Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 780: Why is the wind blowing in the Western Region?

Chapter 780: Why is the wind blowing in the Western Region?
The Central Plains is the middle of the world. In the traditional concept, all the affairs of the world come from the Central Plains, while the four sides are the neglected corners. However, just like the saying on the chessboard that there are gold corners, silver edges, and grass belly, the four sides of the world are not dispensable. It can be seen that the Yan Kingdom originated in Liaodong.

More than ten years ago, Luo Xing's grandson Luo Wu returned to the Western Regions from Zhaocheng. He rectified Wushuang City in the chaotic Western Regions and vowed to protect this land for his family. For more than ten years, he has been paying attention to the news about the Central Plains and the grasslands. Due to the geographical location of the Western Region, it has always been the hub of conflicts between many major forces. The general trend of the Central Plains and grasslands will greatly affect the Western Region.

Luowu died of illness three years ago, and his son Luogu inherited the position of high priest of the temple. He began to try to consolidate the chaotic Western Region and form a coalition of countries around the temple. Then news from the Wei Kingdom came in one by one. Western Region.

At that time, the Wei State conquered Shu, and all the nobles surrendered. The noble leaders moved to Chang'an. Sima Yi's prestige was growing, and he was the leader among the ministers Tuogu, far superior to his relatives and royal relatives. When he led the army back to Chang'an, countless scholars were He was born during the reign of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty. He passed through the two dynasties of Emperor Min and Emperor Sheng of the Han Dynasty. He became an official in Cao Wei and was reused by Emperor Wu. He passed through Emperor Wu, Emperor Wen and Emperor Ming. He was entrusted by the late emperor. He was a veteran of the four dynasties, a pillar of the Qing Dynasty, and a scholar. Leader, he has almost reached the pinnacle of his reputation as a minister.

With the great victory of the capture of Chengdu, the Wei State was not stable. Instead, the political struggle became more intense, and the conflicts between the gentry and clans became more profound. The success of the Jiangdong gentry gave great inspiration to the Wei State and others. Since Cao Cao The policy of emphasizing the clan that had been adopted since ancient times ushered in a huge backlash when the clan was ineffective. The gentry of the Wei State were unwilling to succumb to the clan. Sima Yi was promoted higher and higher in this wave.

Sima Yi naturally felt the danger of his situation, so he had the idea of ​​​​retreating bravely. This puzzled his sons. The ultimate goal of any noble family is to become a powerful official who controls everything. Why would his father give up this opportunity?
Sima Yi explained coldly: "Many ministers in the Han Dynasty and later Han Dynasty relied on their temporary power to occupy a position more noble than the royal family, but in the end, who died well?

Only the Luo family was able to escape unscathed. If Huo Guang, the Marquis of Bowang Wu Lie, had not had the Luo family, his regency would not have ended well. How many benevolent kings were there like King Zhou Yi and Emperor Renzong Xiaohui of the Han Dynasty? Or were they more like Emperor Wu? One step closer, or the three clans will die without a burial place.

The nobles asked me to make the sword to fight for power. It was just a dream. Even if I was famous for a while, since the Qin and Han Dynasties, no ministers could fight with the royal family. Now it is no longer the state of Shiqing and Shilu. Only the emperor has not been easy for thousands of years. , Even though your father is powerful, can you still inherit this power? Can your grandchildren still protect your wealth?
On that day, the liquidation of the royal family will come, and the destruction of the family will come. This is what is called, those who do not plan for the future can only plan for a moment. The position under one person is poison, so don't be contaminated. "

Sima Yi's words are like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's heart, but it is not easy to retreat bravely. The credit is too great and must be rewarded. The position of the Three Dukes, the title of the land, and the award of nine tins and other honors, Sima Yi is extremely frightened as each of them is hit. , he was relieved of military power just after he returned to Chang'an, and now he is highly praised. Then someone encouraged Cao Shuang to attack Hedong or Nanyang. If he can conquer these two places for Wei, his contribution will be no less than that of Sima Yi .

Today's Bingzhou Jin Kingdom can be said to be a mess. The Han State once tried to bring it under its rule, but failed in the end. Now the princes, large and small, are scattered, but they can unite in the face of foreign enemies. Therefore, the Wei State and the Yan State have never been able to unite. It is even more impossible for the Han State to attack this place aggressively. Once they attack Bingzhou, the grain road will definitely be cut off by the roaring Yan State cavalry.

After Murong Chengguang obtained the troops from Xianbei, Liaodong, he finally made up his mind to conquer Bingzhou. Among the princes in the world, it should be the easiest to attack Bingzhou Yan State. This is because Wei and Han State attacked Bingzhou, a beautiful place with mountains and rivers. After passing through the natural dangers of mountains and rivers, only the State of Yan is above and below, and the Yan Dynasty is one. Whether it is through the Great Wall of the North or through the mountain passes, it is possible to drive straight into several major basins in Bingzhou.

The news of another turmoil in the Central Plains was intercepted by Xianbei Shanyu Yanhui, who had been paying attention to the news in the Central Plains. He immediately understood that the opportunity he had been waiting for had arrived. The King's Golden Account launched a conscription to the entire grassland. Therefore, in compliance with the order of God, thousands of tribes will lead armies to follow the royal court to fight. After the war, the number of households and cattle and sheep of each tribe will be re-divided. For those who get credit, even if the tribe is destroyed, this Shanyu will rebuild it for you. There is no If you have meritorious service, this Shanyu will deprive you of your glory and tribe. Only the most heroic sons and daughters can stand on the grassland and win the love of heaven."

The entire Xianbei Xia Kingdom actively responded to the call of the royal court. This was not only due to the extremely high prestige of the Yanhui, but also related to the extremely strong system of Xianbei unity. The people who were whistling and drawing bows gathered on the grassland again after the Xiongnu. After gathering together, Yan Hui announced to the outside world that [-] cavalry were hunting west. In fact, more than [-] cavalry were gathered, and they were all tyrannical men.

When elites from various grassland tribes gathered at the royal court to reorganize the army, envoys from the Xianbei Xia Kingdom appeared in Chang'an, Wei State. Murong Xiang, who had gone to Liaodong, respectfully bowed three times and bowed nine times to the young emperor Cao Fang. This was Yan Hui's strong request, and he did not dare to violate it, "The most noble Emperor of the Wei Dynasty, Shanyu asked me to pay the highest respect to you. You are truly loved by the sky, surrounded by the sun and moon, and surrounded by mountains and rivers. It operates according to your will.”

This naked flattery made the officials in the palace feel uncomfortable. After all, they were all prestigious scholars and could not say such disgusting words. They quickly asked Shan Yu what important matter he wanted to send envoys to. Murong Xiang said loudly: "Your Majesty the Emperor, the Kingdom of the Western Regions The Lord criticized and slandered the Chanyu of Great Xia, and the grassland people were angry at their rudeness and asked the Chanyu to attack the Western Regions, cut off their heads, and offer sacrifices to the sky. However, the Western Regions have vast land, many people, and strong strength. The Chanyu heard that the Western Regions and your Wei Dynasty have a hatred for generations, and they were at war with the Western Regions when Emperor Wu was Emperor Wu, so he solemnly requested you to send troops to help the Chanyu attack the Western Regions. If you can avenge the Chanyu, surrender to the number of the Chanyu. Hundreds of thousands of people will praise your title and pray for you, the Supreme Emperor of Wei Tiansheng!"

It turns out that it is so rare for Hu people to be so disciplined, especially when Wei tried to attack Hedong. The two fronts started fighting, so he refused and said: "Emissary, please report back to Shan Yu. The Emperor of Wei has suffered the same humiliation as Shan Yu. Our country will use troops to the east of Hedong and cannot attack the Western Regions with the nobles. The two countries have friendly relations. We, Wei, are willing to Increase the scale of the mutual trade and exchange more food for supplies from your country."

Murong Xiang did not expect such a good thing. After being well entertained, he happily rushed out of the customs and returned to the grassland. As far as the Wei State was concerned, the grain sold to Xianbei was nothing. As for Xianbei's desire to attack the Western Regions, Wei doesn't care. He doesn't care whether the Western Regions die or not. He also feels that although the Western Regions are weak, Xianbei is not strong either. The envoy just now said that the people are only hundreds of thousands and the elites are probably only tens of thousands. They should be dragged into the Western Regions. Then the northern border of Wei It's safer.

After testing Wei Guo, Yan Hui confirmed that Wei Guo really didn't care, and immediately continued the previous plan and began to arrange the next phase of the battle plan.The Wei State did not pay attention to the grassland affairs, but the Western Regions, which had learned that the Hu people were going to prosper more than ten years ago, were always paying attention to the changes in the grassland. Although they could not understand everything clearly, they still understood the general situation. Today's grassland appears to be divided into numerous tribes, but in fact they all obey the orders of the Xianbei Royal Court. As soon as the Xianbei Royal Court issued the summons, the news had already been received in the Western Regions where there were spies on the grassland.

Green grassland covers this beautiful land. At the intersection of river valleys, Peerless City stands in it. It is the most fertile land in the entire Western Region. Herdsmen graze under the branches of Tianshan Mountain and Kunlun Mountain, and melodious pastoral songs rise with the wind. , mixed with the words of Buddhism and Taoism. Every day, countless people from the Western Regions come to the Suwang Temple to worship. This land has a magical power. Buddhism and Taoism have changed greatly here, which is very different from the Central Plains. Even though it is Suwang’s belief Here it is gradually changing in a strange direction.

Luo Gu looked at the believers of various sects who filled Wushuang City, and felt a headache. After the collapse of the Xia Kingdom in the Western Regions, not only was it fragmented politically, but also in terms of beliefs. In Wushuang City, believers from different sects were quarreling almost every day. Accusing each other of doctrinal errors is actually just a small difference. Buddhism and Taoism are both polytheistic religions, and the gods followed by each sect are different. If it were not at the Suwang Temple, it would not just be a quarrel, but a quarrel. Will pick up a knife and fight.

The theory that King Su has incarnated into millions is one of the root causes of the current problem. Time has changed and the theory that was created in order to swallow up Buddhism and Taoism as well as the various sects that flooded the Western Regions has become In addition to the current obstacles to the unification of the Luo clan in the Western Regions, and the encouragement of many kings in the Western Regions, in the minds of the people of the Western Regions, King Su will always be in the sky, but will be reincarnated into various great kings. The previous King of Xia in the Western Regions He just wanted Luo Xing to recognize him as the only reincarnated king.

Since Luo Xing succeeded the high priest, the high priests of all dynasties have been military generals holding divine staffs, rather than cultural leaders like Luo Minggong who are good at academic theories. Knives are very useful, but sometimes no matter how sharp the knife is, it cannot change the deep-rooted As long as the thoughts do not change, the turmoil can only be calmed down temporarily.

Luo understood this truth deeply. Why was it so easy for Wei to conquer Shu? Because the people and nobles in Shu believed that there was no difference between living under Chu and Wei, and there was almost no resistance among the people. After unification, the reason why it was significantly less difficult for all subsequent monarchs to unify the world is that what is meant by great unification is that they must first unify the land, and then unify the mind. This is the great achievement of the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Does the current Western Region have a unified thought?
If there is no such thing, even the humblest herdsmen will sing that King Su has given great light when they hear his name. But if there is, the wide variety of kings reincarnated as golden wheel kings and protector gods by Su Wang means that they are not all the same. of.

Luo Gu couldn't even identify one of the doctrines as correct without permission. If he did so, it would start a big debate. If that group lost, the consequences would be disastrous. Even if it won, the only outcome would be to completely start a war in the Western Region.

Those who believe in other factions will never give up. The weapon of criticism cannot replace the criticism of weapons. The prerequisite for unifying ideas is to unite the body. Anyone who is unwilling to accept new ideas will die.

As the high priest of King Su's temple, he has to sit high on a high platform and cannot walk down at will to attack King Su's people. This requires a strong secular leader to do it with him, and today's Western Region There is no such strong man, which makes Luo Gu feel desperate. With the withering of talents in the Central Plains and the passing of outstanding kings, the Western Regions have also ushered in the same result. Since the last Xia King was assassinated, there has never been a hero who can unify the Western Regions. Hero, facing this situation, all he can say is that God's will is like a knife, cutting off all life inadvertently.

There is neither territorial unity nor birth that can unite all ideas in the Western Regions. Luo Gu is faced with this complicated situation. He now hopes that he is not a warrior who can only wield swords and guns, but a warrior from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Those sages can create a method that unifies the thoughts of the entire Western Region.

But Luo Gu knew that the Xianbei Xia army might invade the Western Region at any time. It would be difficult to resist with only the temple army in Wushuang City. If they couldn't even stop the first wave of attacks from the grassland, how could they protect the Xia.

At this time, there is no time to do things that cannot be completed for him. The only thing that can be done now is to use the lofty status of King Su Temple in the Western Regions to pay tribute to the kings of the Western Regions and all the people, businessmen, and monks. , Taoist issued a call to resist the invasion of Xianbei people.


With the grace of King Su, the high priest of the temple obeyed the oracle: The Western Region is the place where King Su lowers his eyes, the place of light in all summers, hundreds of tribes rejoice here, and all nations are in harmony here. Now there are wolves in the Western Region, descendants of the demons outside the region. , carrying the darkness away from the abyss, wants to trample on the holy land of the Western Regions, make the gods dust, and make the king's way fall. The kings of the Western Regions have received divine grace and should follow the way of heaven. The temple is here, summon all the subordinates, each holding a sharp blade, and commanding the divine soldiers. , gather together in Wushuang to overcome the difficulties together. On the day when King Su wakes up, he will bestow upon all the kings the treasures of heaven and earth. He should ascend to the ultimate bliss and have great blessings. All the people should be on top of reincarnation and call the king their ancestor. It will be boundless and vast. On this occasion, I announced that the holy land of the Western Regions, which is five thousand miles away, has 20 million people. Thank you. ——"The Temple's Edict on the People of the Western Regions"

(End of this chapter)

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