The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 374 My dear brother, take care, I will only perform once!

Chapter 374 My dear brother, take care, I will only perform once!
"Don't think about leaving!"

Boiled duck want to run?
There are no doors!

Ye Fan roared furiously, his battle power exploded to the extreme, except that he didn't have the help of the Six Paths of Samsara Immortal King, and didn't use the inheritance of the Six Paths of Samsara Heavenly Skill, everything was blooming!
He shattered tens of thousands of time and space, and killed the universe until the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, crying ghosts and gods, just to see the culprit.

Shit six-eared magic general!
I am the evil lord, do I not know if there is such a person under my command?
Spreading rumors indiscriminately... Let me see who is behind your scenes!
Who is instigating?
What is the motivation?
Have you obtained the permission of the real evil lord?

Is there someone behind you, what do you want to do?
Who are you framing?
Want to plan something?
"Dog thief! Let me take off your true face!"

Ye Fan snarled, for the sake of the Great Tang Dynasty, and even for the "clear name" of his life as the evil lord of the Six Paths of Samsara, he vowed to smash the dog's head on the opposite side!

His eyes burst into light, and his combat power was rising crazily. The scriptures he had observed before were inexplicably manifested at this moment!

Every scripture is condensing, turning into a rune, and changing again, becoming a living being.

There are strong and weak creatures, but the weakest have the realm of saints!
Because Ye Fan's eyesight has never been lowered. When he reads thousands of scriptures, the worst ones are created by monks above saints, and there is never a shortage of imperial scriptures!

Now, these scriptures seem to reappear the pioneers, let them reappear in metamorphosis, and fight in this era!
It's unbelievable, but it's actually happening, all because of a shout!
"The furnace raises hundreds of scriptures, and the dream lasts forever!"

Ye Fan was roaring, his spirit was boiling and burning, blooming for a moment, almost squeezing himself dry.

Not only the present me, the past me, and the future me are all participating and giving!

The man behind the scenes who snatched away the Six-Eared Demon General was a little moved, he let out a small sigh, as if he was interested in it.

"The Great Tang is not bad, and the Desolate King has the appearance of an immortal king."

This is a voice that Ye Fan is very familiar with, but he can't figure out where it is familiar. Accompanied by the sound of Dao, it is a finger pointing, smashing everything, shattering everything, and making Ye Fan smell the breath of death.


The pressure of death and despair made Ye Fan sublimate again in the impossible, a bright light bloomed, and finally he turned into a fairy king, standing standing in the magnificent fairyland!

This is also the manifestation of a scripture, belonging to the most powerful person ever born in this universe!

At this moment, the sky and the galaxy are disillusioned, life and death in the universe are impermanent, there is no fixed number of avenues, and there is only a faint charm of immortality, which illuminates the era and alarms the eyes of all the strong.

They all looked towards the starry sky, saw Ye Fan, and saw the birth and evolution of a ray of immortality in his flesh and blood.

Immortal land is magnificent, it is just a phantom, and its power is actually not very shocking. It is not like the ancient emperor who went out to conquer and kill. He was able to fight bloody to the extent that the universe was turbulent, and the Dao was wiped out.

However, it has a very high essence, overriding this dharma-ending universe, so the starry sky where it lives seems to be collapsed, not a universe, not a universe, it first turns into a black hole, and then becomes a black hole. It has become a chaotic land, the breath of terror flows, and the law destroys the world.

On it, the scriptures that Ye Fan saw and comprehended all turned into living beings, like fairy spirits that have existed since ancient times in a fairyland.


There are real dragons flying across the sky, dragons roaring in the sky and the earth, golden real dragons rushing, huge and fierce, the dragon body vibrates, invincible, rushing towards the finger that crushed the galaxy... This is the interpretation of the "Tai Huang Sutra"!


An ancient tree rises and turns into a giant tree supporting the sky in an instant, which can open up the universe, keep the charm of longevity, protect the fairyland, and stand invincible... This is the interpretation of the "Longevity Sutra"!

These are just a corner, and there are many amazing phenomena blooming, the emperor's scriptures are all ruled, and they appear together...the fairy phoenix dancing in the nine heavens, the fierce tiger pounced on the galaxy, the basalt churning in the cosmic sea...the fairy spirit is infinite , appearing one after another, each of them is terrifying, condensing incomplete laws, although incomplete, they belong to the imperial way!

At this moment, it was like the reappearance of the Dao fruit of many emperors in ancient times, ruling all saints, using the fairyland as the formation map, and turning it into a supreme killing formation. Ye Fan was the main formation and the supreme emperor, with Wan Ling charged forward tragically and resolutely, as if to overthrow the evil heaven that dominates the world!

Such a scene can be described as shocking. Countless spectators were speechless and unable to say a single word.

This is simply a myth!


What Ye Fan faced was a terrifying existence that could destroy all myths.

That finger seemed to be eternal and impermanent, as if it was indestructible, it slowly pressed down, but it was as irresistible as fate.

And, vaguely, as if there was a vague Taoist voice praying, two heavenly gates emerged.

"I am the evil lord, reincarnated in the world, all living beings suffer, cast my eternal life."

"If I prove eternal life in another year, I will establish a high fairyland, reverse the impermanence of life and death, and all the dead will reappear, and all living beings will be happy after suffering..."

"My evil lord swears here to rectify my heart..."

"When I have eternal life, all living beings in the billions of worlds will enter the fairyland, the time is like water, and the dead are like this!"

"When I have eternal life, all heretics will not enter the world. All sentient beings will not be eroded by heretics!"

"When I gain eternal life, all the heavens and thousands of billions of dust particles will be at ease when they recite my name, limitless and limitless!"

"When I have eternal life, all evil will eventually be destroyed..."

"When I have eternal life, all karma will be finally liberated..."

"When I have eternal life, all time and space, the past and the future, and all kinds of stars that are broken into dust, all sentient beings will have eternal life if they recite my name. If not, I, the evil lord, will not have eternal life..."

Daoyin whispered at the beginning, but in an instant it became a monstrous Taoist song, flooding the world and shaking the universe.

It was also at this moment that Ye Fan also understood why he felt the voice was very familiar before, but couldn't remember who it was.

——Isn’t that the disguised voice he used when he was the evil lord? !

This is of course familiar!

It's just that that period of life was a pain he didn't want to recall, and his brain instinctively blocked it, so naturally he couldn't remember who it was.

Until then, the man revealed himself, the shield was broken down, and Ye Fan understood everything.

Of course, he was even more angry, out of breath, and had the urge to vomit blood.


"It's too much!"

Ye Fan's heart was trembling and almost stopped beating.

His Dao heart, which he thought had been tested for a long time, and his calm mind, which he felt he had seen all the strange things in this world, would explode, and he wished to put it into his mouth, swearing at the sky and the earth.

God bastard!

There was a six-eared monkey who pretended to be his subordinate and planted it, but he endured it.

Now to good!

Has someone pretended to be the "evil lord"? !
"I'm going to %¥#@..."

Excited heart, trembling mouth, concealed under the vision of Xiantu and Tiandi, is Ye Fan's angry blowfish posture.

With this boundless anger, Ye Fan jumped up, and he played an explosion effect!
Thousands of fairy spirits step on the galaxy, ancient and modern emperors bloom!
Brilliant celestial light erupted from far and wide, illuminating this page of ancient history!
But in the end!
With one finger down, all life is wiped out!

It seems that the ruthless heaven has brought down the most terrible massacre. It is the change of era and the change of rules... When an era is over, how many races will die?

There are very few living beings that can defy the sky. That is something only an immortal king can do. Open up a pure land of restricted areas and preserve longevity.

True immortals are just trying to protect themselves!

Races and creatures can only compromise and actively cater to the changes of the times and the universe... Natural selection, survival of the fittest!
Natural selection!

In the era of the end of the Dharma, there are not only saints, but emperors appear frequently.

So... what about the Age of Absolute Souls?

All living beings were in a daze, and saw the magnificent scene behind that finger, which was reincarnated in one era after another, and finally deduced the ultimate spirit, suppressed it, wiped out the creatures evolved by the scriptures, and shattered the supreme fairyland, Destroyed the Heavenly Emperor overlooking the universe, and finally hit Ye Fan.

Ye Fan is not dead, and there are not even many injuries.

Just because that finger didn't kill the killer.

"Young man, you are not bad. Before you became enlightened, you developed a trace of immortal charm, branding your flesh and blood. If things go on like this, you are expected to become a fairy in the world of mortals."

"You are a hero, I will not kill you, I look forward to your growth, one day you can stand in front of me again and challenge me..."

The "evil lord" whispered, but it shook the Eternal Galaxy. He has a supreme courage and cherishes talents very much. Even if it is a hostile force, he did not kill him, but let them grow!

This lets all living beings know that although the evil lord is evil, he has the appearance of a big boss, and his bearing and pattern are far beyond ordinary people.

Of course, there is more confidence!
"Just, can you really do it?"

"Evil Lord" is as lonely as snow, empty and invincible, "Those who are defeated by me will never be regarded as opponents by me. I will give you time to catch up until you can't see them in the distance."

"You are like this, and this era is like this."

He smiled, "Even if I plunder all the clans and rob the common people of their wealth, all spirits will resent me and hate me, so what?"

"I'm looking forward to it. The common people turn their hatred into motivation, rise up, and finally kill me...I'll be waiting for you at the pinnacle of the universe!"

After the voice fell, that finger was raised and retracted, time was disillusioned, and the figure of the "evil lord" was also illusory and disappearing!
Ye Fan was left behind who seemed to be injured, but was actually so angry that he vomited blood.


"I became a stand-in?"

He gritted his teeth loudly, his nerves were about to burst, his eyes were red, his primordial spirit rushed into the False God Realm, and he was about to perform the body-fitting method, regardless of whether he invited the Immortal King of the Six Paths of Samsara to his upper body, and put that pretending limitless, let He, Ye Fan, carried the epic cauldron of the fake evil lord, chasing and killing him to death!
Otherwise, how to solve the hatred in his heart? !
Otherwise, how many blames will he have to bear in the future? !

However, he hadn't even set foot to hunt him down yet, just because of his slight movement, he attracted the terrifying law enforcers.

They were "late", more than one step slower, and they were late after all the fake "evil masters" pretended to be forced to leave.

But, the real "evil lord" was blocked!
All of this seemed to be God's will, and the real "evil lord" was clearly arranged!

The Buddha's light was overwhelming, and Ye Fan was stupefied. In the False God Realm, he watched nineteen figures join together and block the nine palaces and ten directions, trapping him.

"who are you?"

He swallowed dryly, with an inexplicable premonition.

"The benefactor of the six paths, the poor monk subdues the dragon and the arhat."

"The benefactor of the six paths, the poor monk subdues the tiger and the arhat."

"Poor monk..."


They are very calm, very honest, answer every question, and explain everything.

Let Ye Fan understand that this is the idol group just launched by Buddhism, Eighteen Ancient Arhats!
And a Buddha - the ancient Buddha of burning lamps!
The Eighteen Arhats, the Ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, they were invited by the Zizai Wangfo and the Tang Dynasty, they were one of the members who hunted down and suppressed the evil masters of the six paths of reincarnation, and by the way, protected the Buddhist scriptures of the Tang Dynasty.

Ye Fan already understood the situation.

But he didn't understand, what he couldn't figure out was...

Why did each of these arhats and ancient Buddhas make him feel so stressed? !
"...I think you should run away."

The always-silent Immortal King of the Six Paths of Samsara whispered in Ye Fan's heart, pointing him to a clear path.


Ye Fan was confused.

"Because... these are the Eighteen Immortal Kings."

The Immortal King of the Six Paths of Reincarnation sighed softly. This situation seemed to remind him of something, and a broken corner of memory flashed across his heart.

At that moment...

Just like, at this moment!
It seems that before he died, he was surrounded by a strong lineup like this!
Do not!
It seemed better then than it is now.


"Also, the Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha... I can't see through it."

"It seems that he...doesn't belong to the Immortal King?"

The Immortal King of Six Paths of Samsara was a little confused.

As immortal kings, everyone seeks to break the king and become the emperor.

However, few people have actually seen it with their own eyes!
There is only a little induction, a little instinct, telling him to follow his heart and not be stubborn.

If your head is too hard, you will really die!
"Eighteen Immortal Kings... There is one more that you can't see through..."

Ye Fan's liver was trembling, his scalp was numb, and he was disheartened.

"What am I capable of... being besieged by such a lineup?!"

"Where is the fairness? Where is the justice?!"

Ye Fan groaned in his heart.

Is there still a way out?


At this time, the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp opened his mouth. He was played by the former footprint emperor, holding a lamp in his hand, and what he burned was his former Dao fire.

At this moment, he is presiding over, "Construct the kings to destroy the world!"

"Follow my Dharma!"

The eighteen arhats moved together, and a murderous intent penetrated through the ages, leaving Ye Fan with no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth.

He was even deprived of the ability to vibrate his divine sense and even speak!



"Say, can this work?"

At this moment, the figure of the fake "evil lord" leaving gracefully was held back, and someone was asking questions with anticipation.

"Try it!"

"It doesn't cost money, just try it."

"At most, it's fellow Daoist Kuyiku Xiaoye... Don't worry, no one will die!"

The fake "evil lord" took off his disguise at this time.

There is no "evil lord", but there is one demon ancestor!
Demon Ancestor made a cameo appearance, this is the Human Sovereign's deep concern for the Desolate King, teaching him how to behave in order to fully express the big boss.

——Brother, please take a good look at it, the evil master wants to act like this, I will only perform it once!
(End of this chapter)

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