Chapter 302
Lan Shuang endured it for a while but still couldn't hold back, grabbed the pillow and threw it backwards.

Gu Xiao accepted it easily, grabbed Lan Shuang's wrist and pressed her against the head of the bed, and kissed him deeply.

Lan Shuang resisted but simply lay flat and enjoyed the tenderness afterwards.

The curtains of the hotel were always drawn, Lan Shuang didn't know what was going on outside, so she took a look at her phone, it was three o'clock in the morning.

"It's already three o'clock?"

Lan Shuang sat up from the bed, hugging the quilt with her messy hair, looking a little dazed.

Gu Xiao was wearing a bath towel. He walked over to see her in a daze, his heart was full, he leaned over and kissed her twice on the face, and then put his hands through Lan Shuang's legs to hug her up, "Yes Ah, it's three o'clock, I'll take you to take a shower, and then sleep again."

It was rare for Gu Xiao to be honest when taking a bath, he didn't do anything else, the two of them soaked quietly in the bathtub, and then went out together.

She was still a little sleepy at first, but after taking a bath, she felt a lot more energetic. Lan Shuang opened the curtains and took a look. The sky outside was already slightly bright. hope.

Lan Shuang thought for a while, took out her mobile phone and stood by the bed and stared at the east for a while. Gu Xiao came over, wrapped her arms around her waist from behind, rested his chin on her shoulder, and said in a hoarse voice, "Look what?"

"Wait for the sun."

Gu Xiao smiled lightly, and tightened his arms around him a little more. He didn't say anything, and just quietly waited with her.

When the first ray of light in the sky pierced the darkness and came through the clouds, Lan Shuang recorded this moment with her mobile phone, then turned the camera around, leaned back and said to Gu Xiao, "Record the first time we watched together. The next sunrise, our first photo together."


Gu Xiao's well-defined eyes looked at the camera, the usual arrogance and indifference towards other people disappeared, replaced by a gentle satisfaction that almost overflowed the screen.

Lan Shuang looked at each other in the camera, and for some reason, she suddenly wanted to cry. This emotion came suddenly and inexplicably. She tried her best to raise the corners of her lips, but the sadness was disobedient, and it still ran out of her eyes.

Gu Xiao noticed it, he leaned forward slightly, turned his face to the side, and kissed the teardrop that rolled down, "Tiantian, we will always be together, don't cry."


Lan Shuang didn't know what to say, and there were many things she couldn't say now, so she put down her phone and hugged Gu Xiao tightly, trying her best to respond to him.

Even though the road ahead is unpredictable, she will not let go.


Because it was finished, there was nothing else to do for the time being, so Lan Shuang turned off all the alarm clocks, and went back to the cage to sleep until the afternoon. Gu Xiao also accompanied her, but she still woke up a little earlier than Lan Shuang.

He guessed that Lan Shuang was about to wake up, so he got dressed first and ordered dinner.

Waiting for Lanshuang to wake up just to eat.

"Well, I'm so tired after sleeping." Lan Shuang, wearing short-sleeved shorts pulled out of the suitcase, lay on Gu Xiao's back, pressed her face against him and asked, "Has my phone ever rang?" ? Did Xiao Xu look for me?"

Gu Xiao opened the porridge bowl and set it up, then pulled the person to sit on his lap, "Xiao Xu came to knock on the door, but left when no one opened, and sent me a message."

As he said that, he showed Lan Shuang his mobile phone. Xiao Xu just asked how Lan Shuang was doing and how she was doing. Then he said that the crew had contacted her and asked about Lan Shuang's situation. The director and the others were worried.

Lan Shuang held Gu Xiao's mobile phone and wanted to reply a message, but when she was about to send it, she realized that it was not her mobile phone. She got up and went to get the mobile phone with bare feet. , and subconsciously slid his foot in the air twice, "Huh?"

She looked down blankly, and Gu Xiao pinched her waist and lifted her up easily.

Lan Shuang: "???"

"Xiao Baba, is his arm strength a bit beyond the standard? Although I'm not fat, I'm a healthy person weighing over 90 pounds, he lifted me up!"

Hearing this, 888 quickly used the system's ability to scan Gu Xiao, and after a while, he came to a conclusion: "He should be strong, and the system didn't find any abnormalities."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Who envied her did not say.

If she has this arm strength, how about punching a little rascal?

"No shoes? Are you afraid of catching cold?"

Gu Xiao put her on the side of the bed, took a brand new white sock that Lan Shuang had dug out just now, knelt down on one knee and pulled her leg to let her step on his knee, and then gently helped her put the sock on superior.

The clothes they wore yesterday were thrown on the ground. Lan Shuang stepped on them with her bare feet just now, so they didn't touch the ground, and her feet were clean, but even so, it was still a bit shameful to be helped to put on socks.

Lan Shuang couldn't help curling her toes, "I'll do it myself."

Gu Xiao held her ankle without any refusal, gentle and forceful, "I'll do it."

After he put on one of the slippers, he picked up one of the slippers to help her put on, and then lifted the other foot.

When he was all dressed, he pinched Lan Shuang's calf, and seemed dissatisfied and said, "It's a bit too thin, eat well after you go back."

Lan Shuang blushed slightly, and whispered, "Got it."

As she said she was about to go to the ground, Gu Xiao lifted her up again, and she asked helplessly, "What are you doing?"

Gu Xiao carried her back to the table, sat down and put the person on his body, picked up the porridge bowl, and said with a smile: "Eat."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She fixedly looked at Gu Xiao's face, suspecting that he might have some unknown contact habit, and there were witnesses!

Yes, that's her!
Seeing Gu Xiao picking up a bowl, scooping up a spoonful of porridge, blowing it to cool and feeding it to his mouth, Lan Shuang thought for a moment in silence, if she could always be so obedient, it would be okay to have a bit of a hobby.

Just as she was thinking, Lan Shuang swallowed the porridge with the spoon in her mouth, when the phone rang suddenly.

She turned her head to look, Gu Xiao frowned, picked up Lan Shuang like a child, then went to the corner to pick up her mobile phone, the screen of the mobile phone displayed: Beast.

Gu Xiao: "?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

Lan Shuang smiled awkwardly: "Hehehe, what, I am..."

"Isn't the beast actually me?" Gu Xiao asked seriously.

Lan Shuang: "Huh?"

Gu Xiao handed her the phone, with a smile in his eyes: "I thought this kind of honor was usually given to me."

Lan Shuang: "... If you want it, it's okay, I'll give you a note on WeChat."

Gu Xiao: "Huh?"

Lan Shuang struggled to get off him, and pressed the answer button, "Ahem—hello? Brother Qin?"

Gu Xiao looked at his empty arms with regret, sat down embarrassingly, and pricked up his ears to listen.

Qin Shou didn't know how many cigarettes he had smoked, and Lan Shuang was startled when he opened his mouth, "What's the matter with you? Some paparazzi said you were arrested by the police? There are also marketing accounts saying that you... say... say you Looking for a duck and being caught straight, are you so lonely?"

Lan Shuang petrified, dumbfounded, "What did you say?"

Gu Xiao's face turned dark in an instant: " are a duck, your whole family is a duck!"

(End of this chapter)

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