Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 816 Tramples the temple number system!

Chapter 816 Tramples the temple number system!

The night was dim and there was a crooked moon in the sky. The endless buildings of Chang'an were hidden in the night. Most of Chang'an City was dark. There was bright light everywhere in the imperial city, and there were dots of light in the noble areas.

The lights were brightly lit in the general's mansion, but at night, many people gathered here. Everyone sat around Cao Chengsi. They were all Cao Chengsi's confidants. Cao Chengsi rubbed the armrests under his hands and said slowly: " Now that the country has made its final decision, I have summoned you all here today because I have something to explain."

Everyone immediately straightened their backs and lowered their heads to listen to Cao Chengsi's words. Cao Chengsi smiled slightly and said: "The emperor is young and needs the help of wise ministers. Now there are several ministers assisting the emperor, but a man cannot do without a leader.

Since ancient times, I have never heard of several ministers assisting the government without distinguishing between superior and inferior.

I think this is the way to cause chaos. What do you think? "

When everyone heard the words, they immediately responded, "I think what General Zuo said is reasonable, and the country has capable people. General Zuo has the talent and ambition to help the world, and he should be the leader of the Wei Dynasty."

Although no one said it directly, everyone knew that Cao Chengsi had issued a declaration to seize power and began to prepare to defeat the other auxiliary ministers and become the person with monopoly power.

In the state of Wei, there is such a "fine" tradition.

Back then, Cao Rui asked Cao Shuang and Sima Yi to co-administrate and assist Cao Fang. The final result was that Cao Shuang and Sima Yi fought fiercely, and even became life-and-death conflicts. Cao Shuang took over the power and Sima Yi completely lost his power.

With such a fine tradition, how could Cao Chengsi be willing to assist the government with others? Besides, when it comes to power, Cao Chengsi is right to say that there must be a leader.

Cao Chengsi’s cousin and his playmate since childhood, Cao Cheng, the third son of King Hedong, muttered and then clasped his fists and asked: “Brother, now that the court has decided, how should the former emperor’s old troops be dealt with?

Both Liangzhou and Yizhou have people from the Daxing Emperor, especially Yizhou. The general guarding Yizhou is a member of the late emperor. I am worried that he will betray the Wei Dynasty because of the late emperor's affairs. The nobles in Yizhou are also both heads and rats. Duan people just want to live in peace in Shu, it is impossible to count on them. "

Wei Guo's reuse of clans was implemented in all aspects after the Oath of Luoshui, not only the clans were reused in the court, not to mention the generals in all aspects.

The general guarding Yizhou was naturally still a kin, and he was also a close blood relative of Cao Mao. He was Cao Mao's uncle before he was adopted by Cao Rui.

But it is the clan members who are more likely to fear being liquidated by the regicides in the court. People's interests do not change based on blood status. Just like when the Murong family of Yan State seized the throne of the Yan family, there was still a royal family of Yan who stood by Murong. It’s the same on Chengguang’s side.

Cao Chengsi's expression changed slightly. If the general guarding Yizhou betrayed him, Wei would suffer heavy losses and become the weakest country among the four Central Plains countries. Moreover, Guanzhong and Liangzhou alone could really withstand it. Will Yan continue to attack?

Cao Chengsi did not want to be the king of subjugation. His goal was to become the man who was appointed by heaven to unify the world.

Will Cao Lu of Yizhou betray you?

Cao Chengsi asked himself, if nothing was done to remedy the situation, as long as Liang Guo was willing to accept it, Cao Lu would definitely betray him, and there was no need to think about it.

Cao Lu must be held back, at least not in a short period of time to allow him to defect to Liang.

This thought appeared in Cao Chengsi's mind almost instantly, "What do you think we should do?"

There was silence for a while, and then someone suggested: "If you really want to stabilize Cao Lu, the best way is not to recall him to the court, but to temporarily stabilize him in Shu, and promise not to recall him during his lifetime." , let him become a real feudal official, so that he can feel the sincerity of the court.

Once the situation in the country is completely stable, then there will be room for anything else. "

These words coincided with Cao Chengsi's thoughts, it was just one word, "Drag"!

First, stabilize the current state of Wei. As for future matters, resolve them one by one. One day, they will all be resolved. Now we must control the situation and prevent it from slipping into a worse situation.

As for whether making Cao Lu a feudal official would make him lose his power, that is not a question that Cao Chengsi is considering now, as long as Liang Guo does not become strong.

"It's not just Cao Lu's problem, there are other people, or in other words, the entire Wei Dynasty, ministers who are related to the late emperor, all have this problem. If it is not solved, the current political crisis in Wei Dynasty cannot be solved.

If people's hearts cannot be stabilized, our Wei Dynasty will fall behind in the competition among other countries, and even fall into the crisis of national subjugation. "

Cao Chengsi pondered for a while, and something gradually emerged in his mind. He told it, and the whole room was shocked. After several arguments, they gradually calmed down.

The next day.

The sun still rises as usual. Since the coup, the frequency of court meetings has become much more frequent than in the past years. Such high frequency of court meetings is naturally not to discuss government affairs, but to give everyone a place to communicate.

The Queen Mother appeared at the court meeting with the Emperor in her arms, and four auxiliary ministers stood in front of everyone. All four of them were relatives of the Cao family. With Cao Chengsi's prestige, it was naturally impossible to inherit all of Cao Lin's political legacy. His ability to rise up in one fell swoop was already a benefit from his status and coup.

The ministers stood in the hall, and Cao Chengsi stepped forward. He wanted to start talking about what was discussed last night. Of course, he could not say that Cao Lu might betray him. There was no evidence for the regicide. At the official level of Wei State, this was Liang Guo's spies and the eunuchs who were bribed by Liang Guo did it together.

In the eyes of everyone, Cao Chengsi spoke loudly: "Dear colleagues, there have been some rumors circulating among people with ulterior motives in the country recently. I am very heartbroken.

Are these people trying to ruin Wei's reputation and the country?

Don't these people know that these words will become the enemy's sword to stab me, the Wei Dynasty?

Don't these people know that this will only cause pain to their loved ones and happiness to their enemies?

I heard the ancestors and clans reviling, I heard the people of Wei were disgusted, I saw the endless blood and tears, this situation cannot continue!

The late emperor died in the hands of traitors. This is what we have determined together. It is recorded in ancient history that even if the mountains have no edges, it cannot be changed. Even if the Yellow River disappears, it is still true. However, some of the former emperor's old subordinates are worried that the late emperor died in the country. The hand of the minister.

I am deeply saddened that we, who were originally from the Pao Ze, have fallen into the current situation of mutual suspicion. I also understand them deeply, because their loyalty to the late emperor is just like my loyalty to His Majesty.

I am in Chang'an City, so I can know the truth. They are thousands of miles away and cannot know the situation in Chang'an City, so they are deceived by traitors and lies. This is reasonable.

I believe that in order to prevent conflicts between the same roommates and to prevent Yan and Liang from taking this opportunity to attack the Wei Dynasty, we should give greater grace to Cao Lu, the Zhennan general who guards Yizhou.

Let him know that the imperial court recognizes his loyalty in every possible way. I suggest that Cao Lu be promoted to the rank of General of the Southern Conquest, and the number of households in the city will be increased by 1,300. He will also be envoy Chijie, so that he can guard Yizhou for generations. From this, he must be able to know the court's sincerity. "


As soon as Cao Chengsi said this, he immediately caused an uproar in the palace. Anyone who is sensitive to politics knows that Cao Chengsi was trying to appease the people of the former emperor's old tribe, and then thought that Yizhou had always been Liang. Cao Chengsi made such a heavy promise because he was worried that Cao Lu would surrender directly to Liang.

However, this reward of directly dividing Shaanxi and governing it is still somewhat beyond everyone's psychological bottom line, and these alone may not necessarily appease Cao Lu's heart. This kind of political promise has long been believed by no one in Wei.

In fact, since the founding of the Wei State, it has been nothing but chaos and chaos, and it has been too chaotic in just a few decades, which makes people feel uneasy. The more they are given now, the more worried Cao Lu may be. This is a strategy to delay the war. .

Although in some cases, it is indeed true. This is a delaying tactic. When the opportunity arises, Cao Chengsi will definitely capture Cao Lu back to Chang'an and eat him alive.

Cao Chengsi saw that everyone was deep in thought, and no one objected, so he added: "I have another idea, which I will tell you now. I believe that the late emperor has made great contributions to our great Wei Dynasty, and he should give it to the late emperor." Take the temple name to show off to future generations."

Temple number!

After Cao Chengsi said these words, the whole palace fell silent, almost audible. Everyone looked at Cao Chengsi in disbelief. They couldn't believe what they heard.

Temple name?

Is he worthy of giving the late emperor Cao Mao a temple title?

But Cao Chengsi looked solemn and had no intention of joking at all. Those with quick thinking immediately guessed that he was still showing favor to Cao Mao's old subordinates. This was to seal the coffin completely, but he used the temple name to seal the coffin. The conclusion is really bizarre.

Immediately, someone asked loudly: "General Zuo, the temple name system is of great importance. The late emperor indeed made great contributions, but is there something wrong with having a temple name?

During the Han Dynasty, there were only six temple titles: Han Taizu, Han Renzong, Han Taizong, Han Gaozong, Han Zhongzong, and Han Shizu. Except for Han Renzong, the other five were all kings who could compete for the ancient holy kings.

I, Da Wei, am I..."

He spoke rather tactfully, and did not directly say that Cao Mao was unworthy. Moreover, even Cao Cao did not have a temple title. How could Cao Mao get a temple title? This was a common mentality among everyone.

Cao Chengsi felt ridiculed in his heart. These people couldn't wrap their heads around it. What's the use of tradition? Only those who use these rules can get more.

He solemnly said: "Everyone, the kings of the Han Dynasty did have great merits, but the kings of the Wei Kingdom are no worse than the Han Dynasty. You should not favor one over the other. In today's world, who is more qualified to obtain a temple title than the late emperor? ?”

This question is very difficult to answer. Can they really find a foreign king who can be said to be stronger than Cao Mao?

After looking around for a week, Cao Chengsi said: "It seems that all my colleagues agree with what I said. I know that the late emperor is a genius. It is not easy to get a temple title."

Cao Chengsi was so outrageous that some dignified scholars couldn't stand it anymore, so they went out and asked loudly: "General Zuo, I have something to ask. Even Emperor Wu, Emperor Wen, and Emperor Ming don't have temple names. Do you think it is appropriate for the late emperor to receive a temple title?

Emperor Wu didn't even get a temple title when he founded the Wei Kingdom. What qualifications do future generations have to get a temple title? "

Most of the people in the palace nodded involuntarily. Yes, you are right. Even Emperor Wu, who laid the foundation of the current Wei State, did not have a temple name, nor did Emperor Wen. What qualifications did Cao Mao have? He did not even unify the world. It's really embarrassing to have a temple name.

Cao Chengsi doesn't think so. He doesn't care whether Cao Mao will be laughed at, but it can show his loyalty to Cao Mao. This is enough. He has given such good things to Cao Mao, who can say anything? He is not loyal to Cao Mao.

If the posthumous title had not been shown to Ji Zhao, Cao Chengsi would still have a little bit of awe. Of course, it was also because other people in the Wei state also had a sense of awe and would not let Cao Chengsi mess around. Cao Chengsi would definitely choose one for Cao Mao. A good posthumous title.

Hearing the scholar's question, Cao Chengsi seemed to suddenly realize and said: "This is my negligence. I only thought of conferring a temple title on the late emperor who had just passed away, but I forgot that ancestors and clans can also be granted posthumous titles. We believe that Emperor Wu should be given the temple title of Taizu, Emperor Wen should be given the temple title of Taizong, and Emperor Ming should be given the temple title of Gaozong. With these temple titles, our ancestors will be able to be prominent in the nine heavens. This is as a descendant. Some filial piety.”


There was silence in the hall again. Cao Chengsi did it on purpose. Everyone could see it. He was not a fool. How could he not understand the meaning of these words? He had already prepared to issue temple titles to Cao Cao and the others. He just deliberately waited for someone to bring it up.

The scholar who spoke just now felt that he was on the verge of collapse. His face turned red and he was about to faint to the ground because of Cao Chengsi's anger. He didn't realize that Cao Chengsi was such a shameless person before. Only now did he realize his true nature. But he has already It's a little late, and to be honest, Cao Chengsi's act is really filial piety, and it is not inappropriate to honor his ancestors after their death.

Seeing that Cao Chengsi was really going to do it if this continued, someone else came out and said: "General Zuo, the Shang Dynasty and the Han Dynasty that used temple names attach great importance to the granting of temple names. If our dynasty can grant it so easily, , won’t he become the laughing stock of the world?

And isn’t General Zuo worried about Luo Shen’s blame? "Cao Chengsi waved his hands casually after hearing this, and then said with emotion: "When I chose the posthumous title for the late emperor, I felt that the posthumous title choice was too poor. The late emperor was worthy of a better posthumous title. But the posthumous title was to be reported to Emperor Suwang, and everyone insisted on giving a word of condolence, so I had no choice but to accept it.

Choosing a temple name now does not refer to any god, and it has nothing to do with King Su and Luo Shen. I can finally make up for my loyalty to the late emperor. The Han and Shang dynasties granted few temple names because their emperors were not capable. , I am well aware of the late emperor's talent. If it were not for the sake of filial piety, I would even think that the late emperor could grant him the temple title of his ancestor.

After Sima Ni's rebellion, Your Majesty was able to stabilize the current state of Wei. This achievement is really great. I long for it every time I think of it. What do you think? "


The ministers looked at each other for a few times, thinking they were each other's mother!

Nonsense, shameless!

These words have gone down in history, and we have all become sycophantic ministers. Cao Chengsi naturally knows what these people are thinking, but he has a deeper understanding of human nature. He believes that after he does this, he will definitely do it in the future. If someone follows his example, and if there are more people who follow his example, then he, the initiator, will be nothing. And the most important thing is that he doesn't care about the future, as long as he can be useful in this life, then it will be worth it.

Several reasons were blocked by Cao Chengsi one by one, and the most real reason was one that no one dared to say. The atmosphere in Wei Kingdom is a bit strange now. Cao Ang's era of political clarity is gone forever. In the current state of Wei, even the most critical ministers are almost invisible, and the entire country has reached a very dangerous level.

It is normal for this situation to occur. After decades of national power, it is reasonable for the country to reach this point. But the problem is that only Wei is the most serious now. The root cause is that Wei has changed too many emperors. While other countries generally only have two or three generations or even one generation, Wei is already the sixth generation emperor.

This frequent change of emperors led to the fact that among the four kingdoms, only Wei had not carried out large-scale restructuring actions, and therefore encountered numerous problems today.

When Cao Chengsi saw that no one was talking, he laughed loudly and said: "It seems that all my colleagues have agreed. The spirit of the late emperor in heaven must be happy. The next day when he went to the ancestral temple to offer sacrifices, he would tell the good news to the ancestors and then to the great emperor." Every county in Wei issued a letter of credence, so that all officials in the Wei state knew that in future reporting documents, the combined name of the temple name and posthumous title must be used. This is the biggest problem and must be observed."

The issue of changing the emperor's title has never been simple. On the contrary, the format of many documents has to be changed, so Cao Chengsi said this.

Many ministers of the Wei Kingdom left the palace as if they were mourning for their heirs. A group of people walked together, looking back at the majestic palace and the magnificent pillars. The vast vastness seemed to drown them like a mountain, and they felt a little breathless. Come.

"Sweep the floor politely."

"The laughingstock of the ages."

"How did it get to this point?"

"I'm incompetent, I'm incompetent."

"What can we do? He is holding up the banner of filial piety. Can we allow him to be unfilial?"

"Filial piety cannot trample on the ancient rules!"

"Aren't you trampled enough?"

"How many of the ancient rules are left now?"

"Why is this world so strange?"

“How were these things done in the old days?”

"Luo Shi is no longer here, so what Luo Shi proposed will no longer be followed."


The group of people walked like zombies. Everything that happened today hit them deeply again. Things happened one after another that made them dizzy, but they were all things they had never thought of or seen before.

"I want to beg for bones, I want to go into seclusion in the mountains and forests.

You cannot stay in the land of right and wrong for long.

Everyone, when I get home today, I will hand in my resignation letter. I will retire and return to my hometown to teach and educate people. This place may not be suitable for me. "

Silence again.


The news about Wei at the great court meeting shocked the craftsmen of various countries, who immediately rushed to spread the shocking news back to their home countries.

Everyone's reaction was the same, that is, shock and disbelief, especially Han Guo, who was completely dumbfounded.

Liu Chen looked at the news in his hand, turned it over and over again and asked all the important ministers in disbelief: "My dear friends, is Wei Guo crazy?

How dare the thief Cao call himself Taizu?

I, Emperor Gao of the Han Dynasty, was the emperor who overthrew the world. King Zhaosheng personally crowned Emperor Gao in the name of Emperor Su. In the whole world, no one else overthrew the violent Qin and inherited Zhou Zuo's destiny. His country was only a thousand miles away. How can a person who has usurped the throne and ascended the throne dare to call himself Taizu? "

Liu Chen's words won the approval of others. It was really funny, and there was also a very deep-seated reason, that is, Cao Cao could claim to be his ancestor, but the emperor of the Han Dynasty absolutely could not.

The Han Dynasty is a descendant of the Liu family. If you want to give a temple a name, you must consider the past emperors. Liu Bei has some achievements, but this achievement is definitely not enough to call him an ancestor, even if he is called a clan.

Because in the political logic of the Han Dynasty, at least the unified emperor must have this qualification. Wherever someone is not called emperor and has a temple title, it is simply ridiculous.

Liu Chen threw away the letter in his hand, frowned and asked: "My dear friends, do I need to respond to this matter? I always feel that if the temple name is changed by the Wei State in this way, it will lose its gold content in an instant, alas."

"Your Majesty, this matter should be sent to the State of Wei to ridicule the State of Wei. The theme can be written around 'What rubbish is worthy of having the same temple name as the late Emperor, the Holy King of Han Dynasty', so that this matter of the State of Wei becomes a laughing stock. Just like the "Funny Collection" written during the Bangzhou period, this is probably the only thing we can do.

When I, the great man, rule the world again in the future, I will cancel all those messy temple names. Now I can only endure it. "

Liu Chen pondered for a while and said with a look of displeasure on his face: "This is the only way to do it. Find the best literati in my Han Dynasty to write more poems for me and write down this matter, as well as the regicide of Wei State. Write everything down, I think it is Cao Lin who killed the king, write it down, don't let future generations be deceived by the villain of Wei."

"As ordered!"


Xiao Yan was sitting in the palace drinking tea, and his eyes would glance at the corners of the palace from time to time. Luo Xianzhi was sitting there and had been maintaining this posture for a while. Xiao Yan could understand Luo Xianzhi's mood very well.

Although the temple name system was established by the Shang Dynasty, the mortal enemy of the Zhou Dynasty, the current improved temple name system was established by the ancestors of the Luo family in the Han Dynasty. This is another magic weapon that the Luo family left in this world to correct the emperor. This is Luo's political legacy.

And now, everything left by the Luo family has been destroyed one by one. The direct lineage of the Luo family has only disappeared for a few decades, and so much has been destroyed. Luo Xianzhi must be feeling very uncomfortable now.

After a long time, Luo Xianzhi finally stood up and sat down opposite Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan asked: "Lingxiu, don't take it too seriously. This is a matter of time. If there is no Cao Chengsi, there will be another person. Wei Guolian will kill the king." You can cover it up, let alone this kind of thing."

Luo Xianzhi said with a complex expression: "I just feel that I am incompetent and cannot hold the bottom line of the world for my ancestors. The temple name was established to correct the emperor. The temple name is to praise the emperor, not to serve as a tool for the emperor. Now it is used by the Wei State Now that it's like this, I really don't know what it will be like in the future.

Your Majesty, would you like a temple name? "

Xiao Yan was startled when he heard this, and said slowly: "Which king doesn't want a temple name? If it weren't for Qingyun and you, I really want a temple name of Taizu or Gaozu, but forget it now.

If I could unify the world, then I would deserve all the praise, and the temple title would naturally be on my head.

If I can't, then it means that I am not destined for the temple name, and that I am not worthy. "

Xiao Yan was very honest and bluntly said that he really wanted it. Even if Luo Youzhi and Luo Xianzhi didn't assist him, he would have wanted a temple title.

Luo Xianzhi's eyes darkened when he heard this. This is the reality. The unconstrained imperial power will break the agreed political bottom line one by one. The imperial power will take over all the power in the world and then throw away all the responsibilities. This is exactly what happened. It's something Lowe has been avoiding.

Luo Xianzhi knew that that was not what he or the Jiangdong Luo family could do, even if the direct descendant came back now. If the direct descendant really still had this ability, he would not hide in Liaodong and lick his wounds.

Luo Xianzhi didn't know when his direct descendants would be able to come back. He bowed to Xiao Yan and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness. I can't influence the world, but I can influence the country of Jiangdong. That's all."

I only hope that one day, I can use my abilities to assist you in becoming a true Taizu. "

Xiao Yan sighed slightly: "Let's not mention these things, Lingxiu. This time Wei State's actions can be said to be fast and ruthless. We are instigating a rebellion against Yizhou. Do you think there is any chance? I feel a little difficult.

The State of Wei gave Cao Lu of Yizhou the qualification to divide Shaanxi and rule it. This is almost to make Cao Lu the king of Yizhou. If it were me, I would not surrender. "

Luo Xianzhi smiled slightly when he heard this and said: "Your Majesty, let's not mention whether the Wei State really gave Cao Lu the qualification to divide Shaanxi and rule. Even if it is true now, it does not mean it will be true in the future. Where is the political trust? It is so easy to establish, and as long as Shu can be temporarily neutral between Daliang and Wei, I think it is enough.

Yizhou is not in a hurry. We will wait until we get the true attitude of the central court of Wei towards Yizhou before instigating rebellion against Cao Lu. I believe it will not be difficult. Cao Chengsi, the central government of Wei, will never really hand over Yizhou. To Cao Lu.

Now I think what Daliang needs is to purge the country, and then set out from Nanyang County to attack Heluo and cooperate with Yan State's offensive in Hedong. This is our goal. "


In fact, the collapse of the temple name system was expected. As the author wrote in the preface, the Southern and Northern Dynasties period was an era when the old order completely collapsed. The moral system once maintained by Luo Shi was, to some extent, The castle in the air supported by a single tree, after Luo no longer supported it, this spectacular building collapsed. This was the era of great fission. ——"The Fission of Zhuxia: After the Disappearance of the Luo Family"

(End of this chapter)

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