Chapter 490 This Zombie Is Kinda Cute 14
It stands to reason that zombies don't need to sleep, but Lan Qing is not an ordinary zombie, so Lan Shuang accepts all kinds of abnormalities on him well, and is not very worried about Lan Qing's accidents. It's easy to get into trouble.

So she concentrates on driving.

From the outskirts of the city to the city center, the scenery along the way ranges from desolate and dilapidated to desolate and prosperous, and the impact on people is not insignificant.

There are few buildings on the outskirts of the city, while the buildings in the center of the city are bustling. Some neon lights are still on and flickering non-stop, but the scene of the bustling traffic in the past no longer exists, and the crowds rubbing shoulders evaporate overnight. The only thing left is to lose their minds , Squealing and screaming strangely shaped zombies.

They are wandering in the streets and alleys aimlessly, and one glance makes people shudder.

When the sound of the car sounded, they all twisted their stiff necks and looked this way slowly.

A dazzling light cut through the boundless darkness. Lan Shuang was sitting in the driver's seat, with half of her face hidden in the shadows, making it difficult to see clearly. She looked at the more excited zombies who surrounded her, and gently curled her lower lip. , "There are no traffic laws now~"

Before she finished speaking, she stepped on the gas pedal hard, and the off-road vehicle accelerated instantly, and without a moment's pause, it rammed straight into it with an indomitable momentum.

"Bang bang bang-"

Many zombies were knocked into the air and hit the zombies behind, but they didn't feel any pain, and didn't know the danger, so they still rushed up one after another.

But their speed is really too slow, even ordinary people with able-bodied hands and feet can't run, let alone an off-road vehicle with full firepower?

"Huh——" Lan Shuang exhaled slowly, the speed of the car slowed down, she looked at the desolate scenery again, and sighed, "It seems that there is nothing to search in the city."

There are a lot of supplies in the center of the city, and people passing by will definitely come in and search them. There is definitely nothing left now, so there is no need to waste time here.

Lan Shuang continued to move forward without hesitation.

After driving for another half an hour, Lan Qing, the co-pilot, finally woke up when he was about to leave the city.

He slowly opened his eyes, and there was a moment of blankness in his eyes, especially when the things under him were still moving, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he raised his hand to pull off the seat belt.

Lan Shuang saw his movements from the corner of her eye, and asked suspiciously: "Are you awake? Why are you pulling your seat belt? Are you getting out of the car?",

Hearing this familiar voice, Lan Qing was taken aback suddenly, and turned to look at her blankly.

Lan Shuang took time to look at him, even more at a loss: "What are you looking at me for? Are you hungry?"

She thought that Lan Qing had consumed so much tonight, maybe she was really hungry, so she drove with one hand (don't imitate), and stretched out the other hand, "Here, bite."

Lan Qing stared blankly at the finger stretched out in front of her, before she could speak, Lan Shuang suddenly withdrew her hand again.

Lan Qing's eyes sank, "Ah..."

However, the next moment, Lan Shuang took out a bag of wet wipes from the gap and threw it to him, "Driving all the way, your hands are dirty, wipe them before you bite."

As she said that, she looked at Lan Qing worriedly, "Can you use wet wipes? I showed you before."

Lan Qing nodded: "Ang."

His eyes gradually softened, and he regained his spirit. He picked up the wet tissue bag, tore open the package, took a piece and carefully wiped Lan Shuang's hands, not even letting go of his fingers. Lan Shuang felt itchy and couldn't help laughing up.

Listening to her voice, Lan Qing raised the corners of his mouth unconsciously. After wiping, he stared at Lan Shuang's fingers for a long time before he grabbed her index finger and put it in his mouth.

He didn't rush to bite, but just sucked it for a while, Lan Shuang couldn't help but flexed his fingers, and flicked his neat teeth.

"What are you doing? It's not sugar, but it still contains it."

Lan Qing lowered her eyes, and her thick eyelashes drooped, covering the expression in his eyes, "Uh—"

He slowly rubbed on Lan Shuang's fingertips, and then slowly pierced in. The movement was so light that Lan Shuang almost didn't feel it. She glanced at Lan Qing. After Lan Qing took a mouthful of blood, his face instantly looked better. many.

Lan Shuang thought to herself: She is really hungry.

After Lan Qing sucked the blood, from the strands of his hair to the soles of his feet, there was a sense of satisfaction, his beautiful eyes were half-closed, he leaned on the seat, raised his head slightly, and licked Lan Qing with the tip of his red tongue. Frost wound.

Lan Shuang glanced at it unintentionally, then turned her head quickly.

It's too erotic, no no no can't watch it.

Lan Qing watched the wound heal, then let go of Lan Shuang's hand, then turned her head to look at Lan Shuang, like a big dog staring at its owner.

Lan Shuang: "..."

"Xiao Baba, do you think he is seducing me? In order to let me be his long-term meal ticket, he did not hesitate to sell his beauty?"


He really wanted to say that the host was thinking too much, but he also felt this way when he looked at Lan Qing. His seduction was really released unconsciously and indiscriminately. Thanks to his powerful abilities, otherwise he would have such a look. The appearance of the disaster, not only beheaded the woman but also the man, I am afraid that he was captured and locked up long ago.

He quickly covered his eyes, and said to Lan Shuang: "Host, I suspect that his identity is not that simple. If you can, you can try to find out, maybe there will be some unexpected gains."

Lan Shuang nodded and wrote it down.


Just as she was thinking, a light suddenly flashed in front of her, she immediately slowed down and observed carefully.

The owner of the light seemed to be aware of Lan Shuang's existence, and turned around suddenly. The car light fell on the man, and Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, "Lin Changyun?"

888 was surprised: "Hey, we met so soon?"

Lan Qing raised her eyebrows slightly, and followed Lan Shuang's gaze.

Lin Changyun stood there waving the flashlight in his hand, not afraid at all, Lan Shuang stepped on the brakes, and the car slowly stopped.

Lan Shuang turned on the lights in the car, and then Lan Qing saw the person opposite, and then his face darkened.

Lin Changyun wore a dark green jacket, but he was white. This color did not look old-fashioned on him, but it made him look cold, but when he smiled, he was very gentle.

He was relatively close to the co-pilot, so he came over and knocked on the window of the co-pilot. Lan Qing looked at him through the glass, without any intention of moving.

Lin Changyun saw Lan Qing's face clearly through the lights in the car, and was taken aback, there are still such clean people in the last days?

The first time he saw Lan Qing, his first feeling was - clean.

The beauty is clean and pure.

He didn't even realize whether the person in front of him was a man or a woman.

Seeing that Lan Qing didn't respond, he knocked on the car window again in a good temper, "Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, I just want to ask if you have any oil?"

Lan Qing glanced at him expressionlessly, then turned back.

Lin Changyun: "..."

Lan Shuang looked funny, pressed the car window and greeted Lin Changyun, "Brother Lin."

(End of this chapter)

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