Chapter 949 Liao Tang Gong

The mighty team left from the majestic Mount Tai. The army could not walk more than a hundred miles, but suddenly the sky and the earth shook, making people dizzy and sick. The shaking lasted for only ten breaths, but the entire Fengchan team was panicked.

"The earth dragon turns over!"

The first voice screamed, followed by countless voices. A team of tens of thousands of people, many of whom were running around driven by fear almost instantly.

Luo Xuanling and others realized the danger almost instantly. He quickly mounted his horse and said to Luo Xuanyun: "Seventh brother, you protect His Majesty and the Queen of Heaven, and go to pacify the troops for my brother."

After saying that, before Luo Xuanyun could say anything, he had already set up the flag, holding it in one hand and shouting loudly to appease the troops.

Fortunately, the army has left the range of Mount Tai, and it is not that scary on the flat ground. Moreover, looking back, Mount Tai did not collapse. I don't know where the earth dragon turned over.

This question arises in almost everyone's mind.


The villages near the sea on the Qizhou Peninsula faced a disaster today. The monstrous tsunami almost instantly razed all the fishing villages near the sea to the ground. The monstrous tsunami also instantly swallowed up the Tang Dynasty warships sailing in the sea.

It was so terrifying. Luo Junjun had never heard of such a terrifying earth dragon turning around. Thousands of peaks collapsed, roads were cut off, and tens of thousands of troops were like paper in front of the power of heaven and earth, turning into powder almost instantly. .

Penglai Island was in a mess, with the earth cracking, mountain peaks collapsing, and rivers drying up.

Feng Chan's team rushed back to Luoyang in panic, and then began to send envoys to all directions to see where the big event happened. Fortunately, there were no heavenly beings in the world, otherwise Li Zhi would have prepared an edict to punish himself.

But the results brought up made all the prime ministers and Li Zhiwu Zhao stunned.

When everyone in the Tianshou Hall was silent, Luo Junwei stood up and said sternly: "Although the earth dragon turns over, it is called an earth dragon, but it does not only happen on land. It is recorded in Luo's classics that earth dragons can also occur in the sea. Turn over, there is land in the depths of the sea, the same as the land under our feet.

This time it is very likely that the earth dragon in the sea will turn over. "

Countless screams echoed in the valley, it was truly a purgatory on earth.

But what kind of tsunami would shake the Central Plains? The shaking that day was experienced by tens of thousands of people.

This seems to be a pure tsunami rather than an earth dragon turning over, because no state or county has symptoms of an earth dragon turning over.

The envoys sent by the eastern states and the states near the sea naturally did not dare to hide it in the face of such natural disasters, and they also needed the court to provide disaster relief.

As soon as Luo Junwei said this, everyone was suddenly surprised, but unexpectedly Luo Junwei said: "This is not just my guess, it may not be in the sea. According to the story of the envoy sent to Tang Dynasty, there are many people on the three Penglai islands. The Earth Dragon’s transformation may not be known for sure.”

The spiritual soldiers helped him up, followed by continuous shaking, collapsed mountains and cracked ground. There were aftershocks after the earthquake. The aftershocks produced by this earth-shattering earthquake were far beyond human imagination.


This is the only thought in Luo Junjun's mind at the moment.


However, the prime ministers in the palace don't particularly care. As long as it doesn't happen in the Central Plains, the problem is not particularly big.

Luo Junjun stood up from the ground with difficulty. Looking at the scene of the collapsed mountain peak, he felt cold all over. His father, Luo Xuanxing, Duke of Liao Kingdom of the Tang Dynasty, and Li Tai, King of Qi, were buried under the broken mountain peak.

"Get out and report it to the court."


Luo's classics also record that the earth dragon turning over in the sea is more powerful, but generally no one knows about the earth dragon turning over in the sea because it does not affect human settlements.

This was Luo Junjun's only consciousness. Faced with such a tragic scene, he didn't know what else to do except escape.

In fact, the moment something happened to Luo Xuanxing, Luo Su, who was sitting in Chang'an, had already felt it. He immediately sent someone to send a letter to Luoyang. As for what happened specifically, he still had to wait for the final result.

Luo Junjun withdrew from Penglai to Abbot Island, and then immediately sent a messenger to the Central Plains to report. While he was cleaning up the soldiers and horses in the territory, he was preparing to deal with the possible indigenous counterattack. The army was destroyed in the earthquake, and the indigenous people could not give up this good opportunity. Opportunity.


Luoyang, Tianshou Palace.

The Emperor Li Zhi lay half-lying on the throne, the Queen Wu Zhao solemnly looked at the military information in his hands, and all the prime ministers also had solemn expressions. This incident really caught people off guard.

The Eastern Expedition army was buried in an earthquake. Although this kind of thing is not unprecedented in history. The earthquake in Guanzhong caused the interruption of three rivers and caused serious consequences. But it is still shocking to see what happened before our eyes. Somewhat unbelievable.

Not to mention that King Li Tai of Qi and Duke Luo Xuanxing of Liao were killed in this natural disaster. It was like a joke.

"My lords, please tell me what should be done about this matter. Qi State, how should the affairs of Qi State be handled?"

This matter in Qi State is very troublesome.

First of all, more than 30 princes, nobles and senior bureaucrats were killed. These people must be granted posthumous titles and titles. What posthumous titles they should be given, as well as the calculation of merit, determination of titles, and the assignment of titles. The next six parts Some are busy.

These coffin-decided matters after death are the most important things in the world to the deceased.

Apart from these things, the most serious situation is the situation of Qi State. To put it nicely, the death of King Li Tai of Qi in the army is not a big deal, but the death of Duke Luo Xuanxing of Liao State in the earthquake is very serious. .

The elites of Liaodong and Qi died in the earthquake. It was an earth-shaking event. The power projected by the Tang Dynasty in the entire east was cut off by 70% in an instant.

The imbalance of military power will cause a terrifying chain reaction.

The resistance of the Penglai Islands is obvious. Luo Junjun may die on Fangzhang Island if he does not escape back to Jizi Peninsula quickly.

After the power of the Andong Protectorate is weakened, the old Liaodong provinces on the peninsula and Silla and other places will also resist. Datang has been fighting a public security war in recent years.

What is even more worrying is that the Yan State will not take advantage of this empty opportunity in Liaodong to expand its power and break through the barriers set by the court.

Today's Datang Empire is like a machine with exquisite instruments, each link is linked to maintain balance. This is all to reduce costs. Starting from the Zhenguan period, the Tang Dynasty tried its best to reduce redundant officials and soldiers, so that for Financially speaking, it is naturally excellent, but it also has shortcomings.

For example, after what happened now, the situation in the northeastern part of the empire became somewhat difficult to deal with, causing a dual political and military crisis.

Prime Minister Liu Rengui, who had always been hostile to Wu Zhao, immediately said: "Emperor, I believe that the top priority is to send important officials from the imperial court out of the Andong Protectorate. Even if Abbot Island is lost, at least the stronghold on the peninsula must be preserved and guard against certain people. The conspiracy. Luo Xuanling, the Duke of Yong, has been a battle-hardened general since the time of the late emperor. He can serve as the guardian of the capital. Luo Xuanyun, the Duke of Chen, can also lead the imperial army to attack Penglai and stabilize the power of Qi. "

Directly transfer out the two prime ministers who Wu Zhao relies on, and only Luo Junwei, the prime minister who favors Wu Zhao, is left in the political hall, and the next thing will be easier to handle.

After Luo Junwei was granted the title of Zen, she was immediately promoted to the title of Prime Minister of the third rank of Tong Zhongshu's sect, and she has officially become the Prime Minister.

Li Zhi hesitated when he heard this, then turned to look at Wu Zhao, "Tian Hou, the situation is serious now, what do you think?"

It is not very clear what the situation is now on Penglai Island and Jizi Peninsula. King Li Tai of Qi and Duke Luo Xuanxing of Liao were confirmed to have died. It is not clear which other dignitaries died there. It is not clear whether these people are extinct. Also not clear.

It can be said to be a black eye.

Wu Zhao glanced at His Highness coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes. She had never been an easy person to get along with, so he immediately scolded: "It's ridiculous, is this trivial matter of Qi State worthy of Duke Yong and Duke Chen?

Is there no one available to us in the Tang Dynasty except the old ministers of Zhenguan?

Moreover, Duke Yong and Duke Chen are already getting old, and there is no major war. What is the purpose of sending them out?
During the reign of Emperor Taizong, there was a general named Xue Rengui who made meritorious service during the campaign against Liaodong. Duke Yong Guo also praised him for his ability.

I thought that I would summon Luo Junjun, the legitimate son of Duke Luo Xuanxing of the Liao Kingdom, to return to Liaodong, serve as the Great Protector of Andong, inherit the Dukedom of Liao Kingdom, and guard Liaodong.

Then Xue Rengui and General Zuo Qinglongwei were appointed as the general manager of Qi's national road march to put down the rebellion. As for the title of King Qi, let's first check to see which of Qi King Tai's descendants are still alive.

After Xue Rengui put down the rebellion, he brought the heirs of the princes of Qi back to Luoyang and canonized them. "

The political crisis is not only external, but also internal. If Luo Xuanling and Luo Xuanyun are transferred out of Luoyang, a new round of anti-military actions will begin within the imperial court.

The attacker this time was not Li Zhi, but the prince. These prime ministers and many ministers were all from the prince's womb. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, Li Hong and Wu Zhao were political rivals now. This relationship between mother and son The governing philosophy is different.

Wu Zhao can naturally see this, so she will not let the political power in Luoyang be unbalanced. The role played by Luo Xuanling and Luo Xuanyun staying in Luoyang is much greater than becoming generals.

After all, the military serves politics, and politics is the core of the world.

As for why Luo Xuanling and Luo Xuanyun became Wu Zhao's support instead of the prince's, this is not even decided by Luo Xuanling and Luo Xuanyun.

Needless to say, Luo Xuanyun's relationship with the Li Tang royal family was not that close.

Although Luo Xuanling is a staunch royalist, this does not mean that he is on Li Hong's side. In other words, it is not necessarily Li Hong and Li Zhi who best represent the Li Tang royal family.

Although this sounds very awkward to say, after all, it seems strange that neither the emperor nor the prince can represent the Li Tang royal family, but politically, this is actually true.

Because the interests of the state, the state, the Li and Tang royal families, and the emperor himself were not actually consistent.

I am the country is a very backward and ridiculous theory.

Now it is Wu Zhao who maintains the stability of the Tang Dynasty. As long as Wu Zhao does not seek to usurp the throne, those who oppose her will not care about the world.

As the famous saying goes, "If there were no lonely people in the world, I don't know how many people would be called emperors and how many would be called kings."

Who maintained the framework of the Han Dynasty?

During the Bangzhou period, there was overlord politics. For the emperor, the overlord could be said to be quite arrogant and almost took away the emperor's authority and power. However, what the overlord ultimately maintained was the order of Bangzhou and the enfeoffment of the emperor. System, when no one plays the hegemonic system, the emperor completely steps down from the altar, and the princes and prime ministers begin.

It's all the same.

After Wu Zhao finished speaking, Luo Xuanling and others immediately bowed and said: "I second the proposal!"

Seeing that the attack was easily resolved by Wu Zhao, the other people could not say anything else, so they followed Wu Zhao's arrangement.

After the prime ministers left, Luo Junwei did not leave. Instead, she followed Wu Zhao into the back hall. She was the prime minister and also the minister of the Ministry of Rites. This attack on the title and the issue of chasing the title were almost all the work of the Ministry of Rites and the Court of Lifan. , she will definitely be very busy in the next period of time.

After Wu Zhao poured tea for the two of them, he said softly: "Weiwei, the etiquette department will be very busy next. In order to reduce your workload, let's discuss some more important matters here. King Qi and Liao When it comes to matters such as the Duke’s reward, there is no need to report, reject, and report again and again.”

If someone else were to serve as the Minister of Rites, it would basically take several rounds of discussions before the final result could be determined, but Wu Zhao did not want Luo Junwei to spend too much time on these matters in vain.

"As for the posthumous title of the King of Qi, he is the King of Qi, and there is nothing to posthumously grant in terms of title. If you give him the title of Governor of Yangzhou, Mu of Youzhou, posthumous title of Taifu, or posthumous title, since he died during the expedition On the way, he has made great achievements in development over the years, and his title is Qi, so he will be given the posthumous title of Huan. "

Duke Huan of Qi was the first overlord in history. Now giving Li Tai the posthumous title of King Huan of Qi is worthy of him.

The titles of Grand Governor and Youzhou Mu belong to the relatively conventional royal family.

The Taifu is the core of this, one of the three masters. This is considered a real honor. So far, no one in the Tang Dynasty has received the three masters during his life. They are all awarded posthumously. For example, Luo Xuanye, most of them Even people like Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling only pursued the title of Three Dukes after their death.

"As for the posthumous title of the Duke of Liao, it will be Tangba. I remember that the Duke of Liao was the one who killed Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. This posthumous title couldn't be more appropriate."


Luo Junwei was shocked. She never expected that Wu Zhao would come up with this posthumous title.

In the explanation of the posthumous title, there is only one explanation for Tang, which is "to eliminate abuse and eliminate disability". From this explanation, we can see that Tang is indeed very suitable, but the reason why "Tang" is this is because "Yao and Shun" Among the four "Yu Tang", Shang Tang's achievement was to overthrow the rule of Xia Jie.

"Your Majesty, in fact, if you want to commend your uncle for his contribution to killing Dufu, 'Martial' would be fine. 'Exterminating traitors and Jingnan', the princes of Jingnan who killed Liu Dan, the violent emperor of the Han Dynasty, all had this posthumous title."

Wu Zhao smiled slightly and said: "Weiwei, you are wrong. Duke Liao was never a subject of the Sui Dynasty. He is not Jingnan."

Luo Junwei was speechless.

"As for 'soup', this is my final verdict on the Duke of Liao. This is what the Duke of Liao deserves. In the annals of history, there are not many people like the Duke of Liao who killed a single husband with his own hands.

Tanggong of Liao Dynasty.

Let this unique posthumous title be passed down from generation to generation with the Luo family. "

"His Majesty."

Luo Junwei said no more.

(End of this chapter)

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