"It's a long story, I'll tell you later, how long has it been since I didn't move?"

Lan Shuang walked to Jiang Lusheng's door, 888 said, "5 minutes."

"Only 5 minutes have passed..." Lan Shuang felt that she had been inside for a long time.

"Is there no movement in there?"

As soon as Lan Shuang finished asking, there was a loud noise from inside the door, as if something had hit the ground.

She hurriedly opened the door and went in, turned on the light and saw that Liu Quan was lying on the ground with a dazed face, and Jiang Lusheng was sitting on the bed with a livid face.

There was a "thump" in her heart, and she hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Are you all right?"

When Jiang Lusheng saw her complexion improved a lot, he shook his head and said, "It's okay, I just found him when he climbed onto my bed, and kicked him down."

Liu Quan also came back to his senses at this time, touched the back of his head that was a little sore from being hit, put on his glasses again, looked around and asked doubtfully, "Why am I here?"

He was stunned again when he saw Lan Shuang, "Why are you here? This is your room?"

Lan Shuang straightened up to reveal Jiang Lusheng behind her.

Liu Quan: "..."

"No, whose room is this? Are you two sneaking up on me, or did my sleepwalking disturb you?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

What the hell is bothering them?

Jiang Lusheng sat by the bed and looked at him with sharp eyes: "This is my room, you just came in and climbed onto my bed."

Liu Quan's eyes widened in shock, "Really?"

He took a closer look, and it was indeed not his room, "Then you—"

Lan Shuang spread her hands: "I came to take a look when I heard something going on upstairs, and I happened to see you coming in."

Liu Quan: "..."

This time he jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean himself up.

"No, I was completely unconscious. I fell asleep after drinking the milk and didn't know what happened afterwards."

Liu Quan supported the bed and stood up, apologetically and heavily said: "I'm sorry."

Jiang Lusheng was calmer than Li Weiyan, and shook his head when he heard the words: "It's not you who should apologize, but this weird manor. It seems that you and He Ping are in the same situation. You should have been controlled by something to enter the roles you played. , and your characters are related to the eldest lady played by Li Weiyan and the third lady played by me."

Seeing that he was able to analyze calmly, Liu Quan was infected and calmed down, "Yes, I am the same as He Ping, and we are all playing roles outside the manor, that is to say..." He looked at Lan Shuang in embarrassment One glance, "Our character has an improper relationship with them?"

Lan Shuang's attitude was calmer than him: "This is obvious, and this relationship is probably not what they want."

"Ah?" Liu Quan was shocked, "Isn't that against the law?"

Lan Shuang pointed to the carpet: "We are now in Rose Manor, a place where everything but roses is a ghost."

Liu Quan: "..." That's right, talking about the law with ghosts?

"I got some very critical information just now, but I can't tell you now, because I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep. Let's talk about it at the dinner table when we get up tomorrow morning."

Lan Shuang looked at Jiang Lusheng, Jiang Lusheng nodded: "You can go back now."

Liu Quan felt uneasy: "Is it dangerous outside?"

"It's quite dangerous. I just saw a ghost. Just to remind you, it's twelve midnight."

In one sentence, Liu Quan became cold.

He stood there and looked at Lan Shuang in fear.

Lan Shuang spread her hands, "It's dangerous for you to go out now, and it may not be safe to stay here. Take a gamble, but I think I just got tricked, so I shouldn't pester you anymore."

In the end, Liu Quan still left. He felt that it was more dangerous for him to stay.

Lan Shuang went out to see him off, but Liu Quan took one step at a time and turned his head three times. The few steps took him almost 10 minutes.

Fortunately, he finally went back to his room safe and sound.

Lan Shuang turned to look at Jiang Lusheng. Jiang Lusheng held her hand and asked her to sit down beside him, "What did you find? What do you mean you just saw a ghost?"

Lan Shuang told him what happened just now, how she came to find him, how she fell into a nightmare-like predicament, and how she got out, all in detail.

Jiang Lusheng's face turned dark when he heard half of it.

"This group of things is bold."

"Don't be angry, I feel like she's not trying to harm me, but reminding me." Lan Shuang held Jiang Lusheng's hand and whispered, "Didn't we just say that we found too few clues? This time at least let me After figuring out the relationship between the young lady and that man, I guess that man is the character played by He Ping, the big boss, the business elite, who 'bought' the young lady."

Jiang Lusheng frowned, "The corpse in the rose bushes, the eldest lady who was sold, and the third lady who was suddenly attacked tonight, these are all things that are happening or have already happened, and they are happening in front of us in a disordered order Staged, I have a hunch, more will happen tomorrow, and most importantly, the couple is coming back."

"Yes, I think so too. It's not early tonight. I'll go back first. Let's sleep well and we'll talk about tomorrow."

Lan Shuang got up and wanted to leave, but Jiang Lusheng grabbed her wrist.

She turned her head in doubt: "Huh?"

"Don't go, just sleep here."


Lan Shuang was surprised, Jiang Lusheng patted the place next to him and said, "Although he said he would stay in his room, he said he would be punished if he came out at twelve o'clock at night, but look at Liu Quan, isn't there nothing wrong?"

"Once the rules are broken, they can no longer bind us."

Jiang Lusheng's eyes were calm and bright, Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, and felt that it made sense, so she agreed.

Jiang Lusheng went to turn off the light, and after going to bed, he hugged Lan Shuang's waist from behind and hugged her tightly. The two of them smelled each other's scent and felt extremely at ease, and soon fell asleep.


"Boom boom boom——"

"Why isn't Jiang Lusheng awake yet?"

"Brother Liu, what are you doing? Knock on the door early in the morning?"

The noise outside the door made people unable to sleep, Lan Shuang slowly opened her eyes from Jiang Lusheng's arms, muttered and rubbed Jiang Lusheng's shoulder, "It's so noisy..."

Jiang Lusheng touched Lan Shuang's hair before opening his eyes.

"I gonna go see."

He got up to open the door, and Liu Quan, who was lying on the door listening, staggered in and almost fell over.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Lusheng still had the laziness of just waking up, just leaning against the door with his arms folded and looking at him, Liu Quan turned around awkwardly, "Can't I sleep? There is no window in the room, I can't sleep." I don’t know what time it is, so I hurried out because I was afraid of missing the time.”

Jiang Lusheng raised his hand and looked at his watch, "Seven thirty-six, it's okay."

Liu Quan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, you..."

He glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that there was someone else on the bed, his jaw almost dropped in shock, "You you you you—you slept together last night?"

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