The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 319 I don't need you anymore, I will suffer myself!

Chapter 319 I don't need you anymore, I will suffer myself!


The autistic and sad God Emperor, who was raised by his teammates and hit by him, was horrified at this moment.

On his face, first he was full of confusion and incomprehension, and then he was shocked and devastated.

The voice that echoed in the universe made his whole silkworm feel bad.


Does this speak human words?
Especially when these words came out, the indifferent gaze of the mysterious boatman swept over him, even though he didn't have the slightest power, it shattered his soul and body!
The emperor's eyes widened—is there such a trick?

——Ye Fan, you and I have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in recent days. I sympathize with the fact that you will be concocted to exercise, but you can't hold me back!
He was yelling and cursing in his heart, but he felt a little guilty.

Because the heavenly emperors of this era, especially the few who belonged to the Tang Dynasty, when facing Ye Fan, there are really few people who can be confident.

after all……

No matter how hard it is, Ye Fan, I will recite the name!
These days, who hasn't borrowed Ye Fengchu and Ye Mozu to do something for themselves?

For example, to verify the method that is still in the hypothesis, or to do some inconvenient dirty work...

Ye Fan is a tool man, and all the ones that have been used are good.

He is too "magical". Many times, as long as there is still a glimmer of life, even in theory, he can explore the way of birth.

This is applied to practice and creation, and it is an extremely powerful killer when exploring the world of mortals.

The Emperor of God has eaten his benefits. I don’t know how many "accidents" have allowed Ye Fan to "pick up" the scriptures of the senior masters. They have incomparable power, but unfortunately they are incomplete in key places, tempting Ye Fan to figure out And after finishing it, he cultivated the results on himself, and then the God Emperor observed secretly, learned the essence secretly, and integrated it into his own path.

He didn't know how many barriers on the road to the world of mortals he had broken through, and made great strides along the way.

It can be said that Ye Fan's pioneering on the road of practice is not false, it has nothing to do with the level of strength, it is purely a talent.

It's like using the body as a seed. In the Immortal Era, there were immortal kings to explore and guide Tianjiao to try. Various external conditions were fulfilled, but in the end, all Tianjiao failed, and some even died miserably.

But in the chaotic ancient times, a group of human beings frantically tossed about, but a Huangtian Emperor came out and walked this way... How can this make sense? !

The reality is so unreasonable, especially the creatures with that face, it is not surprising that anything absurd and outrageous happened to them.

People don't know the deep meaning of it, but with the legend of Emperor Huangtian before, the behind-the-scenes black hands headed by Mo Zu also realized that they can cross the river by touching the phoenix chick.

——I am not the child of destiny, but I can pluck the wool of the child of destiny!

——I can't open up the body as a seed, can't I still not cultivate the five great secret realms?

Wuzhong Immortal King, Qinglian Immortal King, Yuyu God, Dachi God, Qingwei God, Wuliang God, Black Emperor... and so on all liked it.

The behind-the-scenes masterminds of the era, in name, are cultivating the young Tianjiao, but in fact they are constantly absorbing their wisdom and imitating their achievements.

After all, practicing this kind of thing is not a simple zero-sum game. If you have it, I don’t have it. It has uniqueness and can have the spirit of open source.

The fly in the ointment is that when some heavenly emperors tasted the sweetness and became addicted, they unconsciously embarked on a terrible road, catching a sheep and killing it, creating too much "grinding" for this.

However, just like all the gifts given by fate, the price has already been secretly marked.

At this moment, it seems, the time of reckoning!

What is owed must always be repaid.

Qingdi and others went shopping before, and now they are lying in a pool of blood. They have paid it back, but the emperor has not yet!
Therefore, even if the Divine Emperor is unwilling and unwilling in every way, when the existence known as Ye Tiandi seems to be above the eternity and gives orders to him, he can't help but move!

Time roars, everything seems like a dream.

For a moment, it seemed like millions of years had passed, and countless epochs had passed.

All kinds of fantasy and weirdness are staged one after another, and all the absurdities are intricately intertwined.

In such a scene, it seems that what happens is reasonable and reasonable, and there is no need to be bound by reality.

Perhaps, this is the true meaning of "dream", there are infinite possibilities!

In the endless time, looking at the future, all kinds of possible futures are emerging, even if it is a small possibility, they are all waiting to be grasped by the dreamer.

"The dream is eternal, a leaf can cover the sky!"

Like a supreme order, all the heavens and all worlds will respect this order, and all causality, order, time and space must make way for it. The god emperor who looked hopeless couldn't help rushing into a whirlpool of dreams.

When he reappeared, he turned into a silkworm chrysalis, with a terrifying aura circulating, as if the world could not be destroyed by flipping his palms, and a majestic dark aura stood in front of Ye Fan.


The silkworm chrysalis cracked, and the emperor stepped forward, with boundless power, swept forward, confronted the boatman, and approached him almost infinitely!


The expression of the boatman was hidden under the bamboo hat, so it was hard to see clearly, but from the violent shaking of the bamboo hat, it could be seen that his mood was not calm.


With a turn around, a human and heavenly emperor instantly transformed into a peerless Taoist ancestor, standing on the pinnacle of the quasi-immortal emperor, are you still unreasonable? !
Does heaven have eyes?
Why don't you come and accept this evildoer? !
"My game, my turf, my rules……"

Ye Tiandi's voice was high and vicissitudes, his eyes were deep, "You are already in my law... If you go against me, you go against the sky! Go against the Dao!"

This is the site of "Eternal Dream"!

Eternity is a dream. Naturally, it can trace back to the infinitely distant past. Then, under the persecution of outsiders, it can also pull the infinitely distant future. It is like the Huangtian Emperor who has obtained his own future true blood and exerts his own freedom and combat power. It's unknown, if you meet the strong, you will be strong!

At that moment, at this moment!
At this moment, the boatman's face turned black.

Back then, he drove the Immortal King of the foreign land to knock on the pass, and An Lan rushed to the original emperor's pass angrily. As a result, Huang Crouching Dragon opened up, staged the transformation of other people, and killed all directions with one blow.

Today, with a similar face, he came in person, but the opposite was even more cruel, and directly pulled out a peerless Taoist ancestor for him!
Fortunately, it's just a peerless Taoist ancestor, not a real figure at the end of the road, otherwise he would have broken his defenses.

"You're very interesting..." The boatman paused every word, his tone was low at first, and then he gradually laughed, "That's the only way to be interesting... Otherwise, even if you train and concoct you, it's just killing a shoddy substitute. How can I vent the resentment and injustice in my heart?"

"It's different now!"

"Yes, your method is amazing, and your people are also very strange, but so what? If you don't die for the road, you will die in front of me after all!" Fight!"

"Do you think it's not easy for me to kill you? It's actually very easy. Let me prove it to you!"

After the words fell, he made a move, and with a palm, time and space vibrated throughout the ages, and the long river of time was cut off!
It's hard to describe what kind of scene it is, the power is extremely powerful, shocking the ancient and modern, all things are created and destroyed for it, and the ups and downs are alternated for it!

The real killing of the immortal emperor is destined to be opened up and destroyed with the heavens as the background.

At this moment, the opening and closing of the heaven and the earth, and the collapse of the universe are like the waves in the sea of ​​boundaries, endless, the waves are born and the waves are destroyed, and they are caught in endless samsara, which is a monstrous catastrophe.


Nine heavens and ten earths were shattered, and this world was completely destroyed!
In the most peak battle, nothing will be left behind!

Except for Jiang Yifei's fast escape, the inner scene of the Immortal Domain contained all sentient beings, a bronze lamp was placed above his head, and he slipped away.

The boatman looked at Ye Fengchu, as if he saw the Huang Wolong back then, and remembered how he was beaten to death... The absurd and outrageous Dafa of He Huazi reflected a group of Huang.

That was a bunch of Huang, who surrounded him and beat him to death so that he couldn't even be resurrected.

'At this moment, let's continue the previous battle! '

His killing intent was so fierce, he wanted to kill that face at all costs!

When the heavens were destroyed and the ages collapsed, the God Emperor let out a long cry, and countless crystal silk threads shot out from between his fingers. They were many great avenue chains, interwoven into a net, and blocked in front of him.


The sound of countless god chains being broken resounded, and thousands of Dao gods were broken and destroyed.

But, after all, the blow was blocked, and although the God Emperor coughed up blood, he was not dead yet!
He is a peerless Taoist ancestor, who was "dreamed" by Emperor Ye Tian here, and it can be said that Emperor Li only has one foot left.

If he can take the ultimate leap, break through, and stand firmly, he will become a real immortal emperor!
Against the boatman, even though he was lost, he could manage to survive a move or two...even if he was beaten unilaterally!


Silkworm Emperor roared, he soared into the sky, his body full of cracks gave off a dazzling light, his old skin was cracked, and a golden butterfly leaped out of it, about to soar against the sky, bursting out with a supreme aura, almost Stepping into the field at the end of the avenue, there was a real breath of the emperor for a moment!
The butterfly is bathed in darkness and light, wandering between life and death, flapping its wings once, it flaps the fate of the heavens through the ages.

"It's useless, who can resist the Immortal Emperor's blow?"

The boatman said coldly, and shot indifferently, "I don't like your breath very much, it seems familiar and disgusts me."

"This reminds me of my experience back then. The most terrifying unknown substance eroded me and made me degenerate."

"I'll kill you!"

As the boatman said, he used a taboo method, which was the imperial law that had condensed his life's painstaking efforts.

The blazing brilliance blooms, and at this moment time becomes empty, everything becomes empty, and everything is mixed into "primitive", interpreting a most simple pattern, covering the eternal sky, the heavens and the world!
It seemed to be the beginning of the vigorous vitality of the world and the splendor of the avenue. It seemed that a tree of the avenue had grown up in a trance. It was no longer an era when all living beings would be martyred, but the beginning of a truly glorious and prosperous age of cultivation!
"Original...true solution!"

In the dark, there are ancient mantras resounding, time, space, and the heavens seem to be cut open, returning to the original, from the complex to the most primitive and simple moment.

The supreme veins condensed in the palm of the boatman and turned into the oldest imprint, just like a cruel child trying to cull a dancing butterfly, tearing it apart and crushing it!

Blood spattered, and the golden butterfly suffered bloodshed and was blown away alive!
"I don't know how to live or die, stand in front of me, and want to break through forcefully, acting as the ultimate high road... Do you think you are the same person back then?"

The boatman was indifferent, he was drenched in blood rain all over the sky, and it was only a matter of time to kill the emperor with one hand, showing his fierce power.

He was still not satisfied, and killed Ye Tiandi who was performing magic in the ages.

However, something went wrong in this process, the heavens resonated, and the time broke the embankment, all turned into terrifying killings, and came to suppress him!

Although this didn't cause much trouble to a real Immortal Emperor, it still hindered him in the end.


The boatman turned his head and looked at the God Emperor's fallen place, where there was a fuzzy phantom of a butterfly spreading its wings.

His people died, but at the moment before his death, he left behind his imperial law, which was the last essence.

And the Taoism of the God Emperor has moved cause and effect, fate, time... All kinds of vague possibilities can be seen from the small to the big, like a tiny butterfly spreading its wings, but it has become the source of a storm!

Destiny... Butterfly Effect!
Under this method, a seemingly small force can also set off a vast torrent. They are divided into two, one becomes an obstacle to stop the boatman, and the other becomes Ye Tiandi's help, allowing him to bloom the most splendid Light!

"The dream is eternal, a leaf can cover the sky!"

Finally, when the boatman broke through the storm of fate, Ye Fan stretched his figure, like a leaf blooming naturally, intertwined with endless and natural patterns, half-hanging in the eternal time and space, the heavens and the world.

"Shading the sky? Are you worthy?"

The boatman stretched out one hand and blasted down, a kind of power surged, it was the most incredible and unreasonable power, destroying to the extreme, creating the world to the extreme, like the concentration of a whole piece of heaven and world, all Gathered in this palm, it hit Ye Fan's body and made him explode!
"I am the one who covers the sky with my hand, and I can kill all the arrogance of heaven through the ages!"

The boatman said coldly.

"You're too conceited..."

Ye Fan withered in the rain of blood. In just a moment, he was walking towards death, but he was smiling, and he was smiling freely.

"When you saw me, it left a mark in your heart. In the future, you should dream of me..."

He smiled comfortably, his figure faded away, only his voice echoed in the world.

"This leaf will cover your eyes and your heart...a leaf will block your eyes, and you will not be able to see Mount Tai..."

"From now on, you will forget the Mount Tai that belongs to you, you will not be able to see your own cultivation, and you will be covered by this leaf of mine..."

"Only if you defeat me and completely kill me, can you remove this leaf..."

"I admit that it is difficult to defeat you in this time and space, because I am still weak and immature, and my law is not perfect..."

"So, our battlefield is in the real world!"

Ye Fan laughed loudly, "Welcome world!"

"bring it on!"

"Borrow your hand, I, who have suffered so much, will sharpen for him, and become a stepping stone for me to forge the foundation of the supreme road, and help me to look at the supreme realm!"

"This is the ultimate duel between you and me. I will step on you and reach the highest achievement!"

(End of this chapter)

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