The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 544 Take it! This is my last gift!

The Immortal Kings of the Original Realm Alliance are brave and tragic.

They have silently guarded this world sea for tens of millions of years, adhering to the will of Emperor Huangtian and guarding against the "evil ancestor", but they have never been known to the world.

And the moment when the common people know it, it is also the moment of their sacrifice!

Only by sacrificing so much ambition, dare to change the sun and the moon into a new sky!

This is their determination and their will that makes all souls cry.

They will sacrifice and perform unspeakable supreme magic. From then on, they will entangle the "Evil Ancestor" at the end of time, causing fatal flaws in his path of enlightenment, and his path will be replaced by another living being!

——Seize its avenue and steal its fruits!

How crazy?

"Idiots are talking about dreams." The creature that appeared after stepping on the cauldron was very indifferent and seemed to be unconcerned.

"Whether it's a dream or not, you don't have to say!"

An Immortal King laughed boldly, "Even if it is a dream, when a dream reflects the eternity, and the eternity and the present enter the mind, the dream can also be true, the imaginary can also be real, the cause and effect can be reversed, and history can be corrected!"

“This is—the great dream of eternity!”

"Aeons ago, Emperor Huang Tian had a premonition, so he left the Nine Dragon Coffin, wrote the Heaven-Mending Mantra, and even a sword that would rule for eternity... He knew that you would not give up and would eventually reappear. He has been waiting for you for a long time. !”

As soon as his words fell, the whole world was wailing, the world sea was boiling, and a sword light appeared in the sky!

It has no front or back, no beginning and no end. It seems to be Qi, which spreads throughout the world, and is like a ray of light, illuminating the past and present!

The sword light was brilliant, clear and transcendent, hanging between heaven and earth, as if all living things in this world were covered and became part of this sword light!

"He transforms into freedom, and he transforms into eternity?"

There was finally a different emotion in Evil Ancestor's voice, as if his heart was trembling, uneasy and surprised.

He didn't say anything more and just took action. A pair of iron fists burst out with beams of light to forcefully crush the enemy's plans.



This is how the world knows the Evil Ancestor at this moment.

In the vast world sea, countless broken universes were born and destroyed due to the light of his fists. With one punch, the world was created, and with one punch, everything withered.

The terrifying fist force, wherever it passed, the avenues were shattered, and the sky of history collapsed. Wherever the fist light was directed, there were only traces of residual light, and the nearby world was pierced!

On this day, people finally knew why this strong man made a tripod instead of ordinary weapons and armor.

Because, the Evil Ancestor's body has long been invincible in the heaven and on the earth. It is like a mixture of all the immortal gold that can be found in the past and present. It is indestructible, immortal and immortal!

Who can subdue such an enemy?

The world cannot imagine it.


When the heavens were on the verge of destruction, the immortal kings of the original world alliance threw their heads and blood, and used their immortal king essence and blood to sprinkle on the backhand left by the Emperor of Huangtian, so that the eternal sword could be used Bloom with peerless elegance!

One sword once ruled the tyranny of eternity, but now it has changed. He has transformed into freedom, and he has transformed into eternity!

It seems that everything in the world, past, present and future, has been transformed by it, using it as the foundation of invincible ancient history.

Therefore, people saw that under every historical sky, in every era, in the world of every era, the figure of Emperor Huang Tian appeared. In this world and in the future, he will also have his dazzling figure, everywhere. yes!

He can transform into freedom, everything, enemies, himself, and eternity... His attack power is unparalleled in the world, and he has endless time and space. The Emperor of Desolate Heaven is everywhere!

In the end, everything bloomed and dissipated like a flash in the pan. Only one sword reappeared, with a killing power that shocked the past and the present. It struck through the ages, as if it opened up a new timeline and served as a prison. , it’s imprisonment, it’s exile!


The invincible Evil Ancestor finally suffered a loss under this sword!

His unparalleled fists can crush all tangible and intangible objects in the world; his indestructible body will remain indestructible even if he is reincarnated for hundreds of lives and goes through all kinds of calamities...

However, the sword of Huangtian Emperor was not to kill him, but to seal and banish him, intertwining each other, standing in different time spaces, becoming eternally staggered parallel lines!

Almost immediately, the cauldron that stewed the heavens was illusive at this moment. Time and space were repairing themselves, retreating from the edge of sacrifice.


The Evil Ancestor was angry. He punched out and was invincible. Even the concept of time and space was obliterated. He wanted to fight back from a different timeline.

The timeline that was opened up is actually trembling, collapsing, and about to be completely destroyed and reunited with the original trajectory of time!

"How can I let you come back after paying the price with blood!"

There are immortal kings of the original world alliance one after another. They sit cross-legged, their bodies blurred, as if they have escaped into that timeline together, turning their bodies into firewood, igniting their lives, and letting them exist as this cage. The fundamental sword light shines brightly again, stabilizing the timeline that was about to collapse!

"Emperor Huang Tian, ​​from now on I owe you nothing..."

There is an immortal king who listens to the immortal song of his own death, whispers quietly, and adds patches to the rich background setting of the original world alliance.

"I was buried in the dust of history, and no one remembered me until one day, I was redeemed by someone, freed from reincarnation, and returned to this world..."

"I know that this is your credit. As the true emperor, you have supreme supernatural powers, so you can naturally save us. So when you secretly established the primitive world alliance to fight against the unparalleled enemy, we agreed... Now, Sacrifice this life, fulfill the cause and effect, and live up to the Emperor of Heaven and your heart!"

"Ha ha……"

"It is our honor to seal the Evil Ancestor and make such a powerful enemy helpless and defeated. What's the matter even if we die?!"

One Immortal King after another, they were smiling so brilliantly that it shocked the world beyond words.

The people of all realms finally pieced together the origins of the original realm alliance and why there were so many powerful Immortal Kings.

It turned out that it was because of Emperor Huang Tian!

It turns out that it’s because of the so-called real “Emperor”!

"As long as you become an emperor, can you reverse life and death and transcend reincarnation? Can you save the creatures that have fallen into the dust of history?"

There are real immortals who are lost in spirit.

"I'm sure it's true!"

There is an Immortal King with dazzling eyes, extremely bright, and extremely excited spirit.

"In Emperor Huang Tian's heaven, there used to be some living beings who fell in the Great Reckoning of the Ancient Times and died with no bones left, but they reappeared countless years later!"

"I've seen those people before!"

"I used to think that there was some secret that I didn't know about. Those people were not dead, they were just seriously injured and fell asleep to recover from their injuries... But today I realized that they were resurrected!"

"The real 'Emperor'... is so powerful and defiant?!"

As the Immortal King spoke, his expression became increasingly excited, even vaguely filled with traces of madness, a sign of strong desire.

He wants to become the "Emperor"!

Perhaps, it was because of the unbearable past he had along the way, and the deaths of his closest relatives and loved ones, which made him sad, angry and desperate, but he was helpless.

Throughout the ages, who can prove reincarnation?

Even if it is proven, how useful will it be?

Until today, someone revealed the secret of this personally - as long as you become an "Emperor", all regrets can be undone!

Let the dead reappear, let the dead be reborn!

For a moment, countless true immortals and immortal kings became red-eyed. The obsession that had been helplessly hidden surged into their hearts again, and they actually had the madness of a ruthless emperor.

"Where is the Dao Fruit of the Evil Ancestor? Come out to me!"

They were sharpening their knives and wanted to seize the Evil Ancestor's Dao Fruit without any extra arrangements from the mastermind behind the scenes!

Their eyes were fierce and eager, looking left and right, and finally, like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, they converged on one person——

Wan Ye Fan Qing!

Among those who can become immortals, whose IQ is poor?

They made random guesses and immediately targeted this person.

After all, this is the root of all sudden changes in events!

That stick of incense was lit, and all the changes happened right now.

So, this person...

Their gazes were so fierce that Ye Fan felt his scalp numb. He was silent and thoughtful, holding the last bit of luck in his heart.

——My mother was born and raised by my father, so why did she become someone else’s fruit right before my eyes?

--impossible! Absolutely impossible!

just in case……

——That’s okay!

——My name is Wanqing now! What does it have to do with Ye Fan? !

Thinking like this, Mark felt pity in his heart.

"Qing Emperor, I may have harmed you this time!"

An impulse almost brought tears to his eyes and a smile to his lips.

But soon the urge to laugh was wiped away.

"Do you think you are sure to win?"

The "Evil Ancestor" who was originally charging into the Time Cage suddenly stopped his fists, as if he had given up his plan to break out, calmly and wisely.

"My way! My way! Can any ant take it away!"

He said coldly, even though he was in jail due to an accident, he was still calm and aloof, "It's just adding a new incarnation to me."

"At that time, the incarnation was born, and it matched me inside and outside. I want to see what else you can do to stop me?"

"It all depends on human effort!" A fairy king responded, "I believe in the potential of people in the world!"

"Among the endless lives, someone will eventually stand out, surpass you, and replace you in the duel on the road!"

"Ha!" Evil Ancestor sneered, "Potential? Who else's potential can surpass mine?"

"My Dao Fruit, the one I choose, is destined to be promoted at the most incredible speed. As long as I can't kill him once, there will be no second chance!"

He said this, telling the world personally that he would kill the target with one stick!

Because you only have one chance!

"Evil Ancestor, don't be too confident." Another Immortal King replied, with a different philosophy from the former, "What you want to do is unforgivable and unforgivable!"

"You do whatever it takes to achieve your goals, and you use all the people and things you can use as your tools... You are destined to be the enemy of everyone in the world, and even the forces closest to you and belonging to you may not be able to accept you! I recognize you !”

"The same goes for your path and your path!"

"Evil Ancestor, I admit that you are so courageous that you dare to enlighten your own Dao Fruit...but your character is destined to leave flaws. One day, you will let your Dao Fruit stand alone and be destroyed by the world. Influenced by beauty, you become a member of the fight for this piece of heaven!"

"At that time, you are dead!"

This is an immortal king who adheres to the concept of reformation.

"Joke!" Evil Ancestor said disdainfully, "You never understand me!"

"Even if I stand here and am exiled to the end of time, I can't change anything, and I can't do anything."

"However, I have full confidence in my own path, fruit, and incarnation - he is destined to be the biggest villain in the world!"

The Evil Ancestor is actually making fun of himself!

The world is numb, there is such a "frank" evil spirit in this world?

"He will be ever-changing, dancing on the ugliness of people's hearts, destroying all sincerity and beauty, and causing the trust between people to shatter and wither..."

The Evil Ancestor is prophesying, telling the world how his path will lead to evil.

——Is the person you see really his true face?

——He will destroy the trust between people and expand mutual suspicion infinitely!

Wearing other people's clothes, doing endless bad things, sowing discord, fanning flames... When someone loses control and kills another person, hatred will inevitably accumulate, entanglement of cause and effect, and ultimately lead to destruction!


Wan Ye Fan Qing, everyone else was dumbfounded at this moment.



——Stop talking!

Are there any world-destroying villains as honest as you?

Are you sure you're not trying to trick me?

He wanted to cry, but couldn't.

"As you said, it is indeed very dangerous..."

The Immortal King who sacrificed himself sighed, "But I still have hope for this era. The relationship between people can be full of beauty, fairness and justice... As for the villains with evil intentions, they will also get the ending they deserve and be punished." Seal and kill.”

"I am looking forward."

Evil Ancestor smiled lightly, "I'm sure I'll take action this time. Huang is gone and I can't help him!"

"In that case, I can afford to wait!"

"Sin will always exist in people's hearts. You can suppress it for a while, but you cannot suppress it forever."

"One day, I will truly step out of this prison and stain the world with evil!"

"At that time, I will take you to become the Emperor!"

The Evil Ancestor smiled, and the more he smiled, the more wanton and indulgent he became. His body stretched and expanded endlessly, as if he was trying to reach the limit at the end of time. His supreme power surged, and he wanted to break the cage and feel free!

How can the kings allow this?

On their bodies, the fire light became brighter and brighter, making a sword light extremely blazing, trying hard to fight and entangle!

When the battle between them went beyond a certain limit, the brilliant light seemed to dim and disappear.

People know that it is because he is completely above the perception of the world and conquers areas that cannot be observed by ordinary people!

People couldn't see it anymore, and all they could hear was the last hint of joking laughter.

"Weak ants!"

"Enjoy your last peaceful moments!"


"I left a small gift, resurrecting some special existence from the dust of history as a surprise for you..."

"Hope you guys like it!"

These were the last words of the Evil Ancestor that echoed throughout the heavens, leaving everyone at a loss.



What are those?

They were puzzled.

But soon, someone's hair stood on end, his whole body was shaking, and his teeth were chattering.

That was the Immortal King who had survived to this day in ancient times. He was terrified at this moment and pointed to the other side of the boundary sea.


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