Chapter 357 Ten fierce!Ten evil!
This sword is too gorgeous and beautiful.

It contains a kind of supreme sword intent, conquering greatness with smallness, surpassing the world with humbleness.

Faced with such a bright sword light, Ye Fan was in a daze, and a kind of eternal loneliness rushed over his face. He seemed to have turned into an eternal star, and in front of him was a grass that lit up from the world. , the nine leaves move together, and the eternal stars are destroyed!

A single grass can cut the sun, the moon and the stars!
In front of such a sword intent, every inch of Ye Fan's bones and blood seemed to be stagnated, unable to move, his body was stiff, and it was difficult for his soul to rush out. After excessive force, his whole body convulsed, but he still couldn't get rid of the restraints, and could only be slaughtered by his neck , will be killed by such a brilliant sword light in the gap of time and space.

"Give me... move!"

Ye Fan was roaring in his heart. At the critical moment, the Immortal King of the Six Paths of Samsara joined him, and in his palm, the imprint of reincarnation was shining brightly, making a turning point in the desperate situation.


His body finally moved, and just before the sword light that broke through the wall of the universe was slashing in front of his forehead, he swung his fists vigorously!
This is a terrifying big collision, bursting out the radiance that opened up the world, with the flow of earth, water, fire and wind, the separation of turbidity, and the separation of black and yellow!


Blood splattered, Ye Fan flew out and responded hastily, he suffered a big loss in the end, under that sword, most of his body was cut open, and the body he had finally repaired was broken again, dripping with blood, stained Red mountains and rivers.

More importantly, this means that Ye Fan's escape... the strategic shift failed. He was killed and returned to the False God Realm, unable to avoid the coming suffering.

Ye Fan's mouth was bitter, and the instant collision let him know that this is also a formidable enemy!
The next moment, the sky was covered with rain of flowers, the void was splitting open, and a beautiful figure broke through the boundary between spirit and matter, and descended!

With her arrival, an unspeakable force swept away and turned into a vision, like mountains and rivers of splashed ink, soaking this piece of False God Realm's world.

It was a terrifying scene, a vast and boundless ancient battlefield was spreading out, blood was flowing on the ground, hundreds of millions of corpses lay there, some people perished, and some heroes fell, and all these tragic events were just for foil A hazy figure, he is blooming with supernatural light, as if he has killed all over the nine heavens and ten places, I am the only one, spanning the ages, and finally transcended, turned into a fairy, and ascended to the king's realm!


The illusory detachment flowed into reality, and that hazy figure coincided with a female emperor who came across the boundary.

She was wearing a bronze mask, covering her beauty, only a pair of clear eyes were revealed.

In her hand is a simple and simple sword weapon, flowing with immortal aura... There is no doubt that this is a fairy weapon!
It was also this celestial sword that cut open Ye Fan's borrowed Daoguo evolved body, which was still stained with blood at the moment, giving the celestial sword gradually a shocking murderous aura.

A small cluster of light hovered over her shoulders. It was unpredictable, sometimes it was "one", and sometimes it differentiated into tens of hundreds of small trees, hanging nine different kinds of fruits.

Ye Fan is very clear about all this.

After all, his Dacheng Eucharist master once used these fruits to help him build the foundation and lay the best foundation for practice.

How happy it was to eat at that time, how creepy it is now.

"Nine wonderful elixir..."

He whispered, the urge to vomit blood growing stronger.

The times have changed and the version has been updated. Don't look at the Tang dynasty scolding the "evil lord" who opened the gate of hell, but in fact this dynasty is also a huge beneficiary.

There is a saying that goes well, whoever makes the most profit is the one who suspects the most.

If Ye Fan hadn't personally felt the strength of the several heavenly emperors of the Great Tang Dynasty attacking the "culprit", the kind of murderous aura, the kind of beating to death, he would have to wonder if all this is the Great Tang Dynasty now It's planned behind the scenes, no matter how bad it is, it will add fuel to the flames.

What transposition of yin and yang, what resurrection of the undead, what supreme evil lord destroys the universe and condenses the immortal king's Daoguo... Even if it succeeds, will the Tang Dynasty be at a loss?Will you be afraid?

In today's universe, most of the immortal medicines are in the hands of this god, and almost every plant of the immortal medicine has a predecessor of the fairy king level!
The chief culprit of the Yin-Yang transposition, how many immortal kings can he beat!

"It's so inappropriate..."

Ye Fan murmured.

"By the way, how many elixir plants did she bring?"

Ye Fan suddenly sent a voice transmission and sincerely asked the Immortal King of the Six Paths of Samsara.

It can't be said that he is greedy for life and afraid of death, he is really scared by Zizai Wangfo - this Buddha is too careless!
Once bitten, twice shy.

At this moment, Ye Fan fell into this state.

"Only this one." The Immortal King of the Six Paths of Samsara replied, and Ye Fan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "That's it...then some will fight!"

"You'd better be careful..." The Immortal King of the Six Paths of Samsara hesitated for a while before saying solemnly, "She gives me a very unusual feeling..."

"No problem!" Ye Fan took a deep breath, "As long as it's not the case of Zizai Wangfo, I'm not afraid!"

He still has this confidence.

Of course, self-confidence is self-confidence, if you can not beat him, you still don't want to.

After all, I don't know who tipped off the news. He just made a decision. From then on, he will join the villain's camp, take the initiative to take the blame for destroying the world, and want to make the world into a ghost town.

The next moment, the ruthless son of the Tang Dynasty came to kill him, and wanted him to die suddenly on the spot.

Although I don't know why, these big bosses from the Tang Dynasty came one by one and fought against him alone, so that he had room to move around.

But Ye Fan also knew clearly that he must not love to fight and fight for a long time.

Otherwise, in the end, the eight elixir of immortality might arrive at the scene together, transforming the eight immortal kings, and their ashes would be thrown away by him!

Thinking of this, Ye Fan's eyes were deep, staring at the empress, he said, "I know you!"

"Not to become a fairy, but to wait for someone to return in the world of mortals."

"A deep obsession...but how many years have you been waiting?"

He tried to convince the empress with his sharp tongue, "How many more years will we have to wait?"

"Why don't you conspire with me to reverse the life and death of the universe, create that reincarnation, and turn passivity into initiative, wouldn't it be beautiful?!"

Ye Fan was fooling around.

Although he didn't know if the world would turn into a ghost realm and the dead would be reincarnated, whether it would be able to revive the obsession in the empress's heart, but it didn't prevent him from making cakes!
However, he didn't get the expected result.

The empress stood there quietly, her clear eyes didn't waver in the slightest, and she wasn't disturbed by Ye Fan's words.

This confuses Ye Fan... She seems to have let go of this obsession and is no longer persistent; or she has clarified a clearer goal and knows how to do it, so that she can truly realize her childhood dream.

Ye Fan looked at the Empress, and inexplicably understood - it was the latter!
No need to wait for a miracle, I will reflect the dead!
——This is the earth-shaking change in the empress' heart, and the ultimate transformation of spirit and belief!

For ordinary people, faith is not so important. If you can't do something, you just can't do it. It's useless to push yourself.

It's like a math problem.

But for a character like the Empress, whose understanding is astonishing in the past and the present, the existence of belief is terrifying!

She has an unrivaled talent for realizing what she believes in, just tell her an unmistakable goal!

Suddenly, Ye Fan felt a strong oppression, it was the Empress who moved, and she started killing.

A jade hand was raised, as white as jade, forming a seal, and then patted forward.


Just this blow, the heaven and the earth trembled, the heavens and the Dao seemed to surrender, the void and the avenue were trembling.

"In this case, we can only fight."

Ye Fan sighed, took a deep breath, and squeezed himself crazily, letting the boiling essence burn and bloom!
"Six Realms Reincarnation!"

The Heavenly Kungfu taught by the Immortal King is showing off its power, adding his own perception of life and death in the past, blending it in, and finally there are six ancient universes circulating, and the heaven and earth are filled with energy, one is the past universe, the other is the present universe, One is the future universe, one is the spiritual universe, one is the material universe, and the other is the conceptual universe!

The cycle of the universe, in time, in reality, in ideas!
This is Ye Fan's epiphany after the life-and-death battle with Zizai Wangfo. It is not only the realization of the ancient magic of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but also the touch and sublimation of his own practice.

The ancient sages once said that there are endless dust in the world, and every dust is a world.

Similarly, our body is the same. We can't see anything, but it contains endless 'doors', just like the dust in the sky and the earth.The seemingly insignificant body contains countless 'doors'. Opening these doors constantly and discovering the 'true self' is practice.

So sometimes, the universe may not need to be so clearly defined-how big is the universe?
Even just a speck of dust, a plant of grass, or even... an idea, a concept, or an ideal can be used as a carrier to evolve the universe!
Of course, Ye Fan has not cultivated to such a level, so he cannot achieve the echo of a thought and the creation of the universe.

But he is already trying his best to get closer to this aspect, to find the most essential way and reason in the world, to draw the most graceful trajectory in the battle, and to let an illusory yet real universe unfold...

There was a momentary touch, but also a touch, Ye Fan felt that he was different.

He seems to be walking on a brand new path, even though he still can't see the future clearly, it is hazy, but this is his unique treasure.

Because of this, he suddenly gained self-confidence-even if a female emperor and a plant of nine wonderful immortal medicines stand in front of him, he will easily step over them!

As long as you break through this barrier as soon as possible...


A world-shattering explosion occurred, blood rained, bones were broken, someone flew up, and a pure white jade hand penetrated one universe after another. The past, present, and future can't stop it at all.

Both spirit and matter have been trampled over.

Only the conceptual universe resisted for a short moment, but it was pierced through in the end, and the jade hand pressed Ye Fan's body, almost smashing him into the world!


Ye Fan was terrified and let out an angry roar, he was a little confused, how could it be so outrageous?

At the juncture of life and death, he ignited himself on his own initiative, and the terrifying divine energy erupted. He sacrificed himself and destroyed himself as the price, trying to stop the Queen's footsteps.

A head and half of the body were struggling to escape.

However, the Empress is still attacking.

Facing the storm that destroyed everything, her figure became dreamy, and coffins appeared one after another beside her.

Ye Fan took the time to look, and there were five coffins.


Every coffin was opened, revealing its true colors.

Except for the first coffin, which was buried in a pottery pot, the others were all jade-like bodies that were glowing at the moment.

Even the clay pot is changing, turning into a flesh body!
Ye Fan instantly understood that this is the empress' method to explore the fairy road in the world of mortals, and it is her unique characteristic, which has been buried life after life.

One body, one coffin.

They should have died, but at this moment they regained their vitality, which made Ye Fan's hair stand on end.

Every corpse seemed to have revived and psychic!
Ye Fan looked at it intently, his face changed wildly.

What did he see?
In the origin of these corpses, there is a mark... that is the mark of reincarnation!

The imprint is very illusory and rough, as if it was artificially created, it is a crude imitation, and it is verifying what kind of road it is.

The five physical bodies are the five imprints of reincarnation, which seem to be the key driving core at this moment, making these corpses psychic!
The empress had a dreamy figure, and she stepped forward continuously, and besides the main body, nine figures walked out.

Ye Fan knew that this was the great killing technique created by the empress to fight against the secret of the word "Jie", but it was changing now, and the resuscitated corpse matched with these figures, making this supernatural power go crazy.

What was even more insane was the supernatural powers they displayed afterwards!

The light cluster transformed from the Nine Wonderful Elixir sprinkled a rain of light all over the sky, as if it was a catalyst, causing terror to descend.

This magical medicine, which has a close relationship with the silkworm family, has an extremely special place, and Ye Fan personally experienced it at this moment.


A female emperor has changed, she turned into a real dragon, charged forward, and swept away with radiant light, she is the supreme supernatural power of the real dragon clan!

Another female emperor has changed. She turned into a phoenix and spread her wings to soar. The fairy flames burned and burned everything. This is the highest inheritance of the Phoenix family!

A unicorn appeared, broke through the ancient mountains and rivers, suppressed the ancient, modern and future, and could not move anything.


A terrifying beast appeared. It had horns, a wolf's head, and a dragon's tail... This is the terrifying creature that once overthrew the universe. It even attacked Ye Fan, putting his life and death on the line, and finally returned it to him. An unforgettable impression was left in my heart - a young girl seemed to live and die for him!

The void was split, and a nine-leaf grass fluttered in the wind. It was very small, but it contained the ultimate killing power that could destroy the eternal starry sky!

Ye Fan's blood splashed across the galaxy, not because he didn't work hard, but because the other side was too fierce!
The empress went berserk, as if the ten evils from ancient times had come to this life, attacking together, besieged and killed him alone!

With this lineup, who doesn't feel numb after seeing it?The Heavenly Kung Fu of the Six Paths of Reincarnation has been blown away!

(End of this chapter)

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