Chapter 927 Artifact: Crown of Thorns

Western Turkic Khan Ashina Sain.

Kneeling in the rain and praying to the high priest.

He bowed his head and kissed in front of the lotus seat to accept the crown canonization. He completely accepted that the temple had the power to depose the Western Turkic throne, and that the Western Turkic throne required the temple to confer the title.

No one knows whether this political promise will always be fulfilled in the future, but at least it is established now.

The countries in the Western Regions looked sideways!

The Anxi Protectorate looked sideways!

When Li Xiaogong learned about this, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He said in shock: "The throne of the Khan of Western Turks was conferred by the emperor. Now what does High Priest Xuanzang want to do?"

What else can I do?
Luo Xuanyun was silent for a moment and then said: "Report it to the court and see what the court thinks."

What else could he be thinking? Based on Li Xiaogong's understanding of the emperor, he must have been angry about this last matter, but put it off until later.

This Luo Xuanzang is also strange. Since he entered the world, he has never served as a minister of the Tang Dynasty. At first, he was a minister of King Zhao Dou Jiande. Later, when Dou Jiande failed, he went directly to the Western Regions, and now he has become a minister of the Western Regions. spiritual leader.

After that, all the mountain cities in Liaodong such as Anshi City and Liaodong City will be demolished, so that Liaodong will be difficult to separate.

Luo Su laughed softly after hearing the words: "Emperor, as you just said, with the strength of the Tang Dynasty, Liaodong can only rely on solid mountain cities to defend itself. If we attack the city, the outcome is uncertain. Liaodong and Anshi are both solid." City, the emperor can conquer Liaodong, but if you want to win in one fell swoop, my suggestion is to pay attention to the navy!
From now on, the Tang Dynasty will train a huge navy, not only to transport soldiers, but also to transport grain and grass.

Look at the map of the Liaodong Kingdom. If you, Emperor, can break through Liaodong City and Anshi City from the front, then the road leading to the other cities will naturally be smooth. You only need to siege the city step by step, and you can win and destroy the Liaodong Kingdom. .

After all, even Liangzhou, the westernmost point of the Central Plains, is still 6,000 miles away from Shenlin City, while Liaodong is only across the Liaoxi Corridor from the Central Plains, and attacking PR only needs to cross the Bohai Sea.

There was nothing too angry on Li Shimin's face, just some emotion.

Liaodong City, Anshi City, and Qizicheng, these three cities, two are the pinnacles of mountain cities, and one is the capital of Liaodong. They are hidden deep in the hinterland and are difficult to conquer.

Li Shimin decisively decided to conquer Liaodong and pacify the Western Regions.

The lesser of two evils.

Luo Su sipped tea leisurely, "It seems that the emperor has made up his mind to crack the hard nut of Liaodong."

"National Master, what this High Priest Xuanzang did..."

Li Shimin breathed out a sigh and said with emotion: "When Qingyang was still there, I knew that Liaodong was difficult to deal with. Over the years, I sent people to draw maps of the territory. The more I looked at it, the more troubled I became. It is true that the mountains are really high and difficult to conquer. Those mountains are really difficult to conquer. Mountain cities are also difficult to deal with.

Li Shimin received the signal given by Luo Su and said these eight words after a long time. Luo Su smiled slightly. He knew that this was Li Shimin's temporary recognition of the pattern of the Western Regions.

He was not only talking about Luo Xuanzang, he was also saying that King Yan Li Ke, who has now been enfeoffed, should not imagine that the King of Yan's line will always obey Chang'an.

Li Shimin shook his head and said: "There are no generals in the country who can fight. The expedition to Liaodong must be led by me personally. I am the emperor now, and my first priority is stability. Naturally, I cannot take risks like this."

"The Western Region is too far, and Liaodong is too close."

Luo Su did not take this matter seriously, "This has been the case since ancient times. How can children obey the family after they have achieved success? The emperor must get rid of naive ideas and look at what will definitely happen in the future with a more realistic perspective. ”


If you, the Emperor, are blocked from the front, someone will definitely suggest that you bypass these two fortified cities and go straight to the other city. Will you agree, Emperor? "

Liaodong's threat to the Central Plains is much greater than that of the Western Regions.

I'm not afraid of fighting in the field, but it's really not accurate to attack a city. Liaodong is located in the northeast, and it gets cold early. If we haven't captured it after winter, I'm worried about what problems will happen. "

Once the sub-city cannot be captured within a short period of time, Liaodong City or Anshi City sends troops to cut off the food route, the consequences will be unimaginable. The 300,000-strong Sui Dynasty army was completely destroyed in this way.

Therefore, I will only fight the decisive battle with Liaodong Kingdom under the city walls of Liaodong and Anshi. "

Luo Su agreed with Li Shimin's idea, and then he pointed to the Bohai Sea and said: "If the Tang Dynasty can use the navy to open a route here and use a large number of ships to transport Qizhou's grain and grass to the other side, it can be surrounded by it." The Tang army under the city delivered food.

How could Liaodong City and Anshi City cut off the grain road? "

Li Shimin stood up suddenly. People in this era did not pay much attention to the navy, especially the navy that could go to sea. Most of them could sail in the Yangtze River.

At this moment, after hearing what Luo Su said, he realized this was a good idea to transport grain by sea. Luo Su narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It is said that the monarch of Fusang is named the Emperor. What a joke."

Li Shimin heard the cold killing intent, and he squinted his eyes and said: "Yes, the title King Fuso is enough. The emperor is really overstepping his bounds. When the weather gets cold, let him get cold.

Imperial Counselor, this naval issue still needs to be discussed. When Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty sent the navy to attack Liaodong, they encountered a storm and 300,000 troops died at sea. If the Tang Dynasty suffered such a blow, it would not be good. . "

Luo Su said calmly: "The emperor does not need to worry. You can go to those aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River to find the method of building ships. There are many skilled craftsmen there. As for the storm, when the Liaodong is conquered, the warships of the Tang Dynasty will be calm. After all, King Su If you favor the Tang Dynasty, you will certainly help the Emperor."

Li Shimin thought thoughtfully, cupped his hands and said, "Then I can rest assured and go do this important thing."

After Li Shimin left, Luo Su smiled and said, "Hello Xuanzang, you have really done a great thing."

[Your family member Luo Xuanzang established great achievements in the Western Regions. Your reputation is so sacred that secular kings bow before your divine power. His influence is not only on the Western Turks, but on the entire Western Regions and Central Asia.

You have obtained the mysterious item, the Crown of Thorns. 】

[Xuanjie·Crown of Thorns: A sacred object in the temple. The person who wears this crown will naturally gain some favor from the subjects who believe in King Su in the Western Regions. Note that this crown is a subtle type, not a mind control type.

Note: When the high priest of the temple wears this crown, the effect is doubled. Subjects who believe in Su Wang will not take the initiative to harm the high priest under normal circumstances. 】

The Luo family has not acquired a new artifact for a long time. What Luo Xuanzang did this time is enough to be recorded in the history books. He wrote a special book in the history books and explained its significance. The system was shocked.

This artifact has two main functions. First, it is an artifact that can be used on anyone.

This artifact can help the king selected by the temple to more easily control the hearts and minds of the people in the Western Region. Although this is not that kind of magical mental controller, as long as there is some innate goodwill, which is natural trust, and coupled with a tolerant policy, it will become much easier to control people's hearts.

Anyone who has achieved great things in history has this natural charm.

Now this artifact is equivalent to having a capital to work hard for, making things like relying on luck become something that can be given.

Then, if Luo can always control the position of high priest, he will simply go sideways in the Western Region, which will naturally have a certain deterrent effect.

The most important thing is that this artifact has one of the very few passive effects, and there is no need to spend additional luck points to activate the power of the artifact.

[Your family has received 5000 luck points, and the current luck points are 1638833. 】

"However, the reputation of the Western Regions has not increased significantly. This is something wrong. Could it be that Xuanzang does not have enough characteristics of the Luo family?"

Luo Su is thinking about this matter. The prestige of the Western Region is at the level of "Tianzhu of the Kingdom". Luo Su has been planning to make the reputation of the Western Region reach the level of "Megatron among the Xia".

But this time Luo Xuanzang has done such a big thing and has not yet been promoted. It can only be said that the Luo family, as a family, is not famous enough to be unique in the Western Regions.

Even in the temple, Luo Xuanzang's personal reputation far surpassed that of the Luo family. Almost everyone believed that Luo Xuanzang came from him personally, not from the family.

This situation needs to be changed, and the prestige of each sector must be raised to a level that will shock all the Xia. This is another thing Luosu has to do.

He already has a plan in the Central Plains, and the heroine of the world is a part of this plan.

After Luo Xuanxing defeated Xue Yantuo, the grassland has reached the point where he is the wise man of the state and county, which means he has a certain reputation on the grassland.

The Western Region is more critical.


God comes to the city.

Ashenaseen can naturally get a lot of help by praying to the temple. In the era of the division of the Western Regions, the influence of the temple has always been great. There are many people who are devout to King Su, occupy high positions, and have great power. Big influence.

These people will affect the bias between the Western Turks and the Tang Dynasty. At least the Tang Dynasty will not be able to enter the Western Regions in a short time. Most countries in the Western Regions will resist the entry of the Tang Dynasty and attribute the affairs of the Western Turks to the internal affairs of the Western Regions.

This gave Ashina Sain an opportunity to grow and develop, and the opportunity to completely reunify the newly unified Western Turks.

As for Luo Xuanzang.

What he held in his hand was not a scripture, but a letter. This was a letter sent to him by Luo Su.

The buildings in the temple are tall. After many renovations, they are no longer wooden structures, but stone structures. Nowadays, important buildings in the Central Plains are gradually being replaced by stone.

This type of building is not prone to water leakage and is therefore popular.

At this moment, candles are burning in the hall, flickering on and off.

Luo Xuanzang's face was full of joy. Luo Su first praised his behavior in the letter, and then said: "The Tang Dynasty will definitely have a fight with the Western Regions in the future. There is a high probability that the Western Regions will not be their opponents. You have to think of a way out.

I suggest you think about the person who will take the blame in the future. You are the only one from the Luo family in the temple now, which is a bit too weak.

Although the temple mainly uses knowledge as a method of inheritance, I think it also has some bloodline inheritance. I have already sent an order to Ah Xing to let some tribesmen go to the Western Region.

You have re-established a Luo clan in the Western Region. I have opened the blessing of King Su for you. Your clan will be illuminated by the stigmata. If you do not have a wife, after choosing an heir, you must reply to me and I will do it again. Give the stigmata.

Besides, I already know what you're going to do.

It is difficult to control those princes in the Western Regions just by relying on prestige and faith. I have re-engraved the Temple Army. You can use the military flag to re-establish the Temple Army in the Western Regions.

I will open the authority of the family heritage to you. You have brought a lot of heritage to the family. Over the years, the family heritage has gradually increased, enough to afford you to resume the temple army.

And I remember that there are eight seats in the temple, including the leader of the temple army and the temple guard. You can use this to control part of the power.

Although the three thousand temple army is not enough to control the dispute between the Tang Empire and the Western Regions, there is still no problem in allowing the temple to maintain deterrence among the countries in the Western Regions.

But you have to act according to your ability. The cost of maintaining three thousand temple troops is not that simple.

Xuanzang, you have brought infinite glory to the family, and King Su will be with you. "

As the high priest of the temple, Luo Su was the only one in the world who could bless him in the name of King Su.

The things Luosu gave Luo Xuanzang this time were too valuable. The reappearance of the temple army would be a great enhancement for Luo Xuanzang.

He has been able to get to this point by relying on his personal ability. If there is another army like the Temple Army, it is simply unimaginable.

He is really going to become the uncrowned king of the Western Regions!


The relationship between the temples of the Western Regions and the rulers of the Western Regions is complicated and has gone through a long period of repeated entanglement. For a long time, the temples were just like ordinary religious places and did not have a strong influence on politics.

But after the "Day of Luo's Death", Zhao Yingluo, the famous female emperor of the Zhao Kingdom in the Western Regions, relied on the religious reputation of her husband's temple high priest Luo Jialan to make the Western Regions surrender and become the Queen of Kings. Things happened. Change.

In that era, the King of Kings and the High Priest of the Temple gave each other crowns, and the High Priest and the Emperor supported each other to maintain their respective preeminent positions in the secular and spiritual worlds.

But after the collapse of the Zhao State, this situation changed. The temple had actually become a political force, and the temple nobles were no different from the kingdom's nobles, competing with each other for power in the Western Regions.

When the Western Region is divided, the temple usually has the upper hand and can avoid being manipulated by the kingdom. When the Western Region is unified, the royal power has the absolute upper hand and can even affect the position of the eight seats inside the temple.

This situation did not undergo major changes until the forty-seventh generation of the temple's chief priest Luo Xuanzang. The extremely famous "Kneeling before God", the temple extended the most important tentacle to the royal power, that is, it was clear that the The throne was located beneath the temple, something no high priest had ever done before. ——"History of Temples in the Western Regions of the Xia Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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