Chapter 149 Seeing the Bana Flower Again,
Su Mo sneered, his eyes were deep, staring at Ying Caihong. "I need to slander a dying person!"

At this moment, Ying Caihong, who had always been calm, could no longer maintain his composure, "Who the hell are you?"


Looking at Su Mo's young and immature face, Ying Rainbow became more and more familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.


A white light flashed across his mind, and Ying Rainbow asked in surprise, "Are you the owner of Su's Auction House - Su Mo?"

Yanjing Auction House surprised Ming Taizu's imitation of He's Bi!
Su's Auction has a turnover of 5 million!

When Ying Caihong arrived in China from the United States by plane, the news about the sky-high transaction volume of Su's Auction House appeared on the front pages of major newspapers and magazines.


Su Mo didn't expect that the leader of the cult would recognize him, so he simply stopped pretending and said bluntly, "That's right, it's Su!"

Ying Caihong suddenly became interested, "I heard that you are still a master of fighting..."

Su Mo nodded without hiding anything, "Not bad..."

Ying Caihong excitedly said, "Help me find the entrance to the goddess' tomb..."

Su Mo smiled all over his face, "Okay, 1000 million dollars!"

1000 million US dollars, this guy is really a lion!
Ying Caihong's men glared at Su Mo.

Ying Rainbow's face was gloomy, and after a moment of silence, she nodded, then took out a gold card check from her pocket, and handed it to Su Mo, "This is my assets in Switzerland, almost 1000 million Meidao...the password is..."

Ying Caihong lowered his voice and told Su Mo the password truthfully.

Hearing this, Su Mo's face was a little turbulent. He didn't expect that he had cheated nearly ten million of wealth with just a few words.

However, if you think about it, Ying Caihong is now plagued by illness and will not live for a few days, otherwise she would not be so generous.

"it is good!"

Su Mo put away the gold card readily, and said, "I'll give you a pass, but let these residents leave..."

Ying Rainbow smiled, "Of course, they are of no use to me..."

Su Mo signaled Yingzi and others to leave with his eyes, but Ying Caihong seemed to have expected this move, and immediately said, "Mr. Su, your little girlfriend should go with us, it's getting dark, it's not safe here!"


Su Mo couldn't help laughing. In the original book, Ying Caihong threatened Hu Bayi with Xue Liyang, and now he used Yingzi to threaten himself.

This bitch turned the corner by herself!

"it is good!"

Su Mo smiled and said, "If doing this can make you feel at ease, then follow..."

Ying Caihong smiled even more than just now, having a hostage would make it easier for her to handle Su Mo better, "Mr. Su...doesn't know about stealing a hole?"

Su Mo stepped on his feet, "It's right under my feet!"


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, extremely speechless.

The corner of Ying Rainbow's mouth twitched and said, "Do it!"


Not long after, the explosion sounded again, and a bottomless black hole appeared in front of everyone.

Ying Caihong's men installed an elevator in the tunnel as quickly as possible, and the method of tomb robbery is quite modern.

Su Mo picked up the little inch nail, stroked the little guy's head, and put it on Yingzi's shoulder casually, while lowering his voice, "Follow me closely, don't touch other things..."

Yingzi nodded, and the two walked up the elevator together. Accompanied by the roaring mechanical sound, a group of people slowly descended.

To be honest, Su Mo didn't have a good impression of the cult organization, so he didn't intervene too much when he was fighting.

Everything developed as in the plot, when the hostess Aogu's body was in front of her, Ying Caihong's men were running out.

The golden silverware is in the shape of petals, the lotus is in full bloom, and Aogu, who is dressed in red and wears a golden mask, appears in the eyelids of everyone.

Ying Caihong blushed, showing a sense of sickness all over his body, and muttered to himself, "1000 years ago, the first shaman sacrificed a treasure that fell from the sky..."

"It can travel between Yin and Yang, bringing people back from the dead. More than 1000 years ago, the treasure fell into the hands of Princess Aogu. Her treasure is called the Bana Flower!"

"Every time we meet, the other shore flower blooms, and the door of life and death will be opened!"

Looking at the stone plate carved with Bana flowers in Aogu's arms, Ying Rainbow was very excited, "Bana flowers can be linked with life and death, I found it. I finally found it..."

Su Mo pulled Yingzi, took two steps back calmly, and said, "Ms. Ying, you have found what you want, and our suggestion is over so far..."

The Goddess' Tomb is much simpler than the Jingjue Ancient City, and the Yunnan Chonggu Valley. Su Mo walked on the ground all the way, but he restrained himself a little when he came to Zongzi.

Ying Caihong gritted her teeth and glanced at Su Mo. Su Mo remained silent all the way, causing her to die many people.

Ying Caihong had been displeased with Su Mo for a long time, but Su Mo was still useful, so Ying Caihong didn't tear up his face completely.


Ying Caihong said in a deep voice, "Take down the Bana flower!"

"it is good!"

The spiritual young lady jumped onto the lotus platform, and directly snatched the stone plate engraved with Bana flowers from Aogu's hand.


But at this moment, Aogu's body exuded a faint blue ghost fire and shot straight into the sky, and the stone steps under the petals collapsed.

The few remaining men under Ying Caihong wailed, couldn't dodge in time, and fell under the cliff.

Su Mo had expected it a long time ago, so he was extremely "lucky" to survive.

Just as Su Mo was about to smile, he saw changes in his surroundings.

Yingzi, the small inch nail disappeared, and the stone under his feet turned into a green grassland!
Three figures descended out of thin air and stood opposite Su Mo.

Looking at the woman in black robe opposite, Su Mo's face was horrified. "Exquisite Queen!"

In addition to the Jingjue Queen who looks like Sydney Yang, there is also a strong military general in beard and an old priest holding a scepter.


The general said sadly, "You steal our tomb without permission, you deserve death!"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows, "Where are you?"

"Wow wow!"

The general shouted, "I am Xian Wang!"

The old priest holding the scepter at the side said, "The High Priest of the Demon Kingdom!"

Exquisite queen!

Present the king!

The High Priest of the Demon Kingdom!
Are the three ancient tomb owners here?

Su Mo flipped his palm, and the Chixiao Sword appeared in his hand, "Ha, I was able to steal your tombs back then, and now I can kill you again!"


As he spoke, Su Mo stepped forward, shaking his wrist slightly, his figure turned into a streamer and went straight to the three people.

The four quickly scuffled together.

Su Mo's figure was erratic, and the Chixiao sword in his hand was flying like a flying dragon, attacking one after another.

But the Queen of Excellence, the King of Xian, and the high priest of the Demon Kingdom looked calm, as if he had expected it, and looked extremely calm.

The more Su Mo fought, the more frightened he became, because he found that the three of them could fight him evenly.

"go to hell!"

Su Mo first dodged Xian Wang's sword light, and then the Chixiao Sword in his hand was extremely fierce, one move after another, without stopping at all, and went straight to the head of Queen Jingjue.

The exquisite queen couldn't dodge in time, and the body was separated in the next second!
Seeing this, Su Mo just breathed a sigh of relief, but saw that Queen Jingjue's head had grown back.

(End of this chapter)

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