Chapter 169 Wu Xie's Growing Story!
It's really a coincidence that both of them are guides, and their mother's surname is Li.

"Master Su..."

Chaos on the side reminded, "What's wrong with you?"

Su Mo shook his head, "It's okay, let's go!"

At present, this guy is still useful. If this person dares to make trouble later, I don't mind teaching him a lesson.

Anyway, in this wilderness, it is normal for a person to die!

Su Mo walked to the cruise ship with the others, and Wu Sansheng greeted the boatman with a smile, "Hello, brother!"

As the saying goes, reaching out to hit a smiling person, Wu Sansheng thought that the dead boatman would respond to some extent, but what he didn't expect was that others ignored him at all.

The boatman stood up and walked directly past Wu Sansheng.


Wu Sansheng felt embarrassed for the first time.

You know, his little nephew is still beside him now!

As an elder, at this moment, he felt ashamed.

The guide Li Bo was worried about his companion's bad behavior, so he hurried forward, laughed, and tried to smooth things over, "Hey, hey, don't pay attention to him, he is the only boatman here, and he has such a temper. He starts working every day, and sometimes Don't get up all day, don't start work all day!"

Pan Zi was also afraid that his boss would be embarrassing, so he quickly changed the subject, "This river is not small, why is he the only boatman?"

"Ha ha!"

The guide, Li Bo, smiled and said, "This God of the River, just sell his face..."

"If it were someone else, as soon as he entered the cave, he would definitely not be able to get out, so it's fine for him to get on the boat!"

Then, the guide deliberately reminded: "Hey, if you can ride a mule, you can climb over the mountain, but you have so many things and so many people, our village doesn't have enough mules!"

Everyone can hear the implication of the guide Li Bo, you have no choice but to take this waterway!

Seeing that the cave was tricky, Pan Zi was aroused and said, "Old man, what's the matter? Will the cave eat people?"

The guide, old man Li, said seriously, "Everyone said that there was a snake spirit in that cave! No one who went in had ever come out, and he was the only one who was fine. Everyone said that he was a snake spirit. of!"

The guide was also full of nonsense, trying to trick this group of people onto the boat.

Wu Xie pointed to the black dog on the ground, and suddenly asked: "Then can this dog go in too?"

Li Bo, the guide, was stunned: "Well, this dog is also raised by the boatman's family, so of course it will be fine. If it belongs to someone else's family, it will definitely be finished!"

Wu Sansheng whistled at the black dog on the ground, and then clapped his hands, "Come here!"



Speaking of it, it was amazing that the black dog ran over when he heard Wu Sansheng's voice.

Then, Wu Sanxing chuckled, squatted beside the black dog and sniffed it, and then muttered a few more words.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The black dog barks.

Wu Sansheng was surprised, "No way, is there really something unclean in the cave?"


The four fierce generals looked at each other in blank dismay, can this Wu Sansheng talk to a dog?
Wu Xie was also surprised, "What are you doing, third uncle? Can you understand this dog?"

As he said that, Wu Xie also sniffed beside the black dog with a decent appearance.


A foul smell came from his nostrils, Wu Xie's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys trembled violently, he stood up abruptly, covered his nose with his hands, and said, "Why does this dog smell so bad... haven't you bathed for a few days?"

"Ha ha…"

Pan Zi laughed unkindly, "Little Third Master, I want to imitate your Third Uncle, you still owe it to me!"

Nine Gates of Wu Sansheng, well-deserved reputation!

Su Mo secretly marveled, "Wu Laogou is a well-known dog king in Jiumen and even the whole country. Although Wu Sansheng is not as good as Wu Laogou back then, he has inherited most of Wu Laogou's abilities. No wonder even Zhang Rishan and Zhang Dafo are like this Value Wu Sansheng!"

Chaos on the side came to Su Mo's side and whispered, "Master Su, can Wu Sansheng really talk to that black dog?"

Su Mo laughed, then shook his head, and explained in a low voice, "That black dog grew up eating human flesh. There are many dogs in Wu Sansheng's house, and they fight all the year round, going deep into the ground. He has seen corpses and so on. , this kind of thing can't be hidden from him..."

Chaos was instantly relieved. "Oh, let me just say, how can it be so evil, so it is like this..."

Chaos admired Su Mo even more in his heart, and Wu Sanxing squatted down in front of the black dog and sniffed it. Master Su stood still, but he understood everything, it was amazing!
Su Mo said again, "Look and understand more along the way. In terms of skill, Wu Sansheng is no match for any of the four of you, but his ability to fight backwards is far inferior to the four of you!"


Chaos nodded again and again, his posture was very low.

Seeing this, Su Mo didn't say any more. The tomb of the Seven Star Lu King was not dangerous. The more reason was that Wu Sansheng wanted to take Wu Xie to the tomb, so that Wu Xie could learn more.

Su Mo also wants the four murderers to practice them. There is nothing to say about the skills of the four, but in this underground, facing the zongzi and ghosts, skills alone are not enough.

"Old man!"

Wu Sansheng said to the guide Li Bo: "Please ask him if he can sail today, we are in a hurry!"

"Okay! I'll ask!
After the guide Li Bo finished speaking, he walked towards the boatman, came to the side of the boatman, sat down and asked loudly: "People ask you when you can sail, are they in a hurry?"

The boatman was full of displeasure: "When I finish smoking this bag of cigarettes, they have so many people and so little money, they have to pay more!"

The conversation between the boatman and the guide was very deliberate, with a loud voice, as if they deliberately wanted Su Mo and others to hear.

Wu Sansheng waved his hand and said, "Money is not a problem, let's go quickly..."

Everyone came directly to the dock, Wu Sanxing said in a low voice, "That black dog has been devouring dead human flesh all year round. I guess that cave should be a corpse cave, and the boatman is the same!"

Wu Xie was startled, "Boatmen also grew up eating dead human flesh?"

"No way!"

Wu Xie looked at the crowd in shock, their faces expressionless.


Wu Xie's expression froze, and today's scene refreshed his cognition.

Su Mo raised his head and looked towards the cave ahead, the golden pupils reflected the golden light.

After a long time, Su Mo said, "There is a corpse cave in front, full of yin, there are corpses, and there must be something unclean inside!"

"It is estimated that this is also the reason why other people can't get out after entering!"

Pan Zi was puzzled, "Master Su, how do you know what's going on in the cave here?"

Su Mo smiled and said: "I am proficient in some qi-watching techniques, Xiao Daoer, although it is not surprising, but the yin qi can still be seen!"


Wu Sansheng said sincerely, "I've heard about Master Su's technique of looking at Qi a long time ago. Back then, Li Jiacheng on Hong Kong Island personally visited the door and wanted Master Su to choose the location of his new house. I thought it was just a rumor, but now it seems that this matter is true. of!"

The corners of Su Mo's mouth turned up, and he smiled silently. It was true that Li Jiacheng visited the door in person, but Li Jiacheng's ex-wife died quite strangely, and he didn't want to accept this matter at first.

However, when Lao Hu made his first trip to Hong Kong Island, he owed Li a lot of favors. Su Mo had no choice but to agree.

Not many people know about this matter, after all, it is not very glorious.

Wu Sansheng said again, "Where there is a corpse hole, there must be a massacre. This trip is not peaceful!"

(End of this chapter)

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