Chapter 325

Night falls.

Six cities.

This should have been an ordinary night, but it was restless because of the return of the three kings, and countless undercurrents fluctuated during it.

Liu Chen began to try to contact those smart people who could clearly see the general trend of the world, and he faintly spread the news.

The strength of the imperial court is obvious. The combination of the prime minister and the general is invincible in the world. It cannot be resisted by the so-called Huainan Kingdom, even the alliance of the countries. If you don’t jump off this ship now, there will be no chance in the future.

But even Luoxin has overlooked a problem, that is, Han Xin hasn't made a move for more than 20 years since defeating the Huns.

Among the princes and kings of the Liu family, King Xiang of Huainan was the last one to see Han Xin's demeanor and terror.

The ignorant are fearless.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

The combination of these two sentences will produce a very dire result.

For example, King Wu, he felt that I had the advantage, that's why he was so ostentatious.

For example, King Huainan, he felt that the sky was high and the emperor was far away, and the court had followed the policy of non-interference for so many years.

Now it is probably just a test. As long as he expresses a tough attitude, the court will definitely retreat. After all, this move of the court has violated the interests of all the princes and kings in the world.

So he accepted the suggestion of his courtiers, and brazenly dispatched assassins to kill the three princes and kings who carried the imperial edicts!

In the southeast of Liucheng is a courtyard with three entrances. Liu Chen and others lived here. Although it was already late, Liu Chen did not fall asleep.

"Your Majesty, according to the feedback just received, King Huainan really foolishly agreed to the assassination plan. These days, he has begun to meet some stronger warriors.

Although this is what you planned long ago, I still suggest that you leave Six Cities directly.

The sages said that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

There is really no need for you to fight to the death with a dead bone in a tomb. "

Liu Chen said with a smile: "Your brother, the widow, was originally a wicked spoiled by the Queen Mother, and he was able to obtain the throne completely relying on his status as a direct descendant and his elder brothers who died early.

King Wu sent a letter to the princes and kings, and he was the only one who replied. He also expressed dissatisfaction, which had long been known by the court.

Originally, the imperial court just wanted to crack the soil, and it would not be in such a situation where it was out of control.

At least he can still be the king of Huainan in peace, but if he has rebellion in his heart, the Prime Minister will not be able to keep him.

It's really easy for a fool like him to defeat him.

As for a gentleman not standing under a dangerous wall?
The widow is not worthy yet.

Only those who survive are gentlemen. As long as we escape the first wave of assassinations and get the evidence, we will immediately report it to the prime minister. When the imperial soldiers arrive and completely eradicate the direct descendants, then we will be considered a complete victory. "

His tone was full of sternness. Although according to the practice of the Luo family, these people would not be killed, but Liu Chen had already begun to think about exiling the Huainan king's family to a corner of Lingnan, or directly exiled to Go to the more distant Qiongzhou.


Changle Palace.

From the time when the Huainan Kingdom was built by the crowd, the strange aura wandering in the world finally reached the ears of the little emperor.

The current Liu Heng is no longer the kid who didn't know anything back then, he is far more sensible than anyone expected, and now he can even handle some affairs independently, even Luo Xin praised him.

Luo Xin was teaching Liu Heng. Even though he was extremely busy, he still took time to teach Liu Heng. Then he saw Liu Heng seemed to be thinking about something.

"Your Majesty, if you have any doubts in your mind, you can ask the minister."

Liu Heng pondered for a moment when he heard the words and asked: "Uncle, you seem to be dismantling the vassal state, but you have said countless times before that the clan has an irreplaceable role in maintaining the country, so I am very confused now, I hope you can explain it. There's a reason for that."

Luo News said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this question is very simple.

If you are hungry now, and there is a bowl of wild vegetables and a bowl of minced meat in front of you, which bowl would you eat to satisfy your hunger? "

Liu Heng said curiously: "It's naturally minced meat, which tastes more delicious and can fill your stomach more."

Luo Xin said: "Then the position of King Zhao is now vacant, do you want to hand it over to your brother? Or do you want to let the current Liu clan take the position?"

Although Liu Ying only has Liu Heng as his legitimate son, there are still concubine sons. Liu Heng recalled his own brothers, and recalled those Liu clan relatives whom he didn't know at all, and suddenly realized: "You mean, my brother is minced meat. , and those clan relatives are wild vegetables, so you don’t want to abolish the clan clan, but replace them with those close to me.”


Luo Xin sighed and said: "The world is like a rattan. Only by erasing those thorns can I not hurt myself. When Emperor Gao, the clan relatives were the guards of this rattan. With the guards, Gao The queen can use it to suppress the world.

However, with the change of time, the clan will change from a gauntlet that protects your hand to a thorn that hurts your hand. Now I want to erase those thorns for you and recast a gauntlet. "

Liu Heng took a deep look at Luo Xin when he heard the words, and the admiration in his eyes became more and more profound. He bowed slightly and said, "Uncle, you are in charge of everything."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Luo Xin smiled with some relief, as long as the efforts are rewarded, the most fearful thing is that after so many years of raising him, he ended up raising a white-eyed wolf.


Luo Xin was about to say something, when suddenly a high voice came from outside the hall, and then saw three guards walking in with a man wearing only a middle coat, which is the necessary attire when meeting the emperor, If it is a minister, just remove the sword.

"My ministers see Your Majesty! See the Prime Minister!"

A light flashed in Luo Xin's eyes. This was the person he sent to Hengshan King Liu Chen. He immediately asked, "But there is news from Hengshan King?"

The messenger immediately said in grief and indignation: "Your Majesty, the Prime Minister, the King of Huainan was dissatisfied with the court and tried to plot rebellion, and even sent someone to assassinate the King.

The king was seriously injured. King Yuzhang and King Lujiang fled Liucheng with King Hengshan and were heading towards Nanyang.

Weichen came to Chang'an with the king's request for help.

Please Your Majesty, the Prime Minister upholds justice for the King! "

The messenger's voice resounded throughout the hall, and Liu Heng was stunned. He couldn't believe what he heard, especially when Luo Xin told him the theory of "vines and thorns". It was fulfilled immediately.

He hadn't learned how to hide his emotions and anger, and his immature face was filled with anger in an instant, and his voice, which had just entered the period of voice change, shouted loudly: "Arrogant! Villainous!"

"How crazy is this!"

Luo Xin's voice resounded in the hall, and everyone could hear the undisguised anger, "In broad daylight, he openly assassinated a golden prince, does he think that it is still a chaotic world where etiquette is broken and music is broken?" ?
Disregarding human relations, assassinating his elder brother, a well-known filial son in the world, what kind of inhumanity and filial piety this is, it is simply a crime.

The soul of King Xiang of Huainan cannot rest in peace under the Nine Springs!
If this kind of behavior is not punished, the court's majesty will still be so prominent?

Can the hearts of the people in the world still deal with it?
Will the princes still pay attention to the court?

Wouldn't the tragic situation of Zhou Tianzi in the past reappear in Dahan? "

rhetorical question.

It has always been the most inspiring and sharpest language.

Following Luo Xin's words and sentences, the hall was full of people, and the Chehous shouted loudly, "Your Majesty, Prime Minister, I am willing to lead the army to conquer the Huainan Kingdom. If you agree, I am willing to bring the head of King Huainan back to Chang'an, hang it on the top of Changle Palace, and warn the rebels all over the world."

"Huainan King's villain, if you don't kill it, it won't be enough to anger the people, if you don't kill it, it won't be enough to show the king's prestige, if you don't kill it, it won't be enough to show benevolence and filial piety, please fight!"

"I invite you to fight!"

The Chehous were immediately excited. After waiting for so many years, the imperial court finally started to use force again. The glory days of these honorable families are coming back again.

Back then, the founding and peace kings of different surnames made a lot of political capital, and they haven't finished eating it for so many years. The court is full of people they recommend. number one.

The Chehous just wanted to grab Huainan King's head and chop it off fiercely, "My lord, thank you so much, the foreign minister borrowed your head to ask for a fortune."

Liu Heng looked at this scene with some shock. In the past, all he saw were those scholars of literature. This was the first time he saw so many high-ranking military nobles of the empire.

These people are completely different from those bachelors in the past, who are always killing. He couldn't help but recall what Luo Xin said when he taught him the "Tao Te Ching", "Soldiers are murder weapons, and saints use them as a last resort.

There are many meanings to this sentence, but we must remember that once the weapon is unsheathed, it will hurt yourself if it does not hurt others. Never think that you can really control this dangerous weapon forever.

Once you have this kind of thought, your throne will be in jeopardy. "

Liu Heng's body was trembling slightly, both excited and fearful, and then he looked at Luo Xin.

Facing the noisy crowd, Luo Xin laughed loudly and said: "There are all of you in the Great Dynasty, is there any reason why it is not prosperous?"

Han Xin came to Chang'an from the Marquis of Anyang, and he was no longer the young man he was back then.

He sat quietly at the top of the crowd, second only to Luo Xin.

Because he is a great general with a seal, ranking above the princes and kings.

With Han Xin, it’s killing chickens with a sledgehammer, but Luo Xin just wants to be fast, accurate and ruthless, not only the king of Huainan, but also the happiest dancer. It looks like King Wu who is trying to rebel.


Shen received Dong'a's gift through filial piety, so he went to Guoheng Mountain.

Huainan ridiculed it, but Shen You smiled back, saying that the left and right said: "Boy, I am not guilty."

And when Huainan ridiculed Dong'a, Shen Nai was angry, tied his hair and rushed to the crown, holding a knife, and said: "Father Dong'a, if you repeat, there is death and no life!"

Huainan was afraid, so he left in a hurry, conspiring with others, "How can you be a king, a lowly villain."

Shen Zhuang said: "This Huainan is for it, and if we fight, when I visit Changle, Huainan will die."

When Shen died in Nanyang, he sent envoys to the court to talk about the Huainan incident. At that time, Xiaowen was by his side, surprised and angry, and said: "The rebellious ones, the sky will perish."

Dong'a summoned all the ministers, and all of them asked for battle with great emotion. Dong'a ordered Huaiyin to take charge of the army. The ministers said: "Huainan children, how can you use a god general? I will invite you again."

Dong'e returned to Huaiyin to take charge of the army, ordered Chehou Twelve, five thousand generals, and called Guanzhong Liang's son.

Shen Bei went to the north, Wang Shi went to the south, and met in Nanyang, and Huainan heard about it, and he was terrified and sleepless. ——"Historical Records Hengshan King's Family"

(End of this chapter)

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