Chapter 140 Professor Sun?Guanshan Taibao?

Su Mo took out three black pills from it and said, "One is enough to prolong life by 30 years!"


Yingzi thought he had heard it wrong, and was surprised from ear to ear, "What?"

Su Mo threw a pill into his mouth, and the pill melted in his mouth.


Su Mo's eyes shone brightly, a cool feeling rose from his abdomen, his heart beat violently, and his pupils dilated.

"Su Mo?"

Yingzi was taken aback by this scene, "Su Mo...Su Ge...Su Ge, what's wrong with you?"


Su Mo took a long breath, "As expected of a product produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product. It really can prolong your life by 30 years!"

Yingzi's face was full of disbelief, "This... Can this really prolong life?"


Su Mo nodded heavily, "Of course!"

With that said, Su Mo poured out another pill, and along with the two in his hand, a total of three pills were handed to Yingzi at the same time.

Su Mo said again; "Everyone can only eat three pills!"


Yingzi knew that Su Mo would not harm him, so he took it from his hand and swallowed it directly, and the pill melted in his mouth.

Seeing that Yingzi didn't feel any discomfort or abnormality, Su Mo nodded slightly.

"Brother Su..."

Yingzi offered her red lips, "You are so kind to me..."

Yingzi never imagined that she would have the life she has today. Half a year ago, she was just an ordinary little girl.

But since meeting Su Mo, Su Mo first spent huge sums of money on her education, and then spent 100 million at the Crescent Hotel to make him a piece of broccoli that only ancient ladies could eat.

As for today's rich life, Yingzi has never thought about it.

This time, Yingzi took the initiative to attack, with his right hand separated by the quilt, and he became dishonest below.

Su Mo frowned, and pretended to be angry and said, "Er Yuehong of the Nine Gates gave her life to ask for medicine for her wife, and I will get some treasures for my sister, what is this..."

Underneath was tightly grasped by Yingzi's right hand, and a strange feeling came to my heart.

"Brother Su..."

Yingzi lay on Su Mo's body, and said coquettishly, "In a few months, it will be Chinese New Year, let's go back to Niuxin Mountain..."

Yingzi's big watery eyes stared straight at Su Mo, his eyes were full of uneasiness, for fear that Su Mo would reject him.

Su Mo thought for a while, then nodded directly, "Of course, this city is almost old-fashioned, it's good to go back to Niuxin Mountain, Niuxin Mountain is lively!"

Because of Lao Hu and Fatty, Su Mo had actually been sending money to Niu Xinshan before, and when she had a relationship with Yingzi, Su Mo spared no effort to build Niu Xinshan.

Among them, Yingzi's family, Su Mo would pack a big red envelope every time.

With this relationship, Su Mo will help if he can!
Now that he has money, and he only has Yingzi as a woman by his side, Su Mo will naturally not take Yingzi's face seriously.

Yingzi immediately smiled, "That's great!"

"Ha ha…"

Su Mo laughed loudly, then stopped Yingzi, and stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, "Let's go to sleep, I will go back to Niuxin Mountain with you during the Chinese New Year, but tomorrow, I have something to deal with..."


Yingzi nestled in Su Mo's arms and fell into a deep sleep.


the next day.

After hearing that Su Mo and others had returned from Tibet, Da Jinya, Ada, Peacock and others also returned to Su's shop.

Even Chen Yulou stopped setting up a stall and came to the shop early.

The former leader of Xiling has now become the most respected old man in the shop.

However, the blind man usually fights with Yingzi and doesn't talk much in the hall.

Set up a stall outside if you have something to do, and bask in the sun outside if you have nothing to do!

It can be seen that Chen Yulou likes the atmosphere in Su's shop very much.

Seeing that everyone is here, just as Su Mo was about to say a few words, Xue Liyang stood up and said with a smile, "Captain Su, yesterday you and Yingzi sister made a lot of noise..."

"Ha ha…"

When Su Mo robbed the tomb, he was a prudent person, and everyone obeyed his words, and regarded him as a spiritual leader. At this moment, it was a rare opportunity to tease Su Mo, and everyone laughed.

Xue Liyang said again, "Captain Su, when are you going to have a child with Sister Yingzi?"

Chen Yulou scratched his beard, feeling at ease, "That's right, young people should have children..."

Axiang covered her mouth, "Brother Su is 23, Yingzi is [-], in Zhelongzhai, we have two children..."

Everyone booed, "I want a child, I want a child!"

Yingzi blushed and sat beside Su Mo, too shy to raise her head.

Among these people, she and Ah Xiang are the youngest, and a group of big brothers and big sisters usually tease her face to face.

"OK OK…"

Su Mo shook his head and said with a smile, "A group of old bachelors are urging us young people to have children, so shameless..."

"We don't need to worry about our affairs..."

"Let's talk about business..."

Su Mo deliberately put on a serious face, "Now the video of the curse is also solved, we all have the same idea, want to live a comfortable life for a few years..."

Everyone nodded silently, among them, the fat old Hu felt yearning for the future life.

Nobody likes tomb robbing. Before, they robbed graves to get rich, but later they did so to lift the red spot curse.

Lao Hu and Fatty also saved a lot of money after several tomb robberies, which was enough for them to live a prosperous life in Yanjing.

It's time to rest!
With money, who the hell would go to rob graves!
Old Hu and Fatty looked at each other, both of them thought of retreating at the same time.


Su Mo looked around and said, "So, our focus now will no longer be tomb robbers, but to earn money, get rich, and enjoy life!"

Su Mo didn't give others a chance to speak, and continued: "Our country's economy is recovering, and it will definitely take off in the next ten years!"

"And now, whether it's the auction house or others, I've been here a long time ago. We want to seize this wave of dividends and build a big force that is not weaker than the Nine Gates..."

"The auction house is responsible for the circulation of antiques, the security team is responsible for safety, and the future orphanage is our future. In the future, I will pass on my skills to these children and let them fight in the grave..."

"In this way, a machine about antiques is running, and a family business empire is about to rise!"

Whether it is Su Mo's layout or the wait and see of the future, everyone is shocked.

Sydney Yang asked, "Then what should we do?"

Good question!
Su Mo smiled slightly, "Staff Yang, you are from the United States, you use your identity to build an international salvage team for me, which may be of great use in the future!"

Xue Liyang nodded without thinking, "Okay!"

"there's one more thing…"

Su Mo's face turned serious, "We just came back from Tibet, and we won't go to the tomb for a long time in the future!"

While talking, Su Mo looked at Lao Hu and Fatty, "If someone encourages us to find some treasure, just ignore him..."


Old Hu and Fatty looked at each other, not quite understanding what Su Mo meant.

Su Mo said: "Especially that Professor Sun Xuewusun who had contact with us in Gulan County before, if you see him in the future, just ignore him, no matter what he says, don't care..."

(End of this chapter)

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