Chapter 118 Alien Beast, Black Iron Gate

Nuqing chicken, mausoleum armor piercing the mountain hole, three-inch nails?
Su Mo took a deep breath.

The system started sending living things?

You know, whether it's the Nuqing chicken, the mountain armor, or the three-inch nail, these are all rare beasts in the world.

Nuqing chicken is the nemesis of five poisons. When Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle teamed up to overturn Douping Mountain, they encountered a giant poisonous six-winged centipede. It was useless to ordinary weapons. Thanks to Nuqing chicken, everyone passed the level in a thrilling manner.

The mountain-piercing mausoleum armor of Taoist Qianshan is powerful and powerful, and it is also a foreign object in the world. He has helped Taoist Qianshan dig countless graves.

As for the three-inch nails, its story is even more legendary.

Ever since Wu Xie's grandfather Wu Laogou lost his nose, he trained a Tibetan puppy named "Sancunding" to hide in his sleeve.

This is where the nickname "Five Dogs" comes from!

Almost each of these three alien beasts has its own story!

Su Mo was quite excited, and for a moment he didn't know what to choose.

On the other side, Zhang Yingzhen covered his mouth and nose, "This smell is too strong..."

Shirley Yang said: "It is said that the Italians have found a large number of caves in this ruins, and the more famous one is a headless mummy cave."

"There is also a weapon cave for storing weapons, but these are far away from the reincarnation temple. I don't know what is in the secret cave in this temple..."

The fat man volunteered, "You'll know if you don't see it..."

As he spoke, the fat man stepped forward, turned on the flashlight and shone into the cave.

Immediately, the fat man shouted excitedly, "There is a baby inside!"

Inside, I saw a bronze statue with three eyes and four arms wearing a Buddha crown.Sitting on the first lotus platform, there are three silver eyes.Glittering in golden Buddha statues!
The fat man approached and asked, "Is this gold?"

After the fat man finished speaking, a strong desire appeared in A Dong's eyes behind him, and he quickly hid it.

Lao Hu reminded: "Fatty, be careful, I feel something is wrong!"

Behind the three Buddha statues, there was a tightly closed black iron door.

There are countless spells and scriptures plastered on the door, as if there is something locked inside that cannot be released.

Everyone was attracted by this mysterious cave, and they all gathered around and looked inside with hand lamps.

"It's just a three-inch nail..."

At this time, Su Mo muttered secretly.

Zhang Yingying didn't quite understand, so he couldn't help asking: "Brother Su? What three-inch nails?"

Su Mo smiled without explaining. He came to the fat man, glanced at the golden Buddha statue, and asked Ake casually, "Master, is there anything special about this Buddha statue?"

Lama Ake clasped his hands together, with a look of compassion, "This Buddha statue is not made of pure gold or pure copper, but is formed by combining five metals into one, corresponding to the five elements. I have never heard of it. This Buddha statue is amazing!"

Su Mo didn't care about the implication behind the Buddha statue. He could tell that this Buddha statue was very valuable.

If it is only a pure gold Buddha statue, it cannot be considered expensive but only valuable.

The most valuable part of this Buddha statue is that it is made of metal smelting, which is a skill that only Guge people know.

Now the secret recipe has long been lost, and there are fewer Buddha statues with golden eyes and golden body.

The business of antiques is linked to ancient history and culture, and things are always rare and expensive.

Well, another priceless treasure!

Su Mo smiled calmly. There are too many people here, and it is not good for him to put the baby into the system space in front of everyone, so he looked at the black iron gate next to him and said, "Old Hu, old Zhang, find a way for me to open this place..."


After Su Mo's voice fell, another pillar collapsed beside him.

Ake sighed, "God is warning everyone, this is a gate to hell, it cannot be opened easily!"

"Ha ha…"

Su Mo smiled disapprovingly, "Master, just take a good look and see how I can subdue demons!"

"Fatty open!"


Fatty doesn't care about hell or not. Although he is usually a bit talkative, he absolutely listens to Su Mo's words.

The fat man stepped forward and tried it. He thought that he could not open it with his own strength, but he did not use much strength to knock open the iron door in the cave.

"Oh woo~"

A dark shadow came out.


Looking at the monster in front of him that looked like a human, with hands and feet, but with white hair and an ugly face, A Dong screamed and died of fright.

Uncle Ming and the others retreated quickly.

"Sin Eater Baru..."

Su Mo was slightly surprised, "This thing must be two meters long. It is agile and powerful,'s too ugly..."

"Old Hu, fat man..."

Su Mo looked at Lao Hu, "Didn't you guys learn Taijiquan from me for a few days, I'll leave this ugly thing to you..."

Su Mo wanted to make a move, but when he glanced at it, he realized that this thing was really ugly, it was so ugly that words couldn't describe it.

With Su Mo around, Lao Hu didn't take this thing seriously. After all, he ran in the sky, swam in the river, and killed a lot of ghost Su Mo, but after hearing Su Mo's words, he suddenly became restless.

This guy who is a head taller than me... Am I his match?
Old Hu blinked his eyes, swallowed, "Let's go, my waist is not so good these days... I'm a lot old... I'm middle-aged..."

Old Hu was rambling, but he didn't move. Seeing the sin-eating Baru approaching the crowd, Su Mo pushed them out together with Zhang Yingying and Fatty one by one.

Su Mo laughed and said, "It's just a little beast..."

To you, this thing is really a little beast but...

Lao Hu and Zhang Yingban were just about to say something, but it was a pity that Ba Lu didn't give them a chance to continue talking.

Like a Spanish bullfighting bull, it rushed towards the three of them.

The fat old Hu Zhang Yingxi first drew out his weapon, and then quickly dodged it.

The sin-eating Baru didn't turn around, but rushed directly to Su Mo who was at the door.


Su Mo snorted coldly, "Didn't you find two sparring partners for you, and you still come to me? Are you in a hurry to find death and reincarnate?"

Just when Sinful Baloo was about to bump into Zhou Xun, Su Mo hit Kuixing Kick Dou and kicked Sinful Baloo in the chest.

"Oh hoo!"

Sin-eating Baru let out a low growl in pain, and then flew out backwards. Coincidentally, he landed heavily on A Dong's body.


Ah Dong vomited blood and died completely.


Su Mo was speechless, "No way..."

One must know that the crime of eating Baru was not light in the first place.At least three hundred catties, plus the gravity bonus brought about by the free fall, I am afraid that even if the gods descend to the earth, they will not be able to save them.

The one who died along with A Dong was the sin-eating Baru, who was hit by Su Mo and kicked by Kuixing. It lay on A Dong's body and never stood up again.

"Boss Lei..."

Su Mo greeted Uncle Ming, "I'm sorry..."

Seeing Su Mo's supernatural power, Uncle Ming didn't dare to say anything, and shook his head quickly. "I don't blame you, A Dong's luck is too fucking bad..."

"it is good…"

Su Mo smiled, without hesitation, walked directly into the black iron gate, followed closely by the old fat man Zhang Yingxi,
(End of this chapter)

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