Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 69 The son of the world, all come to Luo

Chapter 69 The son of the world, all come to Luo

Luo Ci and Luo Yan expected that those down-and-out aristocrats would come to Luo Kingdom, but one thing they didn't expect was that it was the truce period!

Under the witness of Luo, the three great powers, Jin, Chu, and Qin, signed a covenant of armistice.

This covenant is the will of the five great nations of Qi, Jin, Qin, Chu, and Luo. Whoever dares to provoke trouble at this time, the entire Zhuxia world seems to be suddenly pressed the pause button.

Under such circumstances, a sage appeared in Luo Guoxue Palace. At the same time, Luo Guoxue Palace began to invite scholars from all over the world. The combination of these factors caused a huge disturbance among the nations.

Aren't all the talented people in the world going to Luo Kingdom?
The first one to react was Chu State!
In the state of Chu, there has always been a saying that there are three lords and one relative, the four major clans.

The so-called Sangong refers to the three major clans of the Chu State, and Yiqi is the Xiaozong of the Luo family, and the surname of Ji is the Xiang family.

Although the Xiang family has not left, the method of cultivating successors handed down by the Luo family, and the large number of books that Luo Yan brought with him when he entered Chu made them stand proud in the state of Chu.

Moreover, the public family has the same surname as the Chu royal family and cannot marry, but the Xiang family can marry the royal family from generation to generation and maintain their status, which has a feeling of Qi State in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Xiang Cheng met the King of Chu directly and said, "Your Majesty.

According to the records of the ancestors, Luo has all the books in the world.

The houses where the books were kept were taller than palaces.

The bamboo slips used to make books cut down the bamboo forest of the entire mountain.

A thousand people come every day to grease the books.

This is why the Duke of Luo is so talented.

Now that there are sages and sages in Luoguo Academy, and they are willing to take out the treasured books, so will the sages who are ambitious and famous all over the world not go to the Academy? "

The king of Chu suddenly realized: "Naturally, we must go, if we can become famous in the academy and beat all the sages in the world, this is the way to become a sage.

If sages are willing to serve in various countries, the monarchs of all countries will naturally grant them the position of prime minister. "

Xiang Cheng said with a smile: "If we get the help of great sages, the state of Chu will be even stronger.

However, the minister who came to persuade the king today should order the prince to go to Luo to recruit talents.

Those impoverished scholars, if the prince is a corporal, wouldn't they follow him to the death?
If there are really great sages, I am willing to give up the position of Prime Minister Yin to recruit sages for you.

Then I will bring some sages who have always been sages from the state of Chu to the Luo State Academy to make a name for themselves, proving that there is also the way of sages and sages in the state of Chu. Wouldn’t it be possible to wash away the prejudice of the princes of the Central Plains towards the state of Chu?
If these two points can be achieved, Chu's great cause of dominance must be realized. "

The king of Chu was a little moved and said: "Patriarch, you are really a loyal minister. For the sake of the state of Chu, you are willing to give up the position of state minister. How should I repay you?"

Xiang Cheng held up his hand and said, "If the skin doesn't exist, how can the general get it?
Your ancestors said that you will live and die with the Chu State, and I am still willing to make this oath to you, the Xiang family will live and die with the Chu State. "

After a wave of goodwill and trust in front of the King of Chu, Xiang Cheng successfully obtained a power, he can choose the members of the mission to Luo.

This is what he wants to operate. The decline of the Zhou royal family is inevitable. Xiang has put all his treasures on Chu State. Now he can go to Luo State to gather a wave of wool to strengthen Chu State, and he will not let it go.

Qin State's reaction was a little slower, but under Xuan Mi's call, Qin State also sent a luxurious team, led by the son, to Zhaocheng.

Luo Guo Zhaocheng, Luo Ci and Luo Yan looked at the letters of credence handed over by Qin and Chu in silence, and the words in the letter of credence were very polite.

"In the past, the prince talked about coordinating the three countries, and finally the countries stopped fighting and were able to stabilize their own countries. This is your credit.

The frequent conquests among the nations must be due to the lack of virtue. There are saints in the Luoguo Academy, who must have come to teach the world.

The state of Chu is located in a remote place, so it must be beneficial to Zhu Xia if they can receive the teachings of the sages in the academy.

You are the lord of Luo, please take care of the scholars of Chu on your behalf, dedicate beautiful jade, gold, precious stones, and cloth to you, and repay you with the friendship of Chu. "

Luo Ci patted Luo Yan and sighed: "As soon as Qin Chu comes, Qi and Jin will definitely arrive, and all the countries will arrive at that time, and the truce period may become a preparation period.

Yan'er, as a father, you are going to see King Su soon. You have a heavy burden on you! "

The officials of the Luo Kingdom have become numb. Luo Qingyi is responsible for contacting the missions of various countries, but now he counted the credentials in his hand, no less than [-] copies!

"Brother, how many princes does Bangzhou have now?" Luo Qingyi asked his brother with a dull expression.

Luo Fujie thought for a while and said: "There are only ten countries in the country of a thousand vehicles, and there should be more than 30 countries in the other countries of a hundred vehicles. Basically, they are all vassals of big countries."

"With so many young masters coming to the middle school, safety alone is a big problem, especially this Prince Qingji of the Wu Kingdom, whose father was assassinated just now, and now fled to Luo Kingdom, there is no guarantee that Uncle Wu's assassins will not come after him. "

Luo Fujie shook his head and said: "I'm afraid there will be no Uncle Wu in the future, and this new king of the Wu Kingdom will probably learn from the Chu Kingdom to be king.

If Prince Qingji of the Wu Kingdom wants to come, let him come. If Qingji can really bring him back to the Wu Kingdom, it probably means that his lineage really has the king's order. "

The first mission to come to Luo State was Qi State. In recent years, the public and Qing clans in Qi State have also grown somewhat, but Qihou thinks they are still under control.

The arrival of Chu State and Qin State made everyone look sideways. You must know that some time ago, these two countries were still confronting Luo State in Yingshui, especially the people of Jin State, who were about to merge with Qin Chuhuo.

Qin and Chu sent their sons here because they trusted Luo, and Luo's prestige can be seen from this.

The sons of various countries came to Luo, which made the depressed scholars flock to Luo. Some wanted to ask Yu Li Er, some wanted to read King Su’s thoughts, and some wanted to read Su Wang’s thoughts. We must defend the kingly principles of "Luo Yu".

Countless people have come here, and countless people will come here.


There are countless troubled times in Chinese history, but the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period are different. This is the most brilliant era of thought and culture in Chinese history.

Under the leadership of the Luo family, the Academy of Luo State has become a gathering place for the world's academics. Countless sages compete to appear here, and countless different thoughts originate here. Simple dialectics, the confrontation between the rule of virtue and the rule of law, The thought of respecting heaven and loving people has greatly liberated the human spirit.

The most valuable thing is that Rockwell has kept these intact and injected new impetus into the advancement of the nation countless times. ——"Summary of Pre-Qin Philosophy"

 It's not just the sages who enter Luo, I didn't expect it.

  There are 4000 words left in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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