People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 112 Uncle Ming's Team, Axiang with Yin and Yang Eyes

Chapter 112 Uncle Ming's Team, Axiang with Yin and Yang Eyes

Uncle Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, "As Captain Mojin, I believe this little difficulty will not be difficult for you..."

"At that time, we only need to take the scriptures to the temple of the Guge Ruins and apply for it against the Guge Silver Eye. It is easy to find the corresponding place..."

Old Hu and Fatty looked at each other. They didn't care about the danger of this trip to Tibet. After all, they also broke through the Jingjue ancient city, Yunnan Chonggu, under the leadership of Su Mo.

What they cared about was Uncle Ming's attitude, and at this moment, Lao Hu and Fatty could see it.

This Uncle Ming was very scheming. Although he had given so many clues, as long as the scriptures were still in his hands, they couldn't get rid of him and act alone.

Want to go it alone.It is necessary to help him dig up the demon tower and find the thousand-year-old crystal corpse.

Lao Hu saw that Uncle Ming was over 50 years old, thin and short.I guess I can’t bear the hardships of Tibet, so I kindly persuaded him: “Boss Lei, Tibet is extremely cold and lacks oxygen. I served as a soldier there and I know that ghosts in many places worry about seeing them. You are so old. You have to go there yourself. ?"

Da Jinya has been to Gulan County before, and now he is quite resistant to tomb robbers. As a person who has experienced it, he also kindly persuaded him: "That's right, I think you should stay with me at home, that kind of place is not our place." It's suitable to go, why suffer that!"

What everyone said was also what Su Mo thought in his heart, but he would not say that. He knew that Lei Xianming would definitely go.

God can't stop it!

Hearing what they said, Uncle Ming shook his head, very resolutely, "You don't need to persuade me. If I don't personally watch such a big deal, I can rest assured!"

Uncle Ming paused, probably realizing that what he said was a little too much, and immediately changed his words, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not worried about you, I mainly want to do it myself, I'm getting older, maybe this is My last order!"

"But don't worry, I won't hide it from you. I used to run a boat for more than 20 years. You don't think I'm in my fifties. But my physical condition is definitely not a problem!"

As he said that, Uncle Ming also symbolically hammered his chest, indicating that his body is strong!
"Cough...cough cough!"

Maybe it was too much force.I was knocked out of breath and started coughing.

"Cough cough cough..."

Everyone saw Uncle Peng who was coughing.They all gave a blank stare.

A handful of years old.What can you do!
Su Mo smiled and said, "Are you sure your body is fine?"

"Cough cough..."

Uncle Ming picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of water. After drinking the hot water, he calmed down a lot, "Master Su, it's nothing, I can do it..."

Seeing this appearance, Lao Hu didn't persuade him any more. After all, this fate belongs to others. The old man himself said that it's all right. What else can he say as an outsider.

Old Hu pondered: "Boss Lei, let me tell you in advance that there are many risks along the way. You must be mentally prepared. Since you are going, then count the five of us. Then there will be a total of six people..."

Before Lao Hu finished speaking, Uncle Ming waved his hand and said, "How can there be six people? I still need to bring a few cronies..."

"You guys come in..."

With that said, Uncle Ming stood up and shouted loudly.

Outside, another four or five people came in.

Good guy!
This guy is going to drag his family to the grave robbery...

Everyone was speechless, this was the first time they saw such a situation.

After a few people came in, Uncle Ming began to introduce Su Mo and the others one by one, "This is my woman, Han Shuna, who has had business contacts with all of you, and is considered an acquaintance with everyone!"

Zhao Shuna, a protruding, curvaceous, very attractive woman!
Su Mo is not very familiar with this woman. Recently, the business matters have been taken care of by Big Gold Teeth, Old Hu, and Fatty.

At this moment, the fat man stared straight at Han Shuna, as if he was in heat, "Aunt Ming!"

"Ha ha…

Han Shuna covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Don't... don't call it that, you are old... let's just do as before!"

Saying that, Han Shuna looked at Su Mo and said, "Oh, this is Master Su. To be honest, Master Su's name is very popular in Panjiayuan. No one here doesn't know your name..."

It's no wonder that this woman is so obsessed with Uncle Ming.

Su Mo still sat on the chair and nodded calmly, "I've heard about you. We sold our golden mask and moth jade pendant to you before..."

Han Shuna smiled lightly, "That's right, who made us destined!"

Su Mo nodded and said no more.

Han Shuna didn't bother, and immediately looked at Lao Hu, "Master Hu, let's meet again!"

Lao Hu didn't react too much, just nodded with a smile.

Here, Uncle Ming continued to introduce, "This is my goddaughter Axiang, she is my favorite assistant, she can detect any unclean things..."

This little mushroom is a little timid.She is also very young, about the same as Yingzi, about 20 years old.

Seeing so many strangers staring at her, little Guliang dared not speak!
Su Mo was quite interested in this Ah Xiang, and secretly took a look at this Gu Liang with the Qi Watching Technique.


Ah Xiang saw that Su Mo was looking at her all the time, his eyes seemed to penetrate everything, and the little girl screamed like a kitten, and quickly backed away.

Su Mo was startled, and quickly withdrew his qi technique.

Old Hu, fat Sydney Yang looked at this scene in surprise, "This little girl can see unclean things? Does she have yin and yang eyes?"

"Ha ha…"

Uncle Ming laughed triumphantly, "When Ah Xiang was born, he was placed by his parents in a glass enclosure that was isolated from the outside world and equipped with air purification!"

"Until she came out of it when she was two years old, this also prevented her from being polluted and affected by the air, making her nerves very sensitive, and she could perceive some things that ordinary people cannot perceive..."

"Ah Xiang's ability has saved my life more than once!"

孽 孽!
There are such parents in the world!
Everyone couldn't help shaking their heads.

Finally, Uncle Ming pointed to a man in his early 40s.

This person is physically strong.The skin is very dark, with a fierce look on his face, which is not a good stubble at first glance.

Uncle Ming said: "This is my bodyguard, Peter Huang, who is a Chinese in Cambodia. He has fought in war before, and he is very skilled..."

The fat man was overjoyed when he saw Peter Huang, "Hahaha. The name is not worthy of the name. It should be called Peter Black..."

Peter Huang's face was expressionless, but the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more fierce.


Su Moqing coughed, the dragon power on his body was natural, and he glanced at Peter Huang lightly.

A chill came over, Peter Huang couldn't help shivering, and took a step back uncontrollably.

This... this young man!

Peter Huang was sweating coldly, with a look of horror on his face.

Su Mo smiled and said, "Boss Lei, you seem to be hostile to my brother?"

Seeing that Peter Huang was sweating profusely, Uncle Ming was a little surprised, "Uh...Peter Huang, you...what's the matter with you?"

Peter Huang shook his head, "Boss, I'm fine..."

As he said that, Peter Huang lowered his head with fear on his face, not daring to look at Su Mo again.

Su Mo warned, "Boss Lei, I can assure you that you will definitely see the crystal corpse you've been dreaming of!"

"But the premise is to manage your subordinates well. I don't like people in the team who are against me!"


ps: I'm late. After all, "Kunlun Shrine" hasn't been released online yet. I've been reading the original book, which has wasted a lot of time.

(End of this chapter)

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