Chapter 151 Invitation to Crescent Hotel

Su Mo spent a happy Spring Festival in Niuxin Mountain.

Little Cun Nail has gained two or three catties!

After staying until the twentieth day of the first lunar month, Su Mo bid farewell to the old branch secretary, Yingzi's parents, and drove back to Yanjing.

Yingzi's original intention was to let her and her parents go to Yanjing with Su Mo, just to enjoy the happiness.

However, the two old people were genuinely responsible people, and they hadn't been out of Niuxin Mountain in half their lives. Yingzi was talking about it, but the two old people shook their heads and didn't agree for a long time.

Yingzi had no choice but to give up!
In addition to the two elderly people, Yingzi also has a younger brother who is just in his early ten years.

During the Chinese New Year period, Su Mo got along well with the little guy. The little guy was skinned a little, but everything else was pretty good.

Su Mo originally intended for the little guy to go to school in Yanjing, and he will take care of the little guy in the future. After all, Yingzi is just such a younger brother, so Su Mo will help if he can.

However, Yingzi's parents were a little bit reluctant to part with their youngest son, and Su Mo didn't force it, and planned to wait until their days to bring up this matter.

After returning to Yanjing, Su Mo realized that he and Yingzi were the last ones to come back.

Lao Hu, Fatty, Zhang Yingying and others rushed back to Yanjing as early as the sixteenth day of the first lunar month.

Su Mo can't compare with them, after all they are a group of single (old) (bare) noble (stick) people.

Speaking of this, Su Mo also casually mentioned to everyone that everyone is now a multi-millionaire after all, and it is unreasonable to be so single anymore.

On the one hand, Su Mo matched Lao Hu and Xueli Yang, and on the other hand, he asked Han Shuna to help Fatty and other suitable girls.

When you are in the prime of life, and there is no woman around you, it is easy to make people lose their tongues.

In this way, a few more months passed, and now everyone was not short of money, so they didn't think about the tomb robbery anymore, and everyone began to enjoy the affluent life brought by money.

During this period, everyone started an unusual experience.

Xue Liyang used Su Mo to invest 1000 million in stocks in the United States. For a while, he didn't lose much. Later, Su Mo really couldn't stand it anymore, so he suggested a few tricks.

Since then, Sydney Yang has made a lot of money in the US stock market.

Zhang Yingying and Fatty were in Xi'an, Shanxi and other ancient capitals, relying on the art of antique appraisal learned from Su Mo, buying at low prices and selling at high prices, and made a lot of money.

Da Jinya is backed by the big tree of the Su Group, and has known many crooked nuts. This kid is even darker, relying on a three-inch tongue to sell fake antiques to crooked nuts everywhere.

After the Dongchuang incident, he was almost beaten to death. Fortunately, Su Mo came in time, so he saved his life.

However, Big Gold Tooth was also a blessing in disguise, this business of exploiting crooked nuts, even colleagues in Sijiu City gave it a thumbs up, and Pan Jiayuan's name of "Jin Ye" became even more famous.

As for other people, such as Lao Hu, although he said that he wanted to do big business, he never knew what he was doing. In the end, Su Mo suggested that Lao Hu buy land and invest in real estate.

The land in the 80s was not expensive, but in ten or twenty years, the land in Yanjing would be priceless.

Ada Peacock, Ah Xiang and Han Shuna don't know much about investment, but real estate is a major trend in China in the future, and they can make a steady profit during this period of time.

Therefore, several people followed Lao Hu and exchanged the money for land, or a courtyard near Qianmen Street.


"Master Su..."

After Su Mo had breakfast, he just walked into Su's Auction House when he saw a young woman walking over, "Invitation from New Moon Hotel!"

This woman's surname was Dongfang, and she was also the beautiful auctioneer at the first auction of Su's Auction House.

The woman looks generous, speaks elegantly, has also experienced big scenes, and at the same time can stabilize the situation,
At the beginning, Su Mo felt that she was a talent, so she was hired at a high price. Now she is the person in charge of Su's Auction House.

"No time…"

Su Mo didn't even look at it, and strode towards the elevator, "No...

Didn't everyone on the road say that their boss has a good relationship with the people at Crescent Hotel...

Dongfang was a little surprised by Su Mo's reaction. She followed Su Mo, and the two walked into the elevator one after the other.

Dongfang was just about to count something, but Su Mo asked, "Dongfang, tell me about the income of the nearest auction house..."

"Yes, boss..."

When it came to his own job, Dongfang's eyes were sharp, as if he had changed.
"Now the turnover of our Su Auction House in the first three months has exceeded 1.5 million, which is around 150 billion, and our net profit is around 9000 million to [-] million!"

"Among them, 6000 million are the auction items we provided, and another 4000 to [-] million are our commissions!"

"Now our VIPs are very stable, with more than 1000 membership cards issued."

"The most important thing is that our popularity has been opened up, and we even have our reputation internationally. Moreover, many people bring items to us for auction every year."

"The hotels and restaurants under the auction house also make a lot of money because they often have VIP customers."

Dongfang finished.

Su Mo nodded. The auction house has developed steadily in the past few months and has indeed made a lot of money. "That's right, the auction house will be entrusted to you, I can rest assured..."

Dongfang smiled charmingly and looked charming.

Su Mo just smiled, but didn't talk to him.

This made Dongfang feel a sense of frustration. He knew that the boss hadn't married yet. Although he had a partner, the two of them were not yet married. He secretly didn't know how many beauties were staring at this fat man!
Dongfang smiled all over her face, and she hid the sense of frustration in her heart very well, "Master Su, the invitation card for the Crescent Hotel was sent by Patriarch Yin himself. If you miss the appointment... I'm afraid it will be bad..."

Su Mo was a little surprised, "Well...well, let's go to the Crescent Hotel in a few days..."

In the era of the commodity economy, it is almost impossible to completely sever ties with the Crescent Hotel and the Nine Gates. The owner of the Yin family has personally invited them, and it is really hard to shirk now.

Dongfang nodded, "Yes!"


At noon a few days later.

Su Mo, Yingzi, Lao Hu, Fatty, Shirley Yang and other pedestrians drove to the entrance of the Crescent Hotel.

Get out of the car.

The fat man stared at the plaque of "Crescent Hotel", and said, "I used to think that the Crescent Hotel was very proud, but after staying in the building of Su's Auction House for a long time, I feel that the New Moon Hotel looks old-fashioned again."

Da Jinya smiled and said: "Our auction house building has spent a lot of money in all aspects, from the designers and architects to the materials, all of which are the best!"

"But this Crescent Hotel is still very powerful..."

Over the years, what makes Golden Tooth most proud is that Su's Auction House and Antique Street have become the most visited antique market in Yanjing!
It seems that it has developed into a scenic spot and a classic architectural complex visiting area in Kyoto!
Su Mo reminded: "Don't talk nonsense after entering, the security measures inside are much stronger than before..."

Why is it better than before?It’s not like you picked the entire Crescent Hotel back then!
Everyone complained in their hearts.

"Master Su..."

At this time, a beautiful woman came out, it was the head of the Yin family whom he had not seen for a long time.

Before, Su Mo wanted to enter the Crescent Hotel with his fists, but now the head of the Yin family went out to greet him in person.

In just half a year, his status has undergone earth-shaking changes!

(End of this chapter)

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