The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 186 The cauldron is so big that it can hold everything!

Chapter 186 The cauldron is so big that it can hold everything!
On this day, Emperor Zun descended like lightning.

Standing on the Feixian star, he took away half the energy of the universe, and countless eyes in the world.

He just stood there, like an immortal monument, accepting worship and worship from the world.

The Immortal Cauldron floated in front of him, breathing out endless chaos, and the light of the heavens and myriad realms was concentrated in it, and finally released, turning into blessings, nourishing the universe plundered by him, which is a kind of feedback.

"I'm back!"

He opened his hands, one kind of way, one kind of law, fully blooming, releasing the immortal power, turning into the brightest beam of light, announcing the past, present and future, and proving his own dao fruit to the universe!

Such a scene is too shocking, because it is the light of becoming a fairy, shining in the past and the present, just for a moment, the light rains down, sweeping and reverberating in the nine heavens and ten earths.

At this moment, nectar is falling from the sky, divine springs are gushing from the ground, and countless golden lotus flowers are born in the void. All kinds of visions are indescribable, and the whole world is sacred.

The second person to become an immortal in the Dharma-ending Era!
Before Emperor Zun, only Emperor Huangtian created such a miracle, turning the world into a fairy!

Even the ancient emperor had to admit that a character like Emperor Zun could be the protagonist of the Era, capable of what others could not, and a natural leader.

As soon as he came, he became the most beautiful boy in the universe, the most shining person on the stage of the times. Compared with him, the Human Daotian Emperor had a dim light, unable to compete, and could only be his foil.

Emperor Zun's eyes were deep and wise. He patrolled the universe, saw ancient life stars one after another, and life forbidden areas. His eyes were calm, and he swept them all away.

Only in the ancient forbidden land, the ancient star, and the terrifying existence of the immeasurable celestial beings and the ancient tree of life, did they pause for a moment.

By the way, there is also Jiang Yifei.

Even though Emperor Zun is just coming, he has already received countless information from the universe, his supernatural powers are astonishingly powerful, and he has learned everything.

"You brought me back?"

His tone is calm, but with great majesty, people are unconsciously awed.

"Is it a descendant of the direct line of the Heavenly Court?"

"You are meritorious, and you should be rewarded."

Jiang Yifei's pupils contracted - this Emperor Zun is not easy to deal with.

But since he dared to pull such a character off the stage, he naturally had means.

Who made Emperor Zun's second hand at Feixianxing stay on the original arrangement of Emperor Huangtian?

"I don't need to mention whether I will be rewarded or not, because I have no good intentions." Jiang Yifei said loudly, he didn't care about this little reward, so he told the truth and told Emperor Zun that this was a calculation.

"So... that's okay."

Emperor Zun nodded after being silent for a while, "Since this is the case, if you and I become enemies in the future, I will spare you three times."

Emperor Zun, he is proud, but also domineering and selfish.

He firmly believes that he is invincible, and he also pays attention to one thing that does not owe each other.

Jiang Yifei welcomed him to come, but refused his reward, so he promised to forgive him three times in the future.

"Master Emperor!"

Chuanying rushed into Xinghe and stood beside Jiang Yifei, with tears in her eyes, but hesitated.

"Have you... been safe all these years?"

He wanted to ask Emperor Zun, why there was no news for so many years?

Obviously everyone is still alive, even the world of mortals has turned into a fairy!
Why is there no notification that he is still alive?

Is it incapable?But this shouldn't be, Emperor Zun can leave so many rune marks in this universe, and promote the great project of sacrificial universe.

Still don't want to?Cut off the past?

But even if you Emperor Zun is fallen, cold-blooded and ruthless, you will sacrifice the entire universe.

But no matter how bad it is, the descendants of the Heavenly Court are also a good tool to use, and they have enough use value!

Once upon a time, the direct descendants of Tianting were very bitter and tired.

They have been suppressed for millions of years after the end of the age of mythology and the beginning of the ancient times.

Because the ancient era was the era of the Immortal Emperor!
Countless ethnic groups all believed in this emperor... Even the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan admired him and regarded him as an idol when he was young.

And Emperor Zun's Heavenly Court was overthrown by the Immortal Emperor himself, and the Emperor's Divine Dynasty has been chasing and killing the remnants of the Heavenly Court.

With such a weather vane, countless ethnic groups, each ethnic group has a little bit of malice towards the remnants of the heavens, and when they gather together, they are an unparalleled mountain that can crush everything.

The descendants of the Heavenly Court survived with difficulty, and even in such a predicament, they still held their faith in Emperor Zun... It was precisely because of these beliefs that they survived until today.

This is the most precious hope, thinking that Emperor Zun will return one day, lead them to the top of the universe again, lead them into the fairyland, and realize the long-cherished wish of the ages!
But when the words came to her lips, Chuan Ying remained silent for a while and turned into greetings.

This is a kind of respect, but also a kind of alienation.


Emperor Zun looked at the first general with a hint of warmth in his eyes, but it finally faded away.

"I'm very good."

"But the direct lineage of the Heavenly Court is very bad..." Chuan Ying said sadly, "I was hunted down by the Emperor's God Dynasty very badly. One of the gods in the Heavenly Court either surrendered or died, and in the end I was the only one left. It can defy the sky, and carry some remnants to survive until today."

"But I can't hold on anymore... After living for so long, I finally can't hold my own. I've been thinking that if I want to fight brilliantly, I'm going to destroy a restricted area of ​​life, and bring the Celestial Venerable or the Emperor of the Underworld to be buried with me. "

"I'm really happy to see you now."

Chuanying sighed.

"Blood debt?" Emperor Zun's mood fluctuated, "Of course it should be paid with blood."

"Since I have returned, I will naturally be liquidated..."

His voice gradually became higher and higher, like a god looking down on the world, passing down an oracle, the most holy.



In the Immortal Mausoleum, Changsheng Tianzun, who had been restraining his sense of existence after Emperor Zun appeared, uttered angrily. He didn't expect that Chuanying had given eye drops, and Emperor Zun made a move because of it!
Just a whisper, across most of the universe, with supreme power, all the heavens and ten thousand domains mourned, a kind of supreme power came, the whole fairy mausoleum was collapsing, and the fairy source where the longevity god was located was blasted out Now, accept the Supreme Judgment!
As a last resort, Changsheng Tianzun was born. With a roar, he pierced through eternity with a sword, like a flying fairy from the sky.

In the sky, star rivers collapsed one after another, and large areas of star fields were extinguished, turning into fly ash under the sword of longevity!

However, the sound waves are ten thousand, destroying the dead, and the longevity Tianzun is invincible, blood is splashed in the universe, and he is beaten to the edge of the universe, and his body is blown to pieces!

In the light of the sea of ​​blood, the Immortal God tried his best to piece together the remnant body, and the Zhezi Secret is indeed the most amazing healing secret in the world.

"Changsheng, you can't do it."

Emperor Zun said lightly, "You are the creator of the word secret, which is not bad. You major in vitality, and you can be said to be the most difficult person in the world to kill."

"But now that you have survived for so long, time is like a knife, how much ability do you have left?"

"As the Nine Heavenly Venerates, I feel sad for you... In order to prevent you from dying in the hands of others and losing the demeanor of the Nine Heavenly Venerates in my generation, let me send you on your way!"

After the words fell, he pointed out a finger.

This finger overwhelmed the eternal galaxy, showing the power of immortality.

The oppression of life and death forced Changsheng Tianzun to the extreme.

He roared, "Xianzhong!"

Immediately, there were thousands of waves, and the laws of immortality shook the world, and the horror was extreme. The river of time, the sea of ​​space, turned into chaos, boundless, sweeping the universe!
The fairy bell that blocked the ancient forbidden land was mobilized and hit Emperor Zun.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the finger of Shenwei has been affected and the speed has been reduced.

But Regal is terrible.

Although the speed has decreased, the divine power has not diminished, and in the end it still broke through the ten thousand bell waves!
However, with such a buffer, Changsheng Tianzun found a glimmer of life, and narrowly escaped from Emperor Zun's hands again.

"So it's the little bird and the little bell."

Emperor Zun sighed quietly, "Little bird, why don't you come out and meet me?"

"Don't you have anything to say to me?"

"You are the greatest conspirator in ancient times, why do you and I talk too much?!" The divine voice came from nowhere, it was the "little bird" in Emperor Zun's mouth.

Of course, the world calls him the Immortal Emperor!

"If you want to sacrifice blood to the nobles, no one will let you go. You even want to destroy the universe. You only bring part of your direct lineage to become immortals. I despise you for being cold-blooded and ruthless!"

The Heavenly Emperor's divine voice cluttered the starry sky. Although the others did not come out, they confronted Emperor Zun tit for tat.

"Little bird, why do you have to say deceitful words?" Emperor Zun said lightly, "If I were cold-blooded, you, a creature who seems to have fallen from the fairyland, would have been plucked out by me to pry into all the secrets, and you would not live to become enlightened!" That day."

"I want to sacrifice blood to the nobles, so why bother? With the slogan of calming down the restricted area, I can kill as many supreme beings as possible. I can suppress the seals until today."

"Besides, don't treat me as you...Compared to me, you, a little bird who can only be nirvana by bathing in the blood of the gods, are more worthy of the crime of blood sacrifice to the gods!"

"With the blood and lives of a group of weak people, it is impossible to create a strong man." Emperor Zun whispered, "Little bird, it's a pity for your talent to embark on such a dirty and rough road, destroying your own foundation... Even if you are in the world of mortals and become immortal, who can you win? It's just at the bottom of the list."

Such words were too sharp, stabbing the heart of the Immortal Emperor and making him angry.


He has practiced hard for millions of years, nirvana several times, provoked more than one extreme battle, and bathed in the blood of the emperor.

The results of it?
Can't take down Wushi who has only practiced for tens of thousands of years. The immortal Taoist was suppressed back then, and his own deity ended. He was also confronted for 2000 years. There is no way to take the opposite!

This is too hip-stretching, as the "Ten Fierce" family sung by the world - Phoenix, it is almost embarrassing to the ancestors.

That setback made the Immortal Emperor doubt Tori... Is there any reason?
Now that Emperor Zun has really become an immortal, with that kind of immortal status, it is difficult for the Immortal Emperor to hold on.

After all, strictly speaking, Emperor Zun is only tens of thousands of years older than him.

But Emperor Zun is now an immortal, and he is still struggling, not knowing where the way out is.

In this universe, almost all the emperor's blood that can be found has been obtained by the Immortal Emperor, and the remaining supreme beings in the restricted area, ghost spirits and spirits, will not easily fall into the trap again.

Unless he can find a brand new world, where there are many supreme beings of the imperial way, who are simple and easy to deceive, not as cunning and cruel as the supreme beings here in the nine heavens and ten lands.

But, is there such a world?
The Emperor sighed.

Immortal road is difficult!
Of course, before considering the difficulties of the fairy road, the catastrophe of life and death is just around the corner.

He could feel that Emperor Zun was constantly trying to figure out the secrets, to find his real body, and to suppress and kill him.

In this regard, he naturally wanted to stop it, his divine sense turned, the fairy bell in the starry sky shook violently, and the mighty power of time was disrupting everything.

"Let's do it together! Stop him!"

The Immortal Emperor appealed, "Let Emperor Zun succeed, and everyone will die!"

"Yes, let me succeed, everyone will die." Emperor Zun's brows were a little bleak, "I will cleanse the entire universe, and the world will be destroyed."

"The world is filthy!"

He didn't justify anything, he really wanted to destroy the world.

"Weak ants, do your best to stop me!"

He raised a hand, and suddenly the entire universe shook, one piece after another of fairy light shone, and one after another brilliant runes emerged from the origin of the universe, all of which were constructed by the laws of immortality , Release the eternal and immortal secret power!

Hearing these words and seeing such a scene, Chuan Ying's body trembled and she backed up again and again.

He was silent and aphasic, and finally there was only a weak sigh.

Jiang Yifei glanced sympathetically at the number one general in the ancient heavenly court, and shook his head.

Emperor Zun took action himself, and actually hammered his layout of harming the universe.

Countless runes are imprinted in every part of the universe, silently building a cauldron, a cauldron of the world!
All things and common people are all things in this cauldron!

All in one catch, but that's all!

Immediately, the fairy bells rang chaotically, and the supreme emperor attacked, all trying to stop the emperor.

At the critical moment, Jiang Yifei yelled loudly, like a signal, or like a banner, and brazenly launched a peerless blow.


The fairy mirror of the void turned into a round of eternal blazing sun, which hangs high at the top of the space dimension of the universe, and the entire universe is in the mirror, folded and folded in the void.

"Time and space shift!"

Jiang Yifei used a taboo method to stir up the sea of ​​space in the entire universe.

Under such a blow, Emperor Zun was locked, Lingbao Tianzun's killing array was pierced, the battlefield of Wuliang Tianzun's shopping battle was moved, the fairy bell and several life forbidden areas were also circled, and then the void was turned, and everything was in the void. At one point!

Even the world tripod rune engraved by Emperor Zun was affected, it was moved and shrunk, but the universe was not refined, and it also belonged to one point.

And that point is at Feixianxing!


Emperor Zun was a little surprised, and then he acted calmly, about to tear the shackles of the void.

But Jiang Yifei was too decisive, he let the Void Fairy Mirror directly burn the origin of the immortal way, blooming destructively!

This stumped Regal for a moment.

"The barren tower is here!"

Emperor Qing smashed the barren pagoda on the ancient star, and in an instant he arrived at the ancient star Feixian, resonating with the magic circle left by Emperor Huangtian!

Immediately, countless runes spread out, covering the sky and covering the earth, entwining the runes of the World Cauldron, strengthening to the extreme, causing Emperor Zun to lose control of it, and himself in the cauldron.

"Xianzhong, Fellow Daoist, please go!"

The Emperor of God came out from the ancient forbidden land, borrowed the fairy sword, and slammed it fiercely on the fairy bell that was about to escape from the sky, and there were also several unlucky supreme beings.

It's this bell that blocked him in the ancient forbidden land, how could he not be annoyed?

Now that I have the opportunity, send them directly to the cauldron!

A female emperor threw out the Bronze Immortal Palace and hit the God-man who was cheating on the Ancient Tree of Life, causing the still-struggling God-man to stagger and lose his footing.

"Go together! Go together!"

The god of Wuliang Tianzun coughed up blood, brazenly hugged the gods, wrapped them in chains, dragged them, and followed the power of the void mirror, actively jumped into the world cauldron.

(End of this chapter)

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