Chapter 415 When Greengages Are Ripe 46 (Third Watch)
They ordered a private restaurant, the environment is very good, the flowers and trees are scattered, and the small courtyard is quiet. After entering the private room, there is a feeling of isolation from the world.

After the food was served, Wu Qing sat down and greeted: "You two sit down too, don't stand up."

Lan Shuang and Mu Yan looked at each other and shook their heads: "We won't sit down for now, Mom, we have something to tell you."

Wu Qing looked at them suspiciously, looked at Lan Shuang, then looked at Mu Yan, she faintly sensed something, and she was a little unbelievable, her lips moved, and she smiled a little, "What can't you sit down and talk about?"

Lan Shuang was silent for a while, and was considering her words, Mu Yan took her hand first, not simply shaking hands, but clasping fingers tightly.

Wu Qing opened his eyes slightly, his head was hit hard with a small hammer, and there was a "buzz".


Mu Yan's eyes were firm, and his tone was soft, "Mom, I like Shuangshuang, I took the initiative to pursue her, and now we are together."

Lan Shuang was startled, Mu Yan took all the blame on herself!

She hurriedly added: "No, Mom, we are in love with each other. I like him too. I like him very much. I must like him in this life."

Wu Qing's lips trembled, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't, and his heart was very confused.

What I thought was wrong before has been explained, and it turns out that the two children are really together!

But their relationship...

She hesitated and asked, "Have you really thought about it?"

Maybe because she felt that this was inappropriate, she changed her words: "Mom is not questioning you, but you are still too young, and you may not be able to distinguish between the likes between men and women and the likes between brothers and sisters..."

"Mom." Mu Yan interrupted Wu Qing, and said calmly: "We can tell the difference, we are both adults."

Wu Qing fell silent.

She looked at the two of them, her eyes became moist.

Lan Shuang came to her side and leaned down to hug her, and said softly: "Mom, my brother's household registration has been moved out a long time ago, and we have nothing to do with each other. During your absence, we supported each other and walked over relying on each other. It has become an indispensable part of each other, you may not be able to accept it, think that we are all your children, but we will not change anything when we are together, we are still your children, we love you very much."

Hearing this sentence, the tears that Wu Qing had been rolling in his eyes finally fell down, "Mom loves you too."

Mu Yan knelt on the ground, opened his arms and embraced both of them.

The family of three cried for a while, and after calming down, they sat around the small wooden table and drank hot tea.

Wu Qing was silent for a while, feeling that this matter was actually not unacceptable, and said after considering it, "If you really decide, mom has no objection, after all, you encouraged each other to get through the most difficult period. Mom also has to thank Xiao Yan."

She looked at Mu Yan and said, "If it weren't for you, Shuangshuang, I don't know what to do."

"This is what I should do, Mom, don't say that."

Mu Yan helped her pour tea, Wu Qing held it in his hand and shook his head, "There are so many shoulds in this world, just like I should treat you well, it's because I love you, you respect me, and you are willing to discuss with me , nor should it be, love is a matter between the two of you, I shouldn't interfere at will, if you want, I don't object."

"Mom..." Lan Shuang leaned closer and kissed her on the cheek, "Thank you."

Wu Qing's heart softened, and she laughed, "But I still want to say, you are still young, there are infinite possibilities in the future, don't regard the present as permanent, what if you change your mind in the future, or your relationship fades?"

Lan Shuang and Mu Yan looked at each other, but didn't say anything like "we only love each other", "we are a couple for life".

Because something that didn't happen, it's not convincing to say it, so she has to see it with her own eyes.

Seeing that the two were silent, Wu Qing felt more relieved, which showed that they were not impulsive and passionate.

"No matter whether you will enter the palace of marriage or part ways in the future, my mother will say that you are all my children, whether you are related by blood or not, in my eyes, you are all biological, and you will always be my children , I don't want anything to affect our relationship."

Mu Yan knew that these words were mainly for himself, his heart was moved, and he said sincerely: "Thank you Mom, I understand."

The two looked at each other and smiled, needless to say a lot.

After the three of them finished their meal in harmony, Wu Qing suddenly said: "In a few days, you will accompany me to visit your father? You should tell him about such a big family matter."

"Okay." Lan Shuang agreed.


On the weekend, the three of them drove to the cemetery. At the beginning, Wu Qing knew that the city would not last, so he had the foresight to buy a cemetery here and bury Lao Lan's ashes here.

Today, the wind is light and cloudless, the sun is shining brightly, but the temperature is not very high. It is a rare good weather.

The three of them walked into the silent and solemn cemetery with white chrysanthemums in their hands.

Lan's father's tombstone is at the back, passing through layers of tombstones, Lan Shuang felt a sense of awe spontaneously.

Wu Qing stopped, looked at the familiar photo, sighed lightly, and then said with a smile: "Lao Lan, I brought Xiao Yan and Shuangshuang to see you."

She bent down to put down the white chrysanthemum in her arms, and slowly squatted down to gently wipe the dust off the photo, "Long time no see."

Lan Shuang stood behind, unable to hold back the tears.

888: "The original owner is also very sad."

Lan Shuang exhaled lightly, and put down the flowers in her arms, "Dad, I'm sorry, I'm late."

These words were the original owner's heartfelt words, the moment Lan Shuang said them, her heart was sore.

Mu Yan sensed her mood swings, and after putting down the flowers, he held her hand.

Lan Shuang glanced at him, clenched her hands tightly, taking some comfort from his temperature.

"Father, Mu Yan and I are together, we will still be a family in the future, we will take good care of mom, don't worry."

Mu Yan nodded, "Dad, thank you for all these years, I will be the next home."

Hearing this, Wu Qing's nose turned sore again, "Go around first, I will have a few words with your father alone."

(End of this chapter)

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