Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 292 I am in the world of mortals, I cannot be detached

Chapter 292 I am in the world of mortals, I cannot be detached

Liu Ying's marriage will be a political marriage.

This is an unchangeable reality, even Luo Xin can only take care of Liu Ying's feelings as much as possible, and guide Liu Ying not to resist through words.

Liu Ying is actually a smart child, he understands this, it is not easy to get the freedom now, he is still full of gratitude to Luo Xin.

The person Luo Xin wanted to propose for Liu Ying the most was Han Xin and Luo Cai's daughter Han Yan. The two were only a few years apart, so it was the most suitable.

Han Yan is now 12 years old, and she only needs to wait another three years to get married.

"Brother, no!"

Luo Cai said without hesitation, Han Xin looked at Luo Cai with some doubts.

Luo Xin didn't expect Luo Cai's attitude to be so firm, and he also asked with some doubts: "The emperor is gentle and kind, and rarely argues with others. He is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. Protect.

Yan'er will definitely be happy when she marries, the only worry is that the emperor may have more concubines.

But as long as Yan'er can give birth to the prince early, the elder brother can guarantee that the emperor will not have other concubines. "

Luo Xin's words sound plain, but the firmness contained in them is extremely deep. Even if Liu Ying is the emperor and married my Luo Xin's niece, she must abide by the rules.

Luo Cai still shook his head resolutely after hearing the words: "Brother, it's not because of the emperor.

The younger sister often goes to the palace to meet the empress dowager, and she is clear about the emperor's temperament, so she is indeed a good match.

But Cai married out of the Luo family, this is the grace bestowed by the eldest brother, and then he has this pair of children.

Poor parents in the world, my sister wants to give them the best in the world. After thinking about it, there is nothing better than the family.

But you know the rules of the family. During the Bang Zhou era, only the subjugated branches could return to the Luo Kingdom and become the public clan.

Without the catastrophe of extermination of the family, without the consent of the eldest brother, it would be impossible for Yang'er to stay in Zhaocheng, let alone marry a Luo family daughter again.

But Yan'er can. She is Cai's prostitute, and she will return to the family 100%. Can Cai give up such an opportunity?

There are so many disturbances in this world, Yan'er can only feel at ease when Yan'er returns to Zhaocheng and by her elder brother's side.

Among the brothers, the elder brother has prosperous children, and he can choose one of them as a good match for Yan'er.

Compared with returning to Zhaocheng and marrying in Zhaocheng, marrying Yan'er into the royal family and entering the emperor's harem is really not what my sister would like.

I also ask my brother to be more considerate. "

Luo Xin didn't expect Luo Cai to have this idea.

There was a sudden silence. What Luo Cai said was too reasonable. Wouldn't it be stupid to marry the emperor without giving up the chance of returning to the family?
The current Luo family is not so downcast that it needs to marry a daughter to maintain its status, but the royal family probably wants to send a daughter to the Luo family, and the Luo family has to examine the princess's virtue and talent.

Luo Xin was naturally delighted that his niece and niece could return to the family, and after a brief silence, he smiled and said: "Yan'er is so lucky to have a mother like Ah Cai.

It's a blessing to be back in the family. It's a pity for a girl like her to stay in this muddy world. "

Seeing this, Luo Cai pondered for a while and asked, "Fourth brother, are you going to beat Fengpei's hero? What does your brother say? He is close to Fengpei's hero."

Han Xin's face changed slightly when he heard the words, the big man was about to suppress the hero after the founding of the country, and he was the leader of the hero.

But fortunately, the one who was in charge before and the one in charge now is his uncle, so the knife should not fall on him.

Luo News said with a cold snort: "I didn't want to do this at first, it's never been the family's style to hide all the birds and hide the bow.

These people have made great achievements in building a great man, and they should enjoy the glory and wealth. As long as they don't kill and trample people's lives at will, until the blessings of their ancestors are exhausted, I am not willing to do anything to them.

But these people did too much, like a rich feast, after they feasted, they directly lifted the whole table, to such a degree, the world is in trouble! "

Luo Cai nodded slightly, she knew these things, and many people have come to seek refuge with the Marquis of Huaiyin these years, and hoped that Han Xin and Luo Cai could recommend them.

Han Xin has relatively few relatives and friends, which is an advantage, otherwise it would be really tricky.

Luo Cai said: "Brother, it's a critical moment for my husband to write military books in seal script.

My younger sister and husband are going back to the fief to write a book with peace of mind. Anyang is also close to Zhaocheng, and I can still visit my eldest brother from time to time.

If the empress dowager needs her husband to lead the expedition, please send a letter to Anyang. "

Luo Wenyan's face became serious, and after a little thought, he realized that Luo Cai was implying that he would let all the heroes return to the fief.

A single hero cannot fight against the imperial court. The strongest point of these heroes is that they are all entrenched in Chang'an.

They exchanged what they needed, communicated frequently, and the friendship between the second and third generations was deep. If one party was in trouble, a large number of people came to rescue in an instant.

Facing such an enemy, direct confrontation is not enough, besides, Luo Xin, Luo Yi, and Luo Chen are not very good at fighting for power.

It is impossible for Luo Shi's power to be projected so far, and it is not used to do these things.

The best way is to let them return to the fief, reduce their communication, and disperse their power. A single hero can only submit to the royal family.

Luo Xin thought about it, but let go of this tempting thought, "A Cai, you are indeed smart, but now is not the time.

These people are double-edged swords. On the one hand, they may hurt the imperial court, but on the other hand, they are the imperial court's sharp weapon to suppress the world. The world has just stabilized, and the Liu family's Zongwang must still be dissatisfied with the Lu family's seizure of power.

Now this group of people is still needed to stabilize the country, and it is enough to temporarily suppress their tentacles extending in all directions. "

Having said that, Luo Cai sent Luo Xin out of the Marquis of Huaiyin's mansion, and said softly as he walked: "Brother, you are involved in too many royal affairs, and my sister thinks something is wrong.

And in a few more years you'll be in your [-]s and still be alone. "

Luo News was stunned, and laughed softly: "Ah Cai, the most difficult thing in this world is to do whatever you want, once a person falls into this world of mortals and has a desire in his heart, he will be coerced to move forward.

A few years ago, brother Wei stood in the corridor outside the palace, looking at the high palace gate, and suddenly thought, can't brother Wei be a regent like the second Duke Wenxuan?

The achievements of the ancestors are so great that it is difficult for the descendants of the descendants to match them, but it would be a pity if they dare not even try.

With this kind of thought, I knew that I would never return to the original state of detachment.

I have walked into the world of mortals.

What's more, the eldest brother sits in Zhaocheng, his sons are prosperous, and his family has successors.

There is no such thing as getting something for nothing in this world. If the family wants to survive in the world, can it just rely on the reputation and achievements of the ancestors?
Thousands of years later, what do people in the world think of Luo Shi, a group of insects attached to Wanmin?
Only with the blood and sweat of the family can we create immortal glory and brilliance. When monuments stand in Zhaocheng, we can always hold our heads high and face everything calmly. "

Luo Cai understood, she didn't expect her fourth brother to have such a big change, he wanted to be regent!
Then everything is reasonable. If you want to become a regent, how can you not be close to the royal family, how can you not gain the trust of the royal family?
Although the Luo family has a high political reputation, even if the emperor believes that the Luo family will not rebel or usurp power.

But the problem is, I don't know you, why should I give you so much power?
Put the life and death of the royal family on political trust?

Mingjun will not do this.

A faint king doesn't believe in such things as political reputation at all, and he won't do this either.

Luo Yi and Luo Xin gained the trust of Liu Bang and Lu Zhi respectively, and both had the prerequisites to become regents. After Liu Bang collapsed, Luo Yi was asked to take care of Liu Ruyi, and he lost the basis for regent.

But Luo Xin is different, not only Lu Zhi trusts him, but also Liu Ying trusts him, this is his greatest advantage.

Even because of his status, it is impossible for Luo Xin to achieve such high legitimacy as Lu Zhi's regency achievements.

But among the three regents in the history of the Luo family, although they all monopolized power, only King Su was the real regent, not the false emperor.

Wen Gong relied on the Regency Council, and Xuan Gong relied on the power of the princes surnamed Ji. Compared with King Su, they had similar powers, but their legitimacy was far worse.

Luo Xin's requirement for himself is that even if he cannot get the name of regent, he must have the unshakable power to assist the emperor alone.

The two brothers and sisters parted in front of the mansion. Luo Cai and Han Xin looked at Luo Xin's gradually leaving figure. Han Xin praised: "Brother is really an outstanding person. This is probably the reason why the Luo family has been prosperous for a long time but is respected by the world."

Luo Cai said in high spirits: "This is the fairness that the family wants, the sons of the Luo family are born with power, so naturally they cannot escape the shackles of this world.

It is because of the protection of my elder brother, who is like a towering tree, that there are such transcendent places as Zhaocheng and Luocun in the world, where people like my concubine can stay away from these complicated troubles. "

Sitting in the carriage, Luo Xin closed his eyes and began to think about the many heroes who visited these days, and recalled Lu Zhi's evaluation of them when he met the women of various families these days, and then recalled Liu Ying's character.

"You can't have those who are too strong, and don't want those who are ugly. The emperor will definitely resist from the heart. If Lu's is eliminated, it will be really difficult to leave the stage if another queen is born. Marquis Feng and Marquis Liu are too powerful and too independent. You can't want it, and it can't bring help to the emperor."

Luo Xin ruled out the candidates one by one. He looked over the more than 100 candidates of the big man, and he still thought that his niece Han Yan was the best.

As the carriage got closer and closer to the palace gate, Luo Xin finally delineated several houses in his mind and walked into the palace.


There are two contradictions that run through the entire ancient dynastic politics, namely, the contradiction between the central government and the local government, and the contradiction within the central government.

In the Zhou Dynasty, the internal contradictions of the central government manifested as the contradictions between the emperor of Zhou and the princes of Guinea. When Luo Wengong was in power, this problem was greatly alleviated. In the Han Dynasty, it was manifested in the relationship between the royal family and the founding hero group. On the basis of cooperation, they are testing each other's bottom line.

According to the new history of Dong Ahouluo, he was a benevolent man who was good at governing the country and enriching the people, but not good at power tactics. However, judging from his performance during the regency of Empress Lu, his level of power skills was passed. He cooperated tacitly with Empress Lu. On the basis of suppressing the excessive embezzlement of the royal family's power by the heroic group, the heroic group was united to avoid unnecessary internal friction that would affect the national policy of recuperation.

The governing ability of the pair of monarchs and ministers, Lv Zhi and Luo Xin, is among the best in the history of the Han Dynasty. ——"History of the Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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