Chapter 160 Master Zhang Dafo, Kui first was born

"Haha, Qishan, you still think you are young..."

Another five or six people came in from outside the door. These people were white-haired and young-looking, most of them were 67 years old, but they looked calm and looked like Lian Jiazi.


Su Mo paused and stopped attacking at the same time, looking at the old man who had fought with him just now.


Zhang Qishan?
Master Zhang Dafo?

Su Mo looked at the old man in the tunic suit opposite him in surprise.

The old man who was called "Qishan" by the crowd had a bitter expression on his face, "You are afraid of being young, don't laugh, this kid is very skilled, don't mention me, you old bastards are no match for him!"


Several people were amazed. They all knew Zhang Qishan's temper. After all, he was a hero when he was young. Few people could catch his eyes. Now they are full of admiration for this young man. It seems that he still has some skills.

"Young man, let me try you..."

A thin old man easily came to Su Mo's side with a flying crane spreading his wings. He clung to Su Mo's body at an extremely fast speed.

Tai Chi?

Su Mo was surprised, you know, what Tai Chi talks about is the technique of breaking a thousand jin.

And the thin old man in front of him has been proficient in this way all year round, and while he is close to Su Mo's automatic, afterimages have already appeared around him.


Su Mo smiled, "If I didn't know a few Tai Chi moves, I might have really followed your path!"

After the words fell, Su Mo's eyes turned cold, and his left hand suddenly reached out, grabbing the man's wrist.


The man let out a scream, and quickly withdrew his other hand, and swept his right leg.

Su Mo pinched the man's wrist with one hand, and threw the man to the ground hard.

"That's right, I'll try it too!"

An old man flew up, Su Mo's eyes narrowed, and his right hand suddenly stretched out. Before the man landed, he directly grabbed the man's ankle, lifted it easily, and then flung it out, smashing it heavily fell to the ground.

There was a muffled "pop"!
The man fell so badly that his head hit the wall, the pain was excruciating, but he didn't dare to yell because it was too fucking embarrassing.

Zhang Qishan made a decisive decision, "Old brothers, let's go together!"

Zhang Qishan stepped forward, and the few remaining people did not dare to slack off on Su Mo any longer, they showed their housekeeping skills one after another, and all joined in the siege of Su Mo!

Tai Chi!
Tie Buddha legs!
Bagua Palm!
Arhat body!
Who are these people, what a strong effort!
The more Su Mo fought, the more frightened he became. After all, Zhong Nanhai was under his feet. He didn't dare to kill anyone, so he didn't dare to fight with him.

Together with "Qishan" and other six masters, they besieged him together, and Su Mo soon fell into a disadvantage.


There was a burst of hearty laughter, and several masters immediately separated obediently and stood aside.

"You old guys, don't rely on your old age to sell your old age. Even a layman like me can see that this little comrade is letting you..."

Outside the door, an old man in a green military uniform stood outside the door, looking at everyone with a smile.

"Mr. Chief..."

"Mr. Chief..."

The few old men who were so mad just now are extraordinarily quiet.

Li Jiacheng was fortunate to be received by the leader, and he did not expect to have such an honor today.

Su Mo arched his body and paid tribute to the great chief designer, "Mr. Chief..."

"Su Mo, right..."

The leader spoke with a strong Sichuan accent, which made Su Mo feel very cordial, "Zhang Qishan mentioned you many times, little comrade, thank you for your immortal contribution to the return of national cultural relics..."

The one just now was indeed Master Zhang Dafo!
Su Mo suddenly understood, but after hearing the leader's praise, he didn't dare to take it too seriously, and hurriedly said, "You are always polite, this is what I should do..."

"Ha ha…"

The leader spread his hands, his wise forehead raised slightly, "Little comrade, don't have psychological pressure..."

"I've seen everything you've done recently. You've done a great job. Your Su's Auction House business has reached Hong Kong Island, and you've made appointments with major foreign cities. It's amazing..."

The leader gave Su Mo a thumbs up.


Su Mo smiled, not knowing what to say for a moment.


A civilian secretary came from outside the house and whispered, "Mrs. Shasheer wants to call you..."

The leader rubbed the back of his head, feeling a little regretful, "Qishan, please entertain the little comrade for me..."

"Secretary Liu, leave your phone number for the little comrade. If there is any trouble with the Su's Auction House of the little comrade in the future, you must find someone to deal with it as soon as possible..."


After finishing speaking, the leader smiled and walked out of the banquet hall slowly with a kind face.

After the leader left, several people including Su Mo were relieved.

Zhang Qishan introduced Su Mo, "This is the grandson of Tai Chi master Yang Yingchan!"

"This is the youngest son of Jinmen Huo Daxia!"

"This is the closed disciple of Gong Baotian in the late Qing Dynasty!"

"Except for me, these people were all the chief's bodyguards back then!"

Good guy!
Su Mo was shocked. He didn't expect that each of these people came from a higher background than the other. Their ancestors were all masters of Chinese martial arts, so it's no wonder that their kung fu is so powerful.

Su Mo clasped his fists and apologized, "Masters, I just offended you!"

Several old people shook their heads and said with a smile, "Young man, what a skill!"

"Yeah, contest, you are no match for the few of us, but if it's about life and death, I'm afraid you can easily kill us!"

Zhang Qishan interrupted everyone with a smile, "Okay, okay, let's talk about the polite words in another day, the leader asked me to talk to Su Mo..."

Several masters of Chinese martial arts nodded, they didn't say much, but they turned around and left directly.

Only Su and Zhang were left in the huge banquet hall.

"young people…"

Zhang Qishan's demeanor was firm, like a hero, "Do you know me?"

Su Mo said, "Master Zhang Dafo, the leader of the Nine Gates, the younger generation has a great reputation for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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