logged in, she was stuck, and all kinds of messages flooded in. Most of them were insults. Lan Shuang quickly switched to the homepage after a glance, and searched for the program. Group, saw her video.

After a while, the comments and likes were rising rapidly, but she didn't watch it. She clicked on the video first. This video was shorter than the one she recorded, and it was probably an edited version.

Sure enough, after she clicked on it, she found that the video was cut out and spliced ​​together. Her face was not shown, but it was mostly profiled. Plus she was wearing a veil, so it didn't look so clear, plus her makeup The painting is so thick that it's hard to tell who it is.

"The program team is very good." Lan Shuang watched it with relish, and thought it was not bad, so she clicked on the comment.

[Wow, who is this young lady? She has solid dancing skills and looks so comfortable and beautiful! 】

【I also feel that I really want to tear off the veil on her face (Ba Zong lights a cigarette.jpg)】

[It's okay, this person is put at the end, it's because the show crew did it on purpose, I don't think it's as good as the previous ones, maybe it's a moth. 】

[Is there an antisocial personality upstairs?Why is the mind so dark? 】

[Miss is a newcomer?This profile is amazing! 】

[Hehe, what kind of side face can you see while wearing a veil, isn't it embarrassing to brag about it?It's not someone's fans who will control the review, right? 】


Some praised and some criticized, but most of them were friendly. Lan Shuang touched her chin, "If these people know that the person in the video is me, will they continue to praise? Or will they turn around and scold me?"

888: "I think I might scold you."

Lan Shuang thought about her black fans, and nodded: "I think so too, oh, it's really difficult."

888: "Don't be discouraged, the host, I believe in you, come on!"

"I also believe in myself." Said Lan Shuang quit this account, turned around and registered a small account with a new mobile phone number.

888: "Huh? Host, why are you using a trumpet?"

Lan Shuang: "I'm afraid of slippery hands."

After tidying up the trumpet, she looked like a living person, so she clicked on the Weibo of the program group with satisfaction, and liked each one who praised herself.


This is not over yet, after she likes it, she leaves a comment below: [Young lady is so beautiful!Chong duck, I am optimistic about you! 】


You are so flamboyant.

A set of movements flowed smoothly. After the end, Lan Shuang turned off her mobile phone and began to study the script sent by the assistant director of "Jie Chun".

Although she is the female No. [-], she doesn't have many roles, but it is very important. How to play this role well in limited shots is a matter of knowledge.

Lan Shuang read the script twice from beginning to end, and after knowing the general plot, she began to ponder the tone and actions of the characters in the mirror.

She even practiced while eating. Lan Xue once suspected that her sister was crazy and almost called the police.

Fortunately, the variety show was launched on time, diverting Lan Shuang's attention.

 Lan Shuang: The Birth of a Playwright

(End of this chapter)

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