Chapter 57

State of Jin, Yicheng.

Since the first Marquis of Jin built the city, after 500 years of ups and downs, and after Quwo was completely destroyed 200 years ago, this city has completely become the pearl of Jin.

The mottled old traces, under the dark clouds in the drowsy sky, seem to be telling the depressing atmosphere in the Jin Kingdom.

The present-day Marquis of Jin is a rare long-lived person. When he turned [-], he invited many princes to congratulate him. As a traditional ally of the Jin Kingdom, Luo Yan replaced his father Luo Ci to celebrate the Marquis of Jin's birthday.

Luo Yan is the prince of Luo Kingdom, the No.19 grandson of Ji Zhao.

After Luo Xiu's death, Ji Zhao also fell into a deep sleep at the same time, and the next three generations of Luohou tried their best to maintain the hegemony of Qi.

Until the No.17th generation monarch, the national power of Qi State was no longer enough to take on this important task. In addition, Chu State had been fighting with Wu State on the Hanyang Plain since the defeat of Yanling, and had no energy to take care of the Central Plains.

From the perspective of interests, Luo State no longer needs an overlord to suppress the Zhou royal family for the time being, so it gave up the support of Qi State, and Qi State fell from a superpower to a first-class regional power.

[Luo Yan:


With the continuous decline of the Zhou royal family, the abilities of the descendants of the Duke of Luo have been declining from generation to generation, especially Luo Xiu seems to have exhausted the last heritage of Luo.

Luo Yan is the eldest son of the family, and under the blessing of Ji Zhao's ancestor, he only has this attribute. The lack of talents in the office can be seen.

On the contrary, those descendants of the Luo clan's branch got rid of the shackles of the Luo clan, and talents continued to appear, such as the Xiang clan of Chu State.

But it's still the same old saying, although Luo Guogong has no talent, the ancestors have left too much wisdom and read too many books, which is no less than those talents who are far superior to them.

At least before a hundred schools of thought contend and wisdom erupts, relying on wisdom that transcends the times, it is still possible to manipulate this era in the palm of your hand.

After the birthday banquet, Luo Yan was about to return to the State of Luo. Unexpectedly, the Marquis of Jin sent someone to invite Luo Yan to take a look at the garden. Luo Yan knew that there was something to discuss, so he tidied up and followed the doctor of the State of Jin to the palace again. middle.

Sure enough, the Marquis of Jin was already waiting for him in the pavilion, surrounded by ministers and not even a maid, this was obviously not a flower appreciation.

After the two parties saluted, the Marquis of Jin asked straight to the point: "Prince, from the time of King Zhao, Jin and Luo have been allied for 400 years. During this period, they have relied on Luo many times to lend a helping hand, so that the king of Jin can sit in Yicheng. .

Gu now has something unclear and wants to ask the political prince. "

Ask yourself about the political affairs of Jin State?

Luo Yan frowned slightly, but still said: "Marquis of Jin Miao Zan, faith is the foundation of the relationship between the two countries, and Luo State is just fulfilling the covenant. If it is related to Luo State, please ask."

"Gu's main wife is a noble daughter of Qi, but Qi Jiang has no heirs.

Now there are five sons, all of whom are concubine sons. I don't know which son the Luo Kingdom wants to take the throne after the lonely death? "


Luo Yan was shocked by Jin Hou's words, are you crazy?
You ask me this?
But after thinking about it, he realized that the Marquis of Jin might have asked the question sincerely, because he didn't know who to stand for in his heart, so it wouldn't be too bad to pick someone approved by the Luo Kingdom.

But Marquis Jin could think so, but Luo Yan couldn't accept it.

He immediately said: "Marquis of Jin, the position reserve is a major matter of the country. The State of Luo has never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries. As long as the young master does not violate Zhou etiquette and patriarchal law, the State of Luo will do nothing."

Having said that, if the Marquis of Jin wants to let Young Master Yin ascend the throne, Luo Guo will not agree, and the other four people really don't care.

The Marquis of Jin also guessed that Luo Yan would say that, so when Luo Yan finished speaking, he immediately answered, "My son Chong'er's mother was born in Qi State. He has the blood of Qi State.

Gu had asked Qi Gong to take care of him before, but Qi Gong died alone first.

Now Gu wants to entrust this child to Luo Guo, and I hope you will agree.

He has not yet become an adult, and his lonely body should last for a few years, so let him ascend the throne in the future. "

Although the son Chong'er is also a concubine, but he was born in the state of Qi, so he will naturally get the support of the states of Qi and Luo, so the Marquis of Jin wants to make him king.

When Luo Yan saw that Marquis of Jin really chose his son Chong'er who had the backing of Qi and Luo, "Jin Marquis, your choice is the will of Jin, and Luo is your most loyal ally. Witnessed by King Su, son Chong'er will be punished." Luo country's protection."

Seeing Luo Yan being so formal, the kings and ministers of the Jin Kingdom sang promises: "Haotian witnesses."

This is a verbal agreement, regardless of whether the son Chong'er can ascend the throne in the end, at least the Luo Kingdom has promised to protect him, which makes the Marquis of Jin who has experienced the cruel battle for the throne a little relieved.

As Luo Yan left Jin, the news quickly spread to the high-level officials of Jin. The son Chonger, mother and son were naturally overjoyed, but the other four were naturally dissatisfied, but both Qi and Luo are not weak countries. say what.

But none of these sons is a fuel-efficient lamp, and each has party members and fiefdoms, and an undercurrent is circulating in the state of Jin.

No one would have thought that it would not be the three grown-up sons, Gongzi Lin, Gongzi Yin, and Gongzi Wu, who were the first to attack, but Gongzi Wuzhi, the only one who was not crowned an adult.

Prince Wuzhi is the most beloved son of the Marquis of Jin, because his mother Yan Gui is very young and beautiful.

When people get old, they will not become sages, but will magnify their desires, as is the case with the Marquis of Jin.

Five years ago, he was still not confused, so according to the interests of Jin, he made an agreement with Luo Yan to make son Chong'er the king.

As a result, after getting old and confused, he actually made the young master Wuzhi the king, and there was a written will.

This made Luo Guo very embarrassed. As a foreign monarch, the Marquis of Jin hadn't passed away yet, so it was impossible for him to rush in directly with his troops, saying that the edict was false.

The most important thing is that the Marquis of Jin was not established by Prince Yin, so Luo Guo's reaction was not great.

Young Master Yin's mother was named Qin Ying, a woman from the State of Qin.

At the beginning, the Marquis of Jin took a woman from Qin State as his concubine, and Luo State tolerated it, but if a son from Qin State wanted to ascend to the throne of Jin State, it would be a dream.

The throne of Jin must not be related to Qin and Chu. This is the bottom line of Luo.

Because among the princes with different surnames in the world, only Qin and Chu are capable of replacing Bang Zhou's destiny, so Luo has always been deeply guarded against these two countries.

Back then, making so many concessions to the state of Chu was due to the circumstances at that time. If the young master coveted the throne of the state of Jin, he would have to die.

Either he died in the war, or he died directly from the assassination like Lu Wujiu, no one can stop Luo Guo from doing what he wants to do.

In fact, this posthumous edict is indeed true, after the old and strong Marquis of Jin ended happily on Yan Gui's body.

Yan Gui, who is as gentle as water, said coquettishly: "My lord, the four sons have obtained the fertile land of Jin. When Wuzhi grows up, where else can I entrust him? Why don't you hand over Yicheng to him? The only one who wouldn't threaten his brother."

Marquis Jin thought about his restless sons, and then thought about his most beloved son. It seemed that apart from Yicheng, there was really no good place for him to be named.

Then he asked several senior officials of the Jin State. These senior officials had been bought by Yan Gui, and an underage monarch was easy to control, so he urged the Marquis of Jin to make a written document.

Not long after, the Marquis of Jin passed away, and the son Wuzhi ascended to the throne of Jin with the support of Doctor Qing.

Young Master Wuzhi ascended the throne, his elder brother would definitely not accept it. At this time, Young Master Chong’er suffered the most, because his younger brother’s ascension to the throne was legal, so Luo State would not help him. If Luo State does not move, then Qi State will not move either.

However, those Jin Guoqing doctors who pushed the young masters to be ignorant were not afraid of these young masters, and they all had private soldiers.

As for Young Master Chong Er, because Luo Guo had made an oath to protect his safety, and in view of Luo Guo's style of doing what he said, these high officials did not want to cause trouble for the upper body, so they did not target Young Master Chong Er.

Just let him stay in the fief and not come to Yicheng.

Prince Wuzhi's throne is not secure, and his elder brothers are secretly against him.

Especially Gongzi Wu, directly said that the edict was false, and it was impossible for the father to let four grown sons go without standing, but let a minor child be the king.

This must be a treacherous plot by a treacherous official who wants to take over the monarch and monopolize the power. This sounds true, and anyone would think so.

"Young Master Wu raises troops in the fief, and there are so many of the princes in the country who join them, what should we do?"

Yan Gui was very anxious and asked the senior officials who jointly recommended the son Wuzhi to the position, and said in a hateful voice: "How can such a scoundrel be the son of Jin?"

Zhao Qing heard the words and said solemnly: "Mrs. Tai, please be careful. Although Gong Ziwu rebelled, he was included in the genealogy of the Jin family with the surname of Ji by the former monarch. He was originally born as the son of Nanyan Kingdom. It's not an unethical bastard!"

As soon as Yan Gui's words came out of her mouth, she knew that she was wrong. Seeing that the faces of these senior officials were not swaying, she remembered that the Marquis of Jin adopted son Wu, and these people also agreed.

Gongzi Wu is the one with the most special status among the five princes of the Jin Kingdom.

Because he is not the son of the former Marquis of Jin, he is the son of Marquis of Nan Yan.

His mother, Jin Ji, was a noble daughter of the Duke of Jin, and was suddenly married to the Marquis of Nanyan by the Marquis of Jin.

This is really a marriage. Although the title of Marquis Nanyan is high, the country does not even have a hundred miles, not even a doctor in the Jin Kingdom.

After Jin Ji married to Nanyan Kingdom, she gave birth to a very healthy son, Gongzi Wu.

A few years later, Nan Yanhou despised Jin Ji and Gong Ziwu, Jin Ji returned to Jin State, and Gong Zi Wu returned to Jin State with his mother.

For Nanyan Kingdom's behavior that was obviously not in line with etiquette, Marquis Jin only verbally condemned it, but did not take any substantive actions, and even helped Nanyan Kingdom with kindness.

At that time, the princes of the world felt that something was wrong. Later, the Marquis of Jin changed Gongziwu's surname to Jin, and entered Gongziwu into the genealogy.

Said grandly, Gong Ziwu is a hero beyond the world, with the blood of the Jin family on his body, Nan Yanhou didn't know how to cherish it, Jin should not let him be lost in the wilderness.

This coquettish operation made all the princes in the world stupid. They had some reasonable doubts, but there was no evidence for this kind of thing. Nanyan Hou didn't say anything, but just deleted Gongzi Wu from the genealogy of Nanyan Kingdom .

As a result, Gongzi Wu changed from the son of Nanyan to the son of Jin, and obtained the right to inherit the throne of Jin.

Leaving aside his father, his mother is a real noble daughter.

The power in the state of Jin is not comparable to that of the mothers of the other sons.

So although his status is a little bit special, there are really many Dukes of Jin who support him, and even in this Yicheng, I don’t know how many Dukes love him.
With the support of the Duke of Jin, Gong Ziwu came to Yicheng in less than half a month.

He pointed at Yicheng with some complacency and said: "After entering Yicheng, the traitor must admit that my father did have a will before he died.

But they forged Wuzhi's edict, and they didn't know who his father made as the king afterwards.

It should be recommended by the public family, so I will win. "

Gongzi Wu didn't want to kill Gongzi Wuzhi, that would only make him guilty of regicide and give his other three brothers a chance.

"Young Master, why do you say that there is indeed a will? And why don't you say that the will is you?"

Young Master Wu smiled and said: "Father must have a will before he dies, otherwise the throne will fall on Chong Er's head, this is not allowed by me.

As for the name on the will, if it is me, then my three brothers will also use the excuse of forging the will to attack me, which is stupid.

There is a will but I don't know who it is. It is very reasonable for the public to recommend it, and this is in my favor. "

Everyone admired Young Master Wu's thoughtful thinking, so they began to attack and block Yicheng, hoping that the officials in the city could think clearly, do they really want to be buried with Young Master Wuzhi?

But Gong Ziwu's thinking is a bit too simple. The reason why the officials want to support Gong Ziwuzhi is because Gongzi Wuzhi does not have a strong mother clan.

In this era when sons are more precious than mothers, if there is no strong mother clan, it is weak and will be looked down upon by others.

Young Master Lin has the State of Song, Young Master Yin has the State of Qin, and Young Master Chong'er has the two countries of Qi and Luo, so they reject these three young masters and do not want them to become kings.

But what these ministers hate the most is Gongzi Wu. The other people's mother clan is still in a foreign country, and your mother clan is the son of the Jin family.

Is there still a place for our Qing clan to speak in this state of Jin?

Therefore, these senior officials did not surrender to Gongzi Wu as expected, but each dispatched troops from their fiefs, and fought with Gongzi Wu outside Yicheng.

Gongzi Wu failed to break through Yicheng, so he could only withdraw his troops first. Before leaving, he said bitterly: "When I ascend the throne, these traitors must be eradicated one by one."

After saying this, the officials in Yicheng made up their minds to fight Gongzi Wu with all their might.

 A big drama in the state of Jin kicked off~
  [-] words today, end~
(End of this chapter)

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